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Bell Luxon (He/Him)

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Posts posted by Bell Luxon (He/Him)

  1. *********************************************

    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Lost Isle: Day 1


    Levequest Assigned From: Knights of Ishgard


    Levequest Commissioned By: Aymeric de Borel


    Levequest Rank: D


    Levequest Rewards: 50 gil per adventurer.


    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rowen, Toralea, Aria, Drake, Akashic, Rinh, Fufu


    Description of Leve: Crash Land on Deserted Island in unknown location


    Description of Events: The party having finally taken down the Raven Lord, wakes up on an unknown beach. All about crates from the slaves are littered here and there, most without lids and empty. After meeting a young girl who introduced herself as "you" and nothing more, they followed her through the jungle to a cave, seeking shelter. They discovered that just on the other side of this cave was a cabin, which was occupied by none other than the Raven Lord himself. Having survived his suicide attempt and the crash, he tried to flee. He was apprehended quickly and executed after goading the party. 

    Shortly afterwards a group of surviving slaves arrived and began to make themselves at home as well. Cleaning up the blood, and helping keep the children distracted from what happened. However as it got late, the party and their new friends became hungry and went looking for food. Back to the beach they went where they attempted to catch fish. Drake while diving for clams, found the ship they had crashed on in the water. With help from Aria and Fufu the three managed to bring back a chest which had been in the wreck. Inside they found a number of magical items as well as gil. 

    Rewards: Ring of jumping , Gloves of swimming-climbing , Medallion of thoughts ,  Cloak of the bat , ring of animals. Ring of water walking, Ring of resist poison,  Amulet of Proof against Detection, Amulet of Feathefall

  2. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: It's the Final Showdown, DANANAAANA



    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: On going Adventure's guild Investigation

    Levequest Assigned From: Lafor La'bell, Son of the Raven


    Levequest Rank: B-Rank

    Levequest Rewards:  250 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Rowen, Aria, Garris, Lafor.


    Description of Events:

    The party arrived at a ruin north of Asah, the bridge connecting half of the land together. The massive crumbling stone stretched high into the sky, supported by glowing stones of crystal. But the sights went unnoticed, nearby they spotted a Red Raven look out. Sending in Rowen to investigate the group soon found out there were four other. Standing among them, the Raven lord barked out orders to the crew of a massive docked cargo airship. The deck was laden with large crates. 

    Rowen tried to sneak closer, trying to end the fight before it could begin. However he failed to spot the chalk runic traps draw into the crumbling bricks. He found himself suddenly trapped by a paralysis trap. The raven lord called his men to flee, but the party came down on them before they could escape. Fighting their way onto the ship they slowly took out the raven lords men. He tried to take off without them, but they got on board in time to advance. The following battle was short, the Raven lord doing all he could to try and knock the party over the railing. 


    With only the Raven Lord left, the elezen looked to the party, worn and battered.... Then he laughed, a long mad laugh. His eyes landed on the group before he pulled a gun and said simply. 

    "If I'm going, I'm taking you with me." Then he kicked the rutter down and broke the leve.


    The ship began to turn downwards, falling through the blankets of clouds and revelaing the sea stretching as far as the eye could see. Struggling to stay on their feet the party held on as best they could as they fell faster and faster. The elezen grinned, placing the fun to his heal and pulled the trigger just moments before the ship hit the water with a massive crash. 



  3. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: I'll Kupo you, puffball



    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: On going Adventure's guild Investigation

    Levequest Assigned From: Lafor La'bell, Son of the Raven


    Levequest Rank: C-Rank

    Levequest Rewards:  150 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Rowen, Aria, Niri, Garris, Lafor.


    Description of Events:

    The party questioned the man in the cage, finding out he was a former church knight. It seemed he had escaped into the woods of tailfeather and was hunting local dragon's with a poisoned blade. The moment the party found this out, they rushed off towards the dragon's territory. With their new found chocobo steeds, and some extra, chasing after. They finally located the little dragon and Rinh used esuna to cure it's poison. Thankful, the dragon told the party it had seen Red Raven up on the holy mountain, then asked the party to help get rid of them. The party agreed.


