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Jae Onasi

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Posts posted by Jae Onasi

  1. Guidelines for playing Elina until I can join you all--bear in mind that while Jedi initiates are gifted kids who can do amazing things, they're still kids and view the kids within the limits of kid physiology and normal child development, unless the Jedi have somehow figured out how to speed along brain development abnormally fast.  Kids do kid things, not adult things, barring the proviso of the Jedi figuring out how to alter brain development. Given that they couldn't figure out how to take away Padme's labor pains, I'm not too sure about that.

    I can throw in all sorts of medical mumbojumbo as I get time, PM me what you want. I can technobabble with the best.


    Hard limits:

    No killing her off. I'd actually like to play her before she dies (if she ever dies).

    No falling in love for her, even crushes. She's 8.

    No torture. She's 8, and she's supposed to be protected by other Jedi.

    No drinking booze. She's 8.

    No illegal substances. She's 8.

    No addictions. She's 8.

    No smoking. She's 8. And smoking gives me an asthma attack.

    No hitting on her or anything else of a remotely sexual nature. She's 8. And pedophilia is just plain creepy and wrong.

    No major losses of limbs, senses, or assorted other substantial changes in features, personality, or life without talking to me first please.

    No converting her to the dark side.

    No killing her family. I'm rather partial to the Onasi family.


    Generally OK:

    It's ok if she gets hurt as long as it's not permanent. All kids, including initiates, get hurt.

    Kids do stupid things sometimes.

    Kids do foolish things sometimes.

    Kids test boundaries often.

    Kids like to play.

    Kids' simplicity sometimes sees right through adult lies.

    Elina is a good kid at heart and never wants to intentionally hurt anyone. She's generally honest, unless maybe if you ask if she ate all the chocolate.




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  2. Hi all, I can't play right now, but I can join later, and in the mean time, the character can bebop around in the background with you all.





    Identity and Physical Description:


    Name:  Elina Onasi


    Species: Human female

    Age: 8 years

    Height:  50 inches

    Weight: 55 lbs

    Physique: Fit for a child

    Hair Color: Auburn

    Hair Length:  Long

    Eye Color: Aqua

    Distinguishing Marks (Scars or Tattoos): None

    Regular Attire: Initiate outfit


    Personal Information:


    Planet of Birth: Telos IV

    Current Home Planet: Tython

    Profession(s): Jedi Initiate

    Hobbies (If any):  Playing games, singing, playing the xantha, writing, playing on the Jedi Initiate monkey bars, flying around in speeders and bikes, marksmanship, traveling to different places


    Skills/Traits:  Gifted in healing, particularly injuries. Learning general Jedi skills, melee combat, meditation, history, galactic geography, etc.

    Languages: Basic, Ithorian, Twi'lek


    Allegiances: Republic, Telos

    Allies:  Jedi, fellow initiates, Onasi family as well as Ithorian, Twi'lek and human friends from Telos

    Enemies: Hasn't been out in the world enough to make any personal enemies

    Affiliations (Past and Present): Jedi, family

    Legal Status:  Kid


    Personal Belongings:

    Practice saber, family holophotoalbum, family blaster, various mementos from travels, basic Jedi Initiate items that all students have, holonovels, speeder bike, holonovel reader, assorted other things I might retcon in later if it works with the story.



    Elina is the oldest daughter of Tirland and Jolie Onasi, one of the many descendents of Admiral Carth Onasi of Jedi Civil War fame. She has 5 younger siblings, 2 younger brothers and 3 sisters, all born about a year apart. When she was 6, her family was hiking in the Mirror Caverns on Telos. Her mother, pregnant with a sixth child, slipped on a rock on the pathway and fell off a ledge. Elina felt the pain of her mother and unborn brother and jumped down 10 meters without injuring herself to help them. Placing her hands on her bleeding, badly injured mother, Elina unknowingly used the Force to stabilize her mother and the baby until advanced medical help arrived.


    After speaking with Elina's father and the rescue workers, the doctor concluded that the only way Jolie and the baby could have survived was if Elina had used the Force to keep them alive. Hearing that Elina also had jumped down a 10 meter cliff side without injury convinced him.  Tirland contacted the Jedi on Telos IV to let them know that Elina was possibly Force sensitive. The Jedi tested her, found that she had some unusually strong powers for healing, and sent her on to Tython. She misses her family but is excited to be visiting a new place and learning new things like how to use a lightsaber.


    Her family is proud that she is getting training to develop latent talents that could serve the galaxy. They do miss having her with them very much, but they understand and accept the sacrifice of giving a child up to the Jedi.







    Generally happy. She'll be nice to anyone she perceives as being nice to her or those around her. She's mostly honest. She's 8, so she's not a good liar at all. She'll fall back to her teachers or older Jedi if there is a life-threatening danger--she won't confront a Sith Lord, for instance, because she knows she's too young to handle that kind of thing. She will, however, defend her fellow initiates if something endangers them, and she will defend herself.


    Can be sassy when she disagrees with something and doesn't understand why the teachers want her to do something that she thinks is silly. If it makes sense to her 8 year old mind, she'll comply. If it doesn't, expect her to ask why. Repeatedly. She will, however, follow her teachers' instructions without question in situations that are dangerous to them, her fellow initiates, or her.


    Compassionate with people who are sick or hurting. She can be a chatterbox at times. She loves to learn new things, see new places, and try new activities.

    Still too young to have developed great depth in personality.







    Likes: Lightsabers, making people feel better, the color aqua, her family, fellow initiates, her teachers, kittens, puppies, gizka, and cute little wild birds.

    Dislikes:  People who hurt others

    Goals: Become a padawan and then a Jedi

    Motivation:  Seeing someone in pain distresses her, and healing the person makes her feel better. Chocolate may motivate her until she's reached sugar overload, at which point she bounces off walls like pretty much every other 8 year old.

    Fears: Bombardments


    • Love 6
  3. On 9/9/2017 at 8:03 PM, Morgona Ulfwe said:

    Remhops! I am looking to begin a new RP story arc centering around force user training. It is current being written, and lore posts are in the works to create a background for the RP itself. I am looking for anyone who would be interested in helping to form the RP, write, or help create the lore posts.


    If anyone has any ideas or comments, please leave them below. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below or message me directly.

    Oh God, if only I had a bazillion more hours in my life, I'd join....


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