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Posts posted by Eliian

  1. Shomido was taken by surprise at the immense amount of men and firepower that was waiting for them in this hangar. She saw the Sith leave first. More than eager to charge into the fray. The man didn't get far before he was taking cover. Yelling out the situation. The odds seemed to be stacked against them.


    She let the operative go before her as well. This shuttle may not be the best piece of cover, but for the time being it was working. Since the ramp was only so wide she could hide herself well enough between the ramp opening and the side wall. It seemed the soldiers with them had taken it upon themselves to do the same. Why had the others forgotten their men? They surely were not Shomido's men. Maybe it didn't matter and they had their own orders. Maybe it did since these men were not doing anything but standing here same as her. Thinking perhaps, waiting for orders? If they were not going to us them she would. How though...


    It did not take long to figure out an answer. A charging Sith seemed to provoke the defenders. They were closing in faster now. Leaving a sizable gap between them and opting to come at a flanking angle. Then suddenly Yrjo let out a scream and in a matter of seconds was colliding with one of the two droids. It took a few moments longer before it seemed that everyone's eyes and guns were focused on the Sith. Now was the how...


    "Hey, Men!!" Shomido yelled at the troops. Getting their attention. "Let's move and not be sitting ducks. Fan out to the right and try to find cover. Then unload on the droid and enemy opposite of that Sith. You know make a dent." They didn't hesitate. One barrage from the droids on this shuttle and they would all be dead after all. As for Shomido...She didn't hesitate either. Leaping forward out of the shuttle and holding her arms out. Three small, but potent missiles made their way toward the second droid. She didn't hesitate with activating her jet pack and soaring forward after them towards the droid. Attempting to make another distraction in the same way the Sith was. Hopefully their men and the Agent would be able to take advantage of two distractions...

  2. Shomido takes seat in the shuttle for herself. Next to her squad mates. She ignores the rank and file and does not even glance at the other two. Instead, deciding to go over the message that she received on her HUD. It was important to know what they were up against. More importantly it was time to figure out what exactly their plan would be. 


    So Shomido kept going over the mission. Waiting for someone to say anything. Speaking up to the Agent's blow to their personalities and the Sith's rebuttal once they had.


    "I would have to agree with ...Yrjo was it...." She turns his way then realizes how odd this looked with her helmet still on. So she continues talking instead. "It does no good to judge before you know all the information. I can be as chatty as you want starting about now? For example.... Disabling security is the clear objective. It needs to be done for anything after it to be successful. I say one or both of you take our little helpers over that way to deal with it. They are more inclined to listen to members of their empire rather than anonymous old me." Shomido didn't care if they were in earshot. It was true. None of the normal soldiers would be very happy about the idea of taking orders from her. They likely didn't trust the large suit of armor anyway. Which was sort of the point. To have someone thinking outside protocols and rules. "As for myself...I would be inclined to take a look around that brig. For that thing that is so important." If either of them agreed with her plan even a little bit she would be surprised. One of the disadvantages of people usually used to calling the shots working together. Something like that. If they didn't agree Shomido would compromise instead. If this was indeed a short trip the time for talking was drying up fast.

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  3. She didn't look inconspicuous at first glance. A large moving shape in full battle armor. Shomido took great lengths to be just so anyway. With a helmet covering her visage and the armor not giving off any feminine wiles. Nobody would have to know a quite large, and rather fierce looking Cathar female was aboard. Being so brought....unwanted attention. Especially here in the Empire. To be looked at and talked about bugged her too much to endure. Hence the discrete armor. Well, and of course it proved mighty useful in a fight. 


    Insecurities were not important right now regardless. Shomido was here because she had been hired to be here. Why a mercenary-bounty hunter such as herself. Who knew. It was true that she was skilled. Her weapons and technology the most cutting-edge as could be. That was not it though. The Empire had technology and powers of their own. Let alone the man-power. It was something else. Perhaps something more important. Whatever the reason things were starting to clear up. More importantly this operation was moving along...




    She was halfway to the shuttle bay. The flamboyant Moff's speech forgotten. Something else had sparked her mind. What he had said about the informant was more promising.


     "We must locate and ascertain the assets condition, as well as his ability to remain undercover.  If his status has been compromised we are to eliminate him and all traces of his work"


    Shomido couldn't help but think that was the reason she was hired for the infiltration. Maybe it was up to her to make sure the "asset" was handled properly. Much preferred to their Intelligence or a Sith tampering with the man. She would see soon enough. Once an assignment was given.


    It was now time to carry on. Less thinking and more doing. Shomido finally entering the shuttle bay... "I hope you would be officer Farnell" she says in a heavily modulated voice.  Looking right at the young officer. Not yet assessing who she would be joining. "I am ready for whatever your superiors hired me for." 

