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About Our Community

Established in June 2009, Remnants of Hope (RoH) first began as "The New Jedi Order" in the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG. Since its inception, the community has grown and expanded into other games. Currently, RoH is an international community that enjoys gaming with mature and respectful friends. We have established a leadership structure, core values, organizational objectives, and various characteristics one would expect to find in a socially-developed organization that is primed for long-term growth and stability. RoH is built on a foundation of integrity, maturity, and respect for others, and our commitment to these tenets has helped us grow, evolve, and survive as a community. Over the years, we have found that it is not what game you play, but with whom you choose to play. In keeping with this, our guild motto became "Light from the few can be a beacon to many."

  • Core Values - Our community is built on principles of respect, tolerance, fairness, inclusion, equality, kindness, and enjoyment.
  • Democratic System - We routinely elect individuals into key leadership positions and involve our members in direct votes when significant changes are made to the way we operate as a group.
  • Multi-Gaming Platform - We are not limited to a single game. Our members play a wide variety of games, and our structure is designed to support membership should they wish to establish Remnants of Hope as a presence in those games.
  • Efficient Leadership - While democratic values underlie our structure, our form of interaction with each other is designed to be efficient. We have taken great care to ensure that our general desire for fairness and equality does not hinder our ability to function as an online gaming community.
  • Mission Statement - Remnants of Hope strives to be a fun, family-friendly, and mature gaming community that is adaptable to the interests of its members.

Charter Objectives

First and foremost, this defines the way in which our organization operates. We have collectively agreed on unbiased and fair methods to approach the management of our community. The resulting policies and procedures detailed within this document are for all to see, remember, and follow. We wish to be transparent to all who seek to join our community by making this document publicly available. As with any community, disputes and conflicts do occur. The presence of this Charter ensures that we are capable of reaching an amicable resolution to all such conflicts. Our members agree to respect all outcomes reached through the use of this charter.

Key Concepts

  • Separation of powers. There is not a single individual in Remnants of Hope that controls all aspects of the community. We have purposely employed the use of checks and balances that are designed to guard against abuses of power.
  • Two-tier structure. This concept permits us to create branches in various games that function independently, but which are still unified under a single banner. That central body is our 'Community', and the individual games that we play are satellite groups, called 'Divisions'. This charter is focused on defining the higher levels of RoH, whereas Divisions are largely left to their own devices, with a few key exceptions.
  • Balancing bureaucracy with fairness. It is not our desire to create a bloated or convoluted system of procedures, but we do recognize that a lack of established policies may compromise the level of fairness that we strive to provide for members. We have designed RoH with the intent of striking a reasonable balance between these two considerations. We strive to maintain a balance between fairness and excessive bureaucracy in the way we operate.
  • Binding, but amendable. Every member of RoH must adhere to all rules detailed within the Charter. As times change, however, RoH must also change. Members may seek to make modifications to the Charter, and if sufficient support is obtained, the Charter can be amended. In this way, the Charter is a living document designed to adapt to our members' needs.

Table of Contents

Organizational Structure
Election Procedures
Code of Conduct
Discipline Policy
Moderation Policy
Amendment and Veto Policies
Recruitment Policy
Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Organization Structure

Remnants of Hope has two distinct levels of structure:
  • Community
  • Division

Community Structure

Position: High Elder (HE)

Position: Elder Councilor (EC)

Position: Community Manager (CM)

Position: Treasurer (TR)

Position: Web Admin (WA)

Position: Web Specialist (WS)

Position: Member

Position: Trial Member

Position: Friend (of Member)

Position: Pre-Trial Applicant

Divisional Structure

Position: Division Commander (DC)

Position: Department Officer (DO)

Position: Department Assistant (DA)

Election Procedures

Elections are a cornerstone of Remnants of Hope and held regularly for our most influential positions, High Elder and Division Commander. The Elder Council administers elections and, due to the sensitivity inherent in passing positions of authority from one individual to another, elections must be carried out exactly as written in the procedure.

At the beginning of each calendar year, the Elder Council is required to publish a schedule of dates in the Elections forum identifying when each election is set to start and end during the forthcoming year.

