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Status Updates posted by Niilah

  1. I respect a loser. I can't respect a quitter..

    1. Asra


      Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. —Arnold Schwarzenegger

  2. Life without video games.....>:(

    1. Spacewalker


      Is horrible 1/10.

      Video Games are fun! 

    2. Niilah


      I feel......incomplete :(

  3. Its kinda annoying when strangers mistake my son for a girl. * sigh *

    1. Kota Terress

      Kota Terress

      Let's go beat 'em up.

    2. Niilah


      If it wasn't other girls making the mistake I'd be all for it lol

  4. Can anyone else relate to J Cole's song Wet Dreamz? 

  5. MGK was in my hood. I've never seen the projects so active without there being drama. Wish it could be like that a lot more often. A good weekend. 

  6. best day ever. A women walks in and I lace her wig then two hours later she calls the store asking for me. She asked if I would to model Nike's clothing. I'm honestly stuck on stupid right now. Someone slap me back into reality.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ben Coran

      Ben Coran

      Well done Niilah! Glad to hear things went so well :)

    3. Asra


      *slaps you back to reality*

    4. Niilah


      LOL Asra. The one guy I can count on to slap me back into reality.

  7. I broke my keyboard and 3.0 it's right around the corner. I guess I'm going to miss early access. My life is over QQ

  8. That moment you realize you screwed up 2 years of hard work to knoclk someone over their head with a flatiron. #niilahneedsangermanagement

  9. the doctor asked my grandmother where she's from………… she said the hood. I'm done with this beautiful crazy lady

  10. Slowly I'm losing faith.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vil


      Hang in there.

    3. Niilah


      Niilah shall wait it out like a big boy. But don't think this will stop me from kicking you all in the junk!!! xD

    4. Akuzimo


      Kick.... to the junk? 10/10 would buy tickets to event.

  11. The look on my face when I spend 3 hours writing Rps only for the power to go out. RAWR!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jaan'weyn


      You can set up a word processor to auto save as well, just in case you forget.

    3. Guest


      It's really useful, too! It allows you to write anywhere and you can tighten and edit the writing while typing it up, it's what I always do

    4. Guest


      I write all mine in google docs and then copy paste

  12. 9 lbs 3 ozs of pure sweet goodness.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Guest


      awesome Niilah! lots of good wishes for you and the new little one and your family!

    3. RoguishZero


      Gratz on being a parent! :D

    4. Guest


      Yay Niilah! Congrats!

  13. I can't say "about a week ago" without someone busting out the shmoney dance

    1. Guest
    2. Guest


      Just for you Niilah! https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10440990_10152391939572606_5187174991432099486_n.jpg?oh=8ffffd43c8555169cc0ca54ad0339698&oe=54AF21CA&__gda__=1420787359_bd87765d3d2e57160ad1b854bf43d937

  14. 20 weapons down the drain :/

  15. I hate when I'm called a hacker because I'm a good player. I'm not smart enough to hack.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      Well it's a well known fact that if I die, it's only and always because the other player is hacking. #FACT

    3. Guest


      you are just too good :)

  16. Move over operative. Sin is beast!!!

    1. Guest



    2. Guest



  17. Just because I don't like your character in PvP doesn't mean I won't like your character in RP.

  18. Need help packing? Beat it queen!

  19. Funny how people think when in the moment. Build a bridge and get over it trolls.

    1. Nadalyne


      Or live under said bridge. Like me. ily Niils.

    2. Niilah


      Lol right back at ya xD.

  20. Now who to gear up first. Rhage my powertech or Khaalee my jugg?

    1. Guest


      hmm that's a hard choice, vengeance juggs are lulzy while pyro PT's melt face. I say Rhage because I dig the name better haha

    2. Guest


      I'd say Jugg...because op

  21. I got my 10 year old nephew into Tor. He even picked my class (operative) and wants to create a backstory for his character. I can die happy now.

  22. I may be rough around the edges. I like to fight and even hunt guildies down in warzones. I have a sailors mouth, I say what I want when I want. And sometimes I can come off like a jerk. But honestly I'm a nice person......until you cross me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Niilah


      I can't fly but if punch you im sure you will feel like you can lol

    3. Guest



    4. Haloa Ohana

      Haloa Ohana

      <3 you make me smile :)

  23. Don't come for me because I didn't send for you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      That's up for debate.

    3. Guest


      It's Saal, everything is stale and moldy about him x)

    4. Niilah


      Oh no you better don't Zed. Saal is going to come for you because you sent for the cupcake xD

  24. I feel like I'm lagging behind.....time to moves these long friggin fingers

  25. Spending the day watching orange is the new black and eating tacos.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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