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Kota Terress

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Posts posted by Kota Terress

  1. GROUP 1

    Kota looks over the group one last time.


    Kota: Ok well I suggest we split our ranks that way we can keep an eye on each other.


    He points to Zed’la and Camek.


    Kota: You two, with me and Venoor.


    He turns to Larial and takes off his helmet.


    Kota: Honey, could you take the other two with you and Mak?


    He walks over and pecks a kiss on her cheek. He twirls his helmet back onto his head.


    Kota: My team, we’re going to secure the communications room, see if we can’t find some logs or messages to let us know just what the hell is going on here. Larial’s team see if the lifts are still working. Keep constant communication between the groups.


    He moves over to one side of the hall with his team. He looks around.


    Kota: Alright I say we get going.

    • Like 1

    ((ok guys here are the groups:

    Group 1







    Group 2






    Group 3




    The new posting order is now in descending order down.

    From now on please precede your post with your group number, thanks guys!))

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    Kota smirks under his helmet at Zed’la’s words.

    He lowers his rifle and leans it up against the wall.


    Kota: If it’s my loyalty you want to question that’s fine, I deserve that. But ask me if I’d be willing to give my life to put down an Imperial…


    He draws his pistol and taps it at Zed’la’s side.


    Kota: Then we have something to talk about.


    The situation quickly escalates as more and more people pop out of stealth with weapons drawn.


    Kota: Just so I know, by a show of hands, is there anyone here who can’t turn invisible?


    He raises his hand slowly.

    He looks around at the others.


    Kota: Alright, miss Imperial, I think we need to let cooler heads prevail here.


    He steps back and holsters his pistol.

    He looks to Cam, recognizing him and remembering a semblance of respect on a professional level.

    Once everyone seemed to back off and Kota was 51% sure everyone wasn’t going to kill each other he took the initiative.


    Kota: Listen, I don’t need to tell you this ship is as safe as a Sarlac Pit and smells a lot worse, but I feel that I should tell you we’re not here for you. Shot in the dark here-


    He looked around the dim hall realizing the irony in his words.


    Kota: - I take you are all here to gain access to the bridge.


    He looks to his team, proud members of the Republic, for the most part. Then he looks over his Imperial friends, glorified champions no doubt. He swallows knowing what will come can only help or utterly destroy the mission.


    Kota: Larial and I have had some experience with Rakghouls before and let me tell you they ain’t pretty and they ain’t easy to overcome. I think its safe to say that the best way through this is a joint effort. That being said, trust, I imagine, is something we do not share with each other. Proposal 2: we split up to cover more ground but each squad has a mix of both of our task forces. I for one do not want to die in the jaws of some flesh eating mindless beast, so in the mutual interest of survival, what do you say?


    He stretches out his hand to shake.


    ((Don’t worry about the teams, I already worked out who will go with who))


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  4. GENERAL POST ( Both Factions) 



    The ship creaks and rocks as the beasts move about in unseen sections of the ship. The fighting disturbed something. There is a low rumble that resonates throughout the ghostly halls.

    Something sinister has been awoken.

    The two teams stand in a blockade of each other as tensions rise but there is more here than Imperial and Republic.

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    Kota leads the group on checking over his shoulder every so often to make sure everyone is still together.


    Kota: Make sure you watch our 6!


    He calls back out of habit and just to let the other hear something other than the nauseating DRIP DRIP DRIP that came from Force only knows where.

    As they reach the center of the hall Kota sees a group of people.

    He raises his gun up and stops in his tracks.

    His HUD registers that they are not Rakghouls, but it reminds him of how much of the virus is infested in the walls around them.

    He dismisses that information and focusses on those in front of him.

    He continues slowly up the hall until….


    Kota: (Whipering) Imps…..


    His voice trails off as he realizes their doom. He waits a few moments expecting his team to leap into deadly conflict with their sworn enemies but he realizes they don’t.

    The impeding sense of despair wasn’t coming from the Imps, even Kota, without being a Jedi, could tell that.


    Then something else hit him, they haven’t attacked yet either.

    He looks back to the rest of the group who seem to be saying without actually saying, “Go on, thenâ€.

    He rolls his eyes under his helmet and steps forward.

    He makes his way to the Imperials.


    Kota: I take it you’re not responsible for this mess?

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    The team fights wave after wave of disgusting rakghouls. Finally after what seems like forever the beasts cease.

    The jedi hold their lightsabers steady in a defensive stance while everyone else does a uniformed reloading session that seems to be choreographed almost perfectly.

