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Posts posted by Acies

  1. On 10/6/2021 at 10:11 AM, kiwiSpecial said:

    Was wondering if this interest group was still active? This is legitimately the only MMO I'm interested in at this point. If Intrepid Studios does with this game what they say they will, it's going to smash New World to pieces 😂


    Just wanted to jump and say, yes! We are still active. Unfortunately there is still a lot of work to be done on the game, so we won't have any big news or events until the next Alpha, but several of us will be jumping in together to check it out. Feel free to join us if you have a Alpha 2 key! 


    I'm personally still hoping that AoC will find some blend of hybrid combat system, but at the moment it's too early to tell. I did enjoy what I played during Alpha 1 though. As someone who is currently playing a lot of New World, I'm fairly confident there will be enough differences between the two games for most people to enjoy. 

  2. Also, for all those interested in signing up the website, whether for accessing the forums or possibly purchasing the Alpha and Beta keys, please consider using the following referral code. To the best of my knowledge, it might mean some extra tidbits (like in-game embers).


    Referral Code: 3U2J9P7E4YATYC7T

  3. Here with a new (quarterly?) update. Alpha 1 phase for Ashes of Creation is in full swing, with a non-NDA testing month starting on July 14th. I’ll be keeping an eye out for interesting gameplay to link here, and of course we still have the most recent monthly developer’s update.





    Once Alpha 2 hits sometime the last quarter of this year, I’ll be able to write out some personal thoughts. Looking forward to it!

  4. Just throwing my hat in the ring. I’ll definitely be participating in NaNoWriMo this year, but then again, I participate every year, so nothing new I suppose! 

  5. Now, I know I’m jumping into this group awhile after it was first created, but I’m hoping there’s a few other individuals still around to discuss writing topics and such.


    As for myself, I’ve been writing since I was twelve years old, collecting a vast array of stories and series that are anywhere from partially planned to fully drafted. Fifteen years later, I started collecting and editing everything, and much to my surprise, realized I have over seventy legitimate novels ready to be finished. Finally putting the pen to paper (or finger to keyboard), I’m currently in the process of cleaning, updating, and publishing a number of different novels. Depending on the series (and quality therein), I’m either going the agent and publication route, or simply self-publishing online.  


    At the moment, you can find here a few stories I’m in the process of writing on RoyalRoad. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. 


    I’d also love to get a few discussions going on writing ideas, but figured it would be best to gage interest first. 

    • Like 1
  6. As the new year rolls around, so to does the news for various “mmos” increase. There are a lot of interesting concepts out there, and a few games that might be decent once they finally launch. 


    However, nothing has quite stuck for me personally; and so I return to my hopes for Ashes of Creation. I’ve bought in BIG, as in Alpha 2 big, and the reason for this rare occurrence is due to the transparency shown by Intrepid Studies. They kept a consistent development update for the last year, and steady improvement was shown in graphics, game systems, and internal mechanics. I truly believe that AoC will be an incredible game, even if it’s not a perfect one. 


    The January Update was released a couple days ago (linked below), and as usual covers a variety of topics that might peak interest. I’d also mention the game forums as a great place to check for new information or join into discussions with other excited future players.


    As for those of us here from RoH? Rest assured that I will be leading the charge in creating a guild branch in Ashes from Day 1. Before ,actually, as it is my intention to enter the Alpha and Beta tests and search for a perfect location, where we can found and build up a Scientific node (or any other node if desired) where all Remnants can join in our growing community. 


    We still have a year or so before game launch is a reality, so just let that excitement continue to simmer for a bit longer. It will be here before you know it!


    ~ Acies



  7. The August Dev Livestream occurred just a few days ago, and a contained a few in-game videos on different aspects of the combat and castle sieges, along with the regular updates. 





  8. The New July development update happened on the 31st, linked down below. The discussion covered a number of improvements made to the core game, updates on the development team's status, etc. 





    Of course, as the months continue to pass, it can be difficult to remember why this game is so interesting and in my personal opinion, why it has so much potential as the next great MMORPG on the market. Here is a relatively new video made this month by TheLazyPeon, an MMO reviewer and youtuber. He'll go into greater detail on all the various topics that make Ashes of Creation so interesting, and why we should care about it's development. 





    Can I also just say how much I enjoy seeing a game being openly discussed by it's devs? It's quite a refreshing change of pace, especially to those of us who have a more technical understanding of what goes on behind the scenes of such a project. 


    The most recent Developer Update happened today over on twitch, and was filled with a great many interesting tidbits about player housing, artisan shops, merchant caravans, and Alpha Stage 1. I'm actually going to link both the recent video and a summary of last months, as they contain the most up-to-date information on the game's status and progression.