Basic Election Process
  1. The Elder Council must announce that an election cycle is beginning at least one week before proceeding to Step 2. This announcement should include a brief overview of the election process to remind members of the procedures, and must contain a timetable. The timetable should include set dates for major election milestones, including the day each election phase (nomination and voting) begins and ends and the day the elected candidate will first take the office. These dates must also be posted on the Remnants of Hope calendar.
  2. All standard election cycles must begin with a seven-day application phase. The Elder Council is responsible for developing the application questions. During this time, eligible members are invited to apply or nominate other members for the position being elected. Nominated individuals must accept the nomination before the end of the seven days in order to become an official candidate. Nominations must be sent to the Elder Council via private message.
    1. High Elder Applications
      1. If the current High Elder wishes to pursue another term and no other applications are submitted during this phase, the current High Elder will be considered re-elected, bypassing the Q&A and voting phase.
      2. In all other scenarios, the High Elder election requires an election with at least two participants, so if less than two applications have been submitted by the deadline, it will be extended until the election has at least two applicants.
    2. Division Commander Applications
      1. If the current Division Commander wishes to pursue another term and no other applications are submitted during this phase, the current Division Commander will be considered re-elected, bypassing the Q&A and voting phase.
      2. In all other scenarios, Division Commander elections can proceed with only one applicant, so if no applications have been submitted by the deadline, it will be extended until one application is received. A three day deadline will be given once the the first late application is submitted, giving others the opportunity to apply if they wish to force an election. At the end of the three days, if there is no second application, the first applicant will be automatically appointed, bypassing the Q&A and voting phase
  3. Immediately after ending the application phase, the Elder Council must begin the question and answer phase. The Q&A phase will last for a period of five days, and all eligible voters will be able to pose questions to the candidates. Questions must be directed to ALL candidates. Candidate-specific questions may be private-messaged to the Elder Council for approval. If they deem the question appropriate, they will post the question on behalf of the voter. The voter must request their name be included in the question, otherwise it will be posted as an anonymous question.
    1. Note: Division Commander Elections will be held in a password-protected forum, and the password must be posted within the division’s in-game Message of the Day. High Elder elections will be held in a non-password-protected forum for all members to participate.
  4. Immediately after ending the Q&A phase, the Elder Council must begin the voting phase. The voting phase will last for seven days, and all eligible voters will be entitled to vote for their desired candidate.
  5. At the end of the voting phase, the results must be tallied by the Elder Council. For any candidate to win, they must accumulate more than 50% of the total votes. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the total votes, the two candidates with the highest vote total will participate in a runoff election, lasting for five more days. The candidate that receives more than 50% of the total votes in the runoff election will be declared the winner.
  6. Upon the election of a new leader, the previous leader’s privileges are removed, and the new leader’s privileges will take effect once their announcement and orientation has occurred.
Elected Positions

Position: High Elder
Term Length: 6 months
Eligible Candidates: Members and above only
Eligible Voters: Members and above only

Position: Division Commander
Term Length: 6 months
Eligible Candidates: Members and above only
Eligible Voters: Members and above active in that particular division

Emergency Election Procedures:

Emergency election procedures are to be employed immediately when an office holder resigns or is removed before their term is set to expire. Emergency elections are to follow the same basic procedures as a standard election, with the following differences:

  • The Elder Council is not required to provide notice before beginning an emergency election’s application phase.
  • The application phase must be only four days in duration.
  • The Q&A phase must be only three days in duration.
  • The voting phase must be only five days in duration.
  • The newly elected office holder’s term should begin immediately after the voting phase has concluded and orientation has occurred.

After an emergency election is held, the Elder Council is expected to revise the published election calendar with the updated dates.


Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Code of Conduct

1. Communication and Discussion

All Remnants of Hope communications platforms are subject to the Code of Conduct. We do not allow threats or discussion of violence, drugs, or pornographic or sexually-suggestive material. Trolling and mean-spirited content of all kinds are unacceptable. Any discussion of other potentially contentious topics is expected to be conducted only in a mature, respectful manner. Anyone who is going to use our communications platforms must moderate any foul language, and never use such language in an insulting fashion towards another individual.

When using the community live communication platforms, members are held responsible for any disorderly behavior and may be asked to leave if they are causing issues. When in a live communication channel during any official community or division events, members are expected to limit their interruptions of users.

If a member or moderator finds inappropriate content on the forums, following the Moderation Policy, they may hide that content and/or notify the Elder Council, who will review the moderation and choose to uphold (and possibly discipline the member) or remove it. Remember, however, that moderators are not here to censor anybody beyond what is outlined in this CoC, and all moderators are simply trying to use their best judgment. Please do not take offense if your post is moderated.

