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Events happening today

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    27 February 2021 08:00 PM

    When is it?!
    Saturday, Feb 27th at 3PM EST!
    Where is it?!
    The Guild Hall!
    No level requirement, no map comp needed, no expansions needed! Just open up the guild panel and hit the 'Enter Guild Hall' button in the top right corner!
    What are we doing?!
    Well, I'm glad you asked! We've got two fun activities cooked up for you all this month!
    Red and Gold Fashion Show
    Feb is the month of the Lunar New Year so why not dig through those closets and come up with an outfit for the occasion! Iron those shirts, shine up those cufflinks,
    tie your prettiest ribbons in your hair and get ready to strut your stuff on our special fashion show stage! As always, prizes will be given out to the most striking looks!
    *If you have trouble seeing colors, please let me know privately and I can help you out with dyes before the event
    Guild Hall Scavenger Hunt
    Think you know your way around the guild hall? Have you spent some time wandering the sandy halls and falling gliding gracefully from atop our towering cliffs?
    Or are you interested in going in blind and running around chaotically looking for POIs that might give a hint?
    I'm gathering up hints and hiding spots.
    Sign posts will be scattered around the hall (when it gets close so no one can peek!) with passwords!
    Solve my riddle to find the next sign and send me the password to receive your next riddle!
    Again, prizes for our fastest puzzle solvers!

    Event details

    GW2 0 Comments

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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