    The team looks around noticing that there are no immediate threats, however there is a strong presence, one of the Imperial nature, but aside from that there is one of impending doom. Something was weighing this place down and it wasn’t the Imperial presence that has now become clear.


    The team silently agrees to step on.

    They trend lightly and cautiously until they reach the center of the large hallway…..



    The beasts seem to slowly but surely stop charging and some remaining ones actually scatter away.

    It was becoming more and more clear that these Rakghouls were not the normal breed.

    So far it had just been the standard Rakghoul species, most commonly found in these incidents, but most of these hardened fighters knew all too well the diversity of this horrible breed.

    The team, or at least those of them that remained together, proceeds onward down the hall.

    They move quicker down the hall than there Republic counterparts, letting the dark side guide their steps and cautions.

    They arrive at the center of the hallway first.

    They stand waiting as they hear something coming. They brace for another attack but soon realize these are not their foes, or at least the Rakghoul kind. They are Republic entities judging by their insignias and the likes.

    They stand by as the others approach

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  7. Kota raises his eyebrows at the political stab the senator was voicing.


    Appealing to your supporters was one thing, but this seemed like campaigning to Kota.


    He appreciates the sentiment but snarls at the idea that so many men and women died because some elected officials in an over sized office decided, in a way, that they should.


    Kota admires politics in that he values the structure of a republic and democracy and all, but too often has been the victim of the actions of faceless men in rooms.


    Kota looks to his leader to comment. He has his personal views but when it comes to the unit, when it comes to his unit, he takes the lead of his Commanding Officer and Kaxon was a strong and trusted leader if there ever was one, at least in Kota's eyes he was.


    He waits for Kaxon's response.

  8. Kota blinks rapidly as Luka projects her words.

    He stands wide eyed and realized he was putting on his own one man play.

    He collects himself as quickly as he can and takes his seat.

    There is a long moment of silence.

    Kota:.... Yea I'll call her layer on tonight.

  9. Kota sits in the large briefing room alone.
    He looks around.
    There are rows of chairs facing the front of the room where a holo terminal sits patiently waiting.
    His helmet and rifle sit on the chair next to him.
    He sits with his hands folded, waiting.
    He looks over his shoulder and winces in pain as his wound stings him a bit.
    He grabs his side where it hurts.

    Kota:that was a nasty fall. You see that colt, you left me to deal with your little girl. Thanks a lot.

    He looks around again.
    He shrugs.

    Kota: well she's not little in the rank sense of the word, she's actually in charge of me, and she's not little in the weakling category of linguistics either because, well frankly, she's a soldier, and thirdly....

    He looks around again.

    Kota: thirdly I'm taking to myself. I've lost it I've gone off the deep end she was right I'm nuts..... She was right.... She always is...

    Kota unhooks a pouch on his belt and pulls out a tiny data pad.
    He turns it on.
    A picture of larial appears on the screen.

    Kota: lari...

    He swipes the photo to reveal another picture, this one of he and Kenlar, larial's son.
    Kota is crouched next to him and he is dressed in his makeshift jedi robes.
    Kota smiles.
    He swipes to the last picture.
    It's of he a larial with their arms around each other.
    He stares at it for awhile.
    He snaps out of it and puts the data pad away.
    He looks around again.
    He stands and walks to the front of the room with his back to the door.

    Kota: where the hell is everybody!!! I thought we were supposed to be briefed on a mission.....oh this must be my fault for throwing myself at an officer to protect them. Stupid me it won't happen again. I learned my lesson!!

    He taps his armor where his wound is.

    Kota: meet in the briefing room, sergeant Terress, I'll be right there with the others. Good one, nice make me sit here all alone haha!! I'll show them! I'm gonna cryo their boots to the floor when they are sleeping!! Yes that'll be it that'll be gre-

    The door opens but kota doesn't notice and the others that finally arrived for the briefing step in.
    Kota whirls around in his rant and stops when he sees them all staring at him.

    Kota:........ Ah, welcome I've been expecting you.

  10. The team walked down the eerie hallway which seemed like forever. Kota was getting anxious as they got closer to the first corner. In his mind he felt like once they rounded that corner the first obstacle would be down.

    In a way he was right, he just didn’t know what kind of obstacles lay ahead and probably wouldn’t believe them if they were told to him.

    Something echoed through the halls. His rifle is up and ready.

    They wait.

