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Everything posted by Appleveedub

  1. I AM SO EXCITED THE HYPE TRAIN (LITERALLY) As a Sion main, I am way too hyped for this skin. It's a new legendary skin for the champion Sion. Legendary skins cost 1850 RP. Here's a video on what he's going to sound like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSZofK0yiwA
  2. You thought it was Apple making this message, but really it was me, Dio! 

  3. I'll be rooting for TSM (still salty about the 3-0), but I'm pretty sure LGD or KOO will take it. I'm really banking on CLG just getting destroyed in group A, but that's just the salt talking.
  4. So very sorry I missed the photos tonight, my own event even.  If none were taken tonight, I'll do them tomorrow along with the meeting

  5. Unravel GOTY 2015 pls

  6. Last day for Sign Ups for Project Ice: Blackmoon!  Send me a PM with your character sheet on it, so you can be in on the fun :D

  7. Project Ice: Blackmoon sign ups are all ready, go to the thread linked here for the information and send a PM to me with your character sheet!

  8. Project Ice: Blackmoon information is out! For those interested in forum RP, check it out!

  9. Project Ice is on a come back! I'm working on some details and will post a thread soon. I hope this time it won't just stop being a thing.

    1. Emma


      I'm sure it has truly only been put... "on ice." ::Chortles::

  10. Home for the summer! I almost forgot how bad the internet here is, so chances are I won't be able to play that often sadly.

  11. 3/4 finals done, 1 more to go

  12. Well, GW2 Tech support was no help. I guess an overflow kicking multiple people out of the instance is my connections fault

    1. Akuzimo


      Don't question support. They are always right.

  13. This song has me feeling some kind of feel

  14. 2/16 the dream

    1. BStizzle


      Bruh, all I ask is if the dream is realized you toss a few coins my way, because I ain't neva getting even 1/16 Q-Q

  15. If anyone wants to play heroes of the storm, blizzard gave me 4 beta keys to share! Just let me know

  16. AMAZING game. I'm a TSM fan, so seeing them comeback really hyped me up man. The second last team fight I think, where Dyrus ults into Link and dies a short bit later, got me out of my seat cheering. It was awesome.
  17. On a Black Eyed Peas rampage right now. Man I love their music

  18. GUYS NEW ULTIMATE SKIN WAS ANNOUNCED! http://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/dj-sona/ I AM SO EXCITED I CAN BARELY CONTAIN IT
  19. I got Gold V season 4. My goal for this season is Platinum at the least.
  20. If you're into rankings and competitive play, season 5 has started and with that your stats reset! What's your goal for this season? To be level 30? Silver? Gold? CHALLENGER? Whatever it is, good luck and have fun!
  21. Getting a new roommate today, a little nervous. By a little I mean I'm freaking out.

  22. On my way back to college for the spring semester!

    1. Telana


      Good luck Apples!

    2. Guest


      Enjoy and good luck!

  23. I'll just go be salty about the Cowboy's game then

    1. Guest


      Like Cowboys fans told Lions fans last week, don't blame the refs!

  24. Going to see the new Hobbit with some friends, so excited!

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ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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