  4. A scarred Twi'lek sat just outside the medical bay. Her knees concealing the twin sabers on her hips. Both oddly shaped weapons hanging freely. If anyone guessed they wouldn't call her a Jedi. All the facts were hidden. Clothes and manner alike. That was entire point. Investigating on the council's behalf required a certain amount of subtlety. Something not easily found in the order. It was a trait even Seelyy would admit had taken years to perfect. The personality of her very being contradicting the patient nature she so often let on. It was all thanks to a single man. A Remnant now, but she knew him long before then. Now the scoundrel's world had a singular focus. One that spiraled around in patterns not even the Voss could predict.


    Love.......Seelyy chuckled at the word........she was no different at one point. Would have gone to his lengths. That was the then and they had both moved on....... At least she had her life to thank him with. Her career. Being an investigator trumped Jedi Combatant in days spent living.


    When the medical chief finally reached his orders Seelyy looked up. Her leg stopping its constant tapping. Both thumbs slowing their dance to a crawl. Returning to their respective hands.


    “...you need to buy them some time. General Hun and Master Vaat are leading our forces through the ship to meet the boarders head on. Link up with them and we may have a chance.â€


    Now that is what she had been wasting precious time to hear. Another lightsaber was a perfect bandage to these types of situations. It's not like the Twi'lek had been one of the best duelists of her class or anything. Nor that she was nearly bribed into leading a fighting life. No. None of those things.


    Smiling Seelyy leaped up into the hallway. Through running troops, and confused personal. This was her first major conflict with her new allies. It was time to see how good a fighting force these Remnants really were.

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  5. Aidus woke up as soon as his body allowed him. The trooper didn’t really remember much. Last he knew he was fading in and out of consciousness. All of Red team was on board the ship Per-ja had acquired for them. That was all he remembered.


    That was but a memory. It was the past. All the pain was right here.......Aidus yelling and shouting in the fiercest battle cry the Rattataki had ever spoken. His hands were tied and every movement had the weight of a planet behind it. This was the type of pain every trooper tried to ignore. No weakness. No giving up. This pain still there of course, ever present, but Aidus wouldn't show it. He still had the same injuries. They were worse now; making him as inoperable as a lowly cadet. The type you wanted to punch and send back home crying.........


    It took a few more seconds to finally calm down. Everything still as cloudy and jaded as it had been.  Aidus hearing his leader’s voice. Per-ja was attempting to spare himself for their sake.  It would be of no use. Such tactics had never worked on Aidus. It wouldn't work now. They had wanted all three and that was what they were going to keep.


    As his vision was slowly restored Aidus could make out Thraxen and Per-ja. They may have been blurry, but they were there. He couldn't help but start to swear under his breath. They were in the most horrid of circumstance. Stripped and nearly naked was not how he expected any of this to turn out. Lucky for him, he had not lost the ability to speak.


    “..the truth...?†Aidus repeated. He did not have any idea what Per-ja meant by it. His eyes finally resting on the two blurred figures as the mystery grew deeper.


    Aidus had now been thrown in his own fury. His enemies so close, but far enough way....there was no option to fight and it angered him. He had a face that most troops would be afraid of. A face full of scorn pushed into something much more sinister. The various tattoos and scars daring anyone to mess with this trooper and live.


    All the faces in the world wouldn’t matter now, but Aidus couldn’t help it. His body was accustomed to trying to live and live he would. One way or another.


    “I’ve got no clue what he is talking about. As you can tell I’m damn angry. Let’s get to the point. What do you want with them and what do you want with me?†If he had exerted too much energy Aidus didn't know. He felt his eyes close.. Unsure if he would even wake up again.

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  6. Blaster up. His finger on the Trigger. Aidus was seconds away from unloading on the Imperials. Aloriana beat him too it. Cut down faster than any common man could possibly react. If he wasn't wearing a helmet Aloriana would be looking into a face full of surprise.


    "You are right about the explosives."...... "More knowledge than the common Jedi. That is new." Taking a deep breath the Trooper continued "Don't be mistaken. The force will play little part in us getting what we need. Not unless you and your "force" can spare us more time. Time we honestly don't have."


    Aidus entered the lift. Positioning himself so he could shoot and run out of the death trap with ease. "You said we need to make a choice. I choose to head towards the generators. We need to be in place soon. If something goes down we are the back-up. I don't want to be running to place the charges and then be asked to push the button."


    Placing his hand over the Jedi's he pushed. Their lift taking them deep into facility. Towards their goal. "Our time is short. I am sure of it." Minutes passed as they penetrated the heart of the station. The two hardly saying a word to one another. Aidus knew his task. He had no need to talk. There was no tactical advantage in doing so. More talking just led to the enemy more easily identifying your position. Signals, hand signs and Knowing your team. That is what he truly preferred. Not even the luxury of closed helmet communication was as foolproof in his eyes.  


    As they slowed to a crawl Aidus prepared himself further. Putting his hand out towards Aloriana. Motioning her to take it easy. 