    Ascending atop their new steeds, the party fly high up into the clouds. When they broke from the mist they found floating islands above the clouds, hidden by the thick gray mists. They were taken to a aetheryte plaza where they were informed that moogles lived here. The dragonling took the party to a safe haven from the wind, a cave with an open top. Inside they met Chieftain Moglin, who had agreed to keep an eye on the red raven agents. However, he seemed to have 'forgotten' due to hunger. Agreeing to help for the information the party headed to the cliffs above to find kupo nuts. During their search they were attacked by 3 beserking black scaled dragons. After a quick battle, the ground managed to end the dragons and reconvene.


    The party returned to chieftain moglin to give him the kupo nuts. They were rewarded with 150 gil in two small sacks. They also looted a dragonskin and 2 fangs turning into another 50gil each for the party. Once they had obtained the information from the chieftain, the party traveled with their dragonling companion to the ruin to the north.


  4. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: You've got a friend in me


    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: On going Adventure's guild Investigation

    Levequest Assigned From: Lafor La'bell, Son of the Raven


    Levequest Rank: D-Rank

    Levequest Rewards:  50 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Rowen, Aria, Niri, Garris, Amai, Lafor.


    Description of Events:


    After returning for a short break to Uncle moogles, the party had a short conversation about where to go from there. Lafor suggested the party take out his father's supply lines, to do this that party set off for tail feather. They spoke with some locals to find out that the hunters they are looking for have been causing problems for the party. finding a man named Marcechamp, the group were pointed to the north of tail feather. On they way they spotted a few traps but managed by well enough, until they spotted the camp on the hill near the river. Sneaking up they took the camp of two by surprise. This is when they found the white man who had helped to lay the trap to capture them. Ending his life and leaving his tank companion heavily wounded for questioning. The party splits, some go to bury the bodies while the others tended to the chocobo. Aria calmed the chocobo, Rinh fed the chocobo, and Lafor let them out. Mean while the captive they still have in the cage watched on in silence.

  5. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: An unexpected Ally


    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: On going Adventure's guild Investigation

    Levequest Assigned From: Alexander Palfy, Knight of Ishgard.


    Levequest Rank: C-Rank

    Levequest Rewards:  150 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Rowen, Tora, Aria, Niri, Garris, Amai, Bell.


    Description of Events:

    The party is rescued by Alexander, Amai, and Bell. Amai ending the life of the driver quickly. From there the group was taken to recover in whitebrim, learning word of Rinh's rescue as well. Ser Aymeric and the Temple Knights escort the party to Ishgard to begin settling in to root out the Raven lord. As such the party is housed with the uncle of Ser Alexander, the eccentric retired adventurer, 'Uncle Moogle'. Who welcomes the Rebels of Hydaelyn into his mansion outside the Frimanant.

    The party settle in and reviewed the events thus far... and learned a new piece of information... the Raven Lord has a son! Alexander showed up the next morning with a clue for the party. A picture, a place, and a name. A ten year old picture of a young elezen boy with short purple hair and purple and red eyes. Sitting in the lap of a long purple haired elezen woman.


    Heading to Falcon's nest they were to search for Vermillion, the boy in the picture. When they arrived at falcon's nest they heard rumor of a Dragoon with the same eye colors at a camp called The Convictory. Upon the way to the Convictory, the party comes across a woman and her child fleeing from a monster, they rush off to help as the woman mentioned her husband was holding it off, but he was not a fighter. The party came upon the man and a massive Mylodon, but thankfully a dragoon appeared and was holding it at bay Battle ensues and at some point Aria attacks its genitals…. That attack back…. Wounding her pride. The beast fled off to recover and the Rinh healed the man, leaving a tasteful scar. The party talked to the dragoon Lafor and learn he is from the convictory, the party agree to help him slay the beast in exchange for an escort to the camp… The party tracked the beast and planned their attack… only for Rinh to conjure a magical lazer beam and finish off the beast.

