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Posts posted by Aralias

  1. For the time being, I will be doing my best to keep track of the active plays in league of legends as well as the roles they play and their summoner names. If you want to be added the list simply state your summoner name and your preferred roles. For a more in-depth template of what information we are looking for, look below. If you have any questions in regards to what roles do what, use this link.


    Member (Summoner Name)

    • Position (Role 1, Role 2...)
    • Position (Role 1, Role 2...)
    • Position (Role 1, Role 2...)


    Appleveedub (AkuTheDemon)

    • Top Lane (Mage/Fighter)
    • Support (Tank/Support)
    • Mid Lane (Mage/Fighter)

    Aralias (ObYi Wan Shenobi)

    • Top Lane (Fighter/Tank)
    • Mid Lane (Fighter/Mage)
    • Jungle (Fighter/Tank)

    Cissa Cyrinity (Cupidheart)

    • Top Lane (Assassin/Fighter)
    • Mid Lane (Mage)
    • Bot Lane (Support/Marksman)
    • Jungle (Fighter/Mage)

    Cye (l eXemplify l)

    • Jungle (Tank/Assassin/Fighter)
    • Bot Lane (Support/Marksman)
    • Top (Tank/Assassin)

    Erran Goran (Galaxyy)

    • ADC (Marksman)
    • Support (Support/Mage)
    • Top (Tank/Fighter)

    GingerVitas (GingerVitas44)

    • Bot Lane (Marksman)
    • Mid Lane (Mage)

    Infrit Dor

    • Top Lane (Fighter)
    • Jungle (Assassin/Mage)
    • Mid Lane (Mage)
    • Bot Lane (Marksman/Support)

    Klaira Snowe (TheDeliverater)

    • Bot Lane (Marksman)

    Larial (Larial)

    • Bot Lane (Marksman/Support)

    Raiiya (Raiiya)

    • Top (Fighter)
    • Jungle (Fighter/Assassin)
    • Mid (Assassin/Mage/Fighter)
    • Bot (Support)

    Zaire (Slipstream56)

    • Mid Lane (Mage)
    • Top Lane (Tank/Fighter)
    • Bot Lane (Support)
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  2. The shuttle departed.  The imperial vessel they had departed from was now quickly rushing towards another, larger cruiser.  Aralias' newly united team fell silent.  The combination of an incoming detonation and the losses they had sustained before there true mission ever started was enough of a muzzle for any group.  Then the team heard it.  First it was a screech of a large metal structure meeting another, then the deafening explosion began.  The pilots picked up their speed as the shuttle rocked in every direction.  Plague was knocked to the shuttle floor after failing to secure himself.  Most of the shuttle covered their ears in pain as if they were having knives injected into their ear drums.  The windows in the cockpit turned black as night.  A piece of one of the imperial vessels blew off and scraped the armor of their ride as more soldiers were knocked down. 


    Finally the larger detonation followed.  The force it generated went unmatched.  Several small frigates were blown away from the area.  The shuttle went from rattling side-to-side to experiencing a push phenomenon as the explosion drove them towards the atmosphere of Dac.  The lights of the shuttle went dark as pandemonium filled the interior of their escort.  "Who's call was this!" one trooper shouted.  "The mission isn't worth this" came the voice of another.  At that moment the shuttle hit the edge of Dac's atmosphere.  It felt as if someone had just slapped every member of the team in the center of the face.  Those knocked to the floor were now blown backwards.  The terror continued a short while until the group reached the eye of the planet's atmosphere.  "This was a poor call" one voice said.  


    The group began retrieving themselves.  The pilot came over the speaker,  "We're about 10 minutes out from our destination sir, but we're not getting any communication line from ground team, orders?" he asked.  "We're going in regardless" Aralias responded.  "Hell no, this is unacceptable" one individual complained as yelling and arguing filled the air.  "Hey", Aralias yelled once as it continued.  "HEY," Aralias said again.  The shouting stopped and everyone looked upon Aralias who was standing in the middle of his unit.  "Are we not men of the Republic?" Aralias asked with no answer.  "Are we not soldiers of Hope?" Aralias continued.  "Sir this is-" spoke a voice as Aralias walked up to the soldier and grabbed him by his armor.  "Aren't you a soldier of honor?" Aralias spoke to silence him.  "This is what we do, we are the only ones who can do it and it's exactly what we sign up for.  Now is not the time for regret" he spoke as the shuttle feel silent.  Aralias released the solider he apprehended backwards.


    Aralias then walked up to Demon who was still in disbelief.  "Ghoul will die when I give him permission to, we'll get him to the medical corps down at the planet."  "Yes sir, thank you sir" Demon responded.  "I'll do what I can" Plague added.


    At that moment the team received an unusual message.  “Imperial Shuttle-craft 651, you are cleared for landing at the Imperial Flotilla. What is your cargo?† Aralias walked up to the front of the shuttle and responded.  "We were directed to deliver ordinance.  We're beginning our decent.  One of our engineers were seriously injured during a detonation, have a medical droid standing by" Aralias issued.  Wraith looked at Aralias and nodded in sorrow approval hoping it wasn't too late to save their long time brother. 

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  3. "Demon you break everything you touch, why don't you initiate the countdown?" Aralias said.  "I'll set it for ten minutes and put in on a collision course for one of the imperial shuttles" Demon responded.  "10 minutes!?, I didn't know we were back in training camp" Ghoul said.  "6 minutes it is" Demon responded.  At that point Wraith covered the face of his helmet, his closest version of a face palm.  "Alright, let's move before Demon and Ghoul decide to make a bomb out of one of us" Wraith ordered.  "Making a bomb out of a single soldier is ineffective, any intelligent demolitionist who takes pride in their work knows that you use two soldiers" Demon explained.  "When in doubt, blow it up" Ghoul added.


    The team exited the hangar and sprinted back to the shuttle.  They ran into a few stray imperials on the way which Ghoul took care of fairly quickly, once again showing his skills as an assassin.  By the time the small team made it to the hangar they had only two minutes left.  Demon created a quick salvo of grenades providing cover and suppression for the team as they dashed back into the shuttle.  "GO GO GO" Wraith yelled as the shuttle lifted off.

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  4. Green Team


    Aralias and his now divided team had just made their way into a large hallway.  The shuttle was larger but not huge.  It wouldn't take long to get to their target.  The team moved as a unit.  The HUDs in their helmets had line of sight markers, they could cover every inch of a 360 degree angle simultaneously.  Ghoul was leading the pack.  He was the only one in the team that did not sustain blast marks from the explosive mess.  Each soldier's armor had a dark gun metal primary.  Additionally, each soldier had their own special designated highlights in the pattern and color of their choosing.  Ghoul was marked in dark red.  He had blood splatter patterns on his helmet and on his abdomen.  He also had scratch marks in the same color on his right arm and left leg.  He was an intimidating sight.  


    The team reached the end of the first hallway and kept pace.  Wraith positioned himself at the corner quickly.  He peered over the corner down the hallway with a quick glance then gave a three finger symbol to the team behind him.  He then rolled around the corner and found himself some cover behind the indentations in the second hallway.  This hallway was larger than that of the first and had shafts in the ceiling and down below.  Aralias assumed they were used for maintenence, but this was no time to be picky.  Wraith gave Aralias the same sign he did before and added in a casual nod.  Aralias then tapped Ghoul's left shoulder twice.  Demon quickly lifted up the entrance to the shaft and Ghoul slid down underneath.  Aralias pulled down the cover of the entrance on the ceiling and made his way quickly into the ceiling shaft.  


