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Kota Terress

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Posts posted by Kota Terress

  1. Kota: My direction skills are top notch....actually did you know alderaan and Tatooine are no where near each other? .....Because I do!........(Quieter) Well I do now at least....


    He steps into the dark hall. His HUD switches to night vision. He scans the hall nothing. He takes out a datapad and inputs something into his HUD. Immediately the concentration of Vaccine appears on his HUD and shows him where to go.


    Kota: Its in the last hangar down on this side.


    He walks through the hall. The darkness swirls around them and all is quiet.  Kota holds his rifle tight almost hugging it.

  2. Kota sits in the passenger seat stunned.


    Kota: Graceful.........that was graceful.


    The ship sits a little slanted in the hangar due to the engines cutting out.


    The two step off the transport and into the massive ship's hangar. Kota balances himself after the bumpy ride. He shakes his head. The air is a little colder. His HUD shows power is scarce. The hangar is lit but the hall off it looks dark. This ship looks much worse. There are bodies everywhere and the other ships in the hangar are torn apart.


    Kota: Oh I see, you were just trying to make our ship fit in.....

  3. KOta flies back as Larial kicks off. She soars through the hall slicing up rakghouls as she goes. Kota pushes off a wall and follows her. He twists and turns dodging the bodies Larial leaves behind. A few strays pass her and kota raises his rifle to meet them. He blasts them as he goes. He looks back to see the damage they had done.


    He rounds a corner and and sees the interfleet transport. Larial stands waiting for him. He smiles at her and then crashes into the wall.


    Kota: OWW.


    His momentum from the turn had accelerated him into the far wall.

    He regains himself and makes his way to the transport.


    Kota: You didn't see but there was a dangerous bomb there and I was trying to avoid it, thats why I hit the wall.

  4. Kota smirks at her and does just as she asks. He puts up one leg to support it on the wall which is now almost the floor. He can feel himself getting lighter as well. He checks his HUD on his helmet.


    Kota: Lari, The artificial gravity is failing!


    Soon Kota and Larial are both floating. The Rakghuols seem to regroup and charge clawing at the spinning walls to pick up momentum as they too float through the air. One Reaches Kota who twists his body kicking the beast away. The force of the kick sends him back as well and he floats towards a wall. He spins and kicks off the wall picking up speed. as he crosses the hall he opens fire on the rakghouls. The blasts either kill them instantly or send them flying back through the air. Kota lands on the ceiling and grips it so he doesn't float away again. He levels his rifle and fires at the rakghouls. 

  5. Kota: It's alright. Just keep your eyes open. 


    They reach the door to the rest of the ship but its broken. The doors are open a crack but neither of them can fit through. Kota slings his rifle on his back and begins to try to pull the door open. Struggling at first the door gives in rather easily. It slides back making a huge creaking sound. Following the sound the ship shakes a little.


    Kota: Uh - oh. 


     He steps into the hall and Some rakghouls pour out of the far end. The entire ship seems to be moving now but not in any direction. It just starts slowly spinning. Kota draws his rifle and opens fire. He misses a few shots due to his loss of footing. The ship spins slowly as the rakghouls charge.

  6. Kota: The shuttle is in the main ship there. But there is no way I can get us there in this ship, there's too much wreckage. We'll be dead in minutes. I'm taking us into that ship there. 


    He points to a smaller, closer ship.


    Kota: They should have inter fleet transports, they'll be small enough to sift through this mess. 


    Kota dives the ship down and toward the closer ship. He dodges a couple of stray pieces of debris. A few bodies float by that make him twist his face. He gently lands the ship in a hangar.


    The ramp lowers and Kota steps out, now with his helmet on and his rifle out. 


    He looks around. His helmet scans for movement and or lifesigns. 


    Kota: Looks Clear!

  7. Kota pulls on a lever and the ship ascends. It soars through sky straight up.

    Kota: inputting coordinates....... Just a few minutes. Once we break atmosphere well be right on top of the wreckage.

    He engages the thrusters to leave the planet. The ship picks up and they head into space. As they go through the atmosphere the console starts beeping and blinking red.

    Kota: hang on!

    He disengaged the engines in an emergency stop. The whole ship shakes and flings Kota forward. He regains himself and looks out the window.

    Kota: what the.....

    The THORN fleet of composed of multiple ships and one massive one. Everything is torn apart and debris floats dangerously for miles in every direction. Kota's eyes go wide.

  8. Kota: You know who's not gonna be lucky? You if you don't stop staring.


    Kota follows Larial out and they are led to a hangar. There is a starship waiting for them. No pilot. No crew. No backup. Just the two of them.


    Kota: I'll fly.


    Kota climbs aboard the ship and fires up the engines. He does some pre flight checks and everything is in order.

  9. Officer: You'll do it? Great, follow me.




    Kota and Larial are led into the ops center where a THORN commander stands against a Holo Terminal.


    Commander: I'm glad you you two decided to take this mission. It's quite the situation. We have a small fleet of THORN ships on its way to Tatooine to pick up the spike. We lost connection with the fleet and we found out that the virus had gotten loose and spread to everyone on board. There is a shuttle on the flagship full of vaccines and this camp is in dire need of it. We need you two to go up there and get it. Are you up for it?


