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Status Updates posted by Scoobs

  1. had fun hanging with some old and new friends in TS while playing Wildstar!

    1. Guest


      LOL Admit it! The most fun was when I came in

  2. Headed out for church! Everyone, enjoy your day today and play the games with your fellow guildies to join together in that enjoyment! Personal vendetta's and opnions that differ one from another shouldn't define us as a community.

  3. How 'bout them Cardinals?!  Best team in the MLB... first team to reach 50 wins in 75 games... woot!

  4. I has Internet again!

  5. I have an interview on Monday for a Software Development job! so excited!

    1. Aravail


      GOOD LUCK! If they need proof of your skills, just tell them you've almost single-handidly prevented Aravail and Scya from breaking the forums all this time.

    2. Tyrtaeus


      Good luck man! Hope it goes well and I'll pray for your success!

    3. Guest


      Good luck!!!

  6. I just got an Octopus for a Hat in Wildstar... it comes with the added bonus of saying odd things about my head/brain/skull to my mind from time to time ^.^

    1. Guest


      shut up and take my money.

    2. Coombs


      Everything I heard it say was very accurate regarding Scoobs head/brain/skull :P

  7. just finished the most intense rank match I've tanked for yet...must rest after that ^.^

  8. just finished the most intense rank match I've tanked for yet...must rest after that ^.^

  9. just ordered this:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202077

  10. No internet until at most tuesday evening... Wont be ingame suring that time :/

  11. nothing like the schedule getting changed at work and being informed that instead of having the day off, you were actually supposed to be here at 7 this morning...

  12. Off to work and then off for 2 days, Stay classy Remnants!

  13. Off to work... will be on later to continue working on the site.

  14. Ravagers guide for SM done! Temple of Sacrifice next and then ill start putting in HM fights as we clear them!

  15. record crit heal = 17874 ^.^

    1. Guest


      Giggity gawt damn, the heals are real.

    2. Jaan'weyn
  16. sab slinger "wall banger" > all

  17. so Dulfy has a Saboteur Gunslinger guide and a Telekinetics Sage guide up and for the TK Sage it has it's AOE Damage rated as a 10... while only scoring an 8 for the Saboteur Gunslinger. #appalling

    1. Scoobs


      Forcequake apparently got some big buffs in 3.0...to the point that its used in single target rotations...could it be headed the way of the old Flyby?!

    2. Jaan'weyn


      It clearly should be. Telekinetics and Lightning are stupid OP in PvE right now.

    3. Vladro


      looks like ill be jumping on my sorc soon then :D

  18. Status Updates should work now

  19. Survey says: Avengers:Age of Ultron = AWESOME

  20. survey says... it was a Bird nest that was over the lines that would soak up all the water when it rained and just do wonders to the DSL Line. Bird nest removed and internet is working again!

  21. survey says.... new HD is DOA...gotta rma it woohoo!

  22. that moment you when you take the burger you ordered with no pickle on it and take a bit only to find a pickle on it anyway

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tyrtaeus


      Yes Saal, but the offset of the moment of finding extra fries is offset again by finding a hair in your burger wrapper. You are back where you started in mind set and almost back where you started in amount of burger about to reappear.

    3. Saal


      You're like a senile old man that ruins good jokes by taking too long to say them. :P

  23. That's a Winner! The Redbirds are on their way to the NLCS!

    1. Guest


      Clayton who?

  24. the finale for Season 3 of Arrow was a bit...underwhelming. While the finale for Season 1 of Flash is shaping up to be awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scoobs


      I've been a bit meh about the entirety of season 3 honestly...I mean I thought it was good overall, but they need to get back to just being Team Arrow and not every hero under the sun.

    3. Aravail


      Yeah, the beginning and middle kind of dragged for a bit, but it got a lot better near the end.

    4. Graveler


      I stopped watching Arrow, the whole Dawson's Creek thing was getting to me. However The Flash is AWESOME!

  25. trying to decide if I should fork out the money to take the test for a Microsoft .NET certification....

    1. nell_chan


      Depends on what kind of job you're going for. If you're going for a corporate dev job, go for it. If you're looking for more of a start up job, it's less likely to be necessary.

    2. nell_chan


      I started out as a .NET dev, but now work in Ruby on Rails

    3. Scoobs


      yeah im kinda leaning torwards not, I just want a job in the field and I've read it's better to just get in on a project for the experience

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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