    The team then continued moving.  One of the many benefits of the shared line of sight markers was its ability to transmit between solid surfaces.  The team could look below and see a narrow cone belonging to Ghoul.  They could also look above and see a more rectangular themed shape.  Aralias' jedi training gave him more range than that of Night Squad and the system accounted for it very well.  The team only made it a few feet down the new passage before the ship rattled again.  "Hold." Demon said in a quiet voice as the team waited for the rattling to come to a halt.  The rumble passed quickly but the hallways went dark just as it simmered.  "Power's down."  Specter said.  "Switch to night vision, surely there will be an inspection team on the way to the hangar.  We'll catch them in the dark and take them out,"  Wraith ordered.


    Surely enough, Wraith was correct.  A large group of imperial soldiers started making their way down the hallway Aralias and his team were navigating.  Wraith, Demon, Specter and Plague all took cover behind the indentations in the hallway.  They were wide enough that they couldn't be spotted until after it was too late.  Ghoul crawled a little further than the other 4 soldiers and waited for the imperial group to pass overhead.  Aralias was almost directly on top of Ghoul's position as well.  Each soldier began designating their targets as their line of sight cones turned red.  Aralias' cone turned into a large sphere, he was in charge of clean up.


    As the imperial inspection team reached the indentations four members of the team were stationed behind the line of sight cones turned yellow.  Ghoul punched the cover to the shaft ahead of him up.  He drew both the small vibroblades from his chest and jammed them into the backs of the last two imperials in the group.  He then pushed them into the imperial squad and took cover behind a similar indentation the other Night Squad members were stationed behind.  This one was positioned further down the hall as the imperial team was now stationed directly inbetween Ghoul and the rest of Night Squad.  


    The imperial team quickly turned and began firing in Ghoul's direction.  At this time, the other four members of Night Squad, still unnoticed, left their cover.  The mass of the imperial team were all faced away from them.  This was child's play.  Wraith quickly sprinted forward drawing a pistol from his left leg.  He made quick work of 3 soldiers from close range.  Plague drew his blaster and managed to take down another two, each with a well-timed head shot.  Specter managed to get a concussion grenade in the middle of the imperial team which was now turning and firing on the rest of the Night Squad members.  The grenade had a small range and knocked a few soldiers onto their knees.  Demon then manned his larger repeating rifle and began suppressing the imperial team which was now successfully flanked between Ghoul and the other members of Night Squad.  


    The imperial team took cover behind anything they could use, including each other.  At this moment, Aralias looked down.  Nine, he thought to himself.  He then stomped down the cover of the shaft he was in and fell onto one of the imperial team members, he was crushed instantly.  Eight, he thought to himself again.  He activated both his sabers very quickly and did a well executed 360 spin.  Seven.  Six.  Five.  Four.   He kept counting.  He charged at two more with quick Ataru strikes.  Three.  Two.  He then followed up his momentum, thrusting his lightsaber into the chest of another.  One.  He gathered himself and prepared to finish off the last one.  At the same moment, a shot came from Ghoul's blaster and pinned the remaining soldier in the head.  "Zero", Ghoul said.  


    Aralias ignored Ghoul's showmanship.  The team realized the door to the bridge was just ahead.  "I'll handle this one" Demon said.  Demon switched to his grenade launcher and fired three rounds at the sealed door.  It exploded instantaneously as smoke filled the area.  Wraith, Ghoul, Specter and Plague poured into the bridge area.  Wraith and Specter took the right.  They took out the few defenders left both wielding their blaster rifles.  Plague and Ghoul went left.  Ghoul shot up and jammed an auto-turret and Plague took out the two pilots who were now running towards an arms shelf.  "Clear!"  "Clear."  "Clear!!"  "All Clear."  The four said.  


    Night Squad quickly branched out grabbing control of the ship's systems.  Specter naturally went to the security station.  Aralias went to the communications hub and accessed Green Team's encrypted channel.  "General Amaris here, this is Green Team.  Several of our shuttles are waiting descent onto the planet.  My shuttle went down.  We crashed into the imperial carrier marked I7-32.  We are ready to make our descent to Dac when cleared."


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  5. The battle raged on.  By this time, the remaining members inside the shuttle were making their way out and advanced on Aralias' position.  Blaster fire started raining in over them.  The situation was worsening and the group ran the risk of being pinned down.  Wraith gazed back towards the shuttle and Ghoul caught eyes with him.  Within moments, ghoul began taking several targets out on the walkway slightly elevated above Aralias and his team.  The walkway had 2 sets of steps within yards of the team's either side.  


    Ghoul accomplished his goal.  Fire was drawn from the advance team and was relocated on Ghoul who was still sniping from the top of the shuttle.  Aralias looked towards Master Areldur who was inquiring over their next step.   "What would you like me to do Master Aramis?"  "For the sake of time we may need to spread the group out.  We are on a time schedule and Dac ground forces need our assistance" Aralias responded.  "Myself and Var'el can try to keep the hangar secure while you and Night Squad make your way to the command deck so that we can get to Dac?" Vanin suggested.  


    Aralias gave Vanin a quick nod of approval, he then ordered his troops.  "We're going to split up, Night you're on me, the rest of you are clear out this area and punch us a hole."  Ghoul picked up his rifle and placed it on his back.  He proceeded to grab his blaster rifle and jumped off the shuttle.  With the speed of an assassin he moved up towards Aralias' group.  Demon gave two taps on Aralias' left shoulder after Ghoul arrived.  By this time, most of the crashed ground party were focusing their efforts in punching a hole through the imperial line of defense and they were successful.  Imperial forces were forced to divide, taking up positions towards the left and right sides of the ground party.  The path to the door was clear.  


    "Let's go!" Aralias ordered.  Night Squad disengaged from cover and started dashing towards the entrance of the hangar they crashed into.  Aralias found this model of ship to be interesting.  It was rather large for a landing shuttle.  He found humor in the irony that a ship design he disapproved of was now saving his team.  "DISPERSEEE!" yelled out Plague.  Aralias and the rest of Night Squad who had managed to only get a few feet away from the cover they deployed from looked up.  Aralias then widened his eyes and changed the direction of his sprint.  The entire ground team, which was still near the area of Night Squad also began sprinting away in every direction.  


    Aralias dove to the ground and covered the back of his head with his arms.  The area light up in flames.  Demon was knocked yards away from Aralias but broke his fall.  Demon looked up briefly.  All he saw was an imperial heavy trooper reloading a heavy launcher.  Despite being severely bruised, he managed to free his hand.  It was too late.  Another rocket flew across the room.  This one hit the crashed shuttle and debris flew everywhere.  The blast was so large the remains of the cockpit made it's way all the way on the walkway.  


    Demon realized again the imperial trooper was unharmed.  He reloaded his weapon again.  Only this time Demon got his arms up.  He used his great strength to launch a rocket out of his own launcher at the imperial trooper.  The rocket grew closer and closer to the imperial trooper but he still got his shot off.  The two missiles collided and another large explosion went off.  The force was so large the ground team taking cover were forcibly being rolled away form the area of impact.  Several troopers of the ground team were slammed against the rear hangar wall.  The crashed shuttle blew back and crushed one of them.  It was Gore, the friend of the two bickering troopers.  