    Kota looks over to Larial.


    Kota: I am if you are.

  10. Kota: Anytime. 


    He helps her up and out of the tunnel. They struggle to mount the speeder.


    *THORN Camp* 


    Kota waits for Larial to be treated. An officer walks passed in a hurry. He notices Kota.


    Officer: You! You went down to that tunnel and sealed it off, right?

    Kota: Yea, why?

    Officer: Man you guys are like heroes!

    Kota: What?

    Officer: You sealed off the most dangerous tunnel we had. We were getting ready to pull out of there.

    Kota: Oh , well you're welcome. 

    Officer: You guys should help us with a situation that's developing.

    Kota: Why what's going on?


  11. Kota throws a grenade up to the tunnel ceiling. It explodes sending rocks falling everywhere. Larial's force push sends the rocks smashing into the incoming infected. It kills most of them and the rocks gather up sealing the tunnel ahead of them leaving the exit the only way to go.

    Kota: good work darling.

    He smiles as he holds her in his arms.

  12. Kota : lari!

    He watches as she gets dragged away. He blast through a hoard of them. He lowers his shoulders and charges after her. He knocks a few down blasting as he goes. One leaps at him he elbows it off and keeps running. He gets hit from the side and drops. He rolls onto his back and shoots up at them as they close in.

    He fends them off and hops to his feet looking in larial's direction. A group of infected fly off her and she stumbles out.

    There is a break in the infected but Larial looks hurt. Kota runs to her.

    Kota: agreed. Here.

    He removes his mask and puts it on larial's head. It immediately helps regulate her breathing and the clean air pulses through her body dimming the effects of the virus. Kota puts her arm on her shoulder and leads her to the exit.

  13. Kota: I'm on it!

    Kota moves around Larial's Saber as she dices up some infected. He gets right up against her back to back. She says this could be awhile.

    Kota: That's OK I have a date with a hot blonde jedi, but that's not until tonight.

    He gives her a little wink. The infected close in.

    Kota: here we go!

    He opens fire holding down the trigger and laying waste to the onslaught of infected.

  14. The little girls head explodes as a blaster bolt rips through it.

    Kota: That's not a little girl..... Anymore.

    Kota stands behind her with his rifle raised. The barrel smokes slightly. His head is covered by a THORN mask and his voice is metallic through the mask. His eyes glow.

  15. Kota: lari, it's not your....

    He watches her leave assuming she's blowing off steam.

    After a couple minutes go by he heads out after her. He looks around but doesn't find her. He approaches an officer.

    Kota: you see a blonde Hedi come this way?

    Officer: Larial?

    Kota : Yes!

    Officer: she headed out already.

    Kota: what!? Where!?

    Officer:that far tunnel.

    He points off. Kota runs to a speeder bike and mounts.

    Officer : what are you doing? That's the most dangerous tunnel.

    Kota : Yea and my girlfriend is in there!

    Kota takes off in the direction Larial went.

  16. Kota smiles takes the punch in the face stumbling. He wipes his lip and turns back to face Jessin.

    He grabs him by the torso and slams him against the wall.

    Kota: flunk out Huh? How's this for flunk out?

    He raises his fist for the punch to end all punches.

  17. Kota walks onto the ship and grabs Jessin's collar. He pulls him up out of the seat and tosses him on the floor. 


    Kota: You give the ladies your seat. You don't make them sit on the arm. (To Larial) Have a seat, sweetie. I'm sure Jessin doesn't mind standing....or walking.

  18. Kota's eyes go Wide at the soldier's words.

    Kota: excuse me, captain. You ever have your hand on a rakghoul's throat while you're on your back and it's clawing at you?

    He moves closer to him.

    Kota: have you ever felt their pulse, cause it's there, it's different from say you and I but it's there. That thing, that soulless mindless beast is alive and it's only purpose is to rip you to shreds and the only thing you can do it snap it's neck, which probably won't kill it but give you enough time to find a gun if you're lucky? Has that ever happened to you?

  19. Kota smirks as she says "stay by the med bay". He has had more experience with these monsters than most. Worst part about them was that they were, more often than not, people. There was always that slight hesitation when he saw that Republic insignia on one of them. The thoughts would rush in. What if I know him, What if he knows me, what if I can cure him? And if those thoughts take hold before anyone could react their face would be ripped off. "Stay by the med bay". Yea right.


    Kota: Sure thing.


    He goes to his things which he has in a neat pile of luggage in the corner of her room. He assembles his new gear on him. No more Republic armor. Now he he had crafted a perfect balance of armor and agility. Sure it was basically modeled after the standard armor but he had always been nostalgic, or at least against change. He now had a basic armor plating pretty spread out for the most effectiveness. He opened a case and pulled out his rifle. It was short and didn't look like it was assembled right but it fits snugly in the case. He unfolds the stock and pulls a lever. The barrel clicks and elongates. When all is said and done a full sized rifle sits in his hands. He slings on his back. Seeing Larial watch him he stops and looks at her. She mentions how she is so lucky. If only she knew how lucky Kota felt. He smiles at her. He then walks passed giving her a little kiss on the cheek before leaving the room to wait for her.

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