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Everything posted by Ren'ato

  1. until

    mDPS or Tank
  2. Day: 24/04/21 Time: 3:00pm EST We will continue our hunt for the achievement at the Imp Side and this time we will look for: - Quesh: Infiltrating the Republic - Yavin IV: Unraveling the Republic - Section X: Infiltrating the Republic - Black Hole: Ransacking the Republic So don't forget your Achievement Boost and let's storm the Republic.
  3. No, any level, but you might want to bring a Toon that has already traveled to the listed planets because it will have already unlocked part of the map making it easier to travel, but we can use summons if necessary.
  4. Day: 18/04/21 Time: 3:00pm EST Let's do some Veteran Flashpoint and learn about the mechanics, shortcuts and other things.
  5. Day: 17/04/21 Time: 3:00pm EST Tomorrow me and @Dalivandrian will be run an Achievement Hunt Imp Side and what achievements we are talking about? Well: - Hunting Down the Jedi Master - Corellia: Raiding the Republic - Hoth: Infiltrating the Republic - Tyrant of Ilum! - Quesh: Infiltrating the Republic - Unraveling the Republic - Section X: Infiltrating the Republic - Black Hole: Ransacking the Republic So bring your Achievement Boost and lets chill while hunt the enemies we need.
  6. until

    mDPS or Tank
  7. until

    mDPS or Tank.
  8. Day: 04/04/21 Time: 3:00pm EST So Contest Conquest is close and you still need some credits to buy that outfit or dye? ... this is the time ... let's go through some Hammer Stations, Red Reapers, Heroics 2 and CZ-198 ... all depending on the number of players and time but we will try to do everything a little bit.
  9. Ren'ato



    mDPS or Tank
  10. Ren'ato

    Friday Night SMOPS


    Tank or mDPS
  11. Day: 21/03/21 Time: 2:00pm EST Hey o/, The second round of this little marathon of Uprising, we will aim for the MM Uprising but if that turns in a Stormtrooper aim we will go to VM Uprising.
  12. until

    mDPS if 16man
  13. Day: 18/03/21 Time: 5:00pm EST Hey o/, This time we will look for the achievements and here a list of hidden-achievements that maybe you have interest: https://swtorista.com/articles/star-fortress-secret-achievements/ But if you want just do it for fun feel free to show up.
  14. until

    mDPS or Tank
  15. Day: 14/03/21 Time: 10:00am EST (I don't trust the time converter.) [HEROIC 4] The Alchemy of Evil/Uprooting the Last Seed and/or [HEROIC 4] The Shroud’s Last Stand/The Shroud Revealed; Rewards and Benefits of this activity: “Dreadseed” or “Star Forager” titles; the chest piece from this armor https://swtorista.com/armor/dreadseed or the chest piece from this https://swtorista.com/armor/star-forager . Seeker Droid ability and the EV-2 Macrobinoculars. Not mention that after completing Macrobinoculars and Seeker you will have access to hidden achievements and quests at CZ-198 (inclunding a pet), Oricon and Star Fortress and the GSI reputation too. If you want catch up with us and start the questline feel free to gather a group or ask for help at:
  16. until

    Tank or mDPS
  17. until

    Tank or mDPS
  18. Ren'ato

    Friday Night SMOPS


    Tank or mDPS
  19. until

  20. until

  21. until


Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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