    Nothing. They keep moving. They round the corner and there is nothing just another hall. It’s far better than what could have been there.

    Kota relaxes a bit.

    There is a second THUD and Kota’s HUD comes alive. He tries to determine what kind of life form is being picked up but there is no time. The next thing he sees is a swarm of the ever so lovely rakghouls.

    He rushes up and plants his feet.


    Kota: INCOMING!!


    He aims at the swarm and opens fire.

    He bolts fly through the air ripping through the rakghouls and cutting them down. There screams fill the air. Some are cut off by the moment of death other get louder and more enraged at their fallen comrades.

    Kota desperately tries to kill them before they reach the group to keep distance between them. He hears and sees other blaster fire but has not time to look to see who’s joined the fight. Then…




    Kota: (whispering) Reload reload reload..(Shouting) RELOADING!


    He ducks down and ejects the empty cartridge from his rifle. He quickly slams a fresh one in its place, almost subconsciously.

    His adrenaline has kicked in and he springs back into action.

    He is brought back to his days with THORN. When fighting rakghouls there isn’t a whole lot of time for thinking, only killing.

    The bodies start to pile up but there’s no end in sight.


    Kota goes down to a knee to reload again. He looks back ever so quickly. He sees Larial eyes burning with combat. He switches to Mak, knowing his soldier instincts would’ve kicked in. They make eye contact and Kota gives him a solid nod.

    The moment passes and he springs right back up.

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    The team approaches the hall cautiously. After some debate as to who leads they enter.

    There are distant drips of water that can be heard throughout the otherwise quiet halls. The occasional sparks of electricity are the only thing that breaks up the eerie stillness of the hall.

    Every now and then someone’s foot steps down on some snow causing a nice crunching sound.

    They make their way about ¾ down the hallway before they are stopped by a noise.

    An echo rings through the halls followed by a low ever so slight humming. You wouldn’t even be able to hear it if it wasn’t so quiet. The echo seemed to be a growl.

    The team readies themselves. A low clunk is heard and then the sound of air either rushing in or out.

    The team exchanges glances and they wait. Nothing happens so they reach the end of the hall.

    They turn the corner and

    They stand ready and are answered by


    Down this new hall a ways comes the scampering of dozens of legs.

    Rakghouls pour into the hallway from various passages and rooms. They flood the hall with one goal in mind: Kill everyone.

    They rush the team in all their might…….



    The rakghoul’s dismembered bodies rest at the feet of Victarian. He is soon joined by the rest of the Imperials.

    Their “team†of able bodies stands in a darker hallway with barely any light. This section of the ship’s power had been wiped out. There are a few emergency caution lights on but they are red and if anything make it harder to see.

    A clunk is heard from off in the distance followed by air flowing in.

    The “team†is close to the breach whatever it may be.

    There is movement, but it’s quiet and solitary.

    A few taps….no footsteps….sort of.

    Around the corner come a lone rakghoul crawling around on a mixture of his legs and arms.

    He seems harmless.

    He stares at the “team†for a couple of moments.

    He stands upright and tall, takes in a large deep breath and growls.

    The growl almost immediately causes some kind of….


    Which following this domino effect causes a..


    The footsteps that seemed innocent before are now replaced with a rampage of tons of rakghouls headed right for the “teamâ€.


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  12. Kota watches Larial sputter about the ship. She’s making a call. He looks a little curious but is broken by…..

    The ship rattles violently.


    Kota (Under his breath): Jeez, guess we broke atmosphere…


    The ship rocks again then slams into ground. Everyone stumbles about. Kota falls to the floor.

    As the ship slides to a halt Kota hops to his feet.


    Larial: Is everyone all right? Apparently Jessin doesn't know how to fly...


    She’s ok, she’s fine, and she’s checking on everyone good. Kota rushes passed her. He burst into the cockpit.

    Jessin lies in the pilot seat moaning slightly.


    Kota: Hey hey hey, you’re ok, you’re fine.


    He rushes over helps him up.


    Jessin: Could you …. Could you…

    Kota: What…What is it?

    Jessin: Could you get your filthy, deserter hands off of me.


    Kota’s face flattens.  He drops Jessin.


    Jessin: ahh, I was kidding I was……Whoa.

    He looks out the window to see where they are. Kota notices and follows his glare. The cavern they ended up in is breath taking.



    The door opens from the rear of the shuttle and Kota steps down the ramp, now with his THORN helmet on.  He has his rifle in hand and his head flutters around taking in the interesting structure of the cavern.