    Aralias, opened his eyes and uncovered his head.  He had discovered he had been blown nearly 5 yards from where he was originally.  He was now directly in front of the stair leading up to a very damage walkway.  Aralias rose to one knee.  He saw Plague struggling but eventually coming to his feet and Wraith was slowly picking up Demon.  His concern for his team was so great he didn't even realize his ears were ringing sharply.  The hangar was a mess, there was smoke and death everywhere.  Only one of the walkway staircases were in commission.  One of the troopers bickering before was running over to Gore's crushed body which was now engulfed by fire.  The other bickering trooper dove at him at pinned him to the ground.  "He's gone Brick, he's gone!"  he exclaimed.  The other trooper spoke in a unmotivated voice.  "I have to save him" he said as he desperately tried to crawl his way out from the solider holding him back.  

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    Aralias seemed to disregard what his pilot was saying.  "Do you have it?" he inquired.  A few people looked around trying to figure out what he was talking about.  The two chatty troopers from before we're especially uneasy.  One of them looked as if they were about to ask who he was talking to before they were interrupted.  "Possibly, just let me release the hol-- " "Do you have it Spec?" Aralias asked again.  The voice of Specter could be heard but he was nowhere in sight.  "Got it!" the voice of Demon stated as people realized he was also missing from sight.


    Moments later, one of the long cylindrical engines ignited and blew off the shuttle, blasting into a large group of untouched fighters and soldiers.  At the same time Wraith kicked down one of sliding doors on the shuttle.  The door slammed to the hangar floor and Wraith tossed a couple smoke grenades in front of the open shuttle area.  At this time, the group realized what happened, Demon and Specter dug through the damaged wall of the shuttle and launched one of the engines clear off the vehicle.  The two climbed onto the top of the shuttle, now under cover of the smoke grenades and jumped down onto the removed shuttle door.  Instantaneously, they begin opening fire in several directions.  They were suppressing the imperial soldiers giving the shuttle passengers a chance to regroup and launch an assault.


    "Ghoul climb through that hole those two created, that's your covering point for the time being" Wraith instructed, as his soldier returned a quick decisive response.  "Copy that Night Lead."  The teamwork Night Squad exhibited was astounding and intimidating at the same time.  By this time, Plague and Wraith also exited the shuttle and lined up with their fellow squad members.  They picked up the shuttle door that was removed and propped it up at a 35 degree angle with another piece of wreckage from the crashed shuttle.  Plague then turned and signaled Aralias briefly.  It was time.


    "Alright folks looks like we get a little warm up before we get to Dac.  Stay in the smoke and behind the cover we provide while we advance on our 'welcoming party'.  Clear the hangar out and then regroup on me."  Aralias gave his quick directions and armed himself with his dual lightsabers. He was well known as a deadly lightsaber duelist but flourished his sabers as if he were practicing an art form.  He then charged out of the shuttle, and joined his brothers in the battle.  "Boss heads up!" Ghoul yelled out in his deep voice as he shot upwards at the ceiling of the hangar.  The large bolt rammed into a large pipeline and cut it directly in half.  The pipe began to fall but halted at an angle after the other connected but bent end stopped its fall.  At that moment Aralias threw his hand up and pulled the dangling pipe down a couple yards in front of him with the force.  A group of imperial troopers were caught off guard as it dropped above them.  Some of the soldiers dove out from under it before it made contact and others were instantly crushed.  


    "More cover, move up!" Plague yelled as the Night Squad members positioned behind the propped up hangar door dispersed and moved up to Aralias who was in cover behind the damaged pipeline.  Aralias looked back and gestured to the non Night Squad members of his shuttle team as they began exiting the shuttle and taking cover behind the door which no longer had anyone behind it.  "Var'el, Areldur; let's move!" Aralias called to the other two force using members of his team.

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  7. Aralias turned his head slightly and came to the realization that his old friend Vanin had arrived for departure.  Vanin was one of the more experienced members Aralias had ever worked with and he's one of the few individuals who watched Aralias grow and train at a young age.  Aralias' thoughts were interrupted when Vanin gave a greeting the only way he knew how "So whats the plan Aralias?"  Aralias didn't have the sort of plan he usually did.  This was war, more importantly, intelligence had very little information on the ground situation and more was being learned at each pivotal second in preparation for deployment.  "I'll give the team a briefing in a moment my friend, were waiting on a few more members to arrive and then I'll go over my initial findings as we begin to depart" Aralias calmly responded.  


    Master Amaris walked away from the pilots and Master Areldur as he paced about the shuttle, appearing as if he was waiting for something specifically.  There was a crucial piece to their assault team Aralias was eagerly waiting for.  Aralias hasn't heard from or worked with Night Squad in a while, he practically grew up with those five soldiers.  Each one of them with their own specializations and personalities, but none of them complete without their four brothers.  Aralias' thoughts were interrupted once again when a huge bang was heard.  This was followed quickly with an earthquake like shake.  The battle was getting closer to the hangar, they had just been hit by stray fire.  The team was a little shaken up and chatter picked up among the group.  


    "So uhh, I hear were being sent down with a Republic Special Forces Unit" once of the troopers eluded.  "RSFs?  You better not be messing with me again just to cure your boredom" another soldier responded.  The chatter between the two continued.  "No seriously, Gore said they were transferred recently after a long espionage operation."  "This is a war ground, we don't need spies in a time like this, what is command thinking?"  "BE QUIET, the Commander is right over there.  Besides I heard they breed RSFs as half machines, they are freaks of nature."  "I can assure you we are all quite human" spoke a voice familiar to Aralias.


    Aralias turned his head and his eyes were met with the helmet of a veteran face.  It was Wraith, the leader of Night Squad and his longtime friend.  "How are you doing Lieutenant?  I heard about the nasty business they had you doing before you were transferred" Aralias said as he greeted his friend. "You know us, we're holding in.  We can talk more about what we discovered on our mission later.  Might need to get your council involved too."  "Sounds like were in for another enjoyable time after this then."  Aralias was wondering where the other four members were when he heard a slam on the shuttle floor.  Demon had arrived.  


    Demon was the demolitions and heavy expert for Night Squad.  In addition to the traditional heavy repeater most troopers his spec carried, he had an additional heavy grenade launcher mounter to his back plate.  "I heard rumors we were in charge of pulling boss' ass out of the fire again but I never imagined being assigned a task this colossal" Demon said sarcastically.  "You spend too much time 'fixing' the wiring for your explosive charges, you've probably incinerated half your remaining brain cells" spoke Ghoul, the team's assassin.  Ghoul was the team's deadliest soldier.  He was an expert sharpshooter with the high caliber particle rifle he carried on his back and he was also well versed in the traditional blaster rifle most of Night Squad carried.  Ghoul also has two medium vibroblades attached to his chest plate.  His appearance was intimidating enough without his deep voice.


    "I happen to be in peak medical condition, Plague even said so two cycles ago" Demon said in defense.  "That was also before you blew the skin off three of your fingers" Plague stated as he entered the shuttle.  Plague, ironically was the teams medical expert.  He was better armed than most medical soldiers.  He carried the traditional rifle and also had an SMG attached to the side of his right leg.  Plague also was the teams translator.  He studied several languages and was well versed socially.  "Says the one who helped inject an active Rakghoul virus into Aralias' left arm" spoke Specter who was the last member on the team and the final member of the strike team to arrive.  Specter was the technical expert on the team, he didn't just hack things, he knew how to hack things and have processes waiting for breaches before the team even ran into him.  He was massively intelligent.  Specter carried a blaster rifle and a ECD Projector that excelled at deactivating synthetics.  "That's different, Raliya said that it was harmless and how were we to know the virus mutated.  Besides, boss consented to it, we needed to develop the vaccine as soon as possible--"  "Can the chatter team, the briefing is about to start" Wraith said as he interrupted his team.  


