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Status Updates posted by Jaan'weyn

  1. Only got my Commando to level 35. Debating trying to get 12 levels with regular XP so I can get to Makeb. Not sure I have it in me.

    1. Jaan'weyn


      This mission was a failure. I leveled from 35-36 and it was a big "nope."

  2. Pretend for a moment that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering, or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on.

  3. R.I.P. 2002 Honda Civic. You've been a wonderful companion these 12.5 years. I'll miss you.

  4. R.I.P. Egon

    1. Nayaha


      Its a very sad day, indeed :(

    2. Guest


      Egon? O:

  5. R.I.P. Terry Pratchett.

    1. Scya


      WHAT??????? :(:(:(:(:( Oh man. I've been with Mr Pratchet and his turtles all the way down series for the last half a year or so. His last few tweets... http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-31858156

  6. So, my first quest in the tutorial for my Dominion character that is based on my Sith Assassin involved zapping people with electricity.

    1. Guest


      They deserved it.

    2. Guest


      because they had bugs on them and you had to get rid of them

  7. Someone please put out a missing persons report for the Cultist Hammer.

  8. Started reading Watchmen again for the first time in a while. Still phenomenal

    1. Guest


      I love that series! You are making me grab my watchmen stuff now XD

    2. Aravail


      I was just thinking the other day I should probably read that again. Maybe I will...

  9. Starting 12/26 the Wire will be re-aired on HBO, remasted in HD and in 16:9 format. Everyone watch it!

    1. Coombs


      Christmas has come early for Jaan!!

    2. Jaan'weyn


      For everyone who likes things that are good!

  10. SWTOR raiders, update your availability as early as you can Sunday.  I'm going to post the schedule in the evening.

  11. Syfy green lit the pilot for Ghost Brigades! If it gets picked up it will start with Old Man's War! Stoked!

  12. The HD re-release of the Wire starts today on HBO. Everyone watch it.

    1. Guest


      I agree with this sentiment

    2. Guest


      I totally need to watch this. I've been meaning to for a while but keep forgetting.

  13. The one downside to 12x XP is that if you start a character from scratch you can't build up enough rested XP to really take advantage of the Forged Alliances flashpoints.  Nearly all of the XP from flashpoints is from kills, so losing half of that really hurts.

  14. The question on my mind this morning was whether or not I was going to eat biscuits and gravy for every meal today. Thus far the answer is a resounding yes.

    1. Guest


      I am envious

    2. Aravail


      Mmm, been way too long since I've had biscuits and gravy

  15. The thing I miss the most about having pets is the plausible deniability about house hauntings. Something mysteriously rustling in the other room? That's just the cat! Evil creature crawling out of the TV? Just the dog in a funny wig!

    1. Nadalyne


      I like when my dogs just stare at the ceiling with huge eyes. Dogs be crazy, amirite?


    2. Guest


      Right, they totally aren't staring at a big ghost like monster that is patiently waiting for the right moment to swoop down and eat you or anything! Haha, dogs...

  16. The Trooper's personal story should be subtitled "Use Your Ship to Travel to Coruscant."

    1. Aravail


      With Special Guest Star: General Garza

    2. Guest


      Starring: Zero interesting female romance options!

    3. Asra


      You don't like running your fingers through Jorgan's fur? xD

  17. The vanishing hammer bug, despite its best efforts, couldn't stop us two weeks in a row!

    1. Nadalyne



    2. Eliian


      Whew!! That thing is a pain...happy you were all able to subvert it.

    3. Guest


      That bug kills many Fractal Groups...

  18. Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

    1. Guest



    2. Jaan'weyn



  19. These are my award, Mother. From Army.

    1. Tipico


      You can always tell a Milford man

    2. Kazu


      I'm afraid I just prematurely blue myself.

    3. Guest


      The seal is for marksmanship and the gorilla is for sand racing.

  20. This is the first Opening Day I'm going to miss since 2004. =(

  21. To any latecomers interested in participating in the book club, we're reading American Gods, by Neil Gaiman. We're shooting to finish Part 1 by next Sunday at midnight.

  22. To those who use a G13, what do you bind to jump? I use my left thumb, but if I have that on the thumb stick I'm not sure what I would use instead.

    1. Telana


      I personally use G22 for jump.

    2. Jaan'weyn


      I feel like it would be a pain to jump and hit another button at the same time if I'm doing that. I alternate between using W and both mouse buttons to move forward, so I have a way that I can hit multiple buttons at the same time no matter what I'm doing. I'm wondering how I'd replicate that on the G13.

    3. Guest


      I use the button below the joystick

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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