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SWTOR Dpt Officer
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Everything posted by Walex

  1. Interesting take — the application form, the trial membership, and the final interview for RoH are structured a lot like a job application, and internship, and an exit interview. It did seem like a lot at the time that I applied but I did in time come to appreciate it as part of the RoH community. A lot of us are older (with jobs, spouses, and families) and have had problematic experiences with former guilds and toxic behavior and we are happy that there is little of that here! This application is viewed as a litmus test to figure out if someone would be a good fit with the other community members or tell if someone might be a rabble rouser. The trial objectives are a great way for a new member to assess if RoH is a good fit for your needs in a guild, just as much as it is a chance for RoH members to assess if a new member is a good match with the community. We recognize that applications are a big ask of new applicants and some may be hesitant to participate or share the info asked in the questions, but we don’t typically continue with trial memberships for incomplete applications, hence the follow up questions! Please let us know if you have any further thoughts or concerns.
  2. until

    I was on Pub side last time and will start there. I got in a long session before the griefer showed up!
  3. until

    Why did this require approval? haha
  4. until

  5. until

    Damn, you had me at everything except Pub side! I've got a level 75 on Repub with all chapters open - I'll work on getting that to 80 for next week. My level 80 with all chapters unlocked is Imp side!
  6. until

    DPS if there’s a spot!
  7. until

  8. until

    Count me in! Death and destruction await!!
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    Lots of death!
  10. until

    Bringing the DPS! Well I mean we could pull and all nighter and do them 25 times each tonight!
  11. until

    Oh boy!!!
  12. until

    Will hopefully make it as DPS!
  13. until

    Put me down for optional PvP chievos after! I have a meeting that will run until 8:30 but will hop in the discord for the post-Xeno stuff!
  14. until

    Let’s got 16M hopefully!! Do we need to start a little earlier to make sure we have time for the puzzle and to finish? rDPS!
  15. until

    Great point! I think I have it unlocked! If anyone needs credits to unlock it, I'm happy to help!
  16. until

  17. until

    rDPS please!
  18. until

    Lrrr would like to have a word with you, @Fooj
  19. until

    I'll have to be careful about the caffeine from tea - especially so late at night! House of Meg Tea Rooms
  20. Walex

    [PUB-PvE] Nefra Training

    I’ve got two rDPS down to clown!
  21. until

    Alternate rDPS or 16M! (Sorry this reply didn’t get posted in yesterday when I rsvped!)
  22. until

    I'll be here this week! Hopefully no hurricanes and no more COVID

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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