2. Malpractice

Remnants of Hope operates under the rules of all games we are involved in. If you are found to be in violation of those terms of services, you will be considered in violation of our Code of Conduct. Such actions include but are not limited to hacking, illegal monetary farming, or harassment. Do not use any means of communication provided by RoH to organize other illegal activities.

3. Respect and Tolerance

Remnants of Hope promotes a stress-free environment for members to relax and enjoy the games they are playing. We are a diverse population of gamers from all backgrounds. Remnants of Hope is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, and antiracism. More specifically, we believe in fostering an authentic sense of belonging through the diversity of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and experiences, and the inclusion and equality of people regardless of their gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, first language, accent, national origin, religion, disability, age, or neurodiversity. It is mandatory for all of our members to show respect and tolerance to each other and our allies; our diverse backgrounds do not justify a lack of respect. The requirement for respect and tolerance applies in any situation where you identify yourself as a member of Remnants of Hope or interact with another Remnants of Hope member, regardless of context. If a community leader is informed that your words or actions are making another member uncomfortable, you may be asked to alter said behavior. That being said, we are also committed to creating a safe and secure environment where members feel free to be who they are, and will not censor posts or reprimand members unless they are in violation of the CoC. Elitism is not tolerated, and members are expected to show a reasonable amount of respect toward all players. Harassing "pugs" or openly berating other players negatively represents RoH and is a CoC violation. Harassment of fellow members may result in immediate removal from Remnants of Hope. We understand that sometimes gamers will look for fights, but we expect our members to take the high road and walk away from hostile situations. Remnants of Hope is a PG-13 community, and any such acts that would not fall under that classification should be kept in private.

4. Naming Policy

Upon joining Remnants of Hope, you are expected to represent a professional image of our community. One of the biggest reflections about you as an individual is what you choose to call yourself. We consider your account and character name another expression of communication, subject to all the same limitations as listed above. If you are unsure whether a name would be considered inappropriate, please ask the Elder Council. Do not take or imitate the names of other members within the community. This policy applies to our website, our VOIP, and any of our games.

5. Using Discretion With Issues

The Elder Council and Officers are more than happy to address any member’s concerns as long as they are brought up through private messages on the forums or confidential discussion through our communications platforms. Not only does this allow us to address your problem more quickly and more efficiently, it prevents fights and emotional debates from erupting. Failing to use proper discretion with issues you have may result in disciplinary action.

6. Expectation of Officers and Leaders

Representing the community as an Officer is a privilege that requires a lot of responsibility. It is your job to help enforce the rules and maintain a safe and respectful environment. Members may come to you with personal complaints or issues in confidence, and should always be met with respect. All private discussion between officers, and any issues or complaints submitted by members, should not be shared with other non-officers. This includes any disciplinary actions, complaints, or disagreements between officers. If an Officer is found to be abusing their authority, the Officer will be subject to discipline and removed from their position. Abuse of power can include but is not limited to the excessive use of moderator tools as well as using the position to intimidate or coerce members. Leaders expecting to be gone for longer than two weeks are required to designate an acting Department Head to be in charge of the department as per the Charter.

7. Administrators and the Use of Chat Logs

While administrators of any website have potential access to logs or private messages, we value the privacy of our members and it is strictly prohibited to view these for any reason. All logs are automatically deleted. The permission to view the log tabs has also been removed rendering them unusable. If any administrator is found to have attempted to or successfully reinstated the code to view those logs, or to have viewed any member’s private messages, they will be immediately and permanently removed from the community.

8. Activity

Upon joining Remnants of Hope, you become a permanent member of our community. We expect members to maintain a reasonable level of activity. Characters within our divisional games that remain idle for longer than 90 days may be subject to removal from their respective divisional guilds. Members that go inactive for a period of time may be subject to removal from Discord and/or other modes of communication presently used by the community. However, even if your account is removed due to inactivity, and has no outstanding disciplinary strikes, you will always remain a part of Remnants of Hope and can contact divisional leadership to be added back to the in-game guild and to have your account reinstated.

9. Leaving / Rejoining Policy

If a member is having a problem, it is easier to talk with a member of leadership to see if mediation is possible before leaving. Remnants of Hope always encourages members to think carefully before leaving the community. If a member decides to leave the community, they are required to wait 30 days before reapplying to Remnants of Hope, at which point the former member will need to fill out a new application and restart the trial process. Former members wishing to apply sooner than 30 days can request a waiver from the Elder Council; If the waiver is approved, the former member may submit their application and restart the trial process.

