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Posts posted by Colt

  1. Niilah's arrival made it so Colt only had one choice, even with her assurance that Kenway was fine. He simply couldn't take the risk of her coming to harm, no matter the cost. He had no choice but to go on the offensive.


    It was at this moment that a few things occurred. As Colt began to draw, Larial could hear Kenway's voice in her mind. "Be calm my friend. All will be okay." He promised her, a soothing voice penetrating the depths of her darkness. But all was not to be well because Colt was acting on nothing more than cold instinct.


    He saw the flicker of hesitation in Larial's eyes, and this was more than he would ever need. Even in perfect circumstances, he was still the quicker draw. And now, with Larial far from focused, it was like shooting a fish in a barrel. So it was without resistance that Colt drew the pistol off of his right hip and fired twice, striking Larial twice in the chest. Without even glancing at Larial or Niilah, Colt went back to his drink.

  2. Colt was worried now and it wasn't due to anything that Larial could do to him. No, what gave him the slightest bit of worry was the fact that she had obviously come completely unhinged. And with that realization, a bit of doubt creeped into his mind. What if Larial had actually killed Kenway in anger? What if she had actually found out Niilah's identity and harmed her? If one or both of those things had happened, he would never be able to live with himself.


    But then he remembered what he had been taught, that he couldn't allow emotions to distract him. There would be time to worry about his loved ones, but now was not the time. He needed to focus, and he needed to make sure that he was ready for the worst. "You and I know both know that I have nothing to do with the current scenario." He mused out loud, twirling his whiskey glass slowly between his fingertips. "You're either going to try and kill me or you are not." He pointed out dryly. "If you try to kill me... we both know I'm the quicker draw." He added as an afterthought.

  3. Colt idly listened to Larial's eerie taunts as she crept through his ship. The mention of her killing his cousin was disconcerting but he didn't believe that this was proper fact. He instead recognized the fact that someone in Larial's state and drunk on the dark side would try to use intimidation and fear against him. But what Larial couldn't possibly realize was that Colt's capacity to feel fear had died ten years ago. There was a part of him that actively sought out death but the rest of him simply didn't care one way or the other. So instead of pleading or begging when Larial came into the room, she simply saw him as cool and calm as ever. In fact, his eyes were closed when she entered.

    And then at her final words, they snapped open. "You know sweetheart, that's really not your best look." He quipped without missing a beat. Gesturing towards the open chair across from him, he picked up the bottle of whiskey on the table and poured out two drinks. Taking one for himself, he slid the other gently towards Larial. "Have a drink." He offered. "Then we can discuss the hypocrisy of your being here." He mused, taking a sip of whiskey before continuing. "That and the simple fact that if you are telling the truth and you did harm my cousin, I will kill you." Colt stated this calmly, almost sounding bored of the whole endeavour. He didn't believe that Larial had harmed Kenway, simply due to the fact that there was a cognitive dissonance between Lari wanting to kill him for leaving her and that she had truly loved Kenway the entire time. He wouldn't bother explaining that fact to her though, it would be a waste of time.

  4. Kenway's stoicism had cracked with the passage of time. He had been unable to simply wait outside the door. Even the gift from Colt was unable to ease his nerves and eventually Kenway knocked on the door to announce his intention to Anlai.

    Not hearing a refusal, he quietly walked in and surveyed the room. The waves of feeling and emotion emenating from his childhood friend and training partner from when they were younglings have him the chills. He knew better than to speak or do anything else to distract Anlai as she worked on the healing. Instead he crept to the wall in the back of the room and leaned casuly against the wall and closed his eyes. There was nothing he could do but wait. Wait and hope that that his familiar presence would give Larial something to latch onto.

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  5. Kenway was knocked unconscious by the sudden blow. It would be awhile until he came to.


    Colt meanwhile sighed as he got out of the refresher, picking up his glass of whiskey off the lounge table. He threw on a black undershirt and a pair of grey dress slacks and waited for the confrontation he was expecting. Even with the chaos that was sure to come, a certain level of serene calm overtook him. He had no fear for his own safety, but what he did have fear for was the safety of Niilah and Kenway. Colt knew that Larial's anger would send her careening towards the dark side and when that happened, all hell would break loose.


