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Ezoura last won the day on February 16 2021

Ezoura had the most liked content!


About Ezoura

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  • Interests
    cats, Jeeps, nature, RPGs, reading

Elder Scrolls Online Character Reference

  • ESO Names
    Üsera, Imreya

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  1. Ezoura

    ESO PvP

    A collection of screenshots from Imperial City, the Sewers & Cyrodiil. RoH events or random shots. Post what you want!
  2. Happy Belated Birthday DC friend! I miss you and hope you had a fantastic day!

    1. Ezoura


      Miss you too, @Tyrtaeus!! Thank you! 💕

  3. Happy belated birthday @Ezoura - hope it was amazing!

    1. Ezoura


      Thank you, @Elisel!! Miss you!! 😘 

  4. Happy Birthday Ezo!!!!

    1. Ezoura


      Thank you, @Bents88!! Hope all is well and that you’ve been drinking some good beers! 😉 

  5. Happy Birthday!

    1. Ezoura


      Thank you so much, @Scoobs!!

  6. I’m not too far from there! I’ll have to check it out one weekend.
  7. Added a new rack this past weekend! It’s the Body Armor 4x4 rack from Extreme Terrain. Looking forward to not having the Jeep full of junk for trips! I’ll be putting it to good use this coming week!
  8. Her rig is badass! I love it! What part of TX are you in? Where do y’all like to ride?
  9. @PineappleBrains Nice man! I hate that this group isn’t kept up with much but I LOVE your Jeep! Adult legos are so fun, right? What’s the project in the bottom pic?
  10. Bluebell’s Cookie Two Step! It’s cookie dough and cookies and cream mixed together
  11. I make my husband go to the gas station and buy my ice cream Also, make your Discord! There are several Discord servers of ROH members that I know of who are just joined together by similar interests.
  12. I’ll join in! I need motivation and encouragement. My biggest downfall is being a night snacker. (Maybe my beer drinking too but I’m not letting that go ) I work a physically exhausting job and have no will power to do anything else afterwards or even before since I have to clock in by 7:30am.
  13. I don’t know how I missed it but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope it was an awesome day for an amazing woman!! ❤️

    1. Elisel


      Aww thanks!  Yes it was a good day :)  Sure do you miss you Ezo. 

    2. Ezoura


      Miss you too!! BIG TIME!!

  14. Hippy!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you are doing super well! ❤️

  15. Ezoura

    Happy birthday, @Nyx! Hope you are well! ❤️

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM:  The.original.mr.monkeyBlalochIceFury

GW2 MotM: Yergaderg





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