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Status Updates posted by Jaan'weyn

  1. TOR people, update the spreadsheet!

  2. TOR raiders, update the spreadsheet, please! I wanna raid this week!

  3. We're wrapping up our discussion on American Gods! If anyone who read the book previously wants to jump in, please do. http://remnantsofhope.com/boards/index.php?/topic/15378-american-gods-discussion-final-discussion/

    1. Coombs


      I've been slacking, will try to finish this weekend.

  4. With the constant running around of the Rakghoul event, I forgot to park my characters by mailboxes. My Teamviewer crafting rotation is hitting a snag.

    1. Jaan'weyn


      I don't do anything special. When I remote in and start the game it shows up just fine. I don't know if maybe certain phones can't handle certain resolutions or refresh rates, but mine worked okay right from the start.

  5. Woke up feeling kinda crappy. Not happy about it. I really don't want to get sick. =

    1. Nadalyne


      Hope you don't get sick. If you do, I hope you start to feel better soon! ^.^

  6. @Toombstone I wanted to post this on your profile page, but it wouldn't let me:

    The Boss!


    1. Guest


      That match was soooo good man.  The BOSS!

  7. Anyone else watching Stranger Things on Netflix? It's a big time genre homage to 80s scifi, and I'm hooked.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tipico


      It's very good!

    3. Jaan'weyn


      I'm 4 episodes in, and shit's starting to get crazy. I have no idea where this is going to end up going.

    4. Gagi


      Only 8 episodes though ;( TV Shows is not bad at all.  Pretty enjoyable!

  8. Commence the anticipation...



  9. Fire Pro Wrestling World early access has started!



  10. From the Starfinder Core Rulebook:



    1. Aravail


      Haha; they named a planet after me!

  11. I forgot to say happy birthday earlier, so I'm going to get in before midnight.  Happy Birthday!

  12. I hope you all have a fun and safe New Year celebration. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. =P

    1. Aravail


      And don't do half the things Jaan would!

    2. Jaan'weyn


      Yeah, definitely don't do what I did last night. At least not if you want to avoid a miserable bus trip like the one I'm currently on. 

    3. Aravail


      Does this bus have bars on the windows?

  13. I'm currently freezing Death Star shaped ice cubes. I'll report back my findings.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saal


      So how did it go? :)

    3. Jaan'weyn


      They kept cold the drinks I drank too much of while raiding!

    4. Sayuri


      Mission accomplished! 

  14. I'm on a plane. Aravail is here too somewhere. 

    1. Tallon


      You all have fun and I wish I was there.  You have full permission to harass Telana as much as you want.  

    2. Jae Onasi

      Jae Onasi

      Have a safe trip!

    3. Elisel


      Have a great trip!

  15. If any of you guys have the inclination to play Hyper Light Drifter, I can't recommend it enough. It's incredibly fun.

  16. My attempt to get back into MMOs has been stalled a bit by Horizon Zero Dawn. Be back soon!

    1. Azraella


      Horizon Zero Dawn is seriously amazing! One of the best games I've played in quite some time. Have fun! Let me know what you think of it.

    2. Scoobs


      love that game, gotta get back into it, stopped to go on vacation and just have had so many other games taking priority since!

    3. Jaan'weyn


      I love it so far. The combat is deep, the setting and story are really engaging, the graphics are beautiful, and Aloy is one of the coolest protagonists I've seen in a while. I also sort of appreciate that there's a hopeful undercurrent to things. I just finished the Witcher 3, and while I absolutely loved that too, it's refreshing in HZD to have missions to find people and have them *not* have already died horribly.

  17. Shit! I missed your birthday! Happy birthday, anyway! Miss you, buddy. Hope you're doing well.

  18. Thanks for all the birthday messages and texts, everyone. I really appreciate it!

  19. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! I logged in this morning to so many notifications I thought maybe the notification system was broken. =P

  20. Thou'rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course...

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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