    With calculated precision, Colt armed himself with his blasters, scattergun and vibroblades. He only hoped he wouldn't have to use them.

  6. Kenway noticed the hesitancy in Niilah's tone and he sighed deeply. He felt terrible about the fact that she had been put in the situation that she was in. However, deep down he knew that it was the right place for her to be, the place that she would be happy in eventually.

    Even though he was terrible with words and terrible with his cousin's lies and machinations, Kenway knew that it was his duty to bring the truth to light. He placed a gentle hand on Niilah's shoulder, as if to silently tell her that he would handle it, before looking back at Larial. "You see, Colt... You know how he is..." Kenway was struggling to get the words out. But then, an interruption in the form of his holo. It was Colt, shirtless and covered in grime, but looking quite pleased with himself, a glass of whiskey in his hand. "Hey Kenny." Colt greeted his cousin. "The engine optimisation was a success but could you pick up a new spanner and a new..." It was at this point that Colt noticed Niilah and Larial. "Well hell." He muttered under his breath. "This is a scene." He said before cutting the connection.

    Kenway put away the holo and sighed. There was no avoiding it now. "Colt found someone Larial." He eventually said in a soft voice. "She's... She's right for him." He added after a moment. "I'm sorry."

  7. Kenway would have debated the good standing part of Larial's description, but now wasn't the time. His situation was, to put it bluntly, complicated. Mostly due to the crimes of his cousin and travelling companion.

    Upon being asked what was troubling him, Kenway knew that he had to think fast. Trouble was that he was a horrid liar. Always had been. "Nothing." He eventually said. "Everything's fine."

  8. Kenway closed his eyes for a few moments when he felt Larial's presence approaching. He needed to clear his mind for the conversation that was sure to follow. It didn't help that Larial was obviously quite happy to see himself and especially Niilah. It was not going to be easy.

    And then Kenway heard an out. Larial mentioning not rejoining the order. He had been sure that he had already, but it had been over a month since he had been back to Tython or communicated directly with Master Shan or the rest of the Council. "I thought you had accepted that offer." Kenway said quietly. "Because you know what it took to have that happen and that it is a rare chance."

  9. As much as he tried, Colt could not convince his cousin to leave his post by the door. The captain knew that his cousin was known for his valor, his strength of will and his stubborn nature. However, and Colt would never say this, Kenway could be a bit dense at times. And this was one of those times.

    Colt got fed up with his cousin, and so he went to him, bringing a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to Kenway, pouring them both drinks.

    "She's gonna be okay Kenny." Colt said quietly, handing one of the glasses to the exhausted Jedi. "She's in the best possible hands."

    "I can't leave this spot until I know." Kenway said quietly. "What if I'm needed?" He asked. Colt didn't have the heart to tell him that he wouldn't be needed and if he was all was likely lost for Larial.

    "I'm leaving in the morning." Colt stated bluntly. "I got an urgent holo call." He explained. However his tone made it clear that Kenway was not to ask what the call was about.

    "How can you..." Kenway started to say.

    "Because I, unlike yourself, know that it is out of my hands." Colt replied harshly. "Life goes on."

    Kenway started to retort but thought better of it, instead simply sighing. There was a long, lingering silence before Colt stood up. "Keep this. You're going to need it." He said, placing the bottle of whiskey down gently next to Kenway's chair. And then Colt spun on his heel and was gone, back to the ship he called home.

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  10. "It would seem that our speeder bikes will be unnecessary Captain." Colt didn't hear Anlai's voice as clearly as he should have. It was only a small note in the back of his mind because he was simply drained. The combination of his lifestyle combined with a lack of sleep combined with emotional stress had taken its toll and the gunfighter had hit the proverbial wall. Holding Larial in his arms, he fought to keep his eyes open as well as to stay on his feet. 


    "It would seem that way now wouldn't it." Colt said quietly as a response to the Jedi before looking out at the sky. With an amused smile on his face he noted the presence of one ship in particular. How it had gotten there without his notice was the real question. It was at this point, when he saw the comforting sight of his own star ship landing safely in the compound, that Colt finally allowed himself to relax. He shuffled over slowly, completely out of it due to fatigue.


