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Everything posted by Cennyr

  1. Cennyr - Berzerker - in guild Disvi - Shadowhunter Vinaloren - Wardancer - in guild Vakandi - Striker Vykand - Sharpshooter Yzova - Deathblade - in guild
  2. I think my main is going to end up being a Shadowhunter. Demons are cool.
  3. I prefer the blue myself, to keep with the RoH theme on the website.
  4. Oh crap.. it was right at the top... I am blind.
  5. Another great trove of information is this Googgle doc assembled by Fintusius. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XYXQYp1zYTlm52htm9Ng46NM6dda14UZgaYabLT-sSs/preview?pru=AAABfvlm4bU*dnN89ZZFYaWbRWNB1nqxDQ
  6. I think you are right actually. Hmm.. Remnants may have to be it. https://forums.playlostark.com/t/guild-naming-restrictions-spaces/35721
  7. We have voted, and the decision is made.. Karta will be the home of the RoH placeholder guild starting on 2/8. So, when we create the guild, do we name it Remnants of Hope to reserve the name for future "divisionhood" or name it something else?
  8. I have always loved the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, so many of my characters are some variation of Vin, the main protagonist from the series. My main will be a Wardancer named Vinaloren. Other names I frequently use are Cennyr, Disvi, Rannoc, Yzova.
  9. I am going Wardancer. Played it in beta and loved it. This was a poll conducted by Lost Ark asking what classes people were planning on playing at launch.

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