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Everything posted by Passiflora

  1. until

    Sorry I have to cancel. My cold is unfortunately getting worse. Have fun storming the pirates.
  2. until

    I’m down. I guess Burrito as usual.
  3. until

    I will see what the dummy has in store for me. I’m expecting to be disappointed but hopefully I can grind some more gear before raid time for my numbers to be viable. I understand either way... mechanics will only take you so far and completion is paramount. Gotta put work in. Such is the nature of the game. Unless you’re Katalaw or something. I miss you too my friend.
  4. until

    I’ve been swamped at work and personal stuff for the last month but I could definitely use some killing time with my friends. Gear is still not optimal, somewhere around 280 iirc but this raid is my jam as you all know. If the dps checks needed have gone up too much then it’s fine to replace me.
  5. Deeps
  6. until

    I’ll post as backup as well if you need someone.
  7. until

    I’ll be down. I can do any role but prefer deeps.
  8. until

    Sorry I have to recuse myself. Had a horrible headache all day. Good luck all.
  9. until

    Burrito time.
  10. until

    I can DPS if you have room. Still gearing up but I can do the shooting things.
  11. until

    I’m down for DPS Oops sorry didn’t notice the time. Gotta do the work thing.
  12. until

    I'm nowhere near the 300 (think I'm like 275) but if you need a body I can join.
  13. until

    I’m in. Any role but prefer to bring my Cheese.
  14. until

    I’ll join. Any role but prefer dps. Pub side I have all roles at 75. Imp side dps at 75, tanks, healers still 70.
  15. until

    I can be backup. Yes I have subbed now. Lol.
  16. until

    Well... I re-subbed. My gear still needs work but if you end up needing another body just ping me.
  17. Passiflora



    I would like to join. Any role.
  18. until

    tfw you realize you are F2P.
  19. until

    My gear is ancient and I don't even know if there was a level increase... but put me in as a backup.
  20. until

    I can dps. My tank and healers are still 70.
  21. until

    If you need deeps, just let me know.
  22. until

    Hmm. I might be able to attend if I can get my Sniper up to 75. But only if that's ok with @Merliah Oh yeah, I re-subbed. Hold on to your butts.
  23. until

    Probably not... still not feeling up to the grind again. But I do miss you all.
  24. until

    Good luck guys!! Hope the new operation is fun.
  25. until

    I miss you guys

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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