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Posts posted by Nyx

  1. Woohoo, the Warrior! Sounds good to me. :) I can't wait to join in soon! 


    And I figure I will give him more skills or level up some of his skills as he goes along during the story. I didn't want to start him out as too powerful. He's still very young for a Dunmer. 

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  2. Screenshot_20210713_101837.thumb.png.49c2ac37712fa31ca539046f5ba497bf.png


    Character Name: Teldryn Hleran

    Race: Dunmer

    Gender: Male

    Age: 35

    Birth Sign: The Warrior / Last Seed (August)

    Occupation: Hired Adventurer / Scholar

    Brief Biography: Teldryn Hleran is an absent-minded scholar and mage previously of House Telvanni but now lives in disgrace after a magical experiment gone awry that killed a ranking member of the house. Low on funds, he's decided to take up hired adventuring in an effort to restore his reputation and earn some gold.


    Gear: Staff, robes, signet ring of House Telvanni (prized possession)


    Commonly carried items: Satchel with personal care items, some gold, food that can be eaten on the road, and arcane journal detailing his experiments with magic (other prized possession).



    1. Athletics | Novice | 0

    2. Destruction | Adept | 2

    3. Dual Wielding | Novice | 0

    4. Illusion | Novice | 0

    5. Mysticism | Novice | 0

    6. Necromancy | Novice | 0

    7. Staves | Adept | 2

    8. Conjuration | Novice | 2

    9. Alchemy | Adept | 2

    10. Diplomacy | Novice | 1

    11. Noble | Novice | 1

    12. Scholar | Adept | 2

    13. Blacksmithing | Novice | 0

    14. Nature Survival | Novice | 0

    Points Used: 12

    Points Available: 19



    1. Absent-Minded / Teldryn often gets so caught up in his arcane studies or musings that he loses track of what is actually going on around him, and he often forgets small details like names that others would find important.

    2. Can't Swim / Ever since a near drowning incident in his youth, Teldryn is terrified of the water. He doesn't even like going on ships and often must take a potion to calm his anxiety.

    3. Disgraced / Teldryn was the second-born son of a minor noble family of House Telvanni, but after one of his magical experiments with conjuration went awry and killed a ranking member of the House, he has lived in disgrace and has been working to restore his reputation ever since. His family has all but disowned him.

    4. Phobia (Severe) / Teldryn is terrified of water and must be sedated to even ride on a ship.

    5. Shy / Teldryn is no social butterfly and often feels uncomfortable in large social gatherings. He is naturally introverted.

    Number of Flaws: 5


    Submitted to the RP department for approval and birth sign. :)


    @woods (they/them) @Niri

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  3. Update: I've lost 20 pounds doing the keto diet! :D 


    I haven't been adhering to keto lately though, been maintaining my current weight, but I want to go back to it and lose the next 20 pounds!

  4. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 7:32 PM, SerenityKellan said:

    Orc discrimination aside @Nyx, your birth sign is.....


    The Lord | First Seed / March | Military Tactics, Forger


    which gives you a bonus point to the two skills above! Use them wisely, or just to annoy the Orsimer :) 

    Thanks @SerenityKellan! Hehe 😂 I'll try to be at next week's event. Do we have any Orcs in the party? Cuz if so I expect some hilarious exchanges

  5. Character Name: Elspeth Renault
    Race: Breton / Vampire (The Order)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 32
    Birth Sign: The Lord / First Seed (March)
    Occupation: Mage / Scholar  


    Long, flowing robes in dark colors, especially black and red. A mage's staff. 
    Commonly carried items:
    Satchel with gold, a golden mirror and hairbrush, rouge, kohl pencil, lip stain, and assorted alchemy herbs.
    1. Destruction | Adept | 1
    2. Illusion | Novice | 0
    3. Detect Life | Adept | 1
    4. Mist Form | Novice | 0
    5. Charm | Adept | 1
    6. Alteration | Novice | 0
    7. Conjuration | Master | 2
    8. Diplomacy/Persuasion | Adept | 1
    9. Mysticism | Adept | 1
    10. Restoration | Novice | 0
    11. Alchemy | Adept | 1
    12. Staves | Master | 3
    13. Dodge | Adept | 2
    14. Blood Magic | Adept | 2
    15. Artist | Adept | 2
    16. Enchanting | Novice | 1
    17. Noble | Adept | 2
    18. Resilience | Novice | 1
    19. Scholar | Master | 3

    20. Military Tactics | Novice | 0

    21. Forger | Novice | 0


    Guaranteed Skills:
    1. Disease Immunity
    2. Poison Immunity
    3. Paralysis Immunity
    4. Enhanced Speed
    5. Enhanced Strength
    6. Feeding Heals Damage
    7. Nightvision   


