it takes practice but yeah once you move on from the starter ship youll find some of the other ships that handle soooooooooooooo much better is not even funny. is like they give you the crappy starter ship because if you can drive that anything else is a piece of cake
another tip, unless i have my target on my sight in front of me, i guide myself using the navmap at the center console. your target will be in marked by the < > and as you turn or pitch up or down however you wanna do it, you get the marked < > icon on the edge of the cone and the target will be in front you again. but again turns and pitch depend highly on the ship and the engines, some ships can make the sharp turn with 75% throttle while others you basically need >25%throttle if you ever want to turn around. some ship because of their shape will turn sideways faster while other will pitch fast that turning to the sides, in those cases , you just roll your ship to the side and instead of turn you pitch up.
the good thing about this game is that there is no rush into anything, there no storyline that you need to complete to unlock content(althought there are some ships that require you to attain a certain rank in their faction to buy them) you can rank up doing combat, exploration or trading. you can transport passenger or commodities or illegal goods and slaves, you can go surface mining or deep core mining by exploding asteroids, you can go pirate hunting or grab bounty hunting missions at a station, or you can just dump all guns all unnecessary modules, put a good FSD, a fuel scoop and scanner and go explorae and then sell cartography data to the stations. or you can do them all:) you get bored of one thing and do the other and so on.
Here's a good video i found that will get you from fresh start and 0credits to 150mill+credits in a few hours and you only have to switch ships twice, after that you can buy whatever ship you want and keep doing whatever you feel like it to earn more credits.
see you in the black commanders!