10. Multi-Guilding

RoH members are full owners and partners in the community, with RoH as their guild home. As an RoH member, you are expected to represent RoH though tabards, guild tags, or however your game shows membership and pride in your guild. However, as a PvX, play‐your‐way community, RoH cannot satisfy every interest in a game mode, and you can participate in other guilds or communities in Division games. If you choose to join another guild for specific activities, you are expected to act in a way that is consistent with your commitment to RoH. If a Division Commander has more specific expectations about multi‐guilding in their Division, they may publish them on the forums after Elder Council approval.

11. Discipline

Member(s) who violate the CoC will be disciplined in accordance with the Discipline Policy. Trial Members and Friends, however, are subject to immediate dismissal in the event of any Code of Conduct violation.

Except as provided below, all discipline is kept completely confidential with the exception of member removal; for removal, the Elder Council, in accordance with the Discipline Policy, will share a short post without specifics outlining which CoC policy was broken to warrant removal.

Any person directly involved in a matter potentially or actually resulting in discipline may waive their individual right to confidentiality by sending a private message to all EC members, but information will only be released if and in a form approved by EC after considering other interests. If a person directly involved in a matter potentially or actually resulting in discipline shares inaccurate information about the matter without EC approval, EC may consider that sharing a constructive waiver of that individual's interest in confidentiality as well as a potential violation of the Code of Conduct.

12. Unstated Guidelines:

This Code of Conduct covers the most common concerns in online gaming, but it is impossible to cover every possible situation. Anyone accepted into our community is expected to maintain a good sense of maturity and avoid actions that are likely to cause controversy. If a member's words or actions are seen as inherently provocative or malicious, or if they are viewed as severely objectionable but not otherwise in violation of the Code of Conduct, community moderators reserve the right to hide such posts or take other appropriate action in accordance with the Discipline Policy and Moderation Policy procedures. This document is subject to change, and members are responsible for maintaining knowledge of the rules and keeping up with changes.

If you are looking to sign these rules as part of your trial membership, please go to this thread.


Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Discipline Policy

All members are required to read and follow the Code of Conduct (CoC) when joining RoH. The Elder Council encourages all members to remain familiar with it to ensure they are not violating our shared rules. The following guidelines are provided to ensure consistency and transparency in the types of discipline applied for CoC infractions and to help encourage compliance with the CoC.

The Elder Council will use a 'three strikes' system where consequences escalate each time an infraction occurs while already under probation*. Each warning comes with a minimum 6-month probation, but it can be extended if the Elder Council deems it is warranted.

Where the violation(s) and discipline may have an impact on other members or the community at large, the Elder Council should advise the Division Commanders of the member's violations and discipline to keep leadership informed of potential issues within the games in which the member is currently active. The Elder Council will remind recipients of this information that per the Code of Conduct's 6th Clause, this information is to remain in strict confidence with the Division Commanders. The Division Commanders may request that the Elder Council allow them to share it with specific Division Officers under the agreement that it is not to be shared with assistants or others, but the Elder Council retains the right to reject such a request if there doesn't appear to be clear reasons to allow sharing of such information.

The 'three strikes' are:

First Warning/Probation:

A CoC infraction by member(s) without any current disciplinary measures receives a warning with a minimum 6-month probation. The EC will document the discipline in the confidential EC forums and notify the member(s) of their infraction and probation length. The EC may add specific stipulations on a member related to their infraction and discipline. The warning will be removed after probation has expired.

This first warning does not automatically remove the member(s) from a leadership position, but the EC reserves the right to exercise that option if the offense is deemed serious enough. If a member is removed from their leadership position due to a violation, they will be unable to run for any leadership position until probation has expired. The exception to this is if the offending member is the High Elder or on the Elder Council: they will be given a warning and be automatically removed from their respective position.

Second Warning/Probation:

A CoC infraction by member(s) already under a warning receives a second warning with, again, a minimum 6-month probation. The EC will document the discipline in the confidential EC forums and notify the member(s) of their infraction and extended probation. The EC may add specific stipulations on a member related to their infraction and discipline. The member(s) will be advised that any further infraction while under probation will result in their removal from the community. The warning will be removed after probation has expired.

A second warning will automatically remove the member(s) from any leadership position, and they will be unable to run for any leadership position until probation has expired.

