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Everything posted by Dalivandrian

  1. until

    I'll come along! Whatever role is needed.
  2. until

    Well, this is a really good op to learn other roles and that is part of what slayers and smops are for! If you'd like to off-tank with Fooj on main to work on learning the role I can swap with you. Just let me know!
  3. until

    I think madness might have given me a little bit more dps. The rotation is easier to follow since it's not a priority system and Madness does pretty consistent damage if you keep the dots ticking. I haven't practiced lightning much lately, though, and I do find that spec takes more 'upkeep' practice-wise for me so I probably should.
  4. until

    Should be able to be the same character.
  5. until

    I'm putting this in the rotation this week in case we have some new or returning players as well as for those who are getting started gearing. Should be a good one to jump in if you are new or don't have upgraded gear yet. Note that you do still need to be level 80!
  6. until
    Slayers take on Karagga! This is a great op for players new to ops or if you are just starting to gear for 7.0 Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Karagga's Palace You must have a level 80 Imperial character Item rating 306 or higher (on your character sheet) is recommended StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @Fooj Tank: @Dalivandrian Heals: @Tibault Heals: @Cyborg_Warlock89 DPS: @Dlique DPS: @Toshiro DPS: @kin46582 DPS: @Olivaw Backups/16: @Walex @thequickbanana@Corvus@Aldo Hanso If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Karagga's Palace @9pm ET
  7. until

    Backup/16 any role
  8. until

    The roster is full at the moment as I swapped someone in when you said you were not coming. I'll put you as backup in case we have others that cannot make it.
  9. until

    All righty, thanks for letting me know!
  10. until

    No problem, thanks for letting me know.
  11. until

    @Fooj@Tibault@Slyfox @Dlique@DarthDragonWolf@Toshiro@thequickbanana We'll be running SnV tonight since the weekly for ToS is bugged.
  12. until

    Sooooooooooo....... I forgot that ToS is bugged (as is Dxun, apparently). I don't know that it will be fixed before our run tomorrow. I may decide to have us run SnV instead since I know many of you are working on gearing up and not finishing the weekly = no upgrade box. I may decide at the last minute, so please be aware the op may change.
  13. until
    Slayers head to Darvannis! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Scum and Villainy You must have a level 80 Imperial character Item rating 306 or higher (on your character sheet) is recommended StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @Fooj Tank: @kin46582 Heals: @Tibault Heals: @Slyfox DPS: @Dlique DPS: @Dalivandrian DPS: @Cyborg_Warlock89 DPS: @thequickbanana Backups/16: If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Scum and Villainy @9pm ET
  14. until
    Slayers head into 7.0 with an EV run! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Eternity Vault You must have a level 80 Imperial character Item rating 306 or higher (on your character sheet) StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @Fooj Heals: @Dalivandrian Heals: @Toshiro DPS: @Walex DPS: @DarthDragonWolf DPS: @MalAmenz DPS: @Cyborg_Warlock89 DPS: @kin46582 Backups/16: @Dlique@Darth Gumby If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Eternity Vault @9pm ET
  15. until

    I should be able to make it if you need to fill out a group.
  16. until

    @Cyborg_Warlock89 What role would you like to bring?
  17. until
    The Slayers head to back Oricon this week! Our last run before 7.0 drops! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Dread Palace You must have a level 70 Imperial character Item rating 230 (on your character sheet) is bare minimum StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @kin46582 Tank: @Fooj Heals: @Dalivandrian Heals: @Dlique Heals: @Darth Gumby DPS: @Walex DPS: @DarthDragonWolf DPS: @Víkarr DPS: @RogueTwo DPS: @Cyborg_Warlock89 DPS: @thequickbanana DPS: @Aldo Hanso DPS: @MalAmenz DPS: @Valendore DPS: @RockosGamingStrife DPS: @Yiss Backups/16: If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Dread Palace @9pm ET
  18. until
    The Slayers head to Oricon this week! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Dread Fortress You must have a level 70 Imperial character Item rating 230 (on your character sheet) is bare minimum StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @Fooj Tank: @cyberchp Heals: @Darth Dad Heals: @kin46582 rDPS: @DarthDragonWolf rDPS: @thequickbanana mDPS: @Víkarr mDPS: @Dalivandrian Backups/16: If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Dread Fortress @9pm ET
  19. until
    The Slayers head to Darvannis this week! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Scum and Villainy You must have a level 70 Imperial character Item rating 230 (on your character sheet) is bare minimum StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @cyberchp Tank: @Fooj Heals: @Tibault Heals: @kin46582 DPS: @DarthDragonWolf DPS: @Víkarr DPS: @thequickbanana DPS: @Dalivandrian Backups/16: If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Scum and Villainy @9pm ET
  20. until

    @Tibault @Dlique @RogueTwo @Silver4Hire @zoem007 We may try 16 even if we don't get more tonight. I think we might be able to pull it off with 13 or 14.
  21. until
    The Slayers head to Asation this week! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Terror from Beyond You must have a level 70 Imperial character Item rating 230 (on your character sheet) is bare minimum StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @cyberchp Tank: @kin46582 Heals: @Dalivandrian Heals: @Kidneythief DPS: @DarthDragonWolf DPS: @Víkarr DPS: @Fooj DPS: @thequickbanana Backups/16: @Tibaulth/d @Dliqued @RogueTwod @Silver4Hired @zoem007d If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Terror from Beyond @9pm ET
  22. until

    I'll come and fill whatever. Please prioritize new people over me, though.
  23. until
    The Slayers head to Denova this week! Make sure you RSVP and post in the comments what role(s) you can bring. Event details: Monday @ 9pm to 11:00pm ET This weeks Operation will be Explosive Conflict You must have a level 70 Imperial character Item rating 230 (on your character sheet) is bare minimum StarParse is not required, but many of us will likely be in there anyway Don't forget your stims! As well as medpacks and whatever else you need Discord is required, we'll be in our own operations channel See you all Monday! Roster: Raid leaders: @Dalivandrian Tank: @Fooj Tank: @Dalivandrian Heals: @Tibault Heals: @Slyfox DPS: @Víkarr DPS: @RogueTwo DPS: @Kidneythief DPS: @Dlique Backups/16: If it looks full and you interested please continue to sign up as we'll run a 16 player op if we get enough rsvps! SM Explosive Conflict @9pm ET
  24. until

    16 dxun? I'm in.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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