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Posts posted by RoguishZero

  1. 1 hour ago, MrChavez1234 said:

    Hey all, just wondering if we have a clan or want to share Steam names.


    My steam name, unsurprisingly, is mrchavez1234. Feel free to drop a friend request and, if we have the clan hookup already let me know please!



     Hello @MrChavez1234 ! Welcome to Destiny side of the RoH lol

     I will be TBH to your first question about the clan.  We do, (I am the leader.) but, no one really plays besides me, so... Im just running a ghost ship. I would suggest a easy fix is, dont join Remnants, join a friend you may know or another clan. It sounds bad, but, I say this because while this game is fun and I have been on it since D1,  Its better with groups and friends.   So, thats my recommended suggestion!

    As for Names, I do play on Steam!  I am RoguishZero.  I play PC/PS5.   I am currently taking a break (Short one. I need to get my baby Palidrone back) but if you ever want to do anything with me, feel free to add or even discord. 

    Ad astra friend, ill see you Star side

  2.  Like the title said, anyone gone to any Halloween events?   I went to one, and it was the same year I joined RoH, and had my Bypass surgery.

    The event name is one famous in Florida, and Cali: Halloween Horror nights.  I went during the time they had Cabin in the woods and Resident Evil as a haunt house and I was SO FRICKING EXCITED! I loved the detail in the houses. The one that got me was a Original house where you explore the after life in the mind of a killer, but it feature some sort of 3D so u had to walk into through it with these funny 3d specs.  I was walking and i tripped due to the trippy stuff, and in the end, i actually was so confused i stood and some of the scare actor stood next to me and i felt his presnse and look over and said "Nope" and ran off to the exit.

    Another was During cabin in the wood walk, we were stuck in between two killer doctors and they just looked at me and the other people walking through (The line stoped due to maybe someone breaking down due to something). I remember the girl infront getting distracted and got scared by em. I still wish they added the murderous Unicorn that was from the movie.  Overall it was a fun night.  Still wish I can go more to the events, I hear they were going to do a Beatle Juice house and I wanted to see it!  


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  3. Man, I didnt see this Topic for sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.

    I love a good Survival horror game and tbh, I have not played many, but I love Classics like Resident Evil and all, but  Dead Space is where I found my love for horror...  too bad they kinda killed my love at Part 3 (I could not finish the game at all, the action packed intro threw off everything for me)



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  4. On 10/8/2020 at 12:14 AM, Gensou said:

    Being honest, I often watch horror movies and laugh my butt off at them.  I also don't watch a lot of them, but here are a few I've really enjoyed.


    28 Days Later (I notably did not laugh, this one got to me)

    The VVitch

    Oculus (it really messed with my head)

    Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


    If you want something particularly different, try A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.  It's an Iranian horror film, and really well-done.

    Im the same way, I laugh at some horror movies, and some make me go off on a rant. Like the movie Spilce, I actually did a fricking rant at the theater and everyone was laughing on how dumb the ending was, best rant i ever  did though!

     TBH, Oculus, I forget how trippy it was, I had to rethink the movie.
    But all in all, I love a good scare, and tbh, sometimes horror movies i watch em  and I can't help and ether laugh or go "OOF" out loud at a certain scenes. 😛

    But want another rant?  Here it is, Paranormal Activity franchise.

    *Clear throat* Im not even gonna start, just pm me, basically, I wish it stayed at 3...(I love the movies though.)

    • Love 1
  5. 7 hours ago, witchbolts said:

    What are some of your favorite scary movies? I'm hoping to find some new ones and maybe we could even stream some for people to watch together as Halloween approaches! 


    Some of my personal faves are:

    - Hush

    - Veronica

    - The SAW series

    - and a bunch of others I can't remember rn


    I also have a HUGE list of scary movies I want to watch and I find that watching scary movies is always done best when watching together! So please share some of your favorite scary movies or movies you haven't seen yet (but want to) and we can try to get a few scary movie parties going throughout the month of October! 👻

      Also, sorry for the double post, but SAW while yes went over the top with how many movies they can do over n over, I loved how they kept connecting the movies to the very end. I am sadden the newest movie from Saw was postpone to next year (Was suppose to drop this Oct.) But atlas, what can we do??

    • Love 1
  6. Omg its about time we got some horror talk in here! >:D MUHAHAHAHAHAH


    But my list is more bigger than the list of things I need to do in my life (Don't ask, Im lazy) so, it may not be for the faint of heart. (Also, may try to edit and put where you can find em!) 