    Time to do this...............as the doors burst open Aidus casually walked out. He could tell they were in the right place. A pulsating blue light coming off the station's generators.  It was small. Laid out in the typical circular pattern. Terminals spread out between countless towers. The massive array of wires and data connecting to the floor and ceiling above. The only entrances were the one they used and a copy on the opposite side. If there was more the trooper couldn't tell. The majority of the workers didn't even bother to remove themselves from their work. 


    Tuning his voice output to a whisper "What do we do? No one takes nicely to explosives being placed on........well anything"


    "What are you doing down here" The voice coming from a lone guard. His rifle off his back and pointing at them. A moment later the rest of the man's squad turning their attention over to the pair. 


    Aidus couldn't see this going anywhere but a firefight. The guards were thinking the same thing. Taking cover while their comrade stood defenseless. This time he didn't hesitate. Aidus was faster. Firing a flurry of shots into the man's chest. Their opponent falling to the ground. His blaster bolts flying into the ceiling harmlessly. 


    Aidus quickly jumped out of the way. Taking cover behind one of the large towers. Fire from every single one of the enemy firing upon his last position. Aiming for vengeance. Glancing to his side the Jedi was nowhere in sight.  She would show herself soon enough. Sooner the better.........a door opened on the other side of the room. Another full squad pouring in. Civilians rushing to leave. They were in for a fight.


    The progression was slow but sure. Aidus moving towards the center. Half plunged in darkness as lights were shot out. The hissing and sparking of wires at every turn. He kept Taking shots. Keeping his enemy pinned. Dead. If they were stupid enough to revile themselves for any length of time. Luckily, something greater was pulling their fire. Aloriana no doubt. He was grateful now more than ever for her company. The best he could do is slowly dwindle the IMP numbers. Using the utmost care to shoot in the opposite direction of the blue swirls of her saber. 

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  7. Fire on their position was light. Bolts flying above their heads. The frazzled troops shooting way too high. Aidus let everyone pass him. Taking a few shots here and there. Seeing the imperials take shots back at him. The slowest moving target. He used their inadequacy to his advantage. The likelihood that these IMPS could shoot him from a mere 25 meters away being laugh worthy. 


    Taking a quick look at his surroundings Aidus could see where his comrades were heading. Positioning himself to head the same way. Two shots and a few steps sooner the trooper was kneeling beside fallen debris. Unloading his cannon on the clumps the enemy had formed. Not enough room or cover to keep them all safe. The only other person left in the room was their leader. He can take care of himself. Rolling himself out of cover Aidus sprinted full force towards the doorway.


    "Aloriana, right" His voice muffled from his helmet. Not letting her hear his heavy breathing. "As fun as playing it by ear is. I think I'll pass. First things first." Reaching his hand over Aidus pushed the button on the door. Closing it shut. Placing his rifle against his shoulder he reached down to his hip. Taking his pistol out and shooting the terminal three times before holstering it and then stepping away. The panel smoldering and sparking furiously. 


    "I have ordnance on me. Enough to blow the generators sky high. We could always use more. I don't want to run out on the first target."


    Reaching down to his belt Aidus quickly reloaded his rifle. Dropping the empty one to the floor. "Haste. So let's get moving. Hit one or two armories along the way." Nudging her on the shoulder Aidus started down the corridor. "Keep me on track. I know that you memorized this place better than I ever could."

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  8. A heavy hand slammed across the side of his blaster rifle. The sound reverberating through the small ship. Aidus ignored the looks of the Jedi. He saw them. The other troopers. Then their leader. He looked to be an older man. Scarred, and worn. Still alive. That was good enough for him. Those who went through all chaos and came out the other side. To lead men. Those were the best of the best. He looked more than capable. As did the team. A sense of confidence suddenly flowing through the trooper's core.


    Aidus fidgeted as the feeling moved down his spine. Listening to Per-Ja's instructions intently. Trying to remember the task each person had been given, their names, and their next target. While waiting for his name to show he checked his gear. Placing his heavy repeater down on the floor. Not as beautiful as my cannon. It will do. Someone has to bring along some firepower. Every other piece of his gear was in order. Discretely placed explosives being the most important. Aidus knew he was brought along for two things. Explosives and firepower.  His specialty. Every good team needed both. There was no doubt there would be some fireworks on this operation.


    “Aloriana and Aidus I want you to head to the main shield generators.  Your job is to place the charges that will serve as our back-up plan."


    Looking up he smiled. Perfect....he thought. But not optimal......as he saw one of the Jedi look over his way. Giving her a small nod Aidus went back to fixing his gear. Of course. Me. The touchiest of them all when it comes to the force. She better not jeopardize us with her antics. Not that she would be thrilled to work with him. Aidus didn't look friendly in the slightest. His grey skin closely matching his armor. Tattoos and piercings scattered around his face. Not all of them by choice. Aidus hardly complained. He looked the part of a ruthless Rattataki. Often was. At least the Sith had done something good for him.