    "Wouldn't want to drop her now would you?" If he had been any more aware, he would have noticed that the burden of Larial's weight had been removed by a gentle pair of hands. 


    "I need a drink cousin." Remarkably, this was the first thing that came to the captain's mind as he disappeared into the hold of his ship along with the Jedi. Moments passed before Colt and Kenway reappeared outside. Colt had stripped off his bloody trenchcoat and undershirt and was holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. Kenway had his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber, having deposited Larial onto the ship, as the two surveyed the extraction scene.

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  11. Colt heard the message on the comm from Luka. He frowned at the notion of dropships incoming, knowing that the Imperials had anti-aircraft guns in place. "Copy that, Larial is safe and with my Jedi babysitters." It was obvious from his tone that Colt was still bitter about that, even if said Jedi were the main reason he was able to rescue Larial in the first place. "We'll see you back home." He muttered before disconnecting himself from the comm network.


    He looked over his shoulder at the two exhausted Jedi. Both of them were exhausted from the battle. He sighed at this, knowing that this level of fatigue would only complicate matters. He gently picked Larial up bridal style and held her with one hand, his right hand gripping his scattergun should he need it. "Well girls, unfortunately we only have two speeder bikes left." He had a sheepish smile on his face as he looked at Kellavi and Anlai. "So it appears we're going to have to share." He chuckled to himself, knowing that with his reputation the girls would think he planned it that way from the beginning. "And no, that isn't the reason I blew mine to shreds." He said with a cheeky grin as he began jogging back the way he came. Over his shoulder he shouted, "Come on ladies, we don't have all day!"

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  12. Colt looked up from the unconscious Larial and sighed. It was clear to him that the Jedi were struggling with the Sith. It was also clear to him that if he didn't act, Lari was going to pay the price. And that was not a price he was willing to pay. "Uma ji muna." He muttered in Huttese to Larial before standing up. He walked coolly towards the force users with a wolfish grin on his face.

    And then like a flash he made his move. With one hand he flipped a flash grenade in the air towards the Sith. And with the other he shot the plasma based explosive out of the air with a single bolt from his blaster. The explosion knocked the Sith back from Kellavi and left him blinded and dazed. But the Sith was strong, it wouldn't last. "Kid!" Cot shouted. "Take your master and Larial and get out of here! There's no more time!" He stated bluntly. "She needs healing from force users and you're the only two around." He explained. "Don't worry about me." He said softer now.

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  13. Colt placed a gentle hand on Larial's cheek as he dug through his small pocket of medical supplies. He emerged with three vials, which he quickly attached to syringes. "You'll thank me for this." He said to himself as he readied the first injection. This injection was a kolto-based injection that would treat her wounds, laced with a hyperactive painkiller. He looked into Larial's eyes and smiled reassuringly as he injected the kolto into her left arm. He quickly tossed this injection aside and readied the second and third shots. "These will help ease the pain." He explained as he repeated the process. However, these injections were not to get her into fighting shape. One was a spice mixture that induced euphoria in force users. The other was a powerful sedative. Colt sighed, knowing he would pay for the deception. "May you have better memories of me than I deserve." Colt muttered softly as he looked up and called for Anlai. "She needs you!" He shouted to the Jedi. "She needs more healing than I can provide."

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  14. Colt saw Kellavi's efforts and the effect they had in pushing the Sith further away from his efforts to free Larial. "Glad I didn't shoot the kid." He muttered to himself with an amused grin as he continued to work. The care he was taking with the cutting torch was necessary because it was like doing brain surgery with a sledgehammer. But Colt had the nimble hands of a slicer and the keen vision of a master marksman and as a result he could cope with the challenge.

    As he worked on the binding holding Larial's right leg, the last binding, there was a thought that was causing him concern. While he had brought kolto, stims and adrenals he knew that Larial was beyond his skills as a healer. He also knew that she needed immediate sustained medical attention. Which meant he only had one choice. He had to hand Larial over to Anlai and the kid so they could get her taken care of. Because Anlai wouldn't leave Kellavi alone and she needed the Padawan's help to transport Kellavi.