    Here is March's update as well as a summary of the game primary goals:




    And here's is the Dev stream from May 30th :




    There will be a gameplay stream tomorrow on May 30, around 1:00pm PDT. I'll add it to the thread once it's available, but if you want to catch it live here is the link: 



    And that's all for now!


  10. Hey all!


    Just wanted to jump back in and let everyone know that I'll be starting the updates again!


    I've recently gone through the circle of MMOs that I own (GW2, SWTOR, WOW, FFXIV, etc.), and now I remember why I left most of them in the first place. I need something new, I need that game that draws me in and holds me tight. Unfortunately, there's nothing currently out that really satisfies that itch, but I'm truly hoping that Ashes of Creation can become what I hope for in a modern MMORPG. 


    Of course, expectations are to be curtailed, as I'm sure we've all been burnt in the past by false starts. Yet, everything I'm seeing about AoC shows that the developers do indeed care, and are continually making progress. The launch timeline is a little wonky with the way everything has been going this year, but it looks like the hype train is slowly picking back up as the highest level backers got their first glimpses at the game!


    To this end, I'm already a backer and I'd love to enter the game on launch day with a full group of fellow Remnants,  ready to break ground on the untouched soil of a new land!


    Feel free to comment on what your hopes for Ashes of Creation might be, and discuss what makes you excited to see as the AoC team roles out more information on the game's development.


    So, TLDR: 

    I'm back, and back to updating on the development of AoC!



  11. The developer stream went really well and was focused on the Pre-Alpha look, and feel, of the official MMO. They posted a video on their youtube account (linked below). Lots of comments on the graphics. Kind of depends on the individual I suppose. At this point, most of the assets in the game are simple placeholders and are subject to change.



  12. Lot's of cool stuff announced in the livestream, but here's the most important.


    "Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse" is a standalone competitive and cooperative game set in the high-fantasy world of Ashes of Creation. Pitting 100s of players against each other, Ashes of Creation Apocalypse will feature traditional battle royale-style gameplay infused with magic, as well as castle sieges and horde modes. Open Beta for all registered users launches Dec. 18, 2018.


    You can go to this website to register now, then play Apocalypse when it launches later this month!


  13. 7 hours ago, Tallon said:


    Yeah the server is Remnantsofark pw YumRoH

    Make sure to click password protected.

    Jumped on last night with the help of Tel! :D

    I'm currently hold up on one of the islands after being chased for hours by a raging T-Rex! :NAWAK:

  14. Fire, slash, move up, reload, repeat. "No need to be a hero here," Na'tanilia thought. "Keep your eyes on the prize and steady your blaster." In actuality, she was very impressed with the ragtag group of individuals thrown into this mess together. Especially Venoor... the Jedi master seemed nearly impervious to fear - and was composing a truly masterful dance of death with his two-sided lightsaber. "Hmm," she contemplated. One way or the other; once this whole ordeal was finished she might just have to check up on him and exchange contacts - you really could never have too many allies in this crazy galaxy. Especially if you happened to be a spy in said galaxy... and a hunted spy at that.

    Eventually the rakghouls began to thin, then completely petered out as the group came upon a clearly man-made blast hole in the corridor of the ship. A faint chuckle escaped her lips as Kota proceeded to stick his head through and yell a hello that went unanswered. Still, there was no doubt this was the right way; as her holo-recorder confirmed the Flight Deck was only a few compartments and blast doors from this point. "Guess we're taking the back way in." she murmured. Dropping down after the rest, she paused a moment while crouched to send a silent update to Hartik. Always better to be safe than sorry, after all. A quick check of ammo and supplies revealed that she was still relatively in good condition - and better yet, Aciela's disguise was still holding up superbly.

    Physical checks complete; she quickly moved through the intervening labs to catch up to the last of the group... and then stopped dead in her tracks. Her breath caught and her blood ran cold, for in that moment she felt a whisper of power so lethal it almost choked her. Something... no, "someone" of incredible potency was standing very, very close. But who?! She racked her brain to remember, running through all possibilities. Victarion? No, he was as much Jedi as Sith after all. Couldn't be Venoor; wasn't Vilak, and none of the other force users had ever felt this way... except for... "Oh shi..."

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  15. After giving a slight nod and half-smile to Hartik and Jessin (which was really just to show agreement in not sharing the secret reason the SIS was here), Na'tanilia waited until they had turned back down the hallway and began making their way towards the downed shuttle - before then starting her search of the comm's systems as per Kota's advice.


