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Everything posted by Koro

  1. Hi @Martini! I've been playing Lotro fairly regularly as of late, though to be honest I've been hitting a little more ESO, the past couple weeks and Diablo 3 this weekend (new season opened up). Activity is Lotro is kind of low since many players are committed to one of the division games. I think as a few more become regular Lotro-players we will def. be able to do some events and such! What kind of toons did you roll? Do you have a favorite class?
  2. Sorry guys, got home a little late and found a bunch of snow and ice all over my yard/house. O.o Which never happens in southern, Arizona... So spent a while trying to take care of the animals and get fresh water out to them despite the frozen hoses and such. Didn't make it online in time. Shall we shoot for next week? I think schedules get 'normalized' for the most part for those involved with vacations and school schedules. We can shoot for right after the community meeting on Monday or wait until next Thursday again. Again, 1000 apologies!
  3. I'm flexible on the time, was hoping for some feedback on that. Maybe 7 EST? It is pretty casual so we will work around whatever we need to.
  4. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Crazy to think that we are in 2019! I was wondering if anyone was available to get in-game for a fun evening this Thursday perhaps? If not we can push it to Saturday or next week sometime. Lets get 2019 started off right! Party in the kinship house! Any objections? @Jae Onasi @Hrom @Chelly @Elisel @Lagerfueled @Vil @Skywolven @Tyrtaeus @Lyrazel @Vorn @Daizey @Sweetbunny @RhemaTom @Ellenore @Azzareth @Telana @Jinn Galia @Greyman @SvaalaD @Carg @Patman300 @Pinkatron2000
  5. It is only December 6th, so there is time before the holiday. But if people feel inclined, we can always wait till the start of the new year and have a New Year kickoff party to sort of initiate our little interest group in-game. I'm fine either way.
  6. Hello my friends, I apologize for the lack of content in this interest group, and I won't make excuses about it. But I think it'd be a great idea to finally have an in-game roundup/get together. We can have it at our Kinship house, or choose an iconic landmark if we so desire (such as Thorin's Hall, Bag End, Prancing Pony, etc). I don't want to just pick a date without input, so I'd love to have an idea of when people would be able and eager to attend something like this. I know some people are on the legendary server, but just a reminder that this would be on the Landroval server. What do ya'll think? Tagging those signed up for Notification: @Tyrtaeus @RhemaTom @Jae Onasi @Telana @Chelly @Lagerfueled @Vorn @Elisel @Daizey @Ellenore
  7. It requires an active sub, so I'll be sitting this out. I'll keep the kinship warm on Landroval should anyone ever decide to return there. Enjoy the legendary server!
  8. It is exciting! But my schedule is so busy during November Tagging the Notification list so they see this. @Koro @Tyrtaeus @RhemaTom @Jae Onasi @Telana @Chelly @Lagerfueled @Vorn @Elisel @Daizey @Ellenore
  9. Happy Birthday Esong my friend! I hope its a great day!

  10. I've been trying to digest a bit of what it means since I saw that announcement yesterday. I suppose it is basically vanilla server? I may be interested in it too. Maybe we can get a group together for it.
  11. Orthanc sure is a big place! Was great visiting good ol' Saruman. :P
  12. Saruman invited me over (a bit forcefully) for a nice chat! How nice of him!
  13. Cool, thanks @Jae Onasi! Thats awesome information! Also, FYI peeps, the update has hit. May want to at least update your LOTRO client when you have time. It may take a while. lol
  14. Doh! Now I really have to get my leveling mojo going and get myself to Mordor! I'm only level 72 right now lol
  15. I've heard mixed reviews on those Valar tokens. You do get up to level immediately and experience the content, but I don't think you receive traits in the process, so your toon is a little behind. And I've not been there but I hear Mordor is a bit difficult? If you decide to do it, I'd love to hear about your experience with it since I've only been reading various reddit threads about them. Or if @Elisel, @Daizey, or @Darnavian know much about them I'd love to hear their thoughts. I've been slacking as well. Busy month or two. But I'm still logging in once in a while. Going to finish my dwarf's Isengard story this week I hope.
  16. I'm super excited for it! More dwarven lore! Huzzah!!!! Now to get my dwarf leveled up! lol
  17. A new update with new content is being released this week (today, I think?). Here are the patch notes!! yippee!! https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?667036-Bullroarer-Update-23-Release-Notes
  18. Happy Birthday my good friend! I hope its been wonderful!

    1. Sim the Ineluctable

      Sim the Ineluctable

      Yup  :D.  And thanks! 


  19. Certainly worth discussing! I'm adding it to the poll! Please chime in with your thoughts everyone! It'll make getting together in Lotro that much easier if we understand people's ideas and wishes!
  20. Notification Signup for LOTRO Events and Activities Hello my fellow LOTROers! To help announce events and keep track of interested members, please respond to this thread to be added to the notification list. As events are planned and the day approaches, we can use this list to remind people (who desire a reminder) so they can make plans to be in Middle Earth! If at any time life happens or you get busy in your divisional games, you are welcome to reply to this thread again and ask for your name to be removed. If anyone is looking for help, or planning their own, independent event, feel free to use this list as well to let everybody know about it! Current Notification List:
  21. I apologize everyone for sort of ignoring Lotro the past month or so. Had some big projects to start the school year off and get my classroom up and running and its been exhausting. Things are starting to settle down and I am almost caught up, so I think I'm ready to jump back into Lotro. Attached is a poll regarding the event. Earlier this year we tried to rotate the days for each event to allow a chance for everyone to play at least some of time time. With every single night hosting divisional events it makes it hard for anyone busy on a specific night. So the idea was one week have the event on Monday, the next week on Tuesday, the next on Wednesday, etc. The poll we did had a wide range of day preferences, hence why I am asking. Do we want a rotating event day to try and give everyone a chance to play at least a couple times a month? Or do we want a single, set day of the week for convenience in remembering when it is? Questions, concerns? Fire away, and please reply with whether you want to be included in event notifications. Tagging everyone in the club since it is a poll that will affect everyone. (I know some of you are too busy for Lotro right now, and that is okay. Just want you to be aware and have a voice for when you DO have time) @Jae Onasi @Hrom @Chelly @Elisel @Lagerfueled @Vil @Skywolven @Tyrtaeus @Lyrazel @Vorn @Daizey @Sweetbunny @RhemaTom @Ellenore @Azzareth @Telana @Jinn Galia @Greyman @SvaalaD @Carg @Patman300 @Pinkatron2000

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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