    And then Larial was free from her bindings. Colt caught her gently just after turning the torch off and dropping it to the floor.

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  15. It didn't take a tactical genius to realize that the trio and the Sith lord were locked in a deadly stalemate. It was with this realization that Colt decided it was time to change the rules of the game. As the Sith lord and the two Jedi fought with lightsabers and force abilities, the captain continued to look for an opening, taking single well-placed blaster bolts one at a time. But the skill of the Sith lord allowed him to deflect these bolts with ease and with his attention focused on the Jedi, Colt slowly slid along the wall, moving towards Larial. 


    When he reached her, he holstered his firearms and reached behind his back, pulling out a small cutting torch that was usually used for slicing and ship repairs. But it would have another, far more important, function now. Carefully, he reached up to Larial's left arm and began cutting the chains that bound her to the walls. With the care he was taking, it was a slow process, but he was able to cut the left chain clear before moving to the right and beginning to repeat the process. He only hoped Anlai and Kellavi would be able to give him time to free Larial before the Sith lord realized the ploy. 

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  16. Colt's mind had all but shut off when he saw the condition that Larial was in. He would have given anything to clear the two Jedi out of the room in order to have the opportunity to do unspeakable things to the Sith lord. But deep down he knew that Anlai, and by extension Kellavi, were not going anywhere. In the moments that his thoughts had taken him away from reality, the fight had began.


    When dealing with force users, Colt had learned that he needed to pick his shots. He would not win the day with speed or strength or superior reflexes. In his past combats with dark lords of the sith, he had survived with quick thinking, cleverness and a little bit of luck. As a result, Colt allowed the two Jedi to take the forefront in the fray, choosing instead to roll into a crouching position in the back of the room, waiting for the right moment to strike. He was also trying to formulate a new escape plan, as his original, which was to give Larial a set of lightsabers so she could help fight their way out, was clearly dashed by the condition that Larial was in. She was in no shape to fight. Instead, it seemed these lightsabers would be useless, hanging at Colt's side without purpose. 


    And then that all changed when the Sith threw his saber at the Captain. Reflex took over and Colt reached for his side holsters where his blasters usually were. Instead he felt the cold grip of a lightsaber handle. If it hadn't been for the fact he was familiar with the functions of the device he would have been cut in two. But at the last possible moment he was able to activate the weapon and swing wildly. It was nothing even approaching functional technique but luck was on the Captain's side as he was able to deflect the Sith's blade away from his chest. Colt followed through on the swing, tossing the lightsaber in his hand to the floor and drawing his twin blasters out of their shoulder holsters. He took off for the other corner of the room, looking for an opening to go on the offensive.

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  17. Colt had at least a dozen witty retorts to Anlai's last point lined up; some more clever, some more brutal, and he was in the process of picking out the perfect one when he saw motion out of the corner of his eye. The Padawan had taken off running towards Larial and her captor while he and Anlai had been conversing. "Oh son of a..." Colt said as he spun around, taking off in pursuit of Kellavi. He looked over his shoulder back at Anlai and shouted. "Protect the kid!" He shouted to the elder of the two Jedi, referring to the Padawan he was two steps behind. He no longer had any illusions about what awaited them in Larial's cell. It was a Sith, and a rather nasty one by the looks on Anlai and Kellavi's faces. 


    He had no idea about the Padawan's combat history but he had no doubt that a full fledged Sith lord was beyond her capabilities. And even though he had threatened her life mere moments before, keeping the young girl from getting herself killed was his second priority now. He was about to call out to the Padawan when she stopped and shouted "STOP!" to the Sith, who didn't even register her presence.


    "Stay back kid, this is out of your league." Colt muttered to the Padawan as he ran right by her. Like a flash he drew his two blaster pistols and fired off two quick shots at the Sith, both aimed right for his chest. The captain knew the dark sider would have no problem blocking the blasts. They were simply to get his attention.

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  18. Larial's message was the last straw for Colt. While she was pleading, begging for him to stay strong and resist the temptations of the dark, the messages in his past ringed louder. The lessons he learned from the worst of tragedies. "I had mercy once." Colt's voice was barely above a whisper. "And I was courtmartialed because of it." While this was somewhat of a misleading statement, the logic behind it could be followed if one had enough time to dissect the Captain's psyche.