    At that moment the shuttle doors closes on each side and Aralias threw down a portable holoprojector in the middle of the shuttle.  "Ok team, here's the deal.  Our job is to launch an assault on the Imperial base of operations on the ground and sea.  We will also be tasked with defending the Remnants flotilla.  A lot of the area of engagement is naval terrain.  Will be making use of SMAT speeders and Mobile Naval Assault skiffs to plan our assault.  Right now we currently don't know much about the situation on the ground so we will need to act quick when we arrive.  Aralias looked around at his team quick after giving his introduction.  "Any questions?"

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  8. The Imperial Fleet was larger than anyone had expected.  They wanted this place bad and several Remnants has the unfortunate luxury of going through a very traumatic experience.  Aralias understood this more than anyone, but he knew that his attention was needed elsewhere.  He was the Commander of the ground forces, the leader of an important ground unit.  Aralias crossed his arms, after receiving several injections and medical examinations from AD-4 with the help of a medical professional, he regained full motion of his limb.  Aralias was the first one in his shuttle, he nodded to his pilot who coincidently happened to be the same smart ass individual that saw him off the prior mission.  Aralias didn't review his team in detail as he normally did before operation.  He knew Master Vanin and Brega already very well and the small squad of troopers following him were already very familiar to him.  Aralias also arranged for an appearance from a Republic Special Forces unit.  


    As Aralias continued towards the shuttle eventually giving a friendly punch to the shoulder of his old pilot friend he noticed a decorated solider follow him.  "Sergeant Jeckyll I presume, your reputation proceeds you" Aralias stated.  "High praise coming from you sir, I heard it's quite a mess down on Dac" Jeckyll responded.  Aralias' reply was spoken with such a tone as if he was asking Jeckyll if he was ready and understanding of what the team faced.  "Keep your team inspired Sergeant, we have a daunting task in front of us."  


    Aralias then walked away from the Sergeant.  He stood up and grabbed one of the railings in the shuttle as his droid AD-4 floated next to his left shoulder.  The shuttle doors were open as they were waiting for more to arrive.  Aralias saw through the semi-transparent hangar shield.  It was carnage in space.  You couldn't even see the level of the damage both fleets were sustaining because of the debris and destruction that filled the air.  Aralias closed his eyes and waited to depart.  He wasn't just fighting for civilization on the planet as it was known, he was fighting for the shadows, he was fighting for a civilization that didn't exist.

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  9. Aralias hoisted himself back onto the transport acknowledging the conflict he and his team had ahead. He wondered how the diplomatic talks went down so badly and wondered what the result of this planet's fate would become. The troubled Jedi Master was trying to come to terms with what had transpired but quickly put it behind him understanding that his team needed his focus elsewhere. Normally he would issue an end of the mission speech to give his team missing morale but he was in no condition do so. He also was convinced there was no motivation needed after the less of a squad mate. He barely spoke but did utter a few words to his droid AD-4.

    "AD-4, delete database entry Octi Civilization."









    Follow the story in RoH's next big RP:

    "The Battle of Dac"









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  10. Aralias was furious. Bast was defeated and yet Aralias felt some of his own. In the blink of an eye he rolled to the left out of any danger from Bast's attacks and drove the hilt of his lightsaber into the side of Bast's skull. Aralias heard a small crack as Bast fell to his knees and his lightsaber rolled out of his hand and onto the platform. The combatants around them which now became observers witnessed a defeated face of their captor and a blank one on the face of the victor Aralias.

    Aralias closed his eyes and tried to picture all the bodies his team had killed. He opened them and looked around at the Octi with a face of sorrow as if he was asking for forgiveness. He saw pride on some, anger of others and confusion on most. A chill ran down his back as he came to the realization of the damage his team had done to a great society in order to achieve victory. He looked at Bast in front of him, blood now clearly rolling down the left side of his enemy's head. Aralias looked onto Bast with disgust, the Jedi Master has seen all sorts of carnage but he couldn't recover from the knowledge of how many individuals that fell at the hands of the Remnants.

    He finally deactivated his lightsabers and floated them gently down to his belt. His left arm was dislocated and he didn't have enough feeling left in his nerves to track the damage he had taken. He wondered for a short moment if any of the observers of his team had any realization of the disease afflicting his limb. He looked out into the open again and admired the great crystal the Octi held so precious. It was unlike any object he had ever felt. It's presence was resonating and strong beyond belief. He hadn't felt something so pure in a long time, and now it would never be the same.

    Aralias observed the crowd again, he saw a younger male Octi creature holding what observed to be a female of the same age. He could feel the creature's emotions: sorrow, confusion, enraged, defeat. He tried to picture just what this man lost, was it a significant other, a sibling, a friend. None of it made him feel any better. By this time, Aralias swore he heard words in the form of Maitrayen's voice but made no reaction to it. One individual was capable of so much grief and destruction. What was he going to do with this monster? Was there any punishment worthy of such a insensitive and gruesome act. It wasn't enough to arrest the monster in front of him he thought. Bast sacrificed everyone including his own for his own gain.

    While Aralias was deep in thought he heard a much louder yell followed by a several simultaneous and quick crushing and grinding sounds. It sounded so awful that it startled the Jedi Master. He opened eyes and wondered where Bast was. He looked to Maitrayen beside him and the troopers response was a look of shock as he held an empty hand as if something was just stolen from him. Aralias then looked down, Bast's body lay their lifeless. Mait's vibrosword was jammed into the man's chest and the back of Aralias' boot was crushed into his forehead. Aralias stood there astonished, he killed him. He looked to Maitrayen still staring in disbelief at his actions then removed his foot and walked away without as much of a word.

  11. Lord Bast winced as Aralias scored the minor hit on his leg, but was quick to ignore it and resume his makashi flurries, poised and perfect with each strike. Aralias was forced on the defensive more often than he could mount his own offense, so relentless were the strikes of the veteran duelist. While his form was flawless, Aralias could sense his focus was not entirely on him at the moment. He appeared to be "looking through him" throughout the melee, as if fighting Aralias blind. On what was he so focused?

    Aralias quickly came to the unsettling realization that his health was not at its best in the current situation. After maintaining his Shien form for a decent amount of time his ability to block Bast's howling blows was diminishing. Inbetween his enemies strikes Aralias noticed minor hesitation. He used this moment to switch back to his Ataru form and his plan of attack altered. Amaris' strength, particularly in his left arm might be inferior in his current situation but his uncanny quickness was still with him. Amaris became more mobile, he began dodging more attacks as opposed to blocking them head on.

    Bast's brow furrowed then, as if he felt a sudden distraction. He blinked repeatedly, even looked to one side as if trying to sense something, or someone.

    The match became more strategic like that of a friendly game of Dejarik rather than a duel of two swordsmen. Aralias was biding his time and he was baiting. It was a complete gamble on his part, he was hoping that Bast woudln't notice with his unfocused attention. Shortly after his change to an acrobatic evasion tactic Aralias felt he had an opening to go on the offensive. Amaris was dead wrong. Bast was a clever duelist even when distracted, Aralias dodged a slash from what he believed to be Bast's dominant hand to learn that it was the contrary. After dodging the initial blow Aralias tried to use a power strike to knock Bast off his feet only to realize Bast had cast an illusion in front of Aralias. After failing to make Bast move more than an inch, Aralias now knew that Bast's left hand was his dominant and he probably just lost the duel.

