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Everything posted by Sligo

  1. until

    DPS or Heal
  2. until

    DPS or heal, will be a bit rusty cause I haven't played an op in a couple months
  3. until

    6:30-9:00PM MST (Mountain Standard time), happy to have you join if you can make it
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    So essentially I am creating/leading a ops group through SM Gods from the Machine because I just got to the iokath op part of the iokath story and dont want to skip it and wait a month for the weekly quest to return. I have tanked and lead a group through this before and can do quick explanations for bosses. If we wipe a couple times on a boss thats ok, but I would prefer we beat the raid. If we dont, its ok, i will just recreate the event and we can try again. Requirements: -320 gear -Discord VC, we will be using our own ops channel -lvl 80 Imp character Group: Main Tank- @Sligo Offtank/DWT- DPS- @AidenRhen DPS- @Geraltson DPS- DPS- Heal- Heal- Backups-
  5. until
    Im getting a group together to do some uprisings imp side. We will most likely start with SM because all the bosses were extremely overpowered last month but I believe things are fixed with 7.1, but if things are too easy we can go to VM. This is trial member friendly so if your a trial member needing to do something with someone, join us, it will be fun Requirements: -320 Gear -lvl 80 imp toon -VC not required but recommended Tank- DPS- @Altayast DPS- Heal- @Sligo Backups-
  6. until

    any role
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    if you end up doing 16m il join as either dps or heal
  8. until
    This is my first guild event I am leading so things might not go very smoothly but I will try my best. We will be using VC but its not required (but highly recommended), and I will be using my new mic for the first time If you have any suggestions, questions, or things I should change, feel free to DM me This type of event works with all levels, and is a great chance for trial members to join We will be trying to beat as many bosses as we can from this list on imp side (ignore pub bosses): Leader- @Sligo Tank- @Yiss DPS- @Chaasivab DPS- @Codex DPS- @calishell DPS- @Zlinkly DPS- @Altayast Heal- @Sligo Heal- @Slyfox If your going, please RSVP and comment your role If all roles are filled, you can still sign up, because we need at minimum 8, but can have more than 8 for most of the bosses, and we need 16 for some of them too, so don't be afraid to sign up
  9. until

    sorry realized i cant go, maybe next week tho
  10. until

    DPS or heal (cant solo heal)
  11. until

    Heal or DPS
  12. until

    DPS or Heal
  13. until

    I can be dps, heal, or tank, whichever you need. I would rather not be a tank, but i can if you really need it.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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