    Points Used: 24
    Points Available: 6  


     1. Fire Vulnerability (Moderate) - Elspeth hates fire. She REALLY hates fire. She won't even get too close to a cooking fire.
     2. Silver Vulnerability (Moderate) - Gold is prettier anyway, though it does make it difficult to eat at the finest establishments.
     3. Unnatural Healing - Elspeth learned blood magic in order to heal herself. Vampires may be immortal but they aren't invincible, you know.
    4. Brutally Honest - Elspeth doesn't have a filter. She always speaks her mind, and it has tendency to get her into trouble.
    5. Can't Swim - Elspeth has a phobia of deep water and so never learned to swim. Swimming is for peasants, right?
    6. Egotistical - Elspeth despises menial labor. She prides herself on her prodigious intellect. That in turn has lent itself to a bit of an arrogant air, and she assumes she is always right.
    7. Flirtatious - What's monogamy? Elspeth thinks it's quite boring to tie yourself down to one person for the rest of your life.
    8. Intolerance - Most races are fine...except Orcs. Elspeth thinks they are brutish, smelly, and not all that bright.
    9. Nightmares - Elspeth has them frequently but good luck getting her to tell you what they are about. It may or may not have to do with when she was made a vampire.
    10. Vain - Elspeth takes pride in her appearance...to a fault. You'll never find her without her mirror, brush, and assorted pigments and colors with which to paint her face.


    Number of Flaws: 10


    I can't wait to start RPing with you guys. :) Please let me know if I need to change anything. Also, I will update this soon to add some background information and history.

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  6. I need help with motivation! I haven't been riding my bike nearly often enough, and it's so hard for me to resist the temptation and convenience of fast food for lunch on work days and then eating out on the weekends. 😕 


    It also feels like I never have the energy to make the changes I want to make. I can always come up with some excuse for why I just need to lay down and be lazy and relax. I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day because it's really tough right now balancing a full-time job, two graduate level online classes (one has me reading 2 YA books a week), spending time with my boyfriend and friends, and getting 8 hours of sleep a night. :( By the time I get home on a work day it's already 5:30 or 6 o'clock, and I like to be in bed by 10 so I can get up at 7 for work. That leaves me barely 4 hours every work day to fit everything else in; it sucks. So of course I never want to ride my exercise bike when I could be doing something else with my precious few hours of free time. I need help! lol

  7. 42 minutes ago, Veloron said:

    Grats!!! A good fan will definitely make the experience much more comfortable. I've been logging lots of hours, lately, watching Netflix on my indoor cycling setup! :) 


    Don't have to go super hard, by any means! Just hard enuf to work up a light sweat with steady breathing. G'luck and enjoy! :)  

    Did my first session on Saturday while watching an episode of Castle Rock. :) Went pretty well I think. I had it on the second to lowest setting, but I kept up a pretty steady, moderate pace with some bursts of faster intensity. Might get a cushion for the seat though cuz my butt was definitely sore afterward! Haha. I'm gonna do another session tonight I think.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks, you guys! Lots of great tips. My biggest problem is maintaining motivation and creating habits that I will stick to. I think I've tried to go too all out in the past, quickly burned out, and then went back to old habits like you mentioned! Another one of my biggest challenges is eating more healthy meals, because I usually feel too tired or lazy to cook so I end up eating out or getting carry out way too often! And the tough thing about veggies and fruits is they go bad so quickly. 😕 It will definitely be a challenge, but if I can create habits that I'll stick to it will help me a lot. 


    My boyfriend got a stationary bike to use at home when he's watching YouTube or shows. I was thinking of getting one too so I can watch shows while I work out. That might be more doable for me in the beginning vs. going to the gym, which is so easy for me to skip out on unfortunately. But having it in my house and somewhere where I look at it all the time might help!


    Also, I'm 5'2''. Right now is the heaviest I've ever been, and even though I'm not morbidly obese or anything I can tell the extra weight really affects my sense of well-being. It's a drag. Literally, haha. And I can't even use the excuse of having baby weight cuz I've never had kids, haha. I've got a mom bod without being a mom. 🤨 


    Before I turned 25 or so, it seemed like I could eat whatever I wanted and always maintain a normal weight, which for me, was around 120-130 lbs. But then I guess my metabolism decided to give up, and now I've gotta change my ways. Haha. 

  9. I have some fitness goals too! I'm really bad at working toward them though. I can be such a slacker, and laziness is probably my number one flaw. 😂


    I'm interested in trying to cut back on carbs and focus more on veggies and lean proteins so basically a version of the keto diet. For proteins I'll probably try to eat mostly fish and chicken so a little bit of the Mediterranean diet thrown in there too. Anyone have any experience eating like this? Any tips or advice?


    My ultimate goal is to get down to 120 lbs (54.5 kg). I currently weigh 180 lbs (81.6 kg). I don't want to just lose weight though or make that my primary focus. I really just want to become fitter and healthier and feel better in my body overall. :) 


    ETA: As far as exercise goes, I currently walk my dog for 20 minutes almost every day. I have a gym membership, but I rarely go because laziness. I do want to get fitter. I'm horribly out of shape. I can't run a mile. It doesn't take me long to get winded and worn out, and it makes me sad that I'm spending my so-called prime years being out of shape! 

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  10. I'm really late to this, but I'm almost done with the book so I'll still post my thoughts when I finish. :) 


    ETA: Not gonna add a whole lot, but I didn't enjoy the book as much as I expected to. Le Guin's writing style is very elegant and pretty, but the way she tells a story just did not capture my interest very much. I appreciate that she made Ged and most of the "good guys" people of color, and I understand that she imbues her work with a lot of philosophical subtext, but I guess it's just not for me. I'll still give her another shot later on; I've heard her sci-fi work is amazing. 

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