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Graveler last won the day on July 31 2015

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  1. Anyone here have advice for how someone can stay motivated, having a full time job, and trying to get their masters or school in general? )):

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jae Onasi

      Jae Onasi

      Get enough sleep and eat healthy. Yes, that is hard, but fatigue and illness will really put you behind faster than anything else.

      Put everything in a daily planner/calendar so you keep on top of tasks and don't forget something. As a good friend said to me when I had to start using a daily planner all the time, "Just think of all the brain space you're freeing up not having to remember all that stuff!"

      When you're in the middle of a giant project, just remember, it WILL end.

      You don't have to be perfect. "Perfect enough" is ok.

      Keep imagining how great the diploma will look framed on your wall.

      During finals week, take 10 minutes in the middle of the insanity of studying to do something mindless. When I could not stand to look at yet another optics diagram or brain pathway, I took a few minutes to escape into some stupid romance novel, because it required no thought whatsoever.

      After your last final, go to the nearest bar and have your favorite beverage with some fellow classmates. Just don't drive afterwards if you're impaired.

      When you graduate, you'll look back and say "Geez, how did it go by so fast!"

    3. Colt


      I second sleep and eat healthy. I know it's hard to get the 7-8 hours of sleep a night with all that on your plate, but you're going to need it to keep your energy up.

      Try to keep your fitness up. Working out boosts your endorphin production (makes you happy) as well as boosts your general energy levels.

      And as Jae said, gotta get some me time in once in awhile. If you don't, you'll go mad.

    4. Graveler


      Thanks guys, it's been tough trying to juggle everything. Financial issues, being at work 8 hours a day, and constantly being bombarded by more school work at night. I came back to Wildstar hoping to find some downtime, but I can barely stay on more than couple hours. 

      @Tayte I will lower my study/research time, and see how that goes.

      @Jae Onasi You're right, I should be planning my time more wisely. I hate the payment model, but I think I may start a audible account so I can listen to my readings and do other things. I started doing more physical activities, and it been making my mood a bit better. I cannot wait to see my degree!

      @Colt Sleep has been my worst enemy, I get tired throughout the day and end up taking naps. Once I nap, I have trouble sleeping on time at night. I need to find the right balance.

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