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Events happening today

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    27 June 2020 05:30 PM      06:30 PM

    What's a Hall Dept event line up without a party in the guild hall?!
    This months party activities will be:
    Rat Race 
    We didn't force MeRB to become the best Roller Beetle Racer in NA to build that racetrack for it just to be used once! Rat Race, a special original event debuted during the FUNraiser Rush, makes it triumphant return! This is a foot race and obstacle course with perilous jumping sections, and an added twist. As you race against your fellow guildmates, you must also dodge the assault from above by the Crafting Krewe as we try and trap you all within blocks of solid jade! 
    Prizes will be awarded to those who finish
    or if we get particularly lucky with our decoration traps, those that make it the furthest! 
    Hide&Seek Scavenger Hunt
    Just as Lyss and Ilya together form the goddess Lyssa, we've...smashed two super fun event ideas together to form something SUPER POWERFUL! 
    For this event, at the start the Crafting Krewe will be our team of seekers and everyone will get time to hide. Once you've settled in, you'll send a hint on where you are to us and we will begin our search.  Every five minutes or so a new hint will be requested. The guild hall is big so there are LOTS of places to hide! All hiding spots must be places that can be accessed without a mount or glider. If you've been found then congratulations! It's time to turn traitor and join the Seeker Team!
    There will be prizes for both our sneakiest hiders and most eagle eyed seekers so don't worry if you get caught early on! That's just more time to look!  👀

    Event details

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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