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Posts posted by MaggerWagger

  1. 15 hours ago, ProfessionalHomeInvader said:

    If youre still taking spots Id like to join 🙂 Only type of tabletop Ive played before was Dishonored themed so Im not really that experienced, I might need to be told the rules as we go, but if youre up for it I wouldnt mind it either

    We're definitely beginner friendly! There will be sessions geared toward all experience levels (and I'm fairly new to 5e myself, so we can learn together ;) ). Discord link for the game is in the "D&D Interest Thread" under "general" in the RoH discord. Hope to see you there! 

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  2. Hello awesome nerds! Now that I've got more availability, we can start hammering out some details. Thanks for all your patience while my schedule cleared up a bit. 

    Hear me out on this big brain concept I've got:
    I'd like to run sessions where anyone in the guild can have a character in the game and drop in/out as their personal schedule allows. I'll post "jobs" on a "message board" each week detailing difficulty level, overall tone, common content warnings (feel free to PM me with content concerns, there's no judgement here!) and folks can sign their characters up. 

    I run campaigns in my homebrew setting of "Vilestead". Low-effort map of the desert region (where this will begin) is attached. My hope is that the decisions each group makes during their missions will alter the world around them, preserving the "collaborative storytelling" aspect of D&D. 

    Let me know if you have any questions! This will likely start up mid April for those interested, perhaps a little sooner.

    The Desert Region.jpg

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  3. Game Title: Welcome to Vilestead 

    System: DnD 5e

    Software: Fantasy Grounds (free for players, needs download)

    Schedule: somewhat flexible, likely Sunday AM EST 


    Hello there! I am a long-time Hackmaster DM who has also created her own TTRPGs for in-person groups over the past decade. I am fairly new to online DMing and 5e, so we can go slow together! I have always loved helping people get started in the world of TTRPGs, so this "campaign" will be a series of hands-on tutorials and one offs to get you familiar with the mechanics, all while having fun! 


    Once players have a handle on 5e, I am open to running a more traditional story campaign. 


    My games are always goofy, and very "sandbox" in nature. I encourage people to explore and get up to shenanigans. I don't shy away from dark themes, but rarely make use of potentially disturbing content unless the group is wanting a full evil experience. Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns about the content that might appear. 


    Let me know if you have any questions! 



    See my post below (the one with the map) for an update on this game. Some details on style and format have been changed. Thank you!

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  4. Hey there fellow storyteller! So glad you're going to join our team of community DMs. 


    Please make a topic about your game so that future players can communicate with you directly. Title should start with COMMUNITY GAME, and also be tagged as such. 


    Include the name of your game (if it has one), the system you are running, the software you are using, and the timing of your sessions. Other helpful details include your personal DM style, potentially difficult themes your story incorporates, and the overall difficulty level of the game. We are hoping to have slower, more beginner-friendly games alongside campaigns designed for all the try-hards out there. 


    If you are a DM looking to build a game based on player request, you can list your availability and the systems/software you are familiar with. 


    Check back soon for more detailed guidance, this should get us started! 

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  5. @woods (they/them) @AndrasteKer @Skywalker17 let me know if you need me to clarify or edit anything!




    Character Name: Danuan

    Race: Bosmer1284005807_Screenshot(174).thumb.png.20020194d76679caa82260d5ddbb6545.png

    Gender: Female

    Age: 75 (approx. equivalent to a 25 year old Nord)

    Birth Sign: The Shadow | Second Seed / May | Stealth, Infiltration

    Occupation: Thief, Odd Jobs. Was originally trained to be a village healer but showed no aptitude for the craft.

    Gear: Tends to wear medium armor enchanted with Venomous Smite abilities. Uses strictly bows, and has no issue with them being wooden.  

    Commonly Carried Items: Beverages, Poisons, Lockpicks, Stolen Items



    1. Acrobatics (racial), Novice +2 (0 points spent)

    2. Alchemy (racial), Novice +2 (0 points spent)

    3. Archery (racial), Adept +4 (2 points spent)

    4. Pickpocketing (racial), Novice +2 (0 points spent)

    5. Stealth (racial & birth sign), Master +6 (4 points spent)

    6. Nature Survival (racial), Adept +4 (2 points spent)

    7. Athletics, Master +6 (6 points spent)

    8. Beast Mastery, Novice +2 (1 point spent)

    9. Medical Knowledge, Novice +2 (1 point spent)

    10. Riding, Novice +2 (1 point spent)

    11. Infiltration (birth sign), Novice +2 (0 points spent)


    Points Used: 17

    Points Available: 18 (13+5 for flaw bonus)



    Addiction/Bad Habit

    Danuan has a tendency to lean on alcohol to quiet her inner demons. She’ll pickpocket a patron on the way into a tavern, and use the stolen gold for a tankard (or two, or three, or four). It should be noted that she doesn’t have a particularly high tolerance. If inebriated, Danuan becomes loud, friendly, and horrific at navigation/combat. 


