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Posts posted by Krafted

  1. ------------------------------- SIMS 4 MOD LIST -------------------------------























    https://historicalsimslife.blogspot.com/search/label/sims 4

    https://gorillax3sims4.blogspot.com/ (ADFLY)

    https://serenity-cc.blogspot.com/search/label/downloads (ADFLY)

    http://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailList.nhn?blogId=jinhee_a&from=postList&categoryNo=100 (ADFLY)


    - HAIR -





    - MAKEUP // SKINS -







    - SCRIPT -

    https://deaderpool-mccc.com/ (highly recommend this mod for better gameplay)

    http://sims4studio.com/ (recommend if you download furniture to run batch fixes)

    http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=558548 (UI cheats extension, which allows you to use cheats by directly clicking on the UI)

    http://modthesims.info/d/619923/no-all-required-recipe-ingredients.html (bypasses needing ingredients for recipes)


    Side note: If you have any places you'd like to add to the list, please post below along with what they mainly offer and if they have adfly! I'll check in and update the list every so often. 🌞

  2. 12 hours ago, Don't Touch said:

    @Krafted @SilentTheGrayI was maybe thinking we should possibly start over and maybe do a new world with a dedicated server that way we can just share those files. Since we own the game we have access to the server tools via steam. I also imagine it doesn't use that many resources being that it's a command prompt. Maybe a little cpu intensive but other wise shouldn't be the most taxing thing out there. 

    I found this article online below, were you thinking something along the lines of that?



    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, SilentTheGray said:

    Yes! Sorry have been a little busy, I’ll see all y’all at 7:00 est again this Friday if we want to continue or start over our journey, going to see if there is a way I can share the server somehow so in case one week I can’t make it all is not lost.

    Okay here is what I found:


    The world should be in your Cluster file in C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether


    And as far as hosting it in a Google Drive:


    "It's possible to share a DST server on Google Drive. Just keep in mind that you still have to communicate a bunch with your friends to avoid data messups.

    To do this, you set your DST save folder inside your Google Drive sync folder and your friends do the same. Afterwards you play on your server till you are done, and then you let Google Drive sync it up into the cloud before shutting down your system. Once one of your friends wants to play, he/she first has to ask if anyone is hosting the server atm, and if noone is hosting at that point, they host it from the files they got synced from Google Drive.

    Just make sure to not host at the same time from two different PCs, since that'd modify files at the same time, which might mess up your world. (I'd recommend regular backups, just in case something like this happens.)"


    So it may be beneficial for a few of us to have access to it in a Google Drive, that way if someone can't make it on one of us can host it! Let me know if you need help and I can hop on TS and work it out together.

    • Love 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Ezoura said:

    Do you happen to have the routine? I deal with a lot of stress at work and it's causing tightness in my muscles (mainly shoulders and chest). Not to mention occasionally having to pick up 70+ Lbs dog. I have attended some seminars and read some books to help delegate some tasks to other employees and to manage my time better and help mentally, but I'd appreciate some pointers in stretching for my physical state. I danced all my life up until college so I've tried to incorporate some of those routines. Since I'm interested in picking up yoga practice, I'd love to hear what worked for you.

    Yes girl! I have linked both videos below that I used to follow daily. After I became more comfortable with maneuvering my own body weight and understanding the poses more I moved onto her other videos. A really nice stretch that is easy to do is called "Shark Fin", it feels AMAZING for shoulder/back tension. I'm posting a picture below I found online of it, it's some random lady LOL but, it's essentially child's pose but instead of stretching out your arms fully, you mount both elbows down and walk up as far as you can with your elbows. You'll get what I mean if you try it!


    If you ever need any tips on working out, yoga, dieting, etc. I'm just a message away :)




    Yoga for Flexibility

    Yoga Poses for Beginners

    • Love 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Cole374 said:

    @KraftedPodcasts or music or nothing. If I get too much into the music I start to breathe with the rhythm and throws my pace off. I wish I was that flexible for Yoga. I understand it really relaxes you. 

    I was not flexible at all when I first started yoga, so don't not do it just for that reason! My first 2-3 weeks I did the same stretching routine to break myself into being more flexible. I'm still not 100% where I want to be, but getting there. But it does relax you and it helps with soreness from the gym. :)

  6. That's awesome to hear you got into working out! I am not much for cardio, but go you. I bet it's nice to put in some jams and hammer out some miles, or podcasts if your into that 🎶. If you catch me in the gym I'm normally listening to an audio book 📔


    My Routine:

    Monday: 💪

    Arms & Core - 40 minutes

    Yoga - 30 Minutes


    Tuesday: 🏋️‍♀️

    Legs & Glutes 40-50 minutes

    Yoga - 30 Minutes


    Wednesday : 🤸‍♀️

    Light Yoga - 20 Minutes


    Thursday: 💪

    Arms & Core - 50 minutes

    Yoga - 30 Minutes


    Friday: 🏋️‍♀️

    Legs & Glutes 50 minutes

    Yoga - 30 Minutes


    Saturday: 🚴‍♀️

    Bike Ride - 1-2 Hours

    Yoga - 40 minutes


    Sunday: 🤸‍♀️

    Yoga - 40 minutes


    If someone wants a breakdown of the different routines I do, I can put that up! But normally Arm/Core day I do 10-12 workouts via machine/free weight based workouts and Leg/Glute day 9-10 workouts involving yet again machines/free weights. I've been hitting the gym for a solid 3 years now, and started up Yoga about mid last year. :)

  7. ☀️ Hi fellow adventurers! Linked below are a few helpful mods to have installed while playing Don't Starve Together or solo. Happy adventuring! ☀️


    Auto ReTrap: Here

    -Puts traps back


    Combined Status: Here

    -HUD rehaul


    Craft Pot: Here

    -Cooking assistance


    Mini Map: Here




    Open me to see how to check your mods are activated!


