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Frost bunni

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Status Updates posted by Frost bunni

  1. I finally made it to lvl 20 for pvp. The trip was eye opening for what I need to work on. 

  2. Hey I’ll be on tomorrow if you want to do unranked arenas or work on something special. Hit me up

  3. I got my new computer yippee 

    1. Lupe


      hope u enjoy ur NEW PC :), try to play everything to the fullest highest quality if ur new pc can handle that, but dont over do it haha.

  4. Me after a full day of GW2.


  5. I’m super excited!  I’m a real bona fide guild member. Perfect timing too, I just got my first legendary. Oooooooooooooh yeah. gangnam style dance GIF by Pusheen

    1. Kell


      Congrats how cool is that!! Which legendary?

  6. I’m super excited!  I’m a real bona fide guild member. Perfect timing too, I just got my first legendary. Oooooooooooooh yeah. gangnam style dance GIF by Pusheen

  7. I think I finished phase one minus one community event that will be tonight. I hope I didn’t miss anything. happy my little pony GIF

  8. I love your name admiral bunny. Have you ever read watership down?

  9. my little pony GIFMe trying to crawl out of bed and to work an hour earlier because of daylight savings time.

  10. Hello [HOPE],

    My name is Rose and I like long walk in the desert,  piña colada and getting caught in the rain. 😏 (starts humming Escape by Rupert Holmes) 

    I see you would like to get to know me and requested to post an introduction for phase one. I hope I’m posting in the right area. 


    Posting about myself is probably more difficult for me then most people. I can be a very private person until I feel comfortable and safe. I’m an introvert that is very intuitive to others. I think that’s because I listen to others more then I speak. Strange that most only listen with their ears when we say so much more with our body language or micro face expressions. 


    I love rabbits! I had a whole family at one point. I loved to sun bath in my garden and watch them eat the leaves and show off their binky skills. (If you are not familiar with “binkies” it’s when a rabbit randomly darts around as if to say, “ YES I’m alive and it feels good”.) Rabbits are amazing creatures. They are as smart as cats and dog but have softer fur. So CUTE and FLUFFY! My family was allergic to every fur under the sun except for Rabbit so I always had one as a pet. 


    I’m a newly wed since November. My vows gave me not one but two fantastic men. My husband and his 7 yr old son. Having never been a mom or wife before, I’m excited and terrified about the new adventure. When I first meet his son he was only 4 yr old and was missing his two front teeth from a ruff-housing  incident. I had nightmares I was going to get drooled on by his son or get his snot on me. I didn’t care for kids much back then. Since then, I did in fact get drooled on, snorted, boogered, bitten, and others; I’ll spare you from the details. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, he still is missing his two front teeth. 


    Rapping this up...

    I currently have two cats. Yuki and Eevee, they have their own FB page.

    I watch a lot of anima.

    I have my bachelors and other special  certificates and licenses. 

    I served one year as treasury for my chapter in Toastmasters.

    Im den leader for my son’s Cub Scout Pack. (Ask me for popcorn)


    ... and I still have the Escape song stuck in my head.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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