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Posts posted by MarbleLion

  1. To clarify, firstly, I keep editing my message because this isn't intended as a form of pushback. After years of people trying, RoH has finally made me actually do PvP regularly (and not just a private dailies room).  Also, I love a tourney gold farm.  And I guess that's where I really erred, the tourney gold farm is a lot like bauble farming - some people can do it for a whole day, others can only stand 40 minutes a week.


    So despite the topic of this thread, in this post I'm going to push aside the tourneys for a bit.  I think there is not nearly enough interest from the people for whom a real placement in them may be possible to continue with that thought for now.  People like me who love to farm it for gold? Oh, I'll still be asking and maybe if we do them regularly we'll still enter the monthly tourney.  But if you have that thought too, let's not try to crunch it.


    I guess also this leads me to wonder what the guild's PvP position is.  I'm certainly not looking to go competitive, but if I'm gonna do it, I'd like to be competent at it. Doing PvP with the guild's mists leadership and with more experienced players is like being given a handicap (in our favor). You know your teammates are better than you and what they're doing and it's a welcome buffer. The company is also nice and fun things happen, but it doesn't...uh, you don't feel like you can do something personally in those matches that you couldn't potentially do outside of the guild matches. You know? Like, I don't think, spvp event is coming up, I can bust out (specific build) and me and so-and-so will burn down the opposing team. And now that I've seen tourneys I think, why aren't we doing that?


    In conclusion I guess,  maybe we should get more wild with it. most of us are still playing meta builds when we get together for PvP, but we see very non-meta builds do very well when paired with 1 or 2 other people.  That could really spice up an occasional unranked night or regular guild PvP events.

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  2. We did it!


    Breakdown of our first month IMO


    RoH had a full team enter into January's PvP monthly tournament.  It took 90 minutes, we earned 25 gold, 5 mystic coins, and one large PvP potion (which is a little more than an entire reward tier).  Due to the number of teams that enrolled in December and January, that was the least prize possible.


    Tourney teams that are successful don't seem to follow the standard pvp meta. In fact, some of the most aggravating players seem to buck the standard trends. But I think it's clear the best teams also do this to coordinate with their fellows beyond 'you support, me shoot'


    Here are just some of my thoughts


    For February: I think we should shoot for having two teams enter.  In order to not crunch, that means 2-3 tourneys/week to get 100 QP's.  Additionally, I think we should try to split those teams into skill levels - either individually or in team play.  I'm not sure if we'll really need to for February, but people newer to PvP (like myself) may fall behind others and I'd like to see any team in our guild maybe reach a higher rank than default in the monthlies.


    Individual goals for next monthly:

    *Know and practice both dps and support if you don't already

    *Find and share useful media for learning team roles and composition for tourneys

    *Come up with a plan and practice whether in unranked teams of 5 or in other tourneys


    What do people think? what was your experience like?

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  3. The qualifying points is an issue. I have the highest amount now at 75.  I think if there's not four other people at at least 60 by 10pm tourney we may have to call off trying to qualify for this month's tourney and start planning on next month.

  4. Okay, we did the 1PM EST tourney: me, addam, tzee, coffee, and bainek


    It was about as populated as it was on the weekends. Maybe bad timing?


    We got five qualifying points. That still puts us in the group at least 5 tourneys away from monthly qualifying.


    Any interest in further tourneys today? I'd even settle for...sigh, reset tourney

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  5. Do we want to try for January's monthly tourney?


    I think I share the qualifying points hi-score of 50.  We need 100 and have until Saturday.  If we do at least one tourney every day this week we could have at least one full party of qualifiers



    17-32 place is 5 mystic coins, a rewards potion, and 25!! gold - Last monthly only 25 teams enrolled it looks like. A sure thing!

    all the other tourney awards along the way



    time limit

    A number of people will likely need to do 6 tourneys before Saturday at 2

    We may end up with more than a full party of qualifiers, but less than 2 parties worth of qualifiers. I propose  random number generator to choose who gets in and anyone who doesn't gets auto picked for next month's to spare any hurt feelings (mine, mostly)


    And here's where I desperately try to cobble my mind to string guild, character, discord, and message board names: @Addam@Bainek@Princess@Eisen Wor'sha@CoffeeMuffin @Tzee@Warriorscythe

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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