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Posts posted by Mithodris

  1. 2 hours ago, Elisel said:

    As an aside, I really recommend you check out the website for LMB On the right hand side, one can stream The Ballad of Aiglos, an original piece by one of the founders of LMB.  In fact, if you search for Lonely Mountain Band, you will find a lot of his stuff. Neat thing about the in game music system and how it incorporates into roleplay. 


    I used to play duets with a friend in LOTRO, long time ago. It is a lot of fun.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Koro said:

    I must admit though, I've been wondering if Thorin's Hall is still okay for everyone. When we took the vote, it was a while ago and only a couple of us are still around who participated in it. I love Thorin's Hall, but if we need to have a new vote and move the kinship house to another homestead then it could cause problems for the current decorators. 

    I like Thorin's Hall myself. I have my own house there, :)

  3. I missed too. I don't get notifications of posts to the interest group. Is there a way to get that?


    Never mind. I did get a notification for posts. But I forgot about the event. Are we going to try again? I will find a way to make myself a reminder.

    Anyway, Thurs nights at 9 PM EDT are RP in ESO, so I would not be able to make a LOTRO event at that time. Sorry.

  4. 1 minute ago, SvaalaD said:

    I’ve never played LOTRO but I have been super curious about it...one more game to pacify me until Pantheon! Hah. I’ll make a toon too 😁

    It's really geared for RP. Lots emotes, play custom music,. and pipe smoking. lol :)

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    • Haha 1
  5. I had enough coins in my account to cut down the cost of transfer, so I've already transferred my main to Landroval. His name is Arganwulf. I'll be looking for you online, but if you happen to see me, send me an invite. I really wanted my skills and money with me. lol

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  6. 1 minute ago, Koro said:

    You could always do both, perhaps. Start a new character for now, until you can bring another over when it is convenient. That way there may be less pressure to spend the money right away. The game seems a lot easier in many respects than it used to be, so starting from scratch (temporarily) may not seem so bad once you play again.

    Will consider that. I never got max level, but I did get through Moria.

    • Love 2
  7. I like the idea of rotating the days of the week, as Thurs would interfere with my ESO obligations. So, rotating sounds like a good plan. I may be transferring my main character to the server soon. Wish it didn't cost so much, but I hate to start over from scratch on the server.

    • Love 2
  8. Character Name: Baric Mjordensen
    Race: Nord
    Gender: Male
    Age: 31

    Birth Sign: The Warrior | Last Seed
    Occupation: Ranger/Warrior (Warden)
    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 253 lbs.

    Gear: Wears heavy leather armor. fortified with some plate pieces, and is always armed with a two-handed broadsword, that he crafted himself, and a longbow.

    Commonly carried items:
    A small belt bag with basic potions, flint & steel, and various items for camping/survival in the wilds. He rides a horse named Namrax which carries his sleeping roll and cold-weather clothing if needed. He is sometimes in the company of a large grizzly bear named Hazard.

    1. Two-Handed Weapons | Master | 1
    2. Parry |  Master | 1
    3. Archery | Master | 3
    4. Intimidation | Master | 2
    5. Beast Mastery | Master | 3
    5. Nature Survival | Master | 2
    6. Riding | Adept | 2
    7. Tracking | Master | 3
    8. Blacksmithing | Adept | 1
    9. Detective/Empathetic Accuracy | Adept | 2
    11 Mysticism | Novice | 1

    Points Used: 21
    Points Available: 11

    1. Impatient: Gets fidgety and anxious when waiting around. Hates putting things off. Ready to just get it done.

    2. Stubborn: Hard-headed and difficult to reason with at times. Set in his ways.

    3. Clumsy: Because of his size, he is constantly bumping into things and knocking things over.

    4. Intolerance: Baric has a strong distaste for bandits in general, but especially the Midnight Union, who were responsible for the death of his family (see background).

    Number of Flaws: 4

    Back Story: Midnight Union bandits attacked his home on the southern coast of Stormhaven when he was a baby in the crib. His parents and sister were murdered by the bandits. He was overlooked and miraculously survived the fire that destroyed his home, discovered by passing merchants and taken to Wayrest, where he was adopted by an uncle, Niel Hammerhand, and raised by him to be a blacksmith. But Baric sought adventure, and joined the militia in Daggerfall as a scout for a while, learning the ways of battle and surviving in the wilderness.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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