    He was looking at her. "Glad to see you're ok. Let me know when you have something. We’re looking for any signals or transmissions that would indicate something went wrong."


    She nodded, in relief as much as in confirmation. It appeared Aciela's disguise was still working to perfection; as far as the gathered party was concerned, she was nothing more than a fellow republic ally called in to help out the SIS. Still, she worried. If there was anyone here that might be able to see through her illusion, it would probably be Venoor. That green-skinned Jedi was just too observant for his own good - he undoubtedly would call her out the moment he noticed something off. Though in truth, she was less worried about her acting; it was actually the distance between herself and Aciela... the longer the distance, the easier it was for the illusion to waver.


    Nothing to do about it now except push forward with the mission. She waited until it seemed everyone was preoccupied with their own tasks, then quickly knelt and slipped a neo-trace datacard into the comms memory slot. In just a few seconds, all the transmission records sent from the ship in the past several months was uploaded to her pocket tricoder; then sorted and cross-checked through various keywords. "Should be plenty of juicy information for the SIS there," she thought. She then adjusted the key-word parameters, and began to search for any notable ship-wide only transmissions. "Research, research, research... Ah! Research! Let's see... sent to the Captain from the head scientist... good. RECEIVED... good... LOCKED IN CAPTAINS LOG? Contained on Flight Deck? Fraaak!" She gave a quick glance up to see that no one had noticed her reaction, then hurriedly disconnected the datacard and moved a few paces away from the consoles. Gradually picking her way over to Kota, she waited until he had finished his conversation with the newest Sith tag-along (Marriage counselor huh? That was interesting!), then motioned for his attention. "So ya, sorry to report bad news... but it appears there really isn't that much information down here. If we truly want to find out what happened on this ship, we're going to have to head up to the flight deck." It wasn't really a lie; and to back it up Na'tanilia put forth her most innocent and honest smile. The best lies were always half-truths anyway - it's what made them so believable.

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  16. For a few quiet seconds no one moved; then the impasse was broken as the sith partly lowered his saber.

    “Neither of you look to be survivors.†He stepped back then, giving a quick and studied glance over the three individuals. “Tell your third to come in… what are you doing here, all of you?â€

    Before any answer could be made, there came a stomping of many feet; and around the corner charged a heavily-armed Trooper (Na'tanilia recognized him as Kota) - who in turn was leading a rather sizable group of mixed republic and imperial forces. They skidded to a quick halt, but not before a robed Jedi unstealthed right beside Jessin.

    “Well, this day keeps becoming more interesting,†He mused aloud. “it seems there are more parties (than merely the obvious) who want what this ship has. I suggest we delay any violence until we are at least properly introduced.†“I am Venoor, of the Jedi order, and suggest you play nicely.â€


    Na'tanilia barely kept from rolling her eyes. "Pfft, Jedi. They have to try and solve everything don't they?" she muttered under her breath. "So... yaaaa, enough of this. You people can stand out here in a rakghoul infested hallway if you want - I much prefer the contained comms room." She pushed past Hartik and brushed aside the startled sith; while simultaneously calling over her shoulder, "What exactly am I looking for looking Hartik? Cause this room is a mess!" She turned around to see a multitude of interesting expressions staring back at her; so naturally she grinned back with a innocent look. "What? Something on my face?"

  17. The holo-lights were dimmed to a dull flicker; their oily rays casting dark shadows across the entirety of the intersecting hallways. A lone rakhgoul scratched along the rotting floor; it's constant drool adding even more slime to the already treacherous deck. Suddenly... a sound comes drifting down from one of the various corridors - and as it slowly increases in volume, the rakghoul raised its scarred and deformed head. Beady eyes peer into the darkness, just beginning to make out the multiple forms traveling at high velocity in it's direction. Hunger fills the beast's thoughts; an insatiable thirst for blood and carnage as it turned quickly to pursue the fleeing... *BLAMFH* A high-energy bolt shatters all conscious thought as the creature's head exploded into blood and gristle! Leaping over the still falling form, Na'tanilia did not stop to asses her results - but continued in a hasty sprint towards even more of the gathering monsters. A snarl was permanently creased across her lips; and her long hair hung dirty and loose around her shoulders. Her clothes were becoming matted from the splattered guts of so many eviscerated bodies, but there would be time to think on that later. She gave a quick glance behind her; confirming the presence of Hartik and Jessin - who were grimly defending against the oncoming horde racing behind them.

    "How much further to the communications room?!" she yelled over her shoulder.

    "Just a little more, we're almost there!" Hartick bellowed back.