    Open the "Mods" folder on the menu.



    Enable each mod then click apply!



  8. 10 hours ago, Felipe said:

    If you keep killing those SUPER STRONG CatCoons you'll forever be my hero!


    Uhhh! Nice!!! Thanks for the imput @Krafted!!!

    @Felipe No problem at all! 😁

    6 hours ago, SilentTheGray said:

    Awesome resource @Krafted, I've been reading through it and trying to follow some of those tips in a single player game I've been trying, seems to be pretty effective stuff.

    @SilentTheGray That's great to hear! I feel like also learned a quite a bit of information I forgot about. I am excited to play together again soon 🙌

    4 hours ago, witchbolts said:

    @Krafted Thank you for these awesome guides! I'm gonna try to use these in my own game to get some practice! 😄

    @witchbolts No problem and same here! 🙃

    17 hours ago, Don't Touch said:

    @Krafted  I learned my character has the lowest starting stats 😧 buttttttt I get the most if I eat gears. :D until then I will continue to get struck by revive lightning, setting the game on fire and speeding across the map like a mad robot :D

    @Don't Touch Ohh that makes sense! From what I was reading there is only a certain amount of gears in game and you have to fight clockwork monsters for them or dig up graves. We got this! 💪

    • Like 3
  9. 37 minutes ago, Haiylee said:

    Thank you @Kraftedthis is very helpful! I'll be playing some this weekend and using these guides to prepare for next session :) Look forward to playing with you again!

    Thanks for coming out and playing with us! I to will be practicing over the weekend, I can't wait to play again and crush! 😁

    • Like 3
  10. Hey guildies! Linked below are a few guides on how to survive the first month, what you should craft, and what you should focus on first. I recommend everyone do a quick read through before playing!


    Surviving the first month:



    Base/Camp Guide:



    Night Time Guide:




    • Like 4
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  11. Hey guys/gals! If anyone has a protein shake they like or currently making please post your recipe, I'm always looking to try out new ones and I'm sure other members would love ideas! :)


    My current shake:

    Half Avocado 🥑

    Half Banana 🍌

    1 Spoonful of Vanilla Extract 🥃

    Handful of Mint Leaves 🍃

    2 Handfuls of Spinach 🥗

    Almond Milk 🥛

    1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder 🍚



    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Ezoura said:

    I am all about some self-help books and podcasts! Thanks!


    It was a rough time at my previous job. Life is SO MUCH better now. I just keep myself busy and I'm good. If I don't create a job for myself, then I get all emotional and depressed.

    That's awesome to hear! I'm glad you were able to leave that job then, no job is worth your mental health. Podcasts are really great, if you know of any good ones I wouldn't mind checking them out! I currently listen to Sam Harris, Joe Rogan, Neil Degrassi Tyson and alot of Dan Carlins Hardcore history. Who needs to listen to music at the gym when you could listen to podcasts.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Ezoura said:

    I did C25K 3 days a week and weight training 3 days a week. Then on Sunday's (my rest day) I would go to a local nature reserve and walk the grounds. Went on for a good 6 months then depression got in the way.


    I will most likely do that! Thanks!

    I'm sorry to hear that! I hope things are looking up for you, because all in all, life is way to short.  To a totally different subject, you should check out Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse (It's around 120 pages). When I was going through a rough patch, I read that book and it changed my perspective on alot of things going on in my life.


    Either way, I hope you push through and do it! 💜

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Ezoura said:

    They are wonderful. My heart just glows while reading them.


    I really and honestly should get back into the gym. I always had so much energy when active, but now it's hard to find the motivation to get back to it.


    “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

    ― Socrates


    Self love, do it for yourself girl!!! It's always sad to see someone who never sees what full potential their body is capable of. I've been working out for about 3 or 4 years now, but about 8 months ago I started doing intense weight lifting and I have loved the changes I've seen on my body. Not to mention I just feel better, I have more energy, I'm happier. Overall it's been a very positive experience. If you ever need any tips or some guidance in the right way feel free to message me. I know my first probably 2 years in the gym I didn't quite know what I was doing lol, but after many youtube videos, googling and help from other gym members I have a pretty good routine down. :)

    • Love 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, Ezoura said:

    Hey, @Krafted! I tried following Adrienne's videos, but never planned time to do them so I just kind of stopped. I'd be interested in giving it another try. I definitely did stay subscribed to her email list though! Her emails are always so peaceful and thought-provoking.

    Hello! Yes, you really have to pick a time and stick to it. I started off doing it a few days a week, mostly just the days I go to the gym to help with the soreness. But now I've been doing it every single day for the past 4 months or so, and it's something I look forward to throughout the day!


    I did not know she sends out emails, I'll have to check that out. 😀

  16. Does anyone do yoga or want to get into yoga? I've been doing yoga for about 6 months now and I've fallen in love. It's amazing to see your body become stronger and how your able to start doing some of the harder poses!


    There is a youtube channel that I follow for most of my routines, and on January 1st she started a 30 day yoga challenge where she posts a new yoga video to follow every day if anyone is interested in trying it out. 😀






    SIDE NOTE: If anyone ever needs tips on workouts or working out in general I've been a gym rat for the past 3 years so I am down to help! :)

  17. Hi everyone! I'm currently reading 2 books and listening to 1 audio book.


    The Descent by Jeff Long - Book Format



    Circe by Madeline Miller - Book Format



    A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin - Audio Book



    This will be my second reading of Game of Thrones, and I'm still finding new parts of the story I missed the first read-through. I'm on book 2 and about 65% through, I'm excited for book 3! I'm also starting up another re-read of Circe by Madeline Miller, which is an amazing book if you like Greek mythology.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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