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Everything posted by Slyfox

  1. until

    I think I wanna do this again. Put me down for anything..heals>dps>tank
  2. Slyfox

    DreadFortress VMOPS

    Yeah I have a "went" button up top but I'll be there
  3. until

  4. until

    Sorry guys, I won't be able to make it tonight
  5. until

    Tank or heals. But if I heal, I'M HEALING REVAN!!!!
  6. until

  7. until

    HEAL MEH!!!
  8. until

    Just me, vorn and merls! We got this! (Heals)
  9. until

    Thought i signed up, oopps. Heals
  10. until

    I can heal or backup
  11. Please let me know if we are doing this @Jed Yeah the button at the top says "went" for me but I'm able to go. I think hatter is gonna be out as well. Also @Vorn and all, I'm good with either side, i don't mind.
  12. until

    Oh thought I signed up, oops. Put me as backup
  13. I need 2 on Dromund Kaas, both on Hutta and 1 on Korriban
  14. until

    I'm up for the 16man, haven't done it yet. Or backup for 8man. heals or dps
  15. until

    I would love to tank it, would be a noob at that, never tanked Rav. I can also heal or dps. (Let people who haven't done it go first but if needed, I'm here)
  16. until

    dps, heals...sign me up
  17. until

    backup or for 16m, heals
  18. until

  19. until

    I can go. Heals or dps. I can tank if you really want me to
  20. until

    Heals with Merls!
  21. until

    Fortress???? Fortress???? You doing the puzzle??? Can I be center left? I know that way Heals

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ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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