    Explosions and the ever constant sound of battle were raging outside. It was going to be a tough day. Many lives lost. This may have very well been the largest battle the Trooper had ever been in. 


    “When the hatch pops I want you out and running.  Make for the nearest access.  The imps will be to busy worrying about Betty to notice us.â€


    "Yes Sir" he said. In the cockiest way possible. "I'll take point. Provide cover fire if necessary" Putting his helmet on Aidus picked himself up. Walking over near the exit. Blaster Rifle in hand. He planned, as always, to be the first one out. Gather attention to himself if necessary. Get everyone to safety. It was what he lived for. That thrill. The danger of death. Even more so overthrowing death. Chucking it back into the faces of the ones who are dealing it out. 


    "You all hear me out. If they start getting antsy I'm going to pull their fire. Make it to access and I'll follow real quick."


    Ruus suddenly opened fire. Explosions and yelling heard instantly in the hangar. Now was the time. The ramp dropped and Aidus quickly ran out. The others following close behind. 


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  9. Eliian was calm now. Calmer than he was to say the least. What the Jedi had said to him. So few words, but so effective. The scoundrel was still hesitant of the idea of what was to come, but now it seemed plausible. Possible even. If they all worked together they would most certainly win. In one way or another.

    Unfortunately, not everyone would survive this conflict. Not Wick. Certainly not all who had made the jump into these frigid waters. Where else would they be? Dead. Or dying. Anything else. Eliian would be surprised.

    They had all gathered around. Quarren and Mon Calamri alike. It was now clear to everyone the invasion had begun. While the imperials got closer and closer they were still debating. Eliian stayed out of it. Diplomacy was not his strong suit nor was it his wish. Per-Ja jumped right in and that is how he liked it. That's not to say he didn't listen. He hung on every word. Whether he looked like he cared or not. Now, he was just a human attempting to stretch in the waters. Not getting very far doing it. He even saw a few of their troops make little jests. Pointing him out to their friends. Eliian sent a sarcastic smile their way. It's not like they had been tested on, fought a Sith, or made an emergency crash landing.

    A few moments later Eliian was looking at what everyone else saw in equal awe. He had seen through the force. Nothing as vivid as this. The unbridled potential of this planet. What it was destined to become. He couldn't help but speak up this time.

    "I would listen to my friend's words of wisdom. Nothing is accomplished from more bickering. So let's claim a leader. Not waste any more time. Else the Empire will have already conquered the planet." Eliian looked between the potential men. "Let's see here. Not you, or you" Pointing at the leaders of the two separate armies. "No offense, but that is a bad risk to take. No favoritism to those you have previously led. Not in this joint effort." Next Eliian pointed at Swee'la and Sergeant Cepha. "Those two. They seem more up to the task. The Sergeant having more experience in leading troops. What say you Per-Ja?"

    The two sides stood staring at him in awe. You could say there was even a rare flicker of surprise on Per-Ja's face. Eliian didn't budge. Staying calm and clear faced. He waited to hear a response.

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  10. It all happened so quick. When he saw the Sith.......he just followed Wick's actions. Shooting. Distracting. The chance of success didn't really cross his mind. Luckily, Per-ja came and saved the day. Good thing too. Eliian had run short on ideas.

    All but one idea. Eliian thought. His hand playing with the vial in his jacket pocket. It was not a crazy idea, but Eliian was glad he didn't have to go through with it. Per-Ja bested their attacker not him. No death on his conscience. No ties leading him back to the killing. "I need to say something." The Jedi turned to look at him. Wick just put his hand up. Listening. Looking to be enjoying himself. Piloting the odd craft. "The facility is destroyed. One threat is gone, but it get's worse." Removing his hand from his pocket the vial came out with it. "This!" Eliian said. Shaking it with anger he rarely ever showed. "You couldn't even imagine what this little vial can do." Stopping, he takes a deep breath. Per-Ja was looking at him. Almost like he understood. So he carried on. "It's called the Dac Virus. A bio weapon. It can and would wipe out all native life. Quarren and Mon Calamari alike."......"I've seen the test results. The video. The pictures. It is not a pretty site." Taking a moment to look out the window Eliian could see the battle was still raging below. The sight matching the sounds. Above. All hell was about to break loose. The Imperials had arrived. They would be on them soon enough.

    "I was going to use it on the Consul. If I had to. Now I'm not sure what to do with it. I just know it can't get into the wrong hands" The vessel started rocking more and more as they descended. "Even worse, I'm not even sure if they had systems installed to release it. In the facility. Outside it. For all I know it could already be released. Ready to wreak it's havoc in the next few days. After the imperial's invasion is complete."