    Bast forced Aralias' right hand off to his left side and along with it, his momentum. Bast eagerly anticipated his potential victory and made a big mistake. Bast responded to Aralias being thrown of balance with unorthodox strike, a move that allowed Amaris to bring his foot up and knock himself away from Bast and onto the floor.

    A moment later, Aralias knew exactly why Bast was distracted, as Brega's voice came over his earpiece communicator. "Master! I've successfully mind melded with the crystal object and have engaged Lord Bast through it! His effects on the octi are already diminishing. I'll attempt to distract him using the crystal."

    Aralias quietly thanked Brega to himself knowing that he just recieved a second chance to win the fight.

    "What have you done?!" Bast raged, slashing at Aralias with both lightsabers, abandoning his pure makashi form for a ferocious shii-cho adapation. For a man of his age, his prowess was uncanny. His blades sizzled with lightning as Bast charged them with dark force energy. Each parry made by Aralias sent numbing shocks down into his arms as Bast then continued his assault.

    Amaris, who's confidence had just been restored, expressed a change in his demeanor. He alternated to his own modified Makashi version and met Bast's ferocious strikes with equally powerful ones. Aralias smirked as he was completely uneffected by Bast's lightning strikes. The Commander wasn't an orthodox jedi of the order and he now had Bast fighting at his own pace.

    Crisp clasped Tyrlis on the shoulder as her tentacle bonds were finally cut free. She helped Maitrayen to his feet and the two took whatever weapons they could still find on their person and those offered by Tyrlis. "Let's finish this!" she growled, gripping a pair of blades and looking to the sith lord.

    Bast looked to see Aralias' companions, now freed. "Now, now," he condescended. "Let's not ruin a perfectly fair fight." With one blade still after Aralias, he gestured to a nearby wall panel and activated the room's water partitions once again. A column of transparisteel rose from the floor around the two duelists, and in turn the floor rose as well. A hole in the ceiling opened and the column platform on which they stood continued to rise. The other Remnants in the room were helpless to do anything as their leader and the sith lord rose up and out of view. Simultaneously, the rest of the room quickly flooded with water once again, and then Bast's mindless octi slaves swarmed into the room.

    "Believe me my friend, after this is over you're going to be wishing this was a fair fight," Aralias taunted. As he reestablished his Makashi stance in wait of Bast's assault.

    "And this is a fair fight?!" Crisp exclaimed with annoyance. She charged the nearest octi and began hacking through it, and then another.

    Aralias and Lord Bast stood on the roof of the tower. The thin column of transparisteel surrounded them, with the dark waters of the deep beyond. Outside, octi slaves hovered ominously on all sides as they watched the two force users battle.

    "You are not strong enough to defeat me, Master Aramis," Bast sneered, launching another shii-cho assault. Aralias could sense Brega's presence, through Bast himself, attempting to distract the sith lord using the crystal. Bast's frustration was clear in his eyes.

    Bast played right into Aralias' hand. "Why exhibit your own effort when you can use that of your opponent against him," Aralias exclaimed as he joined both of his hands together with one united strike against Bast's right hand weapon. The blow was substantial, Aralias managed to muster up a great deal of the strength he was saving while kiting Bast around. Additionally, to Bast's surprise, a charge of lightning charged back up Bast's arm, distrubing his nerves long enough for Aralias to disarm Bast's off hand and force push him towards the edge of the column they were dueling on.

    Aralias quickly charged towards Bast, ready and determined to finish his opponent.

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  12. "I've been waiting for you all," Bast began, placing a hand on the floor for balance as he rose to his feet. He shook the wrinkles out of his robes and brushed them down with his hands before stepping forward. "I sensed you the moment you entered the caves ... Aralias, is it?" He smiled knowingly. "But I couldn't read your mind until you neared the city. When I couldn't use the octi to destroy you all in the caves, it began obvious to me that I would need to do it myself. Capturing one of you and luring you here has proven much easier."

    Lord Bast then brushed aside his robes and retrieved the twin lightsabers from his belt. Ignited them, he lifted their blazing red blades up in a makashi-style salute. A duelist, with twin sabers ...

    "Let's not stand around on ceremony," he then said, smiling. "Shall we dance?"

    "No dinner or movie first? I'm insulted", Aralias responded to the older man. He closed his eyes momentarily as a means of gathering himself for his incoming attacker.

    Bast then quick-stepped toward Aralias with lightning speed for a man of his age, whipping one blade at the Jedi sidelong with perfect makashi form while he kept the other blade ready for blocks and counters. This would not be an easy duel, Aralias sensed. Amaris was fully aware he wasn't at his best and he needed to fight Bast on his own pace.

    Aralias responded to Bast's charge with a Shien variant, rather than fighting directly which was more conventional to him, he opened by using Bast's momentum against him. Aralias quickly met Bast's attack with a block of his own. His feet were pushed back ever so slightly as he struck with his free hand to draw a block from Bast's free hand. Amaris was successful, he instantly changed his momentum to a side swinging strike, forcing Bast's charging momentum to Aralias' right side in an attempt to remove Bast's balance from him. To Aralias' surprise Bast retaliated resourcefully by digging his sabers into the ground and swing kicking Aralias from his back side.

    Aralias' quickly regained his lost balance and countered a new charge from the dark force user with a change to his acrobatic ataru variant. He flipped over Bast's lunge and grazed Bast's leg from behind before reestablishing his original Shien form, waiting for another attack.

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  13. Aralias was desperately attempting to fight his friends free, now acknowledging fatal combat was unavoidable. He used the movement and pattern of the creatures against them, he took out several his attackers before attempting to reach a large mob of them surrounding his two troopers. It wasn't long into his swim till he realized his left arm stop responding to him. "Not now" the Commander mentioned to himself as a group of four of the creatures charged into Aralias and knocked him back several yards.

    By the time he processed what had happened he realized the group of creatures were reseeding away. The traces of the dark mob vanished as Aralias' eye caught a trooper that seemed to be in panic. As Aralias approached his team again he realized Boomer was fighting away rocks trying to free who he deduced as Maitrayen and Crisp. Brega looked at him quickly than began to remind Boomer of what his responsibilities were. Aralias had regained control of his left arm in the mean time. Aralias slightly heard someone speak about what sounded like the word home but was in too deep of thought to be paying attention.

    Aralias was surveying the group's current situation when he overheard Fyrlisa's interrogation. ​"This Dark One, the mans a force user" Aralias said abruptly. "I can feel his hold over this place, he's definitely a dark force user but I'm having difficulty determining where his allegiances lie, I don't believe this one is an imperial" Aralias said. Aralias was secretly evaluating the trustworthiness of the new individual they had been presented with. He knew his group was temporarily downsized, having full confidence in Maitrayen's ability to survive. He sensed enough truth in what the frail alleged ruler has said and decided to interrogate a little himself. "My friend, I'm Commander Amaris of the Galactic Republic, we've been sent down here to investigate a rare natural occurrence when we stumbled upon your people. They were chasing and eliminating what I believe to be an Imperial scavenging team. Your people then proceeded to attack us and took two of our own so forgive some of my unit for acting abruptly. I'm willing to provide you assistance in reclaiming the innocence of your people but you need to provide me more information than what you have already presented us. Go more into how the Dark One arrived, did he come with the group of Imperials I mentioned before? I need to know how long he's been here. After that you need to provide me with information on how you plan to stop this man and I will see what help my team can provide you, I'm assuming the crystals are related, despite the rash comments of some, I have no intention of damaging that we is precious to your people" Aralias explained.