    Here is my list for horror in no order what so ever!

    Cabin in the Woods
    Hush ( Netflix)
    You're Next 

    Green Room (Netflix)

    The Autopsy of Jane Doe (Netlfix)

    The Conjuring 1 and 2
    Sinister (the first one)

    As Above So Below (netflix)

     Paranormal Activity 1,2, and 3

    Evil Dead ( 2013)

    Drag me to Hell (Hulu)

    It Follows

    Ju-on Origins (Netflix)  (Note: It original audio is Japanese) 

    The Circle (Netlfix)
    IT ( Both are good, but the first one is more horror)

    Stephens king's 1408

     Pet Sematary (2019)

    Hell House LLC (Found footage, but its pretty neat)

    Halloween (2018)    ( You really think I would not put this in here?!)

    Overlord (2018)

    Trick 'r Treat (2007)

    Shutter Island


    The Babadook

    Insidious (1 - 3)

    Get Out (2017)

    The Invisible man (2020)

    Quarantine (There is REC. but its in spanish)

     28 Days Later
    28 Weeks Later

    Ok my list is maybe a bit huge, but keep in mind, I love movies, and no less horror! There is some classics I still need to watch (American Werewolf in London for staters) But If you can find the movies on you own!  Happy viewings and if you ever want a recommend from me, tbh...I may have one somewhere!

    • Love 1
  7. 2 hours ago, QuietlyExisting said:


    hey! Thanks for the music I'm going to put it in my queue! I don't think i've listened to disturbed before, so it'll be a change! I grew up listening to rock so definitely always open to listening to it. Not so familiar with metal other than like maybe like slipknot, iron maiden, Alice In chains. Ya'know, the usual household names 😂 you have any suggestions for other bands? 

     Another band I like is Trivium! XD  and some others, tbh, I find new music everyday to enjoy!  :D   But hey, everyday there's always something new to see or hear! I say keep Rocking. I also, do listen to other kinds of music!  

    Anyway, here is another song =3



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  8. Hiya all, hows everyone?  I hope everyones doing great!


    14 hours ago, QuietlyExisting said:

    hello all :) what's everyone's favorite music? I'm looking for music to listen to! 


    Hello Quietly =3   I mostly listen to rock and some metal!  😛 what to recommend? IDK!! XD

    I guess ill share a song from my favorite band: Disturbed.


    I hope you enjoy it! Also, have a nice day :) 

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  9.  Hey everyone!  I know we are still growing and all, but I got some questions thrown at me and I am actually wanting to know... who wants events?


    By events, I mean many things: Raids, Gambit,Crucible,Nightfall, etc. 


    I personally want to set one up for this weekend!! We can try our hand on the first Raid that was released!  So what ya say?! Let me know! I can set up a time by end of today.


    Also, for the people who know this weekend is the return of Trials, it is okay, our time will come later....because im still grinding for guns.  So, with that being said, I hope to see some feedback! 

  10. Hey guys, I came to ask if anyone still plays Division 2 on PC still.


    I just got back into it on PS4, and finally got to 30, and went through the rank up for WT5, but Im  a solo player sadly on PS4 (No friends on my PS4 list plays).  Than I thought about asking here some days ago, and now I am here since tomorrow (2/11/2020) There is news of a big expansion to the game and even Episode 3 hype. So, I hope to know soon...if not its okay! 😛  But yeah....  Just asking lol.


    IF someone is on PS4 and wants to add me for Division 2 though, let me know! Name is same as Discord (RoguishZero)


    I hope to see you agents out there!

  11. Hello Guardian, I just wanted to first state tysm for coming and reading the guide! I Know the first one was meh, but I totally thought on it and did a revamp.


    So, for this guide, I will posting useful links, and resources that you as a player can use to help yourself if your ever in a pinch! Be mindful that there is many, and I do many guides and videos! So...I will be just posting things where you may want to vist if you need help finding a certain item (Ig. a Hand cannon with such perk on it!) or even a place to find the latest news and info! 


    So without further talking, here are the list I use myself!   If you or someone you know uses some Destiny sites that are also helpful, hey be free to post em up!  :D 



    https://www.bungie.net/   - Destiny main site,  it has a lot. From clan page, to fourms, and the weekly TWAB (This Week at Bungie) post which is every Thursday and covers the ins and out of whats coming, or whats new in Destiny, and talks of fixes and patches. A LOT of info can be found here, even a LFG System!! 


    https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/  -  Destiny reddit has many thing from helpful, to even some humor, but there is always guide posted from players here, and sub reddits, like Destiny Raid Secrets and even PVP Reddit!


    https://www.light.gg/  -  Light.gg is a website where I use mostly to research weapon rolls! It can help you discover your next favorite weapon to grind for!  They have a lot in there databases!


    https://menagerie-calculator.now.sh/  - This Calculator is mostly for the Menagerie.  Just plug in the runes and see what you get!  



