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Everything posted by Vorn

  1. until

    Yes, my Empress. I grovel at your most magnificent feet!
  2. until

    I have MDPS 257, happy to save the galaxy for the Empress anytime.
  3. Birthday blessings, youngling!!!  Congrats on completing another orbit!


    1. Digibear


      Thanks Vorn!! 

  4. Yes!!!!! I need these on MM. MDPS, 257 gear score. Well, heck, I'm a maybe now trending toward absent. As family is in town and we're doing dinner.
  5. until

    Indeed! Her full title is "She who must be obeyed and kept in the manner to which she is accustomed!"
  6. until

    I'm out too--she who must be obeyed has decreed that family fun will take place with all the Vorn-spawn and their prospective mates at the house. @Merliah
  7. Great running with you on Tuesday night!

  8. until

    I'm driving home from Norfolk that evening. Depends what time I get in. It is likely that I will be on but just in case of traffic drama on the evening before 4 July I put "maybe". I'll update a couple of hours before the event.
  9. My lowbie is only lvl 21. So not sure I'll make the deadline due to limited play time. No worries though!
  10. Thx! I’d heard some rumor of starting over on a new server and I didn’t want to do that.
  11. I think I have someone around there...I need to confirm what server we are on, please.
  12. until

    From the original post: @Merliah is abdicating her responsibilities this week So, do you plan to mute her?
  13. until

    MDPS. This is SM? If so could tank if needed, but prefer DPS.
  14. I probably can't be there until 7pm. And, I'm looking to do MM Traitor, Nathema, Umbara....which @Merliah won't do with me!!!
  15. until

    Mandatory fun cancelled! I'll be there.
  16. Belated Birthday Blessings!!!  Congrats on completing another orbit!!!

  17. until

    Happy to help if needed. MDPS.
  18. until

    I plan on going, but have a command event that may go long...if not there by 15 minutes prior, please replace me....or go ahead and replace me now to make sure the team has what it needs. Silly work and mandatory fun!!!
  19. until

    I'm really leaning toward "Dethomerlz" @Merliah
  20. until

    What a lovely challenge for you have decide about--an almost fully geared 9k+ parse dps sin or a minimally geared jug tank...you're going to make me roll a healer next, right? I will name her "The Galaxy is Doomed" or maybe "Dethomerlz"
  21. until

    Thanks for making me tank @Merliah Not quite as much fun as deeps but still rewarding (with enough deco bribes )
  22. until

    other toon?
  23. until

    My dps is on lock out.
  24. until

    Regrets I'll be out of town this Saturday. Back the following week though.

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ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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