    More explosions. It didn't give his allies any chance to respond. Behind them. Below them. Above them. There wasn't anywhere to go that was safe. It was the oddest thing. He knew what he held in his hand was more important. Even the battle around them....but he was only thinking about something else. "I...thought you should all know. Where we go now...." Eliian looked out the window again. If the other two were saying anything he didn't care to hear it. Thought after thought entering and leaving his mind. Twi'lek, white hair, and even a padawan...."Per-Ja.....what happened to the other Jedi.....I was sure she would be with......" He couldn't finish. Their ship was suddenly rocked off course. Even his thoughts overpowered by an intense ringing in his ears. They had been hit.

    "Wick. Get us down! Now!.........try to get us as close to the major as we possibly can"......Eliian tried to assess the damage. It was too much. Putting the vial in his pocket and a mask on his face. He prepared himself. Trusting Wick's skills in something he had never operated before. Bracing for impact......

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  11. Eliian hardly even noticed the Zabrak walk in. He hadn't even taken any concern to the loud concussions shaking the facility. When the Zabrak started talking he just barely listened.

    “Good for you. You figured out what I already know†Eliian said harshly. “That is not even the half of it.†The smuggler didn't nudge when his ally tried to pry him from the machine. He needed to find more. Just a few more minutes and maybe it would somehow ensure their success.

    "We gotta disable this factory while it's still in production phase!"

    Eliian finally turned around to acknowledge him. “We do. We do.†Turning back around Eliian starts shutting down the lab. Patting his jacket to make sure the vial was where he left it. Then, he stood up. “Where's the Jedi? No offense, but you'd need him to get this far into the base.†Eliian didn't mention how he'd probably need a partner himself. Especially infiltrating on such short notice. No time to plan things out....... “He's not doing well I assume. Else he'd be with you.†*pulls out his datapad and starts typing* “There we go. I sent you the base layout†The two stood there for a moment. Thinking over there next course of action.

    “Per-Ja†Wick hesitated. Whatever it was Eliian knew he felt bad for it. The regret in his voice. “We ran into one of those damned assassins.†Eliian looked up from his datapad and frowned. “I don't think there is anything we can do to help him. If he survives it's by his own will†pauses “If you have any ideas feel free to let them out. Like you said we have to disable this factory. How though?†Looking down at the floor plan an idea sprang to mind. He'd hear what Wick had to say first. “I know you are usually the “muscle.†You take them out with other people having the plan. This is not the same. This is a lot more than a mission. It's the lives of thousands of people. I need all the help I can get right now.†Eliian didn't take his eyes of the fellow agent. This was a dire situation. If he didn't know that already he would soon enough.

    Wick fell silent. Fidgeting uncomfortably. Unlike him. Maybe some action would help. “We have precious little time.†Ushering his partner over Eliian pointed to the factory level on his screen. “I'd think we need to go to one of these control rooms. The issue is any of them could have the main switchâ€

    Interrupting him. Wick spoke up. “No. In a base like this we may very well have to shut each one down individually. No easy task.†nodding “How about the foreman’s office? Overlooking the entire production floor. It would be a lot harder to get into. Quicker? If we are lucky.†Sighing to himself Eliian let the situation play in his mind. He didn't like not knowing more. It wasn't how he liked operating. Not that this was his first improvisation of the problems placed in front of him. Didn't make it any more easy to deal with.

    “The truth is, I need to talk to Matix and more importantly Per-Ja.â€.....â€Where are the troopers?â€

    “On the battlefield. Where elseâ€

    “Hm. We won't have enough time for that. Maybe we can find a comm tower. Send a message on the way...... I don't like it. Every moment wasted..........Come on let's just go. At least we will be disguised for a few minutes.â€

    Eliian knew what he wanted to do. Stopping the virus seemed more important. It must be complete. Ready to use. Why else would they start the invasion now. All the local species dying. If he couldn't act on the information he had it would be his fault...... This wasn't what he was used to doing. He didn't often make decisions with his Intel. That was why it was so important to tell the others on his team. That, or live with the aftermath for the rest of his life. If any of them even survived. At this point the future was looking hazy at best.


    They were walking down a long corridor when Eliian heard the voice. It sounded like Per-Ja. Coming from Wick's comm. Before the Zabrak could say anything he pulled the comm of his jacket. Turning it of and ushering them into the next vacant room he saw. Touching a panel on the door, it closed behind them.

    “What are you......â€


    Turning the comm-link on and lowering his voice. “This is who you are looking for. We need to talk. Quick.â€

    They opened the door back up and exited the room. A patrol staring oddly at them while Wick went off about back problems. “To the infirmary. I'll check you out there.†The two groups passed, eyeing each other suspiciously. Once they were out of range Eliian picked up the pace. Moving deeper and deeper into the facility.

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  12. "What happened here?!"

    They caught up to him. Eliian didn't move for a few seconds. Letting the guards look over the body on the table.