     Thats what I mostly use on the top of my head! If more comes into mind, I will be sure to plug them into the list! :D


    Side Note:

    There is also plenty of youtubers who I would suggest looking into or even following! The list is endless, but if you want some of my recommends, I can give you some! 

    (Which if someone does ask, I must do it in a other post...)


  12.  Hello everyone and welcome to this proposal I am doing for a clan in Destiny!  I will be honest, I couldn't find the right words for this, but let me make this clear, it would be wonderful to have a division for Destiny, but I do not think this will grow to some crazy amount. So, this is to be honest, this is more of a semi open group for us.  Yes, Remnants can easily come and join in but for a division to work, we need people!   So, I hope I can find some sort of middle ground for this to work somehow. With the small disclaimer out of the way... lets get down to chat shall we?



      "We called it The Traveler, and its arrival changed us forever. Great cities were built on Mars and Venus. Mercury became a garden world. Human lifespan tripled. It was a time of miracles. We stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of the other stars--but The Traveler had an enemy. A Darkness, which had hunted it for eons across the black gulfs of space. Centuries after our Golden Age began, this Darkness found us and that was the end of everything.  But it was also a beginning..."

      Destiny Intro Opening -  2014 




    What is Destiny? 

    From the makers who brought us Halo 1-3 and ODST and Reach, Destiny is at its core a action MMO FPS.  While yes we have many things that will keep us in awe, from lore which has such great stories and characters, the main goal of Destiny as a MMO?  LOOT! LOOT! AND MORE LOOT!   Yes, this game is basically if Diablo became a FPS and instead of sticking to fantasy, we got space magic and a tons of guns!  Destiny released on Sept. 9th in 2014  for PS3, Xbox 360, and PS4 and Xbox One, but after a year, in 2015 the game stayed on PS4 and Xbox One.  The original Destiny ran for 3 years and quite a number of expansions that expanded upon the world of Destiny.  From seeing  how the Iron Lords, the first guardians fell many years before us and how the last Iron lord himself Lord Saladin prepares us every month in a event that is known to all fans as the Iron Banner, to invading the moon to stop a god named Crota, and slay him with his own weapon that killed many others, to even gaining the attention of Crota's father: Oryx, The Taken King, who was hellbent on taking worlds and killing us, the people who slayed his son. Many adventures were shared in the first destiny, and many friendly faces as well gain our hearts and laughs through the course.  Now, comes Destiny 2. Where we are right now with this universe.  Released in Sept. 6th  2017, for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC  under the B.net launcher ( Well soon its going to be Steam..I will explain).  While yes, Destiny 2 ditched all of our old gear and weapons for a fresh new start, we gained many positive things in return.  I won't say any stories or anything lore wise for D2, because while yes we are close to Year 3 of this game, its a easy to get caught up!


    Destiny Actives and things to do... 

       Well, now that I explained about where we at with Destiny and its setting, you are going to probably ask "What is there to do??"  Good thing I got you there didn't I??

    Here is the answer:  

    For those who rather do PvE:  Story content, Patrols, Dungeons runs (or Strikes like they are called) and Raids! 

    For those who are more up at arms for some PvP Crucible awaits you!  

    We also have this mode that is a mix up of PvE/PvP Co-Op all mixed into one!  It's called Gambit, Oh your gonna love it!


    While yes this narrows a lot of the actives insides Destiny, most of the times, there is plenty of things to do.


    What can Destiny bring to Remnants of Hope?

     Well, I know I wrote that I am not going to try to hard on pushing this clan into a division of sorts, but I bet some would ask, "What can this game bring to us that our other Divisions cannot?"   Well, I am very happy you may have thought or even asked!   When I started playing Destiny way back then, I personally did not think of anything remotely of "I may need some sort of clan backup" or anything of that sort.  Well, I was wrong.   When the game first came out,  we actually had a former member of our guild actually try to suggest we make a official division!  I, again thought it was awesome if I can play with other memebers, and all, but I did not think I was going to need help, or backup.  The TL;DR of this story?   Well, I quickly learned through sometime that certain missions may need help.  Also, for Raiding, you need to actually have 6 people together, listening, and working together.