    The sound of his foot stepping off the ramp into the water startles him. He fixes his gaze on the open doorway to the massive wreck.

    He wades through the water which only gets up to his knees. He trots along as his body struggles to adjust to the extreme cold and intense heat all hitting him at once.

    He leads the team checking over his shoulder to make sure they’re still following. He reaches the doorway and steps up onto a rock then into the doorway.

    He waits at the entrance and tilts his trying to see down the hall. There is a faint


    Kota readies himself. The lights down the hall blast to life one by one illuminating a couple a feet at a time until the hall is lit.

    He looks back to the group.


    Kota: Alright so who wants to go first?

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  13. Republic

    The ship breaks the atmosphere and hurdles toward the surface. Jessin fumbles with the controls as the ship does not seem to be slowing down.


    Jessin: What the hell is…


    One of the consoles beeps. There is a strange shift in the air, no the Force, even Jessin feels it. He realizes that the console beeping is the radar showing another ship. It had just crashed and now…

    Another console shows the engine failing. Jessin starts to panic but grabs the steering console. He guides the ship down as safely as he can until the wreckage comes into view. It distracts him and he almost crashes into part of it jutting out into the sky. He swerves and hits something else but he can’t see what it is. The ship spirals down into the surface. It breaks through the ground revealing a small cavern. The slides in and gently halts. The hole the ship created collapses in on itself trapping them.

    The team inside looks as if they’d been tossed around a bot during the crash. After they adjust themselves, the shuttle ramp extends into the cavern. They all step out.

    The team stands in a small cove of ice and rock. The heat from the crash melted the floor slightly, leaving them standing in a small pool up to about their knees. On the far side is a dark hall, undoubtedly from the ship. Wires hang down from the walls and the ceilings. The broken ends spark as the last feint bit of power is exhausted. Snow that had melted and splashed into the hall has now frozen over again, making it look like the ship could have been here for years. The temperatures fluctuate as the heat from the crash clashes with the intense and harsh chill of Hoth. The sparks of electricity from the wires become less frequent.



    The team slowly begins to come together in the small clearing in front of the opening of the wreckage.

    Just then a shuttle comes soaring through the sky. It seems rather humorous as, Victiss’ ship just crashed, originating from almost the same place in the sky.

    It hurls into a pillar then spirals into the ground. The team can’t see where it landed but they hear the crash.

    They watch until a low…


    Accompanied by a rumble comes from inside the wreckage. It seems to pour out the open door calling to them….






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  14. The shuttle leaves the base and flies off. Kota notices the shift in movement as they jump into hyperspace.

     Hoth, not his favorite place in the galaxy but certainly not the worst. Rakghouls, that's where the real concern came in. He knew THORN all too well, having worked for them, to know they wouldn't just not respond even if they were stretched a bit thin. Something was wrong here. He guessed that they didn't even know about the incident.


    Hoth was too perfect of a place for an unnoticed crash to happen. It almost seemed planned. Hartik would never knowingly send anyone into a trap. No Jessin.....Kota didn't like Jessin but he doubted he could be capable of such a thing. Whatever was waiting for them down there could not be good.


    Kota stands close by to Larial, if for no other reason than she was the only person he knew. He quickly realized that in a situation like this it would be best for everyone to at least be introduced. But how? A couple of jedi? No, what would he say to them? A guy who looked like some kind of smuggler? Maybe now that he had dabble in freelance work himself, but he didn't want to seem ignorant. And then there was a soldier. He could spend a month talking to the soldier.


    Kota smiles until he realizes he is and then quickly gets rid of it hoping no one saw him smiling aimlessly into nothing.


    He turns to Larial quietly.


    Kota: Alright time to break the ice, I guess.


    He eyes Mak and starts with him.


    Kota: Well, I'm Kota Terress, Republic special- ......uh sorry, ex Republic special forces.


    He reaches out to shake Mak's hand. After which he moves to every one else on the team.


    Kota: As tough as this one sounds, I'm sure we can handle it.


    He flashes a quick reassuring smile, if for no one but himself.

    He looks over to Cimerine for her to continue the introductions.

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    The team stands at a door waiting for it to be opened.  An armed guard stands on one side of the door. He is not dressed in any kind of military uniform, nor is holding himself as any type of a soldier. He stands uncomfortably watching the team that outnumbers him greatly.

    The door clicks unlocked and slides open revealing a small briefing room. The team steps inside and the guard seems relieved.