    Upon arriving at the Convictory, the party began to question those about the camp on who the dragoon they are looking for might be. Only to then find out that Lafor was the very person they were after. When they turned to find the elezen, they found out he'd left camp. They also found out that this is a common thing for the Dragoon, who is known to vanish without a word on many occasions. 


    When the group found their target once more, they found he wasn't alone. He had been speaking with a group from Red Raven, however her didn't seem happy they were there. Carefully the party took out the sentries before being spotted by the last of the group. Lafor fled to a nearby roof while the party finished the combat. After some conversation the Dragoon agreed to join the party in their attempt to end his father, giving the party an inside view of how the gang works. 

  6. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: Caution to the wind



    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: On going Adventure's guild Investigation

    Levequest Assigned From: Helpless Refugees. 


    Levequest Rank: B-Rank

    Levequest Rewards:  250 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Rowen, Tora, Aria, Niri, Garris, Amai, Drake.


    Description of Events:

               While discussing their next move the party confronted some suspicious figures trying to flee the guild hall after seeing the raven skull necklace. After gaining their trust the group asked the party to help save their little sister after an ambush. When they arrived at the ambush location in East Shroud they found tracks. They followed the tracks to find a small boat floating away with two figures in red and black, and sack wiggling in the boat. They seemed to be headed north towards Central Shroud. The party rushed to catch them when they dock.

              Rowen rejoined the party to let them know what they found. While Tora and Garris talked with the locals to see if they knew anything more. The party rushed to The Mirror Plank docks to look for their criminals up river, but found no one there. However, their sharp eyed scout Rowen, managed to spot an odd looking carriage nearby at lilystone. On closer investigation he spotted the row boat he'd seen leaving the south shroud, as it pulled into the hidden nooks of the rocks. He called to his party who jumped into action, making quick work of the individuals. With three dead, and one to question, the party finally turned to the sack. Rowen peeking inside revealed not a child as they had suspected, but a very small lalafell with bright pink hair and two toned lavender and pink eyes.

               As the party began their interrogation, the lalafell left the area when it started and the party split. Amai, Toralea, Garris, and Drake went with them to try and get more information. While Rowen, Niri, and Aria stayed behind to interrogate. The man tried to give them a sob story about how he was forced into this and played it like a pleading lunatic. But Rowen saw through the man’s deception. Meanwhile Tora seemed to have some kind of epiphany as she called out that the lalafell was the little sister. The lalafel learned that they had accepted to save her from her friends and told them if they were ever in Sharlayan, asked for her by name and she’d vouch for them personally.

              Having executed the prisoner, the party found a map in the carriage and was able to pin point where they needed to go. Haukke manor, previous home to void sent. The party, having been on their way back, found Drake’s robot Royal laying upside down in the dirt. After helping the thing out, they discovered Drake had been retaken by the group once more. Aria, emotional at having Drake in danger, rushed headlong into the main lobby of the manor. The party forced to follow, they were all bombarded with sleep spells from the enemies within. After a brief struggle, the party collapsed and was captured.

  7.                 Snow whipped around him as he walked, the stone path beneath his feet frozen over and slick. He cursed this place, and its icy grip on the tips of his ears, which stung from the cold. He hated coming here, but what was he to do, his new order required Jade and this was the only place to get it…. Ishgard. 

                  Every time he’d come here something bad had happened, so to say he was on edge was an understatement. Even with his great sword on his back he felt woefully unprepared and unprotected. The storm wasn’t helping with this feeling, even as he tugged his bandana up his nose and tightened it in the back. 

                   It was hard to see far ahead, though he could make out the sound of water nearby over the howling of the wind. Slowly lamp posts began to pop up on the side of the path and he knew at last he’d arrived in the highlands themselves. He’d been following the mountain for what felt like ages and had begun to wonder if he’d gotten lost, but was glad to see he still remembered the paths this side of Eorzea. 

                  He kept his eyes peeled as he walked, glancing up the slopes for wandering wolf packs or a stray Goobbue. But that wasn’t what he found, instead as he walked his eyes landed on a form