     So how does RoH can be inserted here?  Well, first off, many people I have met in the years of Destiny, was not even close to what we have here! While, yes there is clans that are basically in a way RoH, and are in the world of Destiny,  not many join these clans.  Why?  Well, many people actually stick to small groups of friends and such. Its like how most MMORPG guilds are as well, small and are not well coordinated.   Which is sad.  Also, its even worse scenario, this means most or some endgame stuff like Raids, are not even touched by most people ( I am actually am in this group of people)  because while yes I can go out of my way, to go out, find some people in a LFG site, or something to get a group and raid. Most of them will quit, right when the things get going!  Heck, even some people will be greedy and actually deny people.   I personally think Remnants of Hope would be one of those clans that can benefit for a lot if they join, because we are going to actually go and do the raid with a calm mind, and not get elitist on someone due to maybe something silly.


    Also, if you think Clans only benefit with Raids, thats not true!  At the moment, we may not have this mode, but in Destiny 1, we had a PvP mode that only happen every weekend named Trials of Osris.  Where the goal was to get a ticket to the lighthouse that sits right outside of Mercury, and you will win riches of wild levels! Well, how you get there?  Simple, you must fill that ticket you got with seven straight wins.  I bet, you are saying, "seven wins? alright! easy!"  The PvP mode you had to play to advance was Elimination matches. Oh, by the way, if you get three loses, you must start from square one.


     Sadly, this was also another thing I could never do with groups, because I had none, and the same for raid applies here.   


    With all this stated, you can see why I would love to see Remnants take a shot at a Clan in Destiny.  The rules of this guild can shape the clan to be a great place to be. It be something that would brighten my day tbh to help someone who cannot do a raid, and we as a clan bring him in and help the person out. 

    To sum it up on this part, it feels like a win/win for all.



    Game Cost and Expansions.

      This is now the part where I hope people made it this far and ask "How much??" 

    Well, sir, or mam.  you came at the right time!  Destiny 2 is going Free to Play (F2P)  next week on Steam!!!


    Which, yes, Bungie the makers of Destiny did a split with the company of Activision and thats why the game is moving from Blizzard app, to Steam.


    Now, you may ask, what about expansions??  Do I need them all or something?! Well, the answer is no.


    Destiny now is trying a new model, which you can purchase the expansion de la carte. Basically, you can pick and chose which expansion you really want to buy, and if you do want to buy say expansion, you can buy that one thing of it.   I kinda suck explaining this one part, so If I can explain this better later on I will come back and edit and fix this part up!  But that is the truth!  

    Also, while yes the game is going F2P that means the Base game and the first expansions ( Curse of Osris  and Warmind)  are free.  Also, yes, they will in time stick certain expansions and stuff into F2P area as well.


    But, for those who actually want to dive in and buy the new expansion.  Here is a link for you to see the prices ( its 34.99 )





    In Conclusion...

    If you are in anyway shape or form wondering about Destiny, or ever wanted to see what is up with it, I think now is the best time to jump in! Also, while yes, this whole thing is to inform you of what is what, I wrote this, to hopefully inspire some to maybe try the game, or join the clan!  I hope this sheds some light into everything and I hope I did my best to help out. Please, if you have any questions or concerns please just send me a message here on the forums, or even on discord!  I think that wraps about up this very long draft...


    I will see you all star side. . .


    (Or maybe after a long snooze)


    Thank you!



  13. Welcome to the Remnants!  Here is the link to find us: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1016472



     I know, you are probably going to ask "wait how do I get in?"  


    Simple,  First, just click that join button, and than proceed to contact me or someone who can get you into the clan, also while doing this please send a message through the forums ( This forum...like RoH!)  and just on that message your username on Bungie.net!   

    If any question just ask me!


    I will see you all star side!




  14. 14 hours ago, Rellik said:

    lvl 16 on PC?  should be pretty easy or easier to get you lvl'd up, as long as you play with someone who is or has a lvl 30 toon.  I'm always willing to help where I can..  

    No, I am level 16 on PS4.  lol.  I am finishing the PS4 and just getting to 30 and than switch to PC. TY all for the replies! :p

  15. Hello Pokemon Trainers! 


     I am here to say, while yes you can put your Friend Code here for Pokemon, there is a even greater list and even a section in RoH for Switch Friend Codes!  Here is the link!


    Shout out to @MrChavez1234  and  please dont be shy on joining that page!! :D

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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