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Status Updates posted by Aravail

  1. Had a great time at Fractal Fridays tonight with Raiiya, Janitor, Zeki, and Ghost!

  2. New Living Story content seems great; especially liked the Aerin boss fight!

    1. Jaan'weyn


      Geez, spoiler alert! Now I know there's a boss fight.

  3. 19,241 festival tokens farmed in total. What a month!

    1. Aravail


      Make that 20,000+! Found some more on a different character. :D

    2. Tayte


      You have a problem Aravail. A serious problem.


  4. For anyone who shares my love of dragon pictures: http://imgur.com/gallery/bUNTA

    1. Aravail


      Be sure to click "View the entire album" at the bottom!

  5. Would anybody be interested in doing a Guild Bounty tonight, say around 8 or 9 EST?

    1. Guest


      I might be around for it

  6. Guild Missions tonight at 8pm EST! Be there or be... uh... lacking in Guild Commendations! And laughter! And joy! And all the little things that make life special!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aravail


      *if you bring them with you.

    3. Guest


      Won't be able to come tonight :(

  7. Decided to put half an hour and ~300k into the new gambling event; ended up with a Vectron Magnus and 4 Golden Certificates to show for it! I'm bored out of my skull, but quite pleased.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nadalyne


      Yeah, I was gonna say that. I haven't gotten to gamble much but I've only spent 10k and gotten 2 golden thingies. I don't see why people would want to spend 50k on a token you can get for just a few thousand. Nice job on your new Twinkie mount. :P

    3. Scoobs


      I spent 2 million cause I could. don't hate nady!

    4. Nadalyne


      Wutevah, I do wut I wawnt.

  8. Anyone else think it's funny that on Wintersday, Lion's Arch was donating to help rebuild Divinity's Reach, and now people are in Divinity's Reach donating to help rebuild Lion's Arch?

  9. Anyone else think it's funny that on Wintersday, Lion's Arch was donating to help rebuilding Divinity's Reach, and now the people of DR are donating to help rebuilding LA?

    1. Nadalyne


      Or...there's some bigger explanation...THEY STOLE MY GOLD!

  10. Emergency Response Hero! 5,000 events completed.

    1. Guest


      niiice :o

    2. Guest


      Wow, congratulations!!

  11. If anyone wants to sell Warzone Medpacs and Adrenals, I'll buy them for 100k a stack.

    1. Guest


      I will see what I got lying around for you...

  12. Anyone else feel almost sorry for the champ train champions? Born anew each 15 minutes, only do be destroyed again. Such a sad, promethian fate.

  13. The new Cosmos series premiers tonight! Anyone else gonna be glued to the TV?

  14. You know you spend too much time at the trading post when you get logged out from inactivity. :

    1. Guest


      I feel your pain Aragorn T.T

  15. You know that excited feeling when you see you have new mail and you go to your mailbox only to find it's that thing you sent from your alt like five minutes ago? Yeah.

  16. Guess who's now a 'Respected Achiever' in GW2!

    1. Jaan'weyn


      Nice! I'm pretty sure I've gained a grand total of like 150 achievement points in the time you gained somewhere close to 800.

  17. Rakghoul Event Phase II has commenced!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aravail


      It's infectious!

    3. Scoobs


      and I just got over the flu...now I gotta worry about this!!!

    4. Aravail
  18. Happy Boxing Day to all of my Canadian friends! Hope you all get lots of boxes. Or punch lots of people. Whatever it is you people do today.

    1. Scya


      It's both. It's like Black Friday. Punch lots of people to buy lots of boxes.

    2. Larial


      I have found, now that I work for sportchek, Canadian people are scary when it comes to boxing day sales XD

  19. Happy Festivus everyone!

  20. Avatar: a young elementalist's journey to master the ancient art of attunement-swapping.

    1. Nayaha
    2. Jaan'weyn


      Zuko brings area might like no one's business.

    3. Guest
  21. Our website is completely down and yet 17 members are still online. It's official: RoH is addictive.

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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