    Hartik stands on one side of a large holoterminal in the center of the room while Jessin stands at a console behind him. The team gathers around the terminal.


    Hartik: Thank you all for coming. The situation is dire so I will get right to the point. 


    The holoterminal illustrates for the team what Hartik is explaining.


    Hartik: A ship, apparently carrying the Rakghoul virus, crashed on Hoth. The ship is an industrial sized cargo ship but no faction, company, or Hutt has claimed it. It would appear that whatever happened to the ship was internal. No outside force acted on it, that we know of. THORN is still recovering from Tatooine and haven’t been able to respond. The idea is to clean this up as fast as we can and as quietly as we can. We’re sending you to find out what happened and to contain the situation. There will be no backup, no support, nothing. Officially no one will know you are there and if it goes well no will actually know you were there either.  If this doesn’t work for any of you, there is no shame in walking out, however you were all selected for the reason that we think you are the best choice for this job.


    He looks around the room. The team remains still.


    Hartik: Alright then, let’s begin. There is a shuttle in the hangar that will take you to the crash site. I will provide you with intel when I can, as you go.


    The door the team entered through opens and another man is in the doorway.


    Hartik: He will take you to your shuttle. Good luck.


    The team follows the man out of the room and through the secret base. The halls are small and cluttered and most of the people look away as the team passes. Whatever this place is, its not something a lot of people know about. The man leads them to the hangar where the shuttle is docked.  The team approaches the ramp and the man steps aside.  He nods as the team gets on the ship.


    The ship takes off and flies out of the hangar.





    The cold Hoth air blows and whips up the occasional cluster of snow. The snow dances around in the air until it lands softly on the ground. The special group of qualified individuals all gather around the coordinates. If they were going to tear each other apart now was the time.

    Almost as if it knew now would be the time to interrupt, a message appears to all of them individually. It is a holocall from a droid.

    Droid: Greetings prized warrior. I am a triggered prerecorded message; any attempt to reply would not go through making you look foolish which you are not hence why you were chosen for this assignment. You will receive no further instructions regarding the mission. You are to storm the wreckage of this ship and make your way to the bridge. Kill any survivors you find. Once you have reached the bridge, kill anyone left alive in there and destroy the ship’s log. Once your task is complete you are free to go on your way. Once my master confirms your success you will be paid. Proceed when ready.


    The message sputters away and is gone. It appeared to be a regular holocall but did not come from any technological device, it just kind of….appeared.

    The small opening the coordinates indicate leads to a small hatch on the demolished ship. The hatch remains open as ice and snow gather around its opening. The smell of burning steel and rubble flows through the air and the occasional creaking can be heard coming from inside.

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  16. Kota slips into his new set of combat gear. He had been working on it for awhile, trying to take things from his old soldier armor that he liked and swapping out things he didn't like. His chest piece was now much more limber and breathable, he liked that. He had kept his helmet from his days with THORN because he liked their HUD and the way they filtered. they filtered much better than standard military helmets mainly because they were dealing with a deadly infectious virus capable of turning one into a flesh eating monster.


    Kota slowly snaps all the pieces of his armor into place minus the helmet. He looks over at his rifle sitting on the rack nearby. He sighs. Etched into the side is the word "Titan". That's what he called it. That's what he's called it to anyone who would know it had a name, including Larial. But he hadn't etch in the word "Titan". He had etched in the words "Titan Squad". The "Squad" part had long faded. He thought over and over about rubbing away "Titan" as well but could never bring himself to it. That part of his life was over and the rest of his Titans were long dead. He had hoped that closure would solve his problems but it hadn't. It ended in a miscommunication, an execution of a Republic Officer, and landed him in court and prison.

    After he got out the first thing he was going to do was rub away "Titan".


    Larial: You bringing Titan?


    They got called to a mission before he could get rid of it and she had thought he named the rifle "Titan". He liked the way she said it.

    He smiles and realizes he's been staring at a weapon a long time. He feels a pressence in the room.


    Larial: Kota love......


    Kota: (startled) Whaaa-


    He falls over.


    Kota: Yea?


    He turns and looks at her. She finishes her thought. Relieved she got the same invite, he sighs. He misses what she says she's going to do but he hears Colt's name. Sometimes that's good sometimes that's bad. Colt was one of his closest friends....but also Larial's ex. She still wore one of Colt's shirts from time to time but Kota didn't mind it was the last thing either of them had left of him, that and Kota had a degree from Colt's College of Coolness.


