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Edoras last won the day on July 10 2023

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About Edoras

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  1. Hi @Edoras

    Congratulations on making it halfway through your trial period with The Remnants of Hope! Hopefully you remember that we asked you to complete several objectives during this period.


    Here is a link to your application thread:



    The following objectives have NOT been completed: 

    • Participate in at least 3 in-game events. Reminder: They can be any activity with 2 or more other guild members BUT only one event per day is counted (3 events, 3 days).

                        As an alternative, you may replace ONE in-game event with 5 posts in "Forum Games 'n' Stuff" OR attending our monthly community assembly in Discord!


    ***Your trial is scheduled to end on 7/2/2023.  Please communicate with the Recruitment Officer if you wish to discuss an extension. ***


    Once your objectives are complete, within the next week you will enter the second step of your trial period. You will then be contacted by recruitment to schedule an end of trial review with you. After your review, the Division Officers will hold a vote to determine whether or not you will become an official member of The Remnants of Hope. They will base their decision on your review responses, involvement with the guild both in-game and on the forums, and how you interact with the community.  


    Again, Congratulations on making it this far in your trials and we look forward to playing ESO with you!




     @Xeuma_Darr  -  @Lazyhaze22  -  @SillyKitty25


    Feel free to contact anyone from the Recruitment Department or any of the ESO Officers, listed below, if you have any questions –

    Division Commander @Xeuma,    PvP @Circe  , PVE @Snicket, Social/Fashion/Craft  @copper_dreams

    1. Edoras


      @SillyKitty25 I've not had time to be online as much as I would like. RL has kept me very busy. I don't think I will be able to complete the participation requirement in time. Perhaps if I am able to get the trial extended I could complete that part? 

  2. We're really liking it. I didn't really consider myself as someone who would like stereotypical spin classes - but they have a good variety of trainers, types of classes and music. Overall its been really nice, its expensive - but basically replaces gym/workout class membership (my wife used to do Pure Barre). Edit- should add they have a bunch of exercises to do off the bike, so more than just cycling. I suspect as the market sees more competition from Apple and others, they will have more and more features.
  3. I like that 21 push-ups a day one- gonna give that a go! My wife and I bought a Peloton recently so I’m trying to do 3x30min HIIT workouts each week.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM:  The.original.mr.monkeyBlalochIceFury

GW2 MotM: Yergaderg





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