    Danuan hails from a small, pious village in Valenwood (preferably Greenshade, though I am open to getting more specific based on plot/other player characters that might have story lines/history in this area). She is not welcome back to her village after breaking the Green Pact. There is a bounty on her in that area. 


    Aside from a desire to drink whenever the option may arise, Danuan’s greatest compulsion is to steal. She will frequently risk her safety to grab a handful of millet from an unattended sack, or a dagger from a shopkeeper’s wares. She hordes these stolen items, then sells them once the weight becomes too much to bear. 


    Having been raised in near seclusion from the outside world, Danuan can become confused in bustling environments. She struggles to navigate in cities. The customs of shopping and crafting in public are still largely foreign to her. A drink might settle her nerves when in a crowd, but it will only increase her confusion when attempting tasks. 

    Divine Curse

    Y’ffre has cursed Danuan for breaking the Green Pact. If she should die (whether due to accident, old age, or her people finally finding and punishing her), her soul will be forever trapped in the Ooze. Knowing this might make Danuan overly cautious when combat situations get hairy. She is also motivated to find a Spinner who will agree to look for her soul in the Ooze (and release it) when the time comes. 


    Haunted by the ghost of one of her parents, who fell ill and died just after Danuan broke the Green Pact. The village all accused Danuan of bringing this illness upon them, that it was a punishment from Y’ffre. Danuan believes that the illness was brought to her people by the increase in outsiders due to the Three Banner War - soldiers, merchants, and refugees that suddenly required shelter during their long journeys. Regardless of the truth, this ghost has a ton of resentment toward their daughter. 


    Danuan gets fidgety when waiting around. She finds it difficult to keep still, which can appear unprofessional/rude/disrespectful depending on the current company. 


    Going hand in hand with “confused”, Danuan is still learning much of the world outside Valenwood. She never tries to be rude or insensitive, but may come across as such through ignorance. She is also prone to being manipulated by more street-wise folk. 


    Danuan has frequent, recurring nightmares. These nightmares get worse if she has been drinking. She needs more rest than others because of this, or a strong tea to wake her up in the morning. 


    Green Pact Bosmer know of Danuan, and the rumors of “what she did” to her village have spread far enough that many will treat her with contempt, if not be outwardly hostile toward her. Some might even try to capture her, given the bounty set out by the survivors of the illness “she cursed them with”. 

    Short Fuse

    Danuan can be defensive, and this defensiveness can exhibit itself as aggression. False accusations toward her can make her see red. Similarly, anyone exhibiting a strong sense of entitlement toward her time or efforts can lead to...unpleasantries. 


    For good or ill, Danuan is stubborn as a goat. This mostly exhibits itself in her unfaltering opinion of others - if someone has lost her trust, she will stubbornly hold that grudge. It’s not impossible to win her over again, but it might be exhausting for all parties involved. 


    Known for getting the job done, but rarely by the means requested. Danuan will always find a way to put her own spin on tasks. She will respond with contempt if someone she doesn’t respect attempts to give her orders. Peers and respected individuals don’t have as much difficulty with her as, say, an unknown authority figure or someone that she has already grown a dislike for. There is no “putting it aside” for Danuan. 


    Number of Flaws: 13


    Poisons, Potions, Parcels and Alcohol

    which will be carried interchangeably

    Frostbite Venom (POISON)

    -1 additional HP with hit, must be re-applied each combat round

    Jagga (ALCOHOL)

    A fermented pig's milk

    Bandages (PARCEL)

    Required to attempt healing through the "Medical Knowledge" skill

    Made from pressed Hanging Moss or washed cloth strips soaked in a tea of Blisterwort and Imp Stool

    Poultice (PARCEL)

    +1 Chance to heal if applied directly to wound

    A thick concoction of Blisterwort and Imp Stool which can be boiled down to make healing bandages. Can also be applied directly to a wound as a more powerful remedy. One use per tin if applied directly, five if used as a bandage soak.


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