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  14. Aralias was visibly upset and disappointed as he looked down at the creature that lay motionless to his feet. He knelt before this being giving it a quick glance he looked into what seemingly appeared as nothing. "Force excuse us for endangering another being and may you forgive us for removing this one from our world" Aralias said quietly with a drastic change in his vocal attitude. He walked over to the other imperial that was still acting like an emotional wreck, restrained his arms and threw him to the ground where Sarek sat in disbelief at what he just saw. "Dr Verne, AD, figure out what that... thing is" he issued still using undertone.

    "Alright Sarek, you're going to tell my everything. Why you're down here. What you were hoping to accomplish. Anything you know about what that thing is. How long you knew all this was down here and if you cooperate I might consider continuing to be your crutch. What did you do to piss these things off?"

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  15. Aralias was very quickly discovering that the team he selected was very opinionated, minor personality details tend to be lost in his incomplete archives which aren't expected to be finished for a few months.

    "AD give me a scan approximation on the amount of air left in our passionate fan's tank here, would ya?" Aralias asked of his droid in his usual sarcastic manner. "My quick scan functionality approximates that given his current rate of intake, the imperial Sarek has a little more than 25 minutes left before fatality" the droid responded. It was becoming quite clear to the team how valuable this mechanism was to Aralias and how much utility he placed in it. "How long would you say it would take us to get back to the area with the deceased imperials? Aralias followed up. "Given the handicapped state of the imperial I project it would take 15 minutes to return to the area where the other imperials are located" AD-4 responded almost instantly. Aralias paused for a second and observed his team then made a quick decision.

    "Alright this is what we're going to do. The team is going to keep advancing down the caves while Brega and I backtrack slightly and salvage the air from the rest of the tanks belonging to the dead imperials. After we've obtained as much air as possible Brega and I will use our thrusters to catch up with the rest of the group. Maitrayen, you're taking command of the team while I'm away, the rest of you now follow his orders for now. If these creatures do exist and they don't have any initial issues with us then they shouldn't bother you seeing how Sarek will be with us for the time being. If they do engage, you will not fight them, you will turn around and use your thrusters to regroup with me. I want updates every 5 minutes on your progress and Fyrlisa let's try not to fire random shots at whatever these things are ok?" Aralias issued his orders in a calm almost excited tone. The concept of coming into contact with a species or apparition that he hadn't before intrigued him.

    Shortly after issueing his orders Aralias took his droid, Brega and the imperial and splintered off from the main group to go search for oxygen. He assumed that they were more likely to run into these things than Maitrayen's group because of their new friend and figured he was implementing some type of damage control if things were to go south. He also specifically chose Brega to come back with him because of his sensory abilities, he figured that if these things did try to engage, Brega would detect it much sooner than an average force user would.

    Master Amaris did everything physically possible to show anyone who would potentially be scouting or following his group that Sarek was indeed a prisoner and not affiliated with him or his team. AD-4 had already cuffed the imperials hands behind him and Aralias was following him very closely. He also reused some of the light orbs from earlier and had them orbit respectively above the insignias on all 4 individuals' armor. Anyone who drew near them could easily see the distinguished look between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire logos.

    Eventually the 4 reached their destination after 2 or 3 reports from Maitrayen, so far everything was calm. Aralias and Brega quickly spread out and began salvaging all the oxygen from the other tanks into theirs. Once done, Aralias made it clear that Sarek would only receive about an hour of air at a time so if he tried to run he wouldn't be getting too far.

    After taking a minute to catch up he and his team prepared to journey back to the rest of the team.

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  16. "Something is not right here" said Aralias as he glanced back at some of the dead bodies. "Team stay within talking range, something killed those people before us and that something can quite easily kill us as well. AD-4, take my charge and put it on the door behind us, I want to be able to escape quickly if it gets sealed." Aralias was excited but was also visibly concerned. He made a consistent effort not to show these sort of things but he was incredibly uneasy over what seemed to be a very cliche situation.

    The team began splitting off and Aralias predictably approached an aqua blue crystal formation, the one that closely resembled the color of his current lightsaber blades. It was obvious how much chemistry he and his droid has as it already began cutting off small pieces of the formation and storing it within itself. He wondered to himself how long this was down here, how the Imperials found it before the Republic and why there was so much left. He reasoned that if the Imperials had the time or any contact with higher authority there would be a mining operation or at least hints of beginning one, but there was nothing. He had sensed a strong presence with the force since he entered the room but he couldn't identify to which spectrum it swayed and knew something mysterious was happening here.

    Aralias had ignored the the incident with Fyrlisa and her blaster, he was too deep in his work and figured it was just nerves showing. He would intervene if it became a bigger issue down the road.

    AD-4 continued to harvest different samples from several crystal formations, storing it within what seemed to be an endless compartment for a droid no bigger than a hutt ball. Aralias decided it was wise to put a targeting beacon towards the entrance of the cave. He was anticipating the very likely possibility of coming back to this location. When he was content with what he had gathered, he and AD-4 stood up and prepared to continue moving. "Team, be ready to move in 5."

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  17. Aralias was amazed at what he saw. He's had his own share of archeological discoveries and studies but some of the crystal formations he saw in front of him he never would have anticipated existed. He knew he had to capitalize on a very rare opportunity. "Crisp, Boomer, find out what you can about this man. AD-4 assist them, give me anything that you an find out, age, date of death, see if you can still find any trace of DNA. The rest of you come with me, we're going to spread out and investigate the area ahead," Aralias ordered.

    The team moved up into the second area, Aralias thinking quickly pulled about 10 miniature orbs from one of his suit's compartments. He threw them up and they almost instantly began glowing with a pretty luminous aura. Aralias remembered back when he created his light orbs. They were simply AIs that shared the same memory data, they reacted to one another and spread apart to reveal as much of a dark area as possible. With a tap fro Aralias' finger, they instantly dispersed around the cave revealing how truly special and reflective these crystal formations were. By this time the AD-4 and the two troopers caught back up to the group, Aralias' concerns were verified, they weren't getting too much information out of these bodies.

    "Start spreading out, see what you can find out, you have permission to harvest small amounts of the crystal formations but only take what you can carry. AD-4 add a new entry into LCL, include the location, the team responsible for the discovery and the nature of the crystals. Doc before you go, is there anything you can tell me about what we're seeing here."

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  18. Aralias spent a significant amount of time studying his team before the mission. He quickly came to the realization that he was working with quite a few new faces and he wasn't the young general in his 20s he was a little while back. As usual, he brought AD-4 with him, he had pretty much spent every minute of the last 3 years with his creation and was growing quite attached to it.

    As his shuttle entered the atmosphere and gave its crew a bit of a quake he looked around and studied those around him. The first one that caught his eye was Captain Maitrayen whom he had worked with several times in the past. He then turned his eye to a Chiss male by the name of Brega. Aralias had read the background on Brega before the mission started and he was impressed by his dual wielding ability and his talent for sensory abilities. Brega reminded Aralias a lot of his younger self and his unusual behind the scenes work with the Jedi Council.

    As the team came closer and closer to their destination, the second shuttle that came with them splintered off before giving their farewells and warnings. Master Amaris noticed that some members of his team were uneasy and made note to observe it. He then decided to give one his pre-mission speeches he was known quite well for.

