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Everything posted by Katalaw

  1. until
    Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Vorn @Rama @Vehirt @Merliah @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Orig Wrangler @Jed
  2. until
    Nice job on the one shots last week! Let's keep up the momentum and get back to Nahut Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Vorn @Merliah @Aedi Lanigiro @Vehirt @Rama Alternates @Orig Wrangler @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Jed @Cypher @Hippy
  3. until
    Gods again! Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Vorn @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro @Merliah @Rama Alternates @Slyfoxmartin @Hippy @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Jed @Orig Wrangler
  4. until
    Back to Gods! We may need a backup for this week since I may or may not be out. I'll know a bit more come Monday. Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Rama @Aravail @Vorn @Merliah @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Orig Wrangler @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Cypher @Madhatter5510 @Jed
  5. until
    Back to Gods! Let's see if we can clear the sisters again and get on to Nahut There was a patch last week, so log on some time this weekend if you're like me and only show up for raid night! Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Vorn @Merliah @Rama @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Orig Wrangler @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Jed
  6. until
    Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Merliah @Rama @Aravail @Vorn @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Orig Wrangler @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Jed
  7. until
    Hey all! We took a nice break last week, but we're going back into Gods this time around. @Orig Wrangler is going to be stepping down from primary raiding for a while, but never fear! @Merliah is stepping up as my tank partner in crime while @Vehirt fulfills his life long dream of being a DPS yelled at by Kat. I'm hoping I'll be well enough to raid, but on the off chance that I'm not we might need one DPS alternate standing in the wings. If I can't play then V will take my spot tanking since he's done the first two bosses on Gods already. Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Vorn @Aedi Lanigiro @Rama @Vehirt @Merliah Alternates @Orig Wrangler @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Jed @Cypher
  8. until
    Let's get the twins down! As a reminder, @Vorn will be out this week, so we need an alternate to volunteer and step up. Post below if you're willing to come (don't just RSVP please)! Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Vehirt @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Aedi Lanigiro @Rama Alternates @Merliah @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Jed @Cypher
  9. until
    Sorry for the late post all, been a tough week for us all Primaries @Katalaw @Vehirt @Rama @Sayuri @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Aedi Lanigiro @Vorn Alternates @Merliah @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Jed @Hippy
  10. until

    Moving the raid start time back by 30min
  11. until
    Another round of Gods! If Rama RSVP's to this event I'll give early bio breaks. Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Vehirt @Vorn @Aedi Lanigiro @Rama Alternates @Madhatter5510 @Slyfoxmartin @Cypher @Jed @Hippy
  12. "No I don't think I will"
  13. until
    One God down, several more to go! Let's head back to Iokath Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Vorn @Orig Wrangler @Aedi Lanigiro @Vehirt @Rama Alternates @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Hippy @Jed
  14. until

    Orig won't be able to join us this week, so we'll need an alternate to step up!
  15. until
    Congrats on clearing Revan! This week we're going to venture into VM Gods From the Machine, so get ready to hammer on Tyth himself Primaries @Katalaw @Vehirt @Orig Wrangler @Aravail @Sayuri @Rama @Vorn @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Hippy @Cypher @Jed
  16. until
    Hey all! I'm interested to know, who all would be available this Thursday, May 7th for a 2-hour follow-up run? Post below! Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Rama @Vehirt @Orig Wrangler @Vorn @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Hippy @Cypher @Jed
  17. until

    I guess I'll change my "maybe" to a "going"
  18. until

    I'll have to remember to come creep in on this one
  19. until
    Primaries @Katalaw @Aravail @Sayuri @Rama @Vorn @Orig Wrangler @Aedi Lanigiro @Vehirt Alternates @Cixial @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Jed
  20. until
    Hey all! Sorry for the short break last week. Hopefully I won't be dying and we'll be able to knock around with Revan this week Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Rama @Vorn @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Cixial @Cypher @Hippy @Madhatter5510 @Slyfoxmartin @Jed
  21. until
    Keep on keepin' on! Let's get to <20% on that core again Primaries @Katalaw @Aravail @Sayuri @Rama @Vorn @Orig Wrangler @Aedi Lanigiro @Vehirt Alternates @Cixial @Slyfoxmartin @Hippy @Jed @Madhatter5510 @Cypher
  22. until
    @Vorn really wants to try Revan again, so we're gonna have a surprise second night this week to work on mechanics and get back to 2%! @Katalaw @Aravail @Sayuri @Vorn @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro @Orig Wrangler @Slyfoxmartin (stepping in for Rama who can't make it!)
  23. until
    2% last time!! It'd be so cool to watch it again in 8 months when @Aravail uploads last week's run Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Rama @Vorn @Aedi Lanigiro @Vehirt Alternates @Cixial @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Cypher @Jed
  24. until
    Don't forget to maintain 6 foot social distance for cleanses! Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Vorn @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro @Rama Alternates @Cixial @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Madhatter5510 @Jed
  25. until
    Let's get that clock phase on Revan down! Primaries @Katalaw @Sayuri @Aravail @Orig Wrangler @Rama @Vorn @Vehirt @Aedi Lanigiro Alternates @Cixial @Hippy @Slyfoxmartin @Jed @Madhatter5510

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