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About Malerok

  • Birthday 11/26/1997

Profile Information

  • Pronoun(s)
  • Location
    Moline, Il
  • Interests
    Sci-fi like Star Wars and 40K, Fantasy like Lord of the Rings, playing games (my personal favorite of which are strategy games), reading books, and watching movies, tv shows, and anime.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Character Reference

  • SWTOR Names
    (Name sake) Malerok (Imp, Class and Specialization below) | Seratsu Arato (Imp, Sith Sorcerer), Kirrinth Arquen (Rep, Jedi Guardian), Therinth (Rep, Commando), Valliyn Sourin (Rep, Gunslinger) | (Extras) Vrakium (Imp, Sith Assassin), Kidrath Zinj (Imp, Mercenary), Verinthius (Imp, Sith Marauder), Feleris (Imp, Sniper), Orphilium (Rep, Jedi Shadow)
  • Class
    Sith Juggernaut
  • Specialization

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Malerok's Achievements

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  1. until

    Backup heals > rDPS if need be
  2. until

    I might be available for it tonight. I can be a backup rDPS for it if need be.
  3. until

    Huh, that, filled up kind of quick. @Merliah would it be possible for me to be rDPS for this? If not and only backups are left, I get it, I'm sad, but I understand and I hope the Op will go well for you guys.
  4. until

    r dps please
  5. until

    RDPS>MDPS Backup Please (You know what scratch that I want another shot at this OP)
  6. Happy Birthday Merliah!

    Happy Birthday Rainbow GIF by reactionseditor

  7. Have a very happy Birthday!! 🎉


    happy birthday minions GIF

  8. until

    Commando heals reporting in for the gearing run. *Salute*
  9. Hey, I'm sorry to say this but I will be unable to join you guys for Stellaris stuff like I originally wanted to for the time being. I know I said I would and I really want to, but unfortunately SWTOR RP things are happening differently than I expected and I now have to devote my full attention to the mini-arc I'm starting proper on Friday. I probably will not be able to join in for the remaining sessions of this game and possibly the next one with how long this arc is potentially going to be. However once it's done I will be more than ready to jump back in and play with you guys. Hope this game goes well and I hope you'll be able to kick the mid game and end game crisis to the next galaxy. @KalianVan @Deluxe @Phoenix @Vedian @DreamingofRoses
  10. I created an Elven archer on the Landroval server that I plan on bringing to aid this fellowship. If need be I could create a guardian toon for tanking, I may not know much about tanking in this game but I can learn it if need be. Looking forward to when we start this adventure.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM:  The.original.mr.monkeyBlalochIceFury

GW2 MotM: Yergaderg





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