    "Listen up team, as most of you have observed the parameters of our mission have changed and we will be descending into an unusual hole in the ocean. I'm going to send AD-4 with his recently upgraded water navigation abilities in first, his sensors will map out the hole as we follow him and relay them to the HUDs in your helmet. Make sure to try and follow behind him as closely as you can. Visibility is going to be poor once we reach the end of the formation which your helmets will also assist with. Make sure you don't activate your under water adapters too early, they are extremely sensitive to high light and using them in such areas are hazardous to your eyes.

    For those of you who don't know me, I'm Commander Aralias Amaris, and I'll be leading you on this mission. To those of you who are excited for this mission, I'm right there with ya. For those of you who aren't, lighten the hell up. You guys are a good team of bright individuals and I look forward to seeing how we perform."

    Aralias then allowed the pilot to give his intel and speech to the crew then gave him a nudge in response to a pat of the shoulder he received. As the door opened he threw AD-4 in the air and watched him descend as Fyrlisa followed shortly after. "Eager bunch" Aralias mentioned to the pilot before falling backwards giving a casual two finger salute.

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  19. "Actually my friend, I had my medical specialists working on a universal cure to the rakghoul virus. Rather than simply suppressing the specific strand this new experimental one attacked the infection itself rather than relying on your own immune system and antibodies for assistance. We discovered a while back that the rakghoul plague does change over time but the change is merely the virus reacting to vaccines and it does so much faster than other viruses. I'm going off the assumption that these are a variation that somehow came from Taris because of the way their early stages act and appear. If that's the case, I fear that our current method of vaccination will not be successful. Luckily, before Night Squad left for special assignment, I had Plague working with the Jedi Science and Medial Corps reproducing our experimental substance right here on the Ascension. If we want to reproduce this, we're going to need as much of a sample we can get and I'm hoping we can find some traces here on the ship" Aralias explained as Night Squad began using bio scanners on the shattered med cabinets.

    It was no longer than 30 seconds of scanning medical residue that the group heard a rustling sound in the room behind them sounds a single grown that sounded like it came from rakghoul but more along the lines as a cry of pain than an aggressive call. "It's coming from the west medical wing but it's blocked by a large piece of sheet metal" Demon said using his prototype sonic scanner in his helmet. "Stand back and prepare yourselves I'm going to move it" Aralias ordered. Aralias moved the obstacle with relative ease as Night Squad raised its weapons only to discover that the rakghoul that had called out was lying on the floor with it's skin burned from electrical discharge and a glowing Orb droid was floating above it. "Isn't this yours sir?" Wraith questioned as Aralias nodded in acknowledgement. "Repairing vocabulator, running routines tests, restarting systems... 'A' I've recovered the sample data from Project Cleanse in addition I've secured a small vile of the latest dose" the droid said looking at Aralias. "Great work AD-4, glad you survived the crash" Aralias said in a lighter tone after seeing his longtime companion was still operational. "You engineered my for optimum functionality and survivability 'A', I found it only necessary to protect our investment." "AD, we have an infected padawan near this area of the ship, was Project Cleanse perfected?" "....No.... but it was believed that we have the necessary data to engineer a harmless cure and we have found a way to reduce the nerve damage in your left arm that resulted from the last attempt. I also secured a few files of the latest static cure, AD-4 estimates that it won't cure the infection but it will suppress it for around..... calculating... 2 - 3 hours." "Perfect, alright listen up we don't have much time, our new objective is to meet up with Padawan Tovaar and bring him and the data back to Plague so he can engineer the new cure. Per-Ja he'll most likely need your droid as well so protecting it is now a priority, I'm leaving you in charge of its safety" Aralias order after the long discussion with AD.

    "Sir I have plotted a root to the evac objective using area scanners, it is suggested we blast through the east wall of the west medical wing, from there we should be able to cut right into the main hall and reach the bridge. "Be advised, heavy rakghoul presence detected between us and Tovaar, proceed with caution." "Alright we have our objective let's move out!" Aralias said and Night squad scanned the wall and began planting a breach charge. "Specter reporting, charges have been planted, clear to the minimum safe distance." The group cleared the blast radius as the charge went off rattling the area. It wasn't long before the group heard several rakghoul growls through the hole they punched in the ship. "CONTACT!"....

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  20. Aralias and Wraith were standing next to each other as they watched the group attempt to flee as their cover had been blown. "Republic's finest sir?" Wraith said sarcastically. "Be nice Wraith they're still learning" Aralias responded. While the two were joking back and forth, Wraith and Aralias had formed up with Specter, Ghoul and Demon in a semi circle. Demon who was positioned at the head of the semi circle pulled off his glove and slashed his hand with his knife, letting his blood fall and his removed knuckle guards. The rakghouls growling became less chaotic and more concentrated as they all appeared to stare in the direction of Demon as he threw his glove across the room and the rakghouls dived on the glove like they were playing fetch.

    The rakghouls piled over each other like savages as they completely forgot the figures standing in the room with them howling and scratching at each other. Specter had managed to pull his dual SMGs out during the confusion and already began lighting up the crowd. Specter was the tech expert of Night Squad and he always praised his personal SMGs as his weapon of choice because they could allow him to defend himself exceptionally well during terminal hacking. Meanwhile Ghoul pulled the smaller version of the standard republic repeater off his back and began unloading on the rakghouls pouring down from the ceiling onto the already large sized pile of beasts. It didn't take long watching each other be gunned down before the horde to realize they were under attack and retaliated by descending in on the five figures standing their ground. By the time they close enough Demon had already activated his armors knock back and sent a out a plasma wave around the radius of the group sending the savage creatures flying back in every direction.

    One of the rakghouls gathered himself rather quickly and attempted to jump on Demon assuming he was the biggest threat out of the five after witnessing his pack be launched back. However, Aralias quickly realized the beast's intention and had already thrown one of his lightsabers from his possession pinning the aggressor against the damaged wall. As some for the other beasts began to gather themselves and charge at the group Demon managed to switch out his trusty sniper for his backup assault rifle and prepped his knife in the other hand. "BREAK FORMATION", Wraith yelled as the the five members combatting the rakghouls broke their semicircle and prepared themselves for heavy melee combat.

    Wraith was the first one to make a major move, he quickly struck one of the chargers in the throat, hitting it back into a smaller one charger as they both let out loud screeches. Ghoul quickly switched to the flame flower portion of his large multipurpose repeater and began causing many small rakghouls to let out ear piercing screeches as their faces and rough skin incinerated. By the time one of the rakghouls could work up the courage to charge at Aralias with his right hand lightsaber still in hand and activated, he was met with a surprise as his offhand weapon which was holding one of his brethren up to an unforgiving metal wall had unlatched itself and began spinning back to Aralias beheading Aralias' aggressor on the way. Aralias quickly entered his specialized Ataru variant of the Juyo form and began cutting rakghoul after rakghoul down being extremely careful not to expose any of his wounds knowing it would only feed the beasts' rage.

    Meanwhile, Wraith unlatched his grenade launcher with his left hand and held his preferred assault rifle in his right as he began gunning down a dwindling number of rakghouls. Specter was the slowest out of the five to finish his section of the rakghouls being the lightest armed as he jammed his knife into a dying rakghouls forehead after its screeching had become too annoying for him to deal with.

