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The Ravens' War: Duskwood, Part I



Event details

As the group finished their work in Boralus, ill tidings came. Feladris Featherblade, the demon huntress who had only recently joined the organization, sent a message to the Remnants saying that war was stirring in Duskwood. The Horde was ignoring the ceasefire once again.


Midna's heart fell. She did not want to quit the Remnants' mission in Kul Tiras, but an issue of this scale could not be ignored. That night, in the sitting room of the building they had only just begun to call home, she spoke with sorrow.


"We have much work to do here in Boralus. The people of Kul Tiras are facing hardship every single day. But we also can't abandon our home. For that reason, I'm leaving it up to you. I will stay here in Boralus, and I welcome anyone who wants to stay with me. Rest assured that there are Remnants still in Elwynn Forest who can be dispatched at once. But if you feel in your heart that you must defend Duskwood, you may go."


With that, the decision rested in the hands of each volunteer. A boat was prepared the following morning for those who chose to return. Once they arrived in Westbrook Garrison, they were given only a few hours to sleep before Feladris roused them to prepare for battle.


The sun is rising. Their journey into the dark boughs of Duskwood will begin soon.


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Thank you to all who voted! The votes were tied at 6 and 7 p.m. CT, so I chose the earlier of the two to give us more time. Plus it just so happens that 6 works out better for a certain... guest. 👀


Guys, this is a big deal. I'm both nervous and excited because this is our first foray into the Emerald Dream RP community. This could be the beginning of a fantastic relationship that stretches far down the road!


But I want to make sure we leave the best impression possible. For that reason, please please please read the PSA I put up earlier this weekI will not allow you to roleplay with us unless you confirm that you have read it.


Also! I would like us to all represent our guild while we're out there on the field. Please purchase the Shroud of Cooperation from the Guild Vendor and transmogrify it to your cloak. This will be our uniform for the duration of the RPPvP event. You can wear whatever you want as long as you're rockin' the Shroud! In our downtime -- when our characters are not battling -- you may wear whatever comfortable clothing your character would wear, but consider putting on the Member's Shirt, too!


I will try to gather everyone up a bit early so I can help everyone complete these "quests" before we get going.


Oh! And one last thing. I'm tentatively thinking that as this campaign goes on, the first half will be pure RP and the other half will be PvP. It'll be a work in progress, but for now, expect the event to be about 2 hours of RP with maybe an hour of PvP afterward.


Alright... now it's time for me to have a panic attack while you all have fun! 😂

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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