    “What Happened†he said harshly. “He's the prisoner can't you see that. Easier to examine. Make tests. Clothes hinder both processes.†Getting up from the seat Eliian starts typing on the monitor with one hand. His other reaching under the desk. Pulling the correct vial by memory and placing it into the pocket of the lab coat. Bringing up his other hand Eliian continued to pretend he was working. Making grunts of annoyance. “Just because you so inconsiderately interrupted my work doesn't mean I’ll stop to answer your questions.â€

    Eliian wouldn't turn around unless they forced him to. If these guards had ever talked to the Doctor he needed to keep a rude, focused demeanor. Whether they actually recognized his face as being different. That was more chance than the scoundrel wanted to take.

    “Everything is fine here. No threat. The prisoner is knocked out cold.†gestures to the body behind him. “Now you better explain why you haven’t left yet. Quick questions. Otherwise you'll be getting the boot from your superiors. I've heard they treat you to something a little more permanent than a going away partyâ€

    Last resort Eliian would have to make a run for it. What he just learned changed their diplomatic mission into something much more sinister.

    Fiddling around with lab equipment every part of his body was waiting for the guard to react. The appropriate response meaning everything.

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  13. Eliian lay smiling throughout the Doctor's little speech. Using an old trick......I'll be your friend.........Everything will be ok if we just cooperate.............It was complete bull. That didn't mean Eliian wasn't going to play along. False information. Or maybe saying the most ridiculous thing ever imagined. Either way a syringe still lay very close to his hand. The more time he could buy the better.

    "You would like that wouldn't you Doc." Eliian grinning widely. "I tell you want you want and then you may or may not tell me what I want to hear. Well, guess what. There are more ways to figure out what needs to be known. For your sake be lucky I am not trying to do them." He let the words linger. "So.....Yes!"......"Yes, I will play to your little game. "Cooperate" as you so kindly suggested. Come to my side." points to his left. "It is easier to see you. Look you in the eyes. That way we both know if one of us are lying."

    It was a slow process. Using the needle point to unclasp his arm. Good for him the doctor was oblivious His eyes set on the Smuggler. Full concentration.

    "Here it goes." takes a deep breath "This is the darkest kept secret in our order. You be well to keep it to yourself" pausing to make sure he understands. The Doctor nods. "It all started years ago. The Jedi love telling this story. I think it's boring. Something to do with all our ancestors sharing a deep connection. Only those who have this connection are allowed to join. Some sort of special injection gives this connection new life. We become more than our former selves." his arm becomes free. The scoundrel taking the needle in his hands. "Like you said. We do extraordinary things." His smile gone Eliian's arm comes up. The needle in his hand landing into the Doctor's eye. There was screaming, but he had to focus on getting everything undone There were cameras and the Doctor might not be out for long.

    Soon enough Eliian was out of his restraints. Running around the lab like a mad man. Ignoring the pain of the doctor. The vial substance clearly affecting the man's system. "Take no chances Doctor" Eliian said, finding what he was looking for. "Sleep tight." Another needle and it's contents being pumped into the Doctor's neck.

    Think. Think . As quick as he could Eliian removed the doctor's coat. Putting the clothing over his own and attaching the odd monocle apparatus to his face. Security was coming. He could hear shouting. Picking the body up Eliian placed it where he had been, but face down. The smuggler then took a seat at the terminal. Facing away from the door Eliian waited. Attempting to find out as much as he could about what was going on here.


    Wick watched Per-Ja's with surprise. He was even more capable than at second glance. Killing the man. It was a little much, but it got the job done. Speed was more important than anything else at the moment. Thinking about the "right" way was pointless.

    "See if you can get this door open, I’ll dispose of the body.†Wick nodded at the Jedi. Getting to work on the door. His skills were rusty. He had to prove himself worthy to the Jedi who so casually pulling a guards body away. Casual enough about death to maybe even kill his partner if it would speed things up. Probably, not. Wick thought about it though.

    Wick let out a sigh of relief. The door was an easy crack. So he waited. Ready to open the door at the Jedi's first appearance.

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  14. Eliian didn't answer the Doctor. He watched them talk. It was clear the Sith had messed up. Probably meaning they would go after his group again. Not just anyone. That other padawn. Liira. She would be an easier target than Per-Ja.

    Cringing. Eliian's head was forced sideways while the doctor took his blood. "What do you need that for?" They didn't answer him. The scoundrel slumped his head down onto the metal table. The pain in his muscles slowly dissipating.

    "Interesting notes doctor"....lifting his head. "I am content with staying quiet, but what is popping up on the screen?"..... You've got quite the operation. Tell me. Brainwashing? Genetic manipulation? Or are your masters just taking over everything. Using your knowledge to help wipe both races out."

    Eliian grins. The doctor continued looking at the screen. Not turning around. "I know your kind. Anything to further your research right?"

    "You see. I take on this persona while trapped. So I am told. People who capture me don't like it much." The doctor didn't respond. "I'll just lie here. Pester you later." Laying back down Eliian started wiggling his arms. It was pointless, but eventually the sound would become unsettling. The most wicked smile lay across his face.


