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Everything posted by Yiss

  1. until

    tank/dps x3.. or x4 / backup
  2. until

  3. Yiss

    Apprentices of Fear


    tank/dps x3
  4. Yiss



    Probably tank/dps
  5. until

    Ill be around as backup/whatever
  6. until

    3 tank/dps
  7. until

    backup dps/tank
  8. until

  9. until

  10. until

  11. Yiss

    Apprentices of Fear


  12. Yiss

    Apprentices of Fear


    got 2 for tank/mdps/backup
  13. until

    I'm starting to run into time constraints with packing for the move.. and now a 3 day work trip. Where sat/sun will probably need to be reserved for moving related stuff all day. So I am a very solid 'maybe.' I should be around to check status and evaluate
  14. until

  15. until

    Tank/DPS/Backup I have 2 imp, 2 pub. Soon 5 imp and 5 pub. Ive been looking really close at what it takes to add a new alt to a rotation. Cost of legendries, tacticals... main hand and offhand sharing (or lack of) and kind of piecing together a "What does it take" summary. For some classes its quite easy to add them in. Example: Guardian/Jugg can add on a sent/mara at a cost of: 1 offhand saber (1 GSF weekly assuming you have 324 OH) 0-2 tacticals. Some spec share the tacticals. (Two of the good specs for both class share) 0-1 legendary. Sent/Mara probably want to pick up the beserker legendary and share the other. (Both can be shared, especially when starting out for sure)
  16. until

  17. until

  18. until

    PVP in SWTOR is pretty much all levels. Everyone gets adjusted to be the same level. But a lower level may not have all their abilities yet.
  19. until

    tank>mdps / backup
  20. Yiss

    Gree World Bosses


    Tentative Tank/OT: Yiss *Aedi Heal: Foxy Lilone *Zahk DPS: Aiden Vorn Montago Tallin Ark Theamc Mav DarthDragonWolf Slaz *Alta *Gumby That's 11 people (Edit: 15) If signing up, go ahead and state if you want to be tank/healer even though it looks like those spots are full.
  21. until

    With a pressure washer.. goes quick! I meant give them a bath, in the kitchen sink. Sometimes not a fun time.
  22. until

    maybe? I really need to wash my cats, give their flea medicine, and do a house spray for fleas. Then I take the cats on a drive to the park for a few hours to let the air clear out after the house spray. It can become a near un-livable nightmare if the upkeep isn't done and the fleas start doing flea things. But if I do this.. they die and we never notice them except when sweeping every so often. It's just how it is when living next to a wildlife preserve in the woods, with cats that can go outside whenever they want. Today is the scheduled day for me to do this. I do this in the spring and summer (3/30 & 6/30) so...maybe?
  23. Yiss

    Gree World Bosses


    For something like this: Sign ups are probably a good way to make sure you get a spot, and help the planners have a idea of how many are going. However it's going to be social and relaxed, almost anything goes... we just have to keep moving to get it done. Pretty much the only thing set in stone is: We will want to start promptly at 7:30
  24. Yiss

    Gree World Bosses

    We have some people who haven't been to the world bosses, and/or Xeno Boss "Op" And we have some old timers who haven't been in a while. So.. Here is a quickly thrown together event... that we should be able to make work. Republic Side, 7:30 to 9PM Eastern. There may not be any level requirement for the world bosses. The operation portion is probably the standard "Level 80" story mode. Please note if you are unable to attend the OP portion when signing up. (Feel free to "sign up" below to reserve a spot.) It's possible we do this again on Saturday if enough people want. (Please note if interested.) What to expect: 1) We form up into a OP group 2) We see if we get lucky with the world boss spawns. If not we go searching thru instances then summon. 3) Kill WB, go do the next one 4) Profit. This should be easy regardless of who wants to go. 5) Xeno "OP" (Its a single room with a boss) This is likely on the conquest object list. It's probable we can do this fight as well. This one can take a little more effort to accomplish, and we are going to have to work with 8 person or 16 person mode. Story/vet. The 7:30 time is because @Passiflora has their Trial Interview. (Instead of 7.. so bring presents for Passi to celebrate!) We should have enough time to do the WB's, Xeno, then finish at 9. https://swtorista.com/articles/relics-of-the-gree-event-guide/
  25. until


Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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