    "You said that 2 minutes ago!"

    "And I was telling the truth! I didn't expect we'd have to take such a large detour after getting off the lifts!"

    "Ya, I hope whoever follows us is happy we cleared the way so thoroughly!"' Jessin loudly grumbled.

    "Fine, but you'd better hope you're right Hartik; because trust me, I will be very unhappy if I die here!"

    "You'll already be dead, so what does it matter?"

    "I will frakking haunt you! And Jessin!"

    "Hey! What did I do?!"

    "Shut up and fire idiots!"


    Secretly, Na'tanilia wasn't really that upset about the whole thing. In fact, it was turning out to be a rather eventful mission (rakghouls not-withstanding). She had gotten plenty of high quality information about multiple weaponized chemical viruses from room SOC7; even if it wasn't necessarily what Hartick and the SIS were looking for. Sure, the crashed ship was creepy and disgusting; but she had been in many creepy and disgusting places. Worse ones, actually. Like that time on Korriban - when her team had uncovered an ancient sacrificial site deep in the jungle, and she had been one of the only ones to escape a fate worse than death... being torn apart and possessed by unspeakably dark forces. She shivered at the thought. It had been pure luck that she managed to escape that one - and when her bruised and exhausted body had emerged from the jungle, she decided that it wasn't far enough; and simply hadn't stopped running. She was no coward; but then, she was no fool either.

    Nevertheless, that was how she now found herself wading through waves of relentless monsters; each trying their best to sample a portion of her delicious skin - and falling radically short of that goal. Still, even a crack shot couldn't keep up with so many moving bodies; and there were hundreds of the little bastards. Time was running out.

    "Might as well go for gold", she thought wryly.

    "Hey fellas! You might want to get down... NOW!" she screamed as the four flat discs instantly pulled from her belt flew in opposite directions down the corridor.


    Both soldiers instantly flattened themselves to ground; followed quickly by Na'tanilia. A breathless second passed while everything seemed frozen; the rakghouls, the blasters, even the creaks and moans of the wrecked vessel itself. Then, four massive explosions tore apart the surrounding creatures; the flames licking ferociously across the walls, ceilings and floors. Roars of pain and rage filled the air as the rakghouls burned brightly in the dark ship; the searing heat offering no escape into the darkness. Then... the massive spacecraft seemed to tremble - as something dark and vast began to awake deep within it's bowels.


    The three agents looked at each other, fear and uncertainty written across every face.

    "What have you done?" Hartik could barely whisper.

    "I... I don't know." For once, Agent Raptor had no witty reply to turn to; no sarcastic response to pass off as truth. That, more that anything else; scared Commander Hartik to his very core.


    The small group got to their feet, and looked at one another. Nothing was said - and eventually Hartik pointed down the corridor to a clearly marked blast door.

    "The communications room is on the other side" he said softly; and all three individuals made their way to the large passageway. A little fiddling with the door panel, and it slid smoothly open... only for Hartik to find a dark red and black lightsaber holding steady inches from his forehead. Behind it, and without any expression whatsoever; stood one of the most imposing Sith Na'tanilia had ever seen.


  18. The entire ship seemed to groan and shiver with unrequited malice as they moved silently along it's icy, barren hallways. Hartick continued on point while Jessin backed him up; and with Na'tanilia covering the rear, their small group traversed the interior of the ship with surprising ease. The Republic and Imperial forces seemed to be getting their job done - the only positive in an increasingly deadly situation. Hartick paused once at an intersection to consult his holomap, then quickly forged on; a look of grim determination etched across his face. They had been walking for a steady five minutes; when, with no forewarning, Hartick suddenly froze and held up his hand. Silence rained supreme as the seconds dripped slowly by; an increasing uneasiness felt all the while. Then... a sliver of movement began to take shape; it's harsh outline a mess of jagged cracks and long jowls - saliva dripping incessantly on the floor. Jessin gave a startled grunt; and that small sound rang within the echoing corridors - bouncing off the walls and carrying a insatiable homing beacon straight to the three individuals crouched in shadow. 

    "Well, there goes our stealth movement." grumbled Hartick; casting a rather unfavorable glare in the direction of his subordinate. 

    "Couldn't be helped. I wasn't expecting that… thing!" Jessin glared right back. 

    "Well, screw it. Stealth is overrated anyway." Na'tanilia calmly remarked as she brought up the duel DX-13 styled blasters hanging on her hips. "Commander, how close are we to that room?

    "About 30 meters, give or take a few."

    "Right, so stay behind me… this is about to get messy."

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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