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Posts posted by Kriege7

  1. The current game settings/rules for Stellaris Multiplayer. The purpose is to attempt an accommodation of balance for both new and veteran players. Settings and rules may change in the future depending on level of challenge or any changes made in future patch updates.


    Galaxy Size: Large (800 stars)

    Galaxy Shape: Spiral (4 arms)

    AI Empires: 18

    Advanced AI Starts: Off

    Fallen Empires: 2

    Marauder Empires: 2

    Tech/Tradition Cost: 1.25x

    Habitable Worlds: 2x

    Primitive Civilizations: 4x

    Crisis Strength: 1.25x

    Crisis Type: Random

    Mid-Game Start Year: 2350

    End-Game Start Year: 2400

    Victory Year: 2450

    Difficulty: Commodore

    Scaling Difficulty: On

    AI Aggressiveness: Normal

    Empire Placement: Random

    Advanced Neighbors: Off

    Hyperlane Density: 2.5x

    Abandoned Gateways: 2x

    Wormhole Pairs: 2x

    Guaranteed Habitable Worlds: 2

    Caravaneers: On

    Xeno-Compatibility: Off

    Logistic Growth Ceiling: 1.5x

    Growth Required Scaling: 0.5x


    - Banned Origins!!! -



    Shattered Ring

    Void Dwellers


    - Warning! -

    Fanatic Purifiers/Devouring Swarms/Determined Exterminators/Rogue Servitors may be played but at your own risk!

    • Like 1
  2. Last week we started our latest game of Stellaris. I've lost count of which one we're on so I've dubbed this one, the Villain's Game; seeing as how all four players were playing "villains" or rather antagonists. The players playing as Skynet, the Union of Space Socialist Republics, the Commonwealth of Man, and myself as the System Lords Alliance. Unfortunately, Skynet opted to bow out; being surrounded by enemies and not seeing any possible options to expand.



  3. A few shipsets that look like they're Downscale compatible:


    - Machine Shipset

    - Federation Builders


    P.S. Machine Shipset is Downscale compatible and the ships look awesome, there isn't a single design is this set that I don't like the look of, I probably will using this set for humans from now on.

  4. I certainly haven't tried mining yet, a prep guide for miners might be helpful (i.e. best ships for mining, necessary equipment, lucrative RES's). I assume we'd have to pick out a good location to start with 🤷‍♂️. It also wouldn't hurt to have a few (2-3) people on escort duty, maybe even offer multicrew with ship launched fighters. I'd probably volunteer to be lead escort for a first time mining event.


    For exploration events, depending on the destination, we may need to treat those like we treat Progressions in other games. Since some expeditions (such as: Bernard's Loop, Colonia Sector, or Beagle Point) will take up far more time than the usual 3 hour event bracket and could spill over to a span of several months. We can however, instead do 3 hour "mini Road-to-Riches" events where the event leader would plot out a course within human space (using a road-to-riches course calculator) and we can see how many lucrative systems we can explore within 3 hours; at the end players can turn in the cartography data collected during the event to earn money and exploration experience. Although I'd personally prefer to go on the larger sight-seeing expeditions, they would require participants to forgo any other E:D related events in order to commit to the whole length of the journey.


    Lastly, I'm curious if anyone would be interested in some sort of relief-effort event, where we'd help out recently attacked or damaged stations.

  5. @Midget Cowboy I don't think allegiance to any Superpower has any affect on overall gameplay, I was asking more as personal preference as I'm in all three. I think it really only affects powerplay, which I haven't dabbled in yet. In which case, I'd prefer either Alliance (with Mahon) or Federation (with Hudson or Winters). For squadron names and IDs, names can be pretty long but IDs require four characters. I thought it would be kind of cool to roleplay the squadron as a private business or service, so I'll go ahead and list what I've thought up:


    1) Remnants of Hope Enterprises, (ROHE)


    2) Remnants of Hope Intergalactic, (ROHI)


    3) Remnants of Hope Squadron, (ROHS)


    P.S. If you want that Sol permit, try finding delivery jobs in Tun. Every faction in that system should be with the Federation, allowing you to pick up multiple jobs at once and rack up reputation and influence quickly. A fast ship with a lot of cargo is recommended.


    P.P.S. Apparently there's a Federation Rank bonus going on until Dec 16, so you'll be able to rank up faster.

  6. Sorry, it's been a while but I've finally found some time to get back into the game. We can either start up a wing/squadron as @Midget Cowboy suggested or we can create a Private Group Session. While I usually prefer to play in the Mobius PvE group, I don't mind us joining up in Open Play. If anyone wants to add me to their friend list, my CMDR name is Niclas Grandell.


