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Status Updates posted by Emma

  1. Four years in [HOPE], and although I've mostly drifted away from gaming... Some of my fondest memories are here, rebuilding a dying GW2 Division and then, a year or so later, seeing it through the transition into post-Path of Fire mechanics.  

    It's still a joy to see the guild thriving and so many familiar faces still committing time and love.  @Exoniensis and @Sim the Ineluctable - you two were some of the first people I ever recruited way back in 2014 and you remain cornerstones of the guild.  @Shant you pulled me back into the guild in 2015 and were my closest confidant and friend during my second run as DC.    @Silver Still remember the day you joined, and while we've had our drama... I feel in some ways that I've watched you grow up into a fantastic guildy and human being.  You love [HOPE] as much as I do.

    @Kenji so happy someone in my real life is around to keep me remembering this wonderful place that was a second home and a haven for me during the tumultuous end of my marriage and upheaval of my life.  RoH got me through it and then some.  

    So much love.

    1. Shant


      Much love back to you sister!


       You're an amazing individual, lovely, smart, and with a very good instinct for leadership. It was an honor for me to serve under you, and a bigger honor to call you my friend.


       You may not be on much these days, or do much gaming, but know that you can always reach me for anything you need, and i'll do my best to help you. Always.


      Take care, and when you have time, don't forget to log in and say hello! :) 

  2. Game by day, haunt the forums by night...

  3. I so wish Steam apps carried over to Android/Apple.  Sigh.

  4. I think GW2 set the records for longest and shortest trial interviews this week!  

    5 minutes.

    83 minutes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sayuri


      I feel a "Challenge Accepted" moment coming.... :D

    3. Emma


      The question is... Which challenge? ;) 

    4. Sayuri


      Touché....touché :P 

  5. Last night I dreamed I had a mimosa.  I woke up craving mimosas.  Now, at 11:49 PM, I find myself with a bottle of Andre Brut, a bottle of Pineapple Orange Juice, and a bottle of Grapefruit Juice.  

    Mission accomplished.

    1. Sayuri


      I knew if I hung in there a Mimosa would appear! :) 

    2. Emma


      It was perfect.

  6. My parents are in town this week.  So if I am a bit sporadic in game, that's why.  Sorry 'bout that!

    1. Telana


      No worries! I hope you have a great time with family! 

    2. Brightroot
  7. Today is my personal holiday that I celebrate every year to mark when I first admitted to myself I was not straight.  It has been 15 years now since that day, and I have lived to see gay marriage become legal and many prejudices (even ones I myself felt) dissipate.  Finally.  I think today, were I an eighth grader, I would have loved myself for it.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emma


      It's hard hating yourself for feelings you can't help. If young people today don't judge themselves - or even love themselves - for being LGBT, that is a victory. 

    3. Skitchik


      This is a great personal holiday to have! It is wonderful that you have been able to see so many things change in that time period. I wonder how many other changes will happen each consecutive holiday you celebrate? It will definitely be exciting to see! I love you and congratulations on your anniversary!

    4. Emma


      Thank you, Kael! I know I never shared it with you previously.  November 2, 2000. A day written in stone for me.

  8. "Are you the Beast?" -- trial member on seeing a charr for the first time

  9. Being a GW2 Assistant is exciting and fun!

  10. Blue baby blue!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. heartless


      Hope you enjoyed your brief break from the throne. I don't know what we'd do without you Emma.

    3. Emma


      Why thank you, heartless.  I don't know how I'm getting by without you.  I miss your baleful airs.
    4. heartless


      Work is exhausting. I'm not used to getting up at 4 in the morning.

  11. Excited and nervous about being eligible for Recruitment Officer today.

  12. For the first time ever, I finished my monthlies in 18 minutes shy of one day, to be exact. That will be a tough record to beat in November.

    1. Guest



  13. Garrr, rogue hazelnut brown nectar is so delicious...

    1. Jaan'weyn


      Anything you would compare it to? I've been kind of disappointed with a lot of the Rogue beers I've tried but I'm always up to give something a shot.

    2. Emma


      I am with you about most beers. I would compare it to a brown ale or a darker octoberfest. It starts off toasty, and has a really nice hazelnut finish, a bit of honey in there.

  14. Grrr, my kitty won't eat since he got back from boarding...

  15. Guild Wars 2 Hopecast.... is go.


    1. Nadalyne


      Oooh, where are we going to take it?

  17. Having a blast with Skitchik & can't wait to meet Lager tomorrow! I'll be back on 4/14... with pics. =)

    1. Guest


      For some reason, I predict there will be lots of beer. ;)

  18. Holy cracklesnap, I reached 1000 posts without even noticing!

    1. Guest


      Get a life! :D

    2. Emma


      Haha! So you say *now.*

  19. I just found a way into Dark Reverie without using Morgan's Leap.

    1. Exoniensis


      Probably the secret gate that only opens when you are inside dark Reverie, right?

    2. Emma
  20. I love my little diseased asura.

  21. I need my smilies back, darn it.  D :

  22. I think I might spend 10 hours walking through Tyria and see how many catcalls I get.

    1. Jaan'weyn


      If someone tells a Norn that she should be more thankful when someone gives her a compliment, does that person get an arrow between the eyes?

    2. Guest
    3. Emma


      Depends. Has that person been following the norn for 4 minutes?

  23. I tried Abita's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout yesterday. It's the first bourbon-aged beer I've ever tried that was light and thin enough to feel like a session beer. I actually quite enjoyed it!

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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