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Helios (he/they)

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Status Updates posted by Helios (he/they)

  1. u know how if ur going downhill, u gotta control ur speed or else u just keep getting faster and faster until u faceplant? im waiting for the faceplant of life and like. every time i feel like i get my feet under me, something else happens. although i havent been particularly active in any games lately i am so grateful just to have people around, chatting and carrying on, bc i really need to pretend everything is good and normal and not hyperventilating about where im gonna find 40 bucks for my overdrawn bank account... again. ive always felt listless and directionless and tbh idk how to adult. i feel like its all i can do to keep my head above water but i feel so guilty for having fallen out of the boat in the first place that i'd rather give up. idk man. i just need hugs. and my mom.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. QuietlyExisting


      Hey, Helios. Life has a way of really messing with people. The good thing is that even if life throws some hard things your way there will always be people willing to rally around you. To say, even if I can’t help I can be here for you. You’ve got that here in RoH, for sure. Like everyone has said already, I’m also here if you need to talk. I’m sending my best vibes your way.

    3. Elisel


      Hi @Helios I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this.  Life is so much up and down and right now, it's mostly down.  I hate to hear you are going through this.  I'm here if you want to chat, vent, just know people care. I'm sending you a digital hug!!

    4. Pupp


      Life is sometimes really really  rough. Remember to let yourself make mistakes and have sad moments, since you are after all human. Everybody deserves and should be allowed to make mistakes in life. It happens, and its okay to fall. Just remember to get back up, and if you can't, we're always here to help pick you back up. Lots of love, we're always here to help you...

      and to give you hugs of course ❤️

  2. I have... Had. A. Day.


    Barely slept last night then was late to physical therapy, only to learn that because my phone is literal garbage they couldn't get a hold of me three days ago to confirm the appointment despite sending me a letter confirming the appointment three weeks ago so they cancelled it and I had to reschedule 😭


    But I tried a new kind of apple today, called "Envy", so I have that going for me, which is nice.

    1. Princess


      Oof, that sounds like a rough one. I hope you were able to reschedule for sometime not too far out!


      I've never tried that kind of apple before! Was it good? It sounds like it'd be a green one which makes me think it'd be tart. I think the only green apples I've had are grannie smith cuz that's what I cook with. Whenever I'm peeling them if I get a piece off that's a little thicker than just the skin I cronch um. Chef's snack!


      🙏 I hope tomorrow is much much better for you!!

    2. Helios (he/they)

      Helios (he/they)

      My appointment is now on the 30th, so it will be about 6 weeks since my injury that I'm actually starting physical therapy 😭


      So I actually Googled it lol. Envy apples are apparently a trademarked brand name apple lol, a cross between Braeburn and "Royal" Gala apples. They are mostly red with a bit of yellow; and sweet, not tart like Granny Smith. Granny Smith apples are my favorite because of the tartness and crispness, and I can't stand Red Delicious. It's actually been a while since I've had any apples, I normally have my groceries delivered and I don't really trust them to get me decent produce, so I just pick up what I need from the farmer's market or corner store. Apples are one of the very few foods my household is adventurous with (curse you, picky eaters!) so I grab some new varieties every chance I get. Pink Lady apples are a favorite, along with Granny Smith, Cameo, Honeycrisp, and Fuji.

  3. Well I just got laid off whoo

    1. Annamika


      Oh no!  I'm very sorry to hear this =(

      If you need to chat, feel free to hit me up any time.

      hugs (from a distance) and love my friend.

    2. Princess


      That really sucks 😭 Let us know if there's anything we can do to help! Hopefully things start looking up soon

  4. Happy International Asexuality Day! Please add your cake to the pile ~


    1. Princess


      HAPPY ACE DAY 🖤🤍💜

  5. Maybe this will help someone. I'm not sure where else to post it.

  6. Life. Is. Happening.

    But at least I got a place to live now 😭

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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