    Kota puts his hand to his head thinking about Colt. Realizing Larial was rattling off names of people who also received some type of message, he listens.


    Kota: Witchdoctor? That doesn't sound Republic to me.....We better get going. I want to get a sense for what we're really getting into.....


    The ship takes off from their almost finished base of operations and Kota inputs the mysterious coordinates. He let's Larial fly while he thinks deeply about all of this.

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  17. Kota sits in his apartment on Coruscant. It's pretty messy with exposed crates and wires everywhere. He and his crew had just started converting it into their base of operations. He sits on a chair cleaning some mechanical piece with a cloth. A Holo terminal beeps with a new message.


    Kota: More jobs, great. We haven't finished recovering from the last one.


    He reluctantly slugs over to the terminal and opens the message. He skims it quickly. Then re-reads it, interested.


    Kota: Well well well. Look who came crawling back...


    He closes the message and and opens a holo call.

    A big buff Wookie answers on the other line.


    Kota: Kalla! How's Sixes?

    Kalla: RAhh

    Kota: Any word on when he'll be discharged?

    Kalla: Grraa

    Kota: Ok, well stay with him then. If he they let him go home take him to the safe house and wait for me there.

    Kalla: Arroof

    Kota: I have some business to take care of, I'll be a couple of days. I'll call you when I'm done.


    The call ends and Kota rushes off to get ready.

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  18. (REPUBLIC)



    Hartik, and SIS agent, stands with in a small room surrounded by consoles. There is a large Holoterminal in the middle of the room.

    Jessin stands at his side.


    Jessin: All the profiles are here and the messages are ready to be sent.

    Hartik: Send them.

    Jessin: How do you know they will come?

    Hartik: Because if they don’t we could be screwed.


    Jessin hits a button on the console and the image of mail being sent out leaps across the screen.

    He looks to Hartik. Hartik nods.



    Dear Citizen of the Republic,

    We have on file you work, or at some time have worked, for the Republic. We appreciate your service. A situation has arisen and we need your help. Regardless of your standing with our government your presence has been requested for a top secret briefing on an emerging conflict. Your current standing will in no way affect you at all whether you choose to help or not. This matter is extremely delicate and your discretion is necessary. Coordinates and times for the briefing are attached to this message. The Republic needs you. We all do.


    …………………END OF MESSAGE.â€





    Unknown Voice: A single message. Details, that’s it. No more, no less. That’s all they’ll need.


    You know who you are, 

                   You have your reasons to be who you are. You have made choices that made you what you have become, and what you are right now in this moment is what I need. I don’t need or want you just as you do not need or want me, but what I do need is your skills. You can bring something to my problem that I need. You are not the only one being sent this message, there are others. Work with them or kill them, your choice. I would advise you to work with them but I won’t tell you how to do your job. You will be met with resistant, danger, possibly death, but definitely a reward suitable to your taste, be it money, power, or otherwise. I will promise you one thing and it is that which I promise the entire galaxy: Freedom. Freedom for all and soon. Go to Hoth and retrieve the logs of the crashed ship. Coordinates are enclosed.

                   -For Freedom, My Friend

    • Like 4
  19. Edit: It's not to late to join this forum roleplay! If you are interested, please review the story so far and then message  Kota Terress about joining in.


    Ok guys Welcome to Heart of Darkness Chapter 1 of RoH Epic Rp! Here are some rules for this Rp:

    The posting order is listed below. It was designed to have all the Republic players post and then the Imperial players post that way the factions can all post together. Eventually everybody will be together but to start the factions will be separate. Larial and I will bookend the posting so you all know when to post. After everyone has posted there will be a general post to take us into the next round of posting. Please do not post out of order UNLESS you are having a conversation between two players in which nothing major changes in the plot. Thank you and let’s have some fun I will start will our first general post and then get right into it.



    1. General Post
    2. Kota (Kota) (Republic)
    3. Cimerine (Scya) (Republic)
    4. Vito Ruus (Sirian) (Republic)
    5. Venoor Loran Garrick) (Republic)
    6. Mak’atin (Mak) (Republic)
    7. Debid Anoni (Spr) (Imperial)
    8. Zed’la (Zed) (Imperial)
    9. Na’Tanilia Rafale (Acies) (Imperial)
    10. Victiss (Siv) (Imperial)
    11. Victarian (Colt) (Imperial)
    12. Cam’ek (Vyrgian) (Imperial)
    13. Larial (Larial) (Republic)
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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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