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Everything posted by Dochabi

  1. Dochabi

    Datacron Hunt

    Let's get those datacrons! Because Life Day has started, it is time to tackle the jumping puzzle datacrons of Hoth
  2. until
    PvE Operation Event: Dread Palace Date: Friday 18/12/2020 Operation Start Time (Start Time = First Pull): 9:00 AM EST Operation End Time: 11:00 AM EST You must arrive at least 15 minutes before start time, else you will be replaced. Requirements: level 70 Discord will be required, we will be in our own operation channel. Let's just relax and have fun. The only requirement is a level 70 toon. I will lead the ops but I will take a position when everyone else signs up. Operation Group Sign-Up List: Raid Lead: Dochabi Main-Tank: @Cora Nilu Off-Tank: Dochabi Healer: @Gagi Healer: @Shaun mDPS: @Ren'ato mDPS: @Slazersc rDPS: @Dalivandrian DPS: @RaVem back up: @Jae Onasi
  3. Dochabi

    Star Fortresses


    I'm in the same boat but I don't have papers due on Fridays
  4. Dochabi

    Star Fortresses

    I know, we can solo them, the the heroic version is more fun when you have people with you We'll try to do the weekly and to get as many companion as possible !
  5. until
    PvE Operation Event: Dread Fortress Date: Friday 11/12/2020 Operation Start Time (Start Time = First Pull): 9:00 AM EST Operation End Time: 11:00 AM EST You must arrive at least 15 minutes before start time, else you will be replaced. Requirements: level 70 Discord will be required, we will be in our own operation channel. Let's just relax and have fun. The only requirement is a level 70 toon. I will lead the ops but I will take a position when everyone else signs up. Operation Group Sign-Up List: Raid Lead: Dochabi Main-Tank: @Dalivandrian Off-Tank: Healer: Dochabi Healer: @hunterhead mDPS: @Slazersc DPS: @Jae Onasi DPS: @Gagi DPS: @Ren'ato
  6. until

    Sorry, unfortunately we don't have enough people so i'm cancelling, but we'll try again next week! @Cora Nilu@Roedynn @Gagi @Dalivandrian
  7. Dochabi

    Pirate Incursion


    I'm sure you'll be able to find a group to do the event! Just ask in the guild chat in game and in discord
  8. Dochabi

    Pirate Incursion

    This week in-game event is the Pirate Incursion! Let's form teams and tackle the heroics and the dailies together. The heroics are easier if we have balance teams( 2dps, 1 tank, 1 healer). Let me know in the comments what role you can bring or plan on bringing
  9. until
    PvE Operation Event: Dread Fortress Date: Friday 04/12/2020 Operation Start Time (Start Time = First Pull): 9:00 AM EST Operation End Time: 11:00 AM EST You must arrive at least 15 minutes before start time, else you will be replaced. Requirements: level 70 Discord will be required, we will be in our own operation channel. Let's just relax and have fun. The only requirement is a level 70 toon. I will lead the ops but I will take a position when everyone else signs up. Operation Group Sign-Up List: Raid Lead: Dochabi Main-Tank: @Cora Nilu Off-Tank: @Gagi Healer: Dochabi Healer: mDPS: DPS: rDPS: @Roedynn DPS: Backup:
  10. until

    any role
  11. Dochabi

    Datacron Hunt

    I know a quite a few of us do not have all the datacrons yet!
  12. until

    Any role
  13. until

  14. until
    PvE Operation Event: The Ravagers Date: Friday 27/11/2020 Operation Start Time (Start Time = First Pull): 9:00 AM EST Operation End Time: 11:00 AM EST You must arrive at least 15 minutes before start time, else you will be replaced. Requirements: level 70 Discord will be required, we will be in our own operation channel. Let's just relax and have fun. The only requirement is a level 70 toon. I will lead the ops but I will take a position when everyone else signs up. Operation Group Sign-Up List: Raid Lead: Dochabi Main-Tank: @DrDudis Off-Tank: Healer: @Gagi Healer: mDPS: @Slazersc mDPS: @Ren'ato mDPS: @Walex rDPS: @Roedynn Backup: @Vorn?
  15. Dochabi

    Morning SMOps TOS


    @Cora Nilu it's okay, i'll do one next week
  16. Dochabi

    Morning SMOps TOS


    We need 2 people for tomorrow @Rykyn, @RoguishZero, @AidenRhen, @Jae Onasi, @allticrates, @Ocean, @Falcon III, @Hellary Ren, @Kialya, @Getius, @Aedi Lanigiro, @Vorn, @Jed, @Slazersc, @Shaun, @Frarry, @witchbolts, @Dalivandrian, @MrFishy, @Laysa, @MDStacky, @Evath, @Darth Gumby, @Slyfoxmartin, @Amrithir, @Skywalker17, @Vehirt, @Yiss, @Surrrithux, @Grin, @Cikopath, @NorthHorizon, @It's Dan, @Etrias, @Riku, @theangrywelder, @marlzz, @hunterhead, @Quasited, @Mr Invictus, @Eskili, @Mirivor, @brazymando, @Nabetse, @aj85, @Chackez, @indiablonix, @Dochabi, @Inyourprime, @BRAYSCEND, @Roedynn, @Coffeedout, @Cora Nilu, @Brannis, @XJediknight18X, @Ren'ato
  17. until

    any role
  18. Dochabi

    Daily Missions

    Daily missions are a fun way of getting credits, reputation with a group and conquest! We'll choose as a group which daily areas we'll do on the day.
  19. until

  20. Dochabi

    Morning SMOps TOS

    PvE Operation Event: Temple of Sacrifice Date: Friday 11/20/2020 Operation Start Time (Start Time = First Pull): 8:00 AM EST Operation End Time: 10:00 AM EST You must arrive at least 15 minutes before start time, else you will be replaced. Requirements: level 70 Discord will be required, we will be in our own operation channel. Let's just relax and have fun. The only requirement is a level 70 toon. I will lead the ops but I will take a position when everyone else signs up. Operation Group Sign-Up List: Raid Lead: Dochabi ( I will add myself on the roster at the end) Main-Tank: @Rykyn Off-Tank: Healer: @Gagi Healer: DPS: @Slazersc DPS: @Bluegrass DPS: @Ren'ato DPS: Backup:
  21. until
    Vet mode Flashpoints are perfect to get to know fps, to get gear, and to practice dps, tanking or healing with a new toon. Let me know in the comments what toon(s) you'll bring and it's level.
  22. Dochabi


    Heroics are a great way to level up toons and to get credits. You can also decide to tag along with a level 75 to get renown (and more credits). Let me know in the comments what toon you'll bring and it's level.
  23. Dochabi



    tank or heal
  24. until

    mdps please
  25. until

    i can heal if you still need someone

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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