Community Removal:

A CoC infraction by member(s) already under their second warning will result in their removal from the community. The EC will document the discipline in the confidential EC forums and notify the member(s) of their infraction and community removal. For removal, the Elder Council, in accordance with the Discipline Policy, will share a short post without specifics outlining which CoC policy was broken to warrant removal. The member(s) will not be allowed to reapply to the community for a minimum of 1 year, and then only after review and approval by the EC.

*In normal operation, the EC will follow this Discipline Policy to respond to infractions, but does reserve the right to take more immediate and severe actions should the situation warrant it or if the community's health or success are endangered by the slower standard responses. In particular, proof of harassment, threats, and other severe infractions can result in a member being banned without warnings.


Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Moderation Policy

Community moderators, who have the task of keeping discussions and/or forum areas clean and updated, include the following positions: High Elder, Elder Council, Community Manager, Division Commanders, and Department Officers.

Moderators of our community are given some extra tools to do so in the areas they are charged with overseeing (community or divisional). These tools are to be used only for the purpose of the betterment of the community. All moderation should include a PM to the party being moderated with the reason for the action taken, with these exceptions:

  • If a duplicate thread or post is made; in this case, no PM is necessary and the duplicate thread may be merged with the original or deleted
  • Moving posts to archives or trash
  • If the message was in a discord channel that has a clearly outlined, specific purpose, and that message does not fit that channel’s purpose

If the moderation involves a violation of the Code of Conduct, the member’s Division Commander and the Elder Council must also be included in the PM notification. In the case of text moderation, a screen shot of the moderated message must also be included in the PM to the Division Commander, the Elder Council, and the High Elder. This PM is to be sent immediately after moderation.

Voice Chat Moderation

For voice communication issues, first ask the disruptive member to stop. If that fails, and no moderator is present, reach out to any community moderator for help, if none is available in your division.
For simple audio issues (background noise, static, etc.), move or mute the member.
For disruptive intentional interruptions, mute the member, and file a moderation report. The moderation report should include the complaint, list other members present, and be sent as a PM to the Division Commander, Elder Council, and High Elder.
If you mute a member, remove the mute when the event ends. For serious CoC violations, you may leave the mute active, and explain why in the moderation report.

At no time will a moderator edit the text of any member's post without the permission of the post's author to do so first.

Failure to consistently follow this moderation policy may result in disciplinary action for the moderator.

Rank-Specific Requirements

Department Officers: When moderating communication that may involve a breach of the Code of Conduct, you must not only PM the affected member and EC/HE, but also the Division Commander of the respective game explaining what was moderated. The Elder Council will then review the moderation and choose to uphold, reverse, or work with the member to resolve the issue. The inclusion of the Division Commander in the Department Officer's PM is only for documentation purposes.

Division Commanders: When moderating communication that may involve a breach of the Code of Conduct from within a different Division's portion of a communication platform, you must not only PM the affected member and EC/HE, but also the Division Commander of the respective game explaining what was moderated. The Elder Council will then review the moderation and choose to uphold, reverse, or work with the member to resolve the issue.

Community Manager: When moderating communication that may involve a breach of the Code of Conduct, you must not only PM the affected member and EC/HE, but also the Division Commander of the respective game explaining what was moderated. The Elder Council will then review the moderation and choose to uphold, reverse, or work with the member to resolve the issue.

Elder Council: When moderating communication that may involve a breach of the Code of Conduct, you must not only PM the affected member, but also document the action within the Elder Council Discussion forum in lieu of sending the EC/HE a PM. The remaining Elder Councilors and the High Elder will review the moderation and choose to uphold, reverse or work with the member to resolve the issue.

High Elder: When moderating communication that may involve a breach of the Code of Conduct, you must not only PM the affected member, but also document the action within the Elder Council Discussion forum in lieu of sending the EC a PM. The Elder Council will review the moderation and choose to uphold, reverse or work with the member to resolve the issue.


Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Amendment Policy

Within Remnants of Hope, modifications to our codes are enacted in one of two ways: by the Elder Council introducing changes or policies, and by members proposing modifications for the community. The following outlines the process, including the checks and balances at the community’s disposal.

Council-Driven Amendments

Member-Driven Amendments

Veto Policy

Both the Elder Council and the community are involved with creating policy for all of us, and the Veto Policy provides a layer of checks and balances on both groups to ensure policies are amenable to the community as a whole. The Veto Policy works in one of two ways depending on who is asking for the veto.