    "Let's head out then" Wick said to the Jedi. He would have been angry to go with the man. Now, after seeing he was a capable sneak, they could make it work. Per-Ja was more than he looked. His morals. As much of a smug ass as the rest of them. Disregarding a woman's body. Jedi or not. He could have shown some respect.

    They had been swimming for a while. Wick was not sure where they were going. Per-Ja likely knew better than he did. They forewent conversation. This was a job after all. If you spoke up while in stealth you didn't last long. That carried over to all his missions. The rest of the time he was a chatter box. If the Jedi did ask something he would answer. For now, finding Eliian was the priority.

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  15. Wick slowly raised himself from the assassin's corpse. Prying his dagger out of the man's body the twi'lek took it in his hand. Examining it and then wiping the blood off on his suit. When he looked up the older Jedi was heading towards them with Consul Haan. "Nice. Good work" he said. Immediately returning his attention back to the dagger. Satisfied Wick slide the dagger back into its leg sheath. Looking up again Wick saw the others and nodded. Several of the troopers were looking at him. One was the recruit. The same one who was freaking out over the sith. "Eyes out there newbies. They die just like everything else does" he said walking away and pointing out into the distance. Finding himself a column the Zabrak leaned against it. Taking a look around. Eliian was nowhere to be seen.


    Eliian saw and proceeded to watch Per-Ja lay his trick on the Sith. It was impressive. He was doing to Haan what Eliian had always feared. It was not something to take lightly. Similar tactics had been used against the Scoundrel. Half the time he was captured. Those times he did escape were a chance of luck. That is what his nemesis called it. The hunter just didn't want to admit he had been outplayed. If there were any onlookers it might seem a game. Aidus versus Eliian. Eliian always the mouse. "Good thing no one ever said the mouse can't fight back" he thought.

    No. Eliian stopped all but the essential thoughts. Footsteps. They were close. He had two choices. Move or stay put. Someone was coming from behind. He thought the shadows would conceal. It must have been different in the water. If this was another Sith....it might not matter either way. Eliian slowly lifted his foot. Bang! Everything went Black. Bang! Eliian was out cold. Floating silently in the water. The attacker dragging his corpse to somewhere unknown.

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  16. (sorry about my absence. I will attempt to post more regularly from now on.)

    Eliian and Wick remained seated during the grand assembly. Both of them were at a loss. The troopers were guarding and the Jedi were attempting to carry out the mission objective. “The fun of being a diplomatic envoy†Eliian whispered. The Zabrak nodded. Half ignoring him while tipping his head back. There had already been several heated conversations with the rookie. Wick did not understand why they couldn't survey the area. He didn't understand that it would be too obvious if someone from diplomatic team suddenly disappeared. It was not that Eliian did not want to do the same, but they knew what they were signing up for. Looking good and worthwhile was half of it.

    Meanwhile, Eliian attempted to grasp the situation they were getting deeper entwined in. If any more incidents occurred they might have to stay in the city until the matter was resolved. Could it be? Eliian was not sure. These two species hated each other. There was a lot of animosity. How could what seemed like years of hate and betrayal be patched up by a few Jedi and their entourage? Eliian did not answer himself. Maybe the two sides would realize that fighting would cause more harm than good. “From what I can tell people tend to choose to fight.†Looking over to Wick the scoundrel let out a heavy sigh. Wick was asleep. Just as Eliian reached over to wake the twi’lek a shot was fired. Both of them reacted instantly. Leaping up out of their seats. No acknowledgment, they knew what they had to do. The Sniper could have hit his target and was running away. The shooter could also be setting up another shot. Either way the attacker had to be stopped. They didn't get that chance. Bodack had already taken the sniper down. Eliian looked at Wick and frowned through his mask. “Area survey! There might be more of them.†The twi'lek nodded.

    The crowd was in a riot. Many of them were attempting to leave. At the very least people were moving as far away from the captain's body as was possible. There was nothing. But he was not taking chances. Activating his stealth generator Eliian moved near a large column and set up his datapad to survey the area for movement. After a few minutes a beep sounded through his helmet. Someone was moving around. He had to warn the others, but it was too late. “Assassins†Eliian whispered into his comm. Seeing the Sith appear out of nowhere. “Wick where did you.....†Eliian almost finished before seeing Wick stab one assassin in the shoulder. Followed up by pulling the sith back so his opponent was in all respects upside down. The next strike ended its life. Eliian didn't join him. Per-ja had disappeared. Someone might as well find out why.

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  17. Eliian kept calm. The arguing and the fighting were nothing new. If something did happen it was best to be neutral rather than chocked full of emotions. React as you should react, not how emotions twist your reaction. The only thing he did was casually look between the two groups. Studying them and their movements. Where they looked while swimming. How the shadows formed in the water. If he had any reason to hide or conceal himself maybe he could. It wouldn't be easy that much was true. To Eliian's suprise Wick had a similar demeanor. However, he was constantly fiddling with his blaster. Focus on nothing else. Shutting his voice projector off Eliian opened a private channel with Wick. "Put that thing away, dam. Oh, and it wouldn't kill you to at least look around." The Twi'lek moaned and did as he was asked.