    A long pause followed as Colt looked from Kellavi and Anlai and back to Kellavi. Given the worst, Colt ran through the odds of gunning down both Jedi and killing whatever lay on the other side of the door all on his own. He had no doubt in his mind that he had a quicker draw than the Padawan and from this distance aim was not the issue. However between Anlai and the rest of the obstacles Colt came to the realization that while he didn't like it, he had to work with the Jedi. "I suppose threatening to kill a Padawan was not the best thing I've ever done." Colt eventually stated in a weary tone, trying to block Larial's pain out of his mind. "But I digress..." Colt looked back at Anlai. "You call what I have done today unnecessary bloodshed." The grin of a man who had come completely unhinged was the look that Anlai would see on the Captain's face. "But I would argue that it is of the greatest necessity. Because every Imperial that I have killed today will not turn around and do harm to the people of the Republic, the people you as a member of the Order are sworn to protect." He chuckled dryly at this fact. "So really standing back and letting me through that door to finish my work... I'm doing you a favor. Less of the enemy to deal with after all."

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  19. "I do not play mind tricks on those I would call my comrades." Anlai said to Colt. He took a long breath, struggling with this statement. On one hand he liked to give people he respected the benefit of the doubt but on the other hand he had a hard time believing her based on some of his past experiences with the Jedi order. In the end, he lowered his guns, an unspoken signal to Anlai that she need not fear harm from his hand.


    "We have more time than you give Larial credit for, Captain." When Larial said this, the glare he sent Anlai's way was ice cold. Simple logic would dictate that Anlai had a point but Colt was way past the time for simple logic. It took an incredible amount of restraint for Colt to not storm past Anlai through the door. A small voice in the back of his mind told him that if he threatened to kill the Padawan, Anlai would have no choice but to let him through.


    "Tell me, Mr. Gamble, what was it that you wished to accomplish here?" Anlai asked him and Colt reacted in a way she never could have seen coming. He burst out laughing, the hearty chuckle of a laugh that almost made it sound like he was actually enjoying himself. This laugh lingered longer than it should have but then he spoke. 


    "Simple." Colt said in a dulled voice, lacking all emotion or feeling. The capability for those brain functions had ceased to exist hours ago. "I came here to rescue Larial and I plan on killing every single last Imperial that I can get my hands on." Colt's statement was as flat as they come. "And before you ask why." Colt cut off the query that he expected. "The Imperials have taken everything from me. My mother. My uncle. The love of my life. Imperial actions are the reason I didn't meet my father, didn't know what his name was or what he did, until I was 23." As he listed these things off, the rage began to return and now Colt's eyes were shimmering red, the emerald green that usually was there gone in the depths of his anger, his hatred. "So you have the nerve to ask why I don't have mercy. They didn't have mercy when they bombed my mother's apartment. When they nearly killed my cousin during the sacking, when they tortured the only girl I ever loved into madness... They never showed me any mercy, why should I do the same!" Colt was shouting now. "Let me through that door Anlai or so help me I will kill the Padawan right in front of your eyes and force my way through consequences be damned."

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  20. With the Jedi padawan by his side, Colt had methodically made his way through most of the prison complex. His mind was racing as he ran through all of the possible scenarios that he could face upon freeing Larial and how he would deal with them. What if she was guarded by armed guards? What if she was guarded by force users? What if the codes the ensign had given him earlier were fakes or deactivated? How would he get Larial out of the prison in her injured state if she couldn't walk? These were all questions that were running through Colt's mind as he made his way.


    His plan of shock and awe had worked perfectly on the Imperials inside the prison complex. None of them had been expecting the front gate of the massive fortified complex to be blown to pieces and they certainly weren't expecting an invasion force, even one as small as the captain and the padawan. As Tavalla had once taught him, Colt had focused his rage and his anger and his hatred and now there was nothing more in his mind than cold detachment. He had one singular objective now; he was going to rescue Larial and he was going to bring her home. And if he failed, the execution of his wrath would be a sight to behold.