    Demon walked towards the part of the group that had attempted to flee earlier and kicked one of the rakghouls on the way who was on his back exposing his face. "See how the teeth haven't turned completely black and the spikes are not the size of the ones we ran into earlier? It means they are newly transformed and they always go for the freshest blood source. They can't help themselves, the first week of their lives they run purely on blood instinct." Demon explained to the rest of the group. "Alright spread out and let's find this cure, I want to get in and get out before Tovaar's infection gets worse" Aralias ordered having overheard the young padawan's situation.

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  21. Aralias awoke to discover he was lying on an elevated stretcher. He looked up and to his surprise saw a dirt roofing above him. "Welcome back, sir" a familiar voice said. Aralias turned and was ecstatic to see such a familiar face. "Good to be back Plague, mind ughh... filling me in?" Aralias spoke as if to a friend. The medical trooper held a vile in front of Aralias as he sat up. "Adrenaline, lead needs you back up and running for recon" Plague explained. "Recon for what exactly?" the jedi responded. "Your ship went down boss, sonic and biotic scanners have picked up several life signs and it appears some gunfire is involved as well" another trooper dressed in black and royal blue armor said. "Well that would explain my current state, why did the Ascension crash and more importantly where are we and how did we run into Night Squad, Wraith?" Aralias questioned.

    "We we're hoping you could help us answer that question, we do know from initial scans that there were a small number of Rakghouls on your vessel. Fortunately your ship was lucky enough to crash on the part of Andara we were stationed in. We were suppose to help Andala City rebuild it's defenses but domestic Rakghouls had other plans for us" he said as he spoke with regret. Aralias was quickly growing worried and responded with "domestic Rakghouls!?" "Yes, we're sorry sir, they've infected the whole city, we assume that include's Ralia's parents, I'm really sorry" spoke Ghoul, another member of Night Squad. Aralias paused a moment in disbelief before gathering himself, "It's ok, I'm sure you guys tried your best." The room feel silent for a moment before the heartbeat scanners in the cave began giving a consistent beep. The squad of troopers grabbed what weapons were in their reach as they got up and rushed to the entrance of the underground room. Aralias quickly grabbed one of his lightsabers and followed them as they were approaching the life form.

    "This is Demon, corporal of the Galactic Republic Army, you have 10 seconds to respond and verify who you are before I light up the whole area you're standing in!" another member of the group said. "This is General Carter of the Republic Army, I'm a member of the Ascension and our ship has crashed" the man responded. Aralias and Night Squad brought Carter back to their surveillance area and explained what happened. The group eventually decided it was time to set out. Plague volunteered to stay back and deal with Carter's injuries and operate as their operator.

    "I fixed your lightsaber boss" Specter, the final member of the group said handing Aralias his weapon back. Aralias nodded as the group exited the cave and reentered a hell storm in search of any survivors. Aralias gave Wraith the comm channel that the Ascension operated on and he issued out a statement, "This is Wraith of Republic Elite Night Squad, we are currently setting out in search and rescue for any survivors of the Ascension crash. We are calling for any potential survivors, help is on the way."

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  22. After half an hour of wondering around, Aralias realized that his abdominal injuries were getting pretty serious. He initially anticipated that he would have found medical supplies or at least other survivors at this point in time. Aralias realized he only managed to walk about a quarter of the large scaled Ascensions remains. He was in trouble, he had no means of communications, his bed sheet failed to clot his injuries and he also was pretty sure it was getting infected from the cold weather and lack of proper attention. Despite being fueled solely by his determination, he knew he wasn't going to make it and decided to turn and search the ship ruins to his immediate left in hopes of finding something useful.

    Despite his best efforts, anything that would have been helpful was damaged beyond use in the crash. On top of that, he also realized that he was being stalked. Something was standing on the roof of the ship's remains above him, Aralias was being hunted by someone. Even though he was sure whatever was following him didn't know that they had slipped and given themselves away, Aralias was getting really weak. He walked casually as if he didn't notice anything but before he knew it, the one creature turned into 3 and they were quickly descending upon him.

    Aralias mustered up his remaining strength and knocked one of the beasts away with the back of his right arm. The hideous creature let out a screeching roar as the other two charged. With one quick swing in desperation, Aralias managed to slash both of his attackers across the chest and quickly came to the realization that he was fighting Rakghouls. Before he even realized the third one had regained it's composure, it had knocked him face down on the rough floor. Now completely operating on instinct, Aralias kicked the blood red Rakghoul into a wall as it attempted to jump on him. Unfortunately for the jedi master, the crash site was very unstable. The smash of the crimson beast's spiky back hitting an immovable metal wall rattled the entire area and before Aralias knew it, he lying under a large column while his hunter was charging at him with rage in his pitch black eyes. Aralias reached out with his free left arm in a last ditch effort to pull his lightsaber which was approximately 20 feet in front of him, but he had nothing left. With a deep breath Aralias closed his eyes and was ready to accept that his mistake probably just cost him his life.

    Before Aralias even had time to reflect upon his life, a quick flash of light raced in front of his face and pinned the devious beast onto a broken metal spike. Aralias turned his head to the right and barely made out four individuals dressed in white and royal blue armor. His ears almost sang out loud as they heard one of them speaking basic. "How about that, this time we're the ones who saved the boss."

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  23. [OOC - the roleplay shall begin at the wreckage of the Ascension, any post order is unnecessary]

    Aralias' eyes opened. The last thing he remembered was looking up at the ceiling of his quarters while reflecting on his last mission. With a quick glance he noted what use to be the luxurious interior of the Republic's Ascension seemed to have been replaced with a cold unforgiving forest floor. It didn't take the captain of the Ascension long to realize he had two broken fingers on his left hand and that he was laying on two sharp pieces of what felt to be made of metal which actually turned out to be lodged into his lower back. Aralias struggled to sit himself up while rain poured onto his face almost like it was attempting to take his life. As he met a streak of light out of the corner of his eye, a loud roar of thunder pierced his eardrum. While his ears were still ringing from nature's roar, Aralias removed the metal objects from his body while unintentionally letting out a violent grunt in discomfort.

    After what he estimated to be 5 minutes of catching his breath. Aralias took to his feet and walked toward what he deduced to be the wreckage of his room. He investigated what was left of his favorite resting place to find one of his combat robes that had been torn in several places and his light sabers. About 20 feet where he assumed his bed would have been, he found a section of his white bed sheet that was still clean for the most part having fortunately fallen onto the part of the floor that still existed. He instinctively tied it around his waste, displaying more discomfort as he tightened it in order to stop his bleeding. He then discovered to his surprise, one of his light sabers wasn't operational as he stared down at a single aqua colored blade as if it's brother had run away from home. There wasn't time to repair it right now, he thought to himself.

    After another 5 minutes of being unable to recall anything that would help him determine why he was where we was, he put on the robe that looked like it would have been an organ of the decimated ship. He walked back out of the wreckage to try and find survivors, asking himself more questions than a confused 3 year old. What happened? Was anyone else alive? More importantly, where the hell was he?

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  24. Infection

    A medium sized Remnants of Hope strike team encountered a small transport shuttle with many of the crew members killed in action. Upon exploration of the vessel the few survivors were incapacitated and were taken aboard the Remnants' ship Ascension for medical care. The medical staff made note that the survivors had flu like symptoms.

    Without warning, the Ascension crash landed on a nearby planet. Only a small group of survivors survived the initial crash and the ship was on off-duty hours with most of the ship's population asleep.


    Available Slots: 6 - 10

    Genre: Horror, Investigation

    Participants: Aralias, Krista, Cypher, Bradien Shepherd, Scius Carter, Per-Ja, Toovar, Kaan, Ark Hejurrin

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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