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Events happening today

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    16 April 2021 01:00 PM      03:00 PM

    Since KP will not take us 2h, I think we can do the operation and the operation boss in the same 2 hour. Since it is story mode, we do not need to kill the world boss on Ossus for the debut, so if we do not have enough time, we'll just skip it and go straight to the boss. 
    PvE Operation Event: Karagga's Palace and Colossal Monolith (take 2)
    Date: Friday, April 16th
    Operation Start Time (Start Time = First Pull): 9:00 AM EST
    Operation End Time: 11:00 AM EST
    You must arrive at least 10 minutes before start time, else you will be replaced.
    Requirements: level 70
    Discord will be required, we will be in our own operation channel.
    Let's just relax and have fun. The only requirement is a level 70 toon.
    If we have enough people, we can do a 16 man op.
    I will lead the ops but I will take a position when everyone else signs up.
    Operation Group Sign-Up List:
    Raid Lead: Dochabi
    Main-Tank: @Ren'ato
    Off-Tank: @Jae Onasi
    Healer: @Madhatter
    Healer: Dochabi
    mDPS: @Slazersc
    mDPS: @Patrick Misawa Ichikawa
    rDPS: @Roedynn 
    rDPS: @Kitt
    Backups : 

    Event details

    SWTOR 7 Comments

    8 users have RSVPed, including

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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