Veto Policy for Council-Driven Amendments

Veto Policy for Member-Driven Amendments

Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Recruitment Policy

Logistics: The Tools at Your Disposal

The Recruitment Spreadsheet

Automation Bots

Guild Advertisements

Process: The Procedures for Recruitment

Pre-Trial Process:

  • Pre-Trials will be invited via an in-game guild finder only; games without an in-game guild finder will not have this option.
  • Pre-Trial applicants are required to be tracked by the division's Recruitment team within their spreadsheet (including in-game account name, start date, end date, and if accepted or declined). How Recruitment teams track this data is purely up to the Recruitment Officer.
  • Upon receiving the in-game guild invite, Recruitment teams are required to attempt to push the Pre-Trials to submit a full application to the community as soon as possible.
  • This system is designed to give these potential applicants a small taste and a window into our divisions and life as a member of our community.
  • This system is to employed at the RO and DC's discretion; by no means are they required to implement this. Divisional leadership may retain the right to use this system as needed.

When an application is first received, the applicant begins a process to become a full member of Remnants of Hope. The logistics mentioned above are tools to help the Recruitment teams oversee the recruitment process. The process has three main stages, as described below:

Stage One: Initial Application and Community Recruitment Voting

Stage Two: Trial Period and Trial Objectives

Stage Three: Divisional Voting

Miscellaneous Things

Trials Swapping Divisions

Recruitment Assistants

Recruitment Officer Meetings


Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies


Division Proposal Process

Note: Division proposals are distinct from Charter amendment proposals.

This is the standard template for division applications to the community. These are only the minimum requirements for the proposal. The proposal should be well-researched and professionally written. Approach the proposal as if you were pitching this product to the Elder Council. Your proposal will have more support if it took effort and is easy to read.

Game Information
  • You should include as much essential information concerning the game as possible. Good examples would include the setting, overview, max group size, aspects of play, and type of game.
  • We should also have some sort of timetable for the implementation and release of this game. Are there open or closed betas in which the community could participate?
  • Provide links to the game's website and some good examples of media as well.
  • Community Support and Playability
    • Provide examples and arguments as to why this game is a good choice to adopt into Remnants of Hope.
    • What guild activities are available?
    • Does this game incorporate any type of guild features?
    • What advantages are there to playing this game as a community?
    Structure and Organization
    • How do we go about organizing and structuring a division for this game?
    • There needs to be a nomination for a potential candidate for Division Commander in this section. This nominee must accept their nomination prior to proposal submission. The nominee can also be the author of the proposal.
    • How is recruitment going to function in this game?
    • How are we to attract players in our own community and those outside to our cause in the game?
    • What website and community modifications must we implement?
    • Are there multiple factions in the game? How do we approach this?
    Activity and Sustainability
    • What evidence can you provide that implies this division can sustain itself?
    • Give a brief overview of member interest in the community for this game.
    • What activities can we create and take advantage of in this game on a daily basis?

    Division Creation Process

    The decision to create or dissolve a division rests wholly with the Elder Council. The Elder Council are encouraged to follow the below criteria when making such decisions. The Elder Council is not permitted to create a Division Proposal.

    New Division Requirements:
    • A dedicated, suitable, and willing leader
    • A detailed proposal
    • Interest within the community

    The division addition process is the following five-stage plan. This process is overseen by the Elder Council.