    P.S. If we want to start up a squadron, we might want to set up a poll on what we'd want it to be. If it's going to be RoH affiliated, I have a few Names/IDs in mind, but we'll definitely want to vote on Superpower and Power we want to be affiliated with.

  7. Pulled up some screenshots I've archived from my first exploration trip. Destination: Pleiades Nebula



    First image I took of a neutron star after they were updated.



    I found the huge gap between the planet and rings interesting.



    My first time seeing a brown dwarf with rings expanding that far. (could've also been my first time seeing a brown dwarf with rings)



    A water-world with some interesting rings... and another ringed brown dwarf in the distance.



    Exiting Obsidian Orbital in the Maia System (center of the Pleiades Nebula)... Named after Youtuber ObsidianAnt.



    View of the Nebula from a distance... I labeled the image "Pleiades Approach" but I think I was leaving when I took the photo.



    Binary Ringed Brown Dwarves... with the nebula in the background.



    This might've been my first close-up to a black hole, I'm not sure I ever got close enough to Maia B to get a good picture.



    I just felt the lighting and coloration of this planet was worth a screenshot...



    A red gas giant, my first time seeing one I think...



    A "hell planet" with equally ominous rings.



    Again, I found the color and wide gap between planet and rings to be interesting.



    Another Neutron Star, this time without the HUD...

  8. Well, test things out at your leisure. Just make sure not to save or, if you do, make a separate save. Keep in mind that FE in the NW is a Fanatic Xenophile and attacking them unprovoked doesn't seem right, I'd wait until they awaken... or if for some reason they insult you...

  9. So I currently can't go through a test play of our game to run fleet logistics (building, upgrading, and organizing) without the Crusaders declaring war on Phoenix as an excuse to curb stop through my territory... Apparently A.I. Phoenix does something to piss them off 🤷‍♂️

  10. @Vedian On behalf of Space-X Intergalactic, I would like to formally apologize and retract my accusations of your empire murdering our citizens. The board of directors has informed me that our branch offices in fact DO NOT hire Space-X citizens and instead are run and operated solely by local citizens of the worlds on which the offices are established. No citizens of Space-X Intergalactic were harmed in your purging of foreign planets and all liaisons and representatives of Space-X Intergalactic have returned safely within our borders. This apology however, does not mean we agree with your methods; while the Lozavatans were indeed in breach of contract, your actions in settling the matter were deemed as a bit too extreme. Don't take it the wrong way though, we value the benefit and assistance you bring to the galaxy and simply don't wish to see you turn into another "Purifier" or "Devourer." 


    In hopes of further cooperation in a more prosperous galaxy,

    Ambassador A.I. Kriege of Space-X Intergalactic

    • Haha 1
  11. @KalianVan @Phoenix @Vedian I just ran a test play of Game 8, everything is working fine on my end. The only mod that doesn't want to work properly is Flags: Emblems & Backgrounds, but all that really does is give every empire that used the mod a black background which is inconsequential.


    BE AWARE! In the launcher, all four mods we're using will say they are out of date and have a red warning sign next to them. IGNORE IT! Leave those four mods enabled and the game will still run the same as it did in the first session.

  12. Empire of Achenar (Elite: Dangerous)




    Ship Prefix: ISS

    Name Lists: Human (SPQR)

    Star Name: Achenar

    Star System: Random Unary II

    Advisor Voice: Diplomat/Authoritarian (player's choice)

    Ruler Title: Empress/Emperor

    Heir Title: Crown Princess/Crown Prince

    Ruler Name: Arissa Lavigny-Duval


    (Astronomical Emblems mod required for Empire symbol)

  13. Klingon Empire (Star Trek)




    Ship Prefix: IKS

    Name Lists: Humanoid 1

    Star Name: Qo'noS

    Star System: Random Binary II

    Advisor Voice: Militarist (This one was made for Klingons)

    Ruler Title: Chancellor

    Ruler Name: Darmull


    (Astronomical Emblems mod required for Klingon symbol)

  14. Romulan Star Empire (Star Trek)




    Ship Prefix: RIS

    Name Lists: Human (SPQR)

    Star Name: Romulan

    Star System: Random Binary II

    Advisor Voice: Authoritarian

    Ruler Title: Praetor

    Heir Title: Prince/Princess

    Ruler Name: Prima Accoleius


    Syncretic Species: Reman

    Syncretic Name List: Human (SPQR)

    Syncretic Traits: Serviles, Industrious, Deviants, Sedentary, Strong


    (Astronomical Emblems mod required for Romulan symbol)

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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