    Eliian didn't say anything else. The Jedi was calming everyone down while the trooper told it how it was. He was tempted to just tranquilize the two captains and move on. Eliian didn't. Waiting for their reaction just like everyone else.

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  18. Eliian remained standing on the transport. The water was the deepest blue the scoundrel had ever seen. The descent down to the surface was a beautiful sight in and of itself. It didn't mean the smuggler regretted signing up. Water was something Eliian always avoided or just didn't encounter. If he was chosen, then the other remnants didn't seem interested in descending the depths of Mon Cala. Each training session helped ease some of the fear. Getting familiar with all the gear, technology and knowledge needed to do the job. Regardless, butterflies were forming in his stomach.

    "Jump already" sounded raspy voice of the Twi'lek in their group. Eliian had only meet him a few days ago. His 'companion,' known as Wick, for the mission. Hopefully the guy knew how to fight. There was a reason Eliian joined the diplomatic team. There were four troopers around. That never made him feel better on land. There was no way it would help underwater.

    "You first. As I understand it water is one of your favorite places. If you are so eager go. Don't worry about me." Shrugging Wick jumped. The only people left were two troopers and himself. He couldn't imagine the pilots were happy about hovering so close to the water. Not for longer than they had to. Sighing heavily Eliian adjusted his gear. Taking a step forward he dropped feet first into the water. Looking around he saw Matix and the rest of the group. Once he got his bearings Eliian swam over and waited for the rest to jump.

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  19. "Landing soon Niuk." Eliian said to his Sullstan Companion. They had decided to come in behind the fleet itself. There was no need in risking the League's praised ship. A CORELLIAN XS LIGHT FREIGHTER. One of the fastest stock ships in the galaxy. However, this ship was far from stock. Equipped with a faster hyperdrive, engines, armor and a unique stealth system.

    "Man this thing is fast. If only I had one for myself." Eliian said jokingly. The truth was he rarely used a ship to get around. At least not his own. His work was one of espionage. Using a single ship would be too dangerous.

    As the freighter approached the ground the Dead Quarry became increasingly larger. What the two men saw was extraordinary. A humongous hole in the ground with some of the most secure and entrenched bases Eliian had ever seen. Even more alarmingly was a battle people like him only ever read about.

    "I think we are way over our heads here" "Well you dragged me into this mess, you know how I fell about combat. Always so damaging for ships." The pair had been talking for quite some time. In Durese non the less. A language as common as Basic in the trade industry.

    "Hold up, I think I hear something over the comm." Eliian waited a few seconds then heard a young femine voice "This is Satella Highwind. Padawan of Orden Vyndari. If anyone can hear me, my team of five has breached the generator. Requesting assistance from any that can provide, draw their attention or we'll get swamped." Eliian knew her, they had worked together before. "This is Eliian Darkfell responding. I might be able to do something. That is if you can shut down the Anti-Air turrets in the area." Stopping he turned around to see Niuk starring at him. The man did not seem happy that he had just agreed to fly into hostile territory. "Oh, get over it. Right. I hope you can understand Durese. Otherwise I am going to have to repeat myself."

  20. Eliian was running and shooting the agent that was charging Tai for the killing blow. Almost none of his shots connected, and the ones that did only glanced of the man's shields and armor. Trying for another barrage, he was out. Using all his clips used through the harsh, long days now behind them. It seemed the Agent would get the better of Tai. Eliian could do little to stop him. By the time he reached the man his blades would be deep in the trooper's heart.

    Then, out of nowhere. A brilliantly placed shot landed square in the arm of the charging agent. Sending him spinning to the side and into nearby debris. It was Dom, the ranger who had been unconscious and injured no less than an hour ago. Eliian could not concentrate on the man. He just watched the agent, who disappeared before his eyes. His shady silhouette running with full speed out of the building. Eliian could have easily tailed the man. Though today was not that day. It had been a long journey; Eliian was not sure his injured and rattled body could handle it.

    After these dire seconds of rest the battle was far from over. Tai and Dom were watching the intense battle between Kalor and Malice. There seemed to be nothing any of them could do. Any interference would likely hinder, rather than help Kalor. Luckily, the Remnants were here. Eliian could return to his dumpy apartment on Nar Shaddaa for a few nights rest. Or maybe even steal a few nights in one of the high end casinos. It was a good thought.

    Eliian then realized something. "We need to go make sure Materosi made it to the ground safe and sound. I may have some black a some black market stems we could use." So eliian rushed to the Castle garden; to tend to a Jedi. It was not every day a smuggler was seen tending a Jedi. "Let's see how much of a Joke I can make of medicine today" Eliian thought as he rushed to his companions side.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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