    Stage One: Proposal
    • This stage begins when a proposal following the above proposal requirements is submitted in the proposal submissions forum.
    • If all requirements are met, the Elder Council will make a public announcement stating interest within the guild for adding another division.
    • If the proposal does not meet requirements (i.e. lacks vital information) and is found inadequate, it will be returned to be revised.
    • Once either the initial proposal is approved or an additional proposal is submitted and approved, then Stage Two will fully begin.
    Stage Two: Alternative Proposals
    • When the Elder Council approves a proposal and announces interest in the creation of a division, members will have up to one week to post any alternative proposals that they feel would better suit the community and game.
    • A new topic will be created for all members of the community to express their ideas that argue for or against the creation of a division. This topic will be left unlocked for at least one week, with extensions at the Elder Council’s discretion.
    • The Elder Council will consider all arguments for or against the creation of a division during this stage. No proposal is guaranteed to be accepted, nor do they mean that a new division is certain.
    • Members should begin to think of proposed Division Commanders in this stage.
      • First Division Commander:
        • The very first Division Commander of a newly-created division is to be appointed by the Elder Council. If multiple members make themselves known as potential candidates for the position, however, the Elder Council is encouraged and authorized (but not required) to initiate an election for this position. Regardless of the first Division Commander's method of appointment, divisions must always utilize elections after the first term.
    Stage Three: Elder Council Proposal Decisions
    • During this stage, the Elder Council will review all submitted proposals that passed the first two stages.
    • The Elder Council will decide whether or not the proposals provide enough grounds to justify the creation of a division in the community.
    • There is no definitive timetable for this stage, but it would be rare for it to be longer than one week.
    Stage Four: Division Commander Applications
    • If an actual proposal is approved and decided upon by the Elder Council, then Stage Four will begin.
    • Division Commanders and Officers seeking to apply for the new Division Commander and Recruitment Officer positions are required to provide a two-week notice to their current Division Commander (assuming it is an Officer) or the Elder Council (assuming it is a Division Commander).
    • During this time, members may make Division Commander and Recruitment Officer submissions to the Elder Council. The winning proposal's Division Commander nomination will be immediately included in the ballot for the position.
    • The Elder Council will announce any interview or application requirements, as well as the time period for accepting applications. Standard eligibility requirements listed in the guild structure will apply.
    • This stage may be no longer than one week.
    Stage Five: Division Creation
    • The Elder Council will decide either to appoint a new Division Commander or hold an election. If an election is chosen, it will be initiated by the Elder Council via the Election Procedures outlined in the Charter.
    • Afterward, the new Division Commander and the Elder Council will confer about the recruitment applications and the Division Commander will choose their Recruitment Officer.
    • Before recruitment may officially begin within the division, an application and trial process/requirements must be established.
    • Once the Division Commander is chosen, the DC and the Elder Council will begin setting up the division.
    • After the division is implemented, maintenance and election of future division commanders becomes the responsibility of the division and is no longer in the Elder Council’s jurisdiction.

    Division Dissolution Process

    As we all know, things do not last forever. This community, and the games we play, is in a continuous state of growth and change. At times it may be necessary to move on from a particular game; perhaps the game itself reaches sunset, or the community as a whole has decreased interest in that game.

    With that in mind, the following process should be followed to address a declining division:

    If there is decreased activity in the division, and 50% or more of the officer positions are vacant for a period greater than two weeks, then the EC should consider the state of the division by a vote.

    If the majority votes to consider the division for dissolution, the Division Commander and Officers will be included in a PM discussing the EC's thoughts on the division and requesting discussion from the current leadership of that division as to its future.

    1. If the Division Commander and Officers feel that the division has run its course in this community, then the division will be closed.
    2. If the Division Commander and Officers feel that they wish to continue with the division, they will be given a period of one week to devise an action plan in order to foster the growth and activity of the division.
      • The division is then put on a probationary status for a period of four weeks, and is required to submit weekly updates in the PM discussion as to the progress of the action plan.
      • After those four weeks have elapsed, the EC will meet with the Division Commander and Officers and reassess the situation.

    In the event of scenario (2) above, at the end of the probation period, the EC may decide one of the following:

    1. If the division has recovered, it is removed from probationary status.
    2. If the division is unable to recover by this time but appears to be making progress, it may be granted a two-week extension by majority vote of the EC.
    3. If the division is unable to recover and has not made sufficient progress, it is removed as an official division of the community and is considered a casual game.

    In the event of option 1 or c above:

    • A subsection of the Casual Games forum will be created for the former division to which all content of the former division-specific posts will be moved.
    • The in-game guild and all of its amenities will be left to the former Division Commander to utilize as the community that partakes of that game deems appropriate.
    • The recruitment templates will be edited in order to remove the game’s formal association with Remnants of Hope.
    • The Division Commander, Officers, and Assistants will have their statuses returned to Member on communications platforms.
    • If a member does not play any other games officially supported by Remnants of Hope, they still retain their membership in the community.

    The former division may be reinstated in the future following the Division Creation Process again.


    Organizational Structure | Election Procedures | Code of Conduct | Discipline Policy | Moderation Policy | Amendment and Veto Policies | Recruitment Policy | Division Creation and Dissolution Policies

    Members and Assistants of the Month

    ESO MotM / AotM:  The.original.mr.monkeyBlalochIceFury

    GW2 MotM: Yergaderg

    SWTOR MotM / AotM: TBD

    WoW MotM: TBD



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