    He could feel Larial's presence now, another gift from his love from years gone by. She had taught him the basics on feeling someone's force signature and as a result he now knew that Larial was close, tantalizingly close. In front of him was a heavy plated durasteel door with a single keypad. He quickly tried the codes the ensign had given him. The door began to slide open only to freeze in place as if someone had deactivated the opening protocol. Not to be stopped, Colt drew his scattergun and fired it twice, shorting the electronics and allowing the captain to open the door with a powerful shoulder blow after holstering the firearm on his back.


    He stepped back for a moment to compose himself and he was about to go through the opening when the door slammed shut in his face. Instinct took over and Colt drew his twin blasters. And then he heard the voice. 


    "Captain." The tone in Anlai's voice made it very clear that she was not to be trifled with at the moment. It was also clear that she was not going to let Colt proceed until she had been allowed to speak. 


    A heavy sigh escaped Colt's lips. He could feel the coldness seeping away from his mind slowly and he struggled to hold onto his anger and his hate, the fuel that had sustained him this far. He closed his eyes for a lingering moment before turning away from Anlai and looking back towards the closed door, the door that led to Larial's cell. "As much as I would love to have a fireside chat Anlai, I really am pressed for time at the moment." The cold harsh sarcasm in Colt's tone was quite apparent. "So please make this quick so I can finish the job." An idle thought struck Colt just as he was going to allow Anlai to speak. "And no mind tricks." He muttered before he could stop himself. "Because I'll know."

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  21. Colt felt at peace for just a few moments as he hopped off of his speeder bike at the entrance of the Imperial compound. Almost as if his anger and hate had abated. And then when he saw the Imperial guards, he remembered why he was there, what he needed to do. He looked over his shoulder and saw Kellavi's speeder bike hot on his tail. He only had moments to take the first steps before any Jedi interference.  As he walked over to the guardhouse, he casually pulled out a data pad and hit a series of commands. These caused his speeder bike to slowly move towards the largest building in the center of the compound.


    "State your business." Colt heard the muffled voice from one of the two helmeted and armed soldiers. There were three Imperials in the room; two armed guards and one young man who couldn't be older than eighteen manning the communications array.


    "I am a Cipher agent and as such I don't answer to the likes of you." Colt hissed in a flawless Imperial accent. A naturally gifted linguist, Colt spoke Huttese and Bocce as well as having the ability to adjust his intonation and vocabulary to match that of an Imperial officer at will.


    "But sir..." The young kid at the controls started to protest and the two armed guards stared him down.


    "However..." Colt smiled at the trio. "Since I am in a giving mood. And since I know that if you help me out, your superiors will no doubt request some information..." Seeing the armed guards relax, Colt's smile became even brighter. They were walking themselves right into Colt's scheme. "You have an imprisoned fugitive here, a member of the Alderaanian nobility. Larial Darklighter." Colt stated harshly, as if to prove his hatred to the Republic Jedi. "She is believed to have information regarding the locations and actions of numerous highly wanted Republic operatives." This wasn't even a lie. Colt knew that there was a rather large prize on his head and he didn't doubt that other Remnants were highly wanted by the enemy as well. "I need to speak to her." 


    "Sur... Sure." The ensign in charge of the communications stuttered before calling it in. A few moments later he looked at Colt and nodded. "That big building in the center of the compound. In the back. The last cell on the right." The ensign handed Colt a small datapad. "You'll need these codes to access her cell."


    "Thank you ensign. That will be all." Colt tucked the datapad into his pocket before drawing his blasters and executing the two armed guards with single shots to the head before turning back to the ensign, who yelped in a high pitch squeal.


    "Wh..wh...wha..." He was stuttering, unable to form coherent words.


    "Don't just sit there ensign, call it in." Colt muttered irritably, dropping the Imperial accent.


    "North guard outpost to command, we are under-" Colt cut off the ensign's desperate pleas for aid with a single shot to the head before taking over the microphone.


    "You're too late. Every last one of you is a dead man." Colt hissed before cutting the connection. After doing so, he quickly reached into his pack and pulled on a white duster jacket and matching hat before typing a few more commands into his datapad. His speeder bike, armed with one of the explosive devices that he had been arming earlier, detonated, sending rubble and shrapnel flying in all directions, opening a massive gaping hole in the front wall of the prison. Colt stepped outside the guard shack and looked down on the ground where a trio of Imperial soldiers were lying, disoriented from the blast. Without the slightest feeling of mercy, Colt executed each of the downed guards before hearing the engine of a speeder bike from behind him. Seeing Kellavi, he turned to her and smiled, pointing over his shoulder towards the hole in the prison wall. "Through there we find Larial." Colt turned in that direction and started walking. "We don't have much time since I seem to have angered them." He mused as he carefully made his way through the rubble his makeshift explosive had caused.

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  22. Larial's message came in while Colt and his Jedi accompaniment were on their speeder bikes headed towards the Imperial encampment. Colt didn't say a word as one of his worst nightmares came true in front of his very eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt the rage inside of him come to a boiling point. It was then he heard a voice from the past.

    "Use that anger inside you Colt. Control it. Let that rage guide you." Colt smiled at the memory, the memory of the female Jedi who broke all the rules. "Turn your anger into precision. Mercy is only an inconvenience." Colt had taken that advice to heart. None of the Imperials would be left alive when he was done.

    But for now, he needed to get to Larial. So he hit a few buttons on the dashboard of the bike and activated the spare booster engines, pulling ahead of Anlai and Kellavi. A new plan was forming in Colt's mind now, one that was high on explosives and low on survivors.

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  23. As Anlai spoke, Colt was beginning to realize that she and Kellavi weren't going to go along with his plan, causing him to sigh audibly as he suited up for the journey and the combat ahead, making sure his firearms and blades were ready to be used at a moment's notice. After holstering his scattergun to his back, he was tempted to yell at the two Jedi, telling them why he couldn't fail this time like he had failed the last time he had tried to rescue a female Jedi from Imperial troopers. Briefly, the images of the scene on the Imperial dreadnought played in Colt's mind, a vivid recollection of the moment that he had to shoot his lover and his cousin's master in order to save her from horrid torture and the eventual fall to the Sith way that was planned for her. Instead, the captain realized that doing this would not do him any good as he didn't have time to argue with Jedi and he certainly didn't have time to a heart to heart conversation about his feelings.


    "Excellent." Colt stated simply at Anlai's words that the two Jedi were in fact ready to depart. "I took the liberty of arranging transportation to the Imperial camp already." He explained before walking over to a console on the wall of the vessel and hitting a small button. Underneath them, mechanical whirring could be heard from one of the many storage areas of Colt's ship. "It is my good fortune that I happened to be in the middle of a personal project involving racing speeder bikes." The smuggler explained as he walked down the ramp of the ship to reveal that the primary cargo hold of his ship was in fact holding half a dozen speeder bikes. He looked back up the ramp at Anlai and Kellavi as he pulled a datapad off of the wall of the lowered cargo hold. As his fingers danced over the device like a concert pianist, he was explaining what he was doing to the Jedi. "And communications for the bikes are synced... and the coordinates and map of the target are into the HUD... and there." Colt smiled, smoothly mounting a red and black bike that was clearly meant for high speed racing. "Pick any one of them." Colt told them about the other bikes. "They all have what you need." His smile turned into a smirk, a smirk that meant only one thing coming from the captain. "Oh and try to keep up." He warned them. "I like to go fast."

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  24. "Taking off so soon Captain Gamble?" Colt heard Anlai's voice from behind him. She sounded almost gentle in her tone but Colt knew that behind that mild voice was a stoic and determined Jedi. The captain slowly turned around, revealing to Kellavi and Anlai that he was holding a thermal detonator in one hand and a mostly finished custom plastique explosive in the other. 


    "Well if you must know, there wasn't going to be any taking off." He said quietly. Having spent enough time with Anlai in the past, Colt knew that lying to her was pointless due to the fact that she would just feel it anyways. He took a deep breath and did his best to push the thoughts of his true intentions out of his mind, replacing them with a peaceful negotiation with the Imperials for Larial's release. Looking at Kellavi for long enough to send a reassuring smile her way, Colt walked over to a small table in the corner where his pistols, vibroblade and scattergun sat. "I did have a plan for this eventuality, however I must admit I didn't plan on Luka sending you to babysit me." Colt didn't even try to hide his annoyance with the Republic trooper. "I should have pointed out that I had the higher rank in the military during that meeting..." Colt was muttering this under his breath but he trailed off, remembering the present company.


    "I do apologize for being a bad host." Even in the worst of times, Colt didn't lose his easy, cordial charms. "I would ask if either of you wanted a drink but we all know that now isn't the time for that." He pointed out even as he paused to take a sip from his mostly finished glass of Whyrren's Reserve. "However I need to rework the rescue of Larial now that I'm not alone." He took another sip from his glass before explaining. "You see, this is not just any Imperial uniform; this is the uniform of a Cipher agent. You know, the best of the best in Imperial Intelligence. No one dares ask them questions." He chuckled dryly at the thought. "So the plan was to get into the Imperial camp using Cipher clearance, demand to see Larial, then shoot my way out." Colt left the second part of the plan, the part that involved blowing the entire Imperial outpost to bits with the explosives he was making, out of the explanation. "I don't think I could convince them that I had captured two Jedi on my way, even if one was merely a padawan."


    He stared at Kellavi for a long moment, the gears clearly turning in his mind. "Now Kellavi dear, what would you think about being my captive for this assignment?" He gave the padawan his best charming smile. "I can assure you that you will be in no danger. And then once we're in, you'll 'overpower me' and take your weapons back from me." Colt's new scheme was quickly coming together. "And Anlai, once the Imperials are overwhelmed, and trust me they will be, you can help secure our exit." The captain looked from Kellavi back to Anlai before looking at Kellavi once more. He didn't like it, but he needed the cooperation of the two Jedi standing in his ship and he needed it fast. Time was of the essence and there was no way he could overpower both Force users to get out of the hangar on his own.

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  25. Had Anlai spent a longer period of time probing Colt’s mind, she would have been struck by two things. The first was that her fears about Colt acting irrationally were unwarranted. In fact, he already had a plan, one that had already accounted for the variables that had been put in front of them. It was simple, direct and had a large chance of success. The second thing that would have struck her was that said plan was going to create a bloodbath.


    Even though Colt was not a force sensitive, he had heard Larial’s voice in his mind. Calling out to him, calling for his help. This was not the first time that a female Jedi, one as close to him as she was, was desperate for his aid. But the last time, Colt had tried to be careful, to sneak in and make a rescue with minimal loss of life. And he had been too slow, he had failed. He would not be making the same mistake this time.


    With those thoughts running through his mind, he activated the tracer protocols on the bracelet Larial was fortunate enough to still be wearing. He had been forced to step outside the building to allow the tracer to work, which allowed him to light up a cigara and take a long drag. Colt closed his eyes, doing his best to calm his nerves as the tracer worked. He forced himself to push thoughts of his past failure out of his mind, knowing that he needed a steady hand in order to do what needed to be done. And then the trace program had finished and Colt opened his eyes. “Of all the places…” Colt muttered under his breath. “But of course… it all makes sense now.” Understanding struck Colt like a punch to the jaw. It had not been Alderaanian rebels who had kidnapped Larial. It had been their usual foe, the Imperials. Having worked on the planet before, Colt knew that the location that was pinging on his datapad was smack in the middle of a small Imperial refuge. He’d need a lot of luck to break in.


    His evolving plan would have to be changed. He had been planning for a few rebels, young men and women who were long on passion but short on military training. They would have been easy to shock, easy to awe, easy to break. But it appeared that Colt would have to instead deal with a trained, organized fighting force, and he would have to do it alone.


    Colt quickly made his way to the nearby docking bay, where his ship was parked. In his haste to depart, he left both the door to the docking bay and the access hatch to his ship open. From the depths of his ship, Colt could be heard pacing, talking to himself about ammunition, anti-ground artillery and slicing kits. He had also changed out of his usual dark trenchcoat and oddly he was now wearing what appeared to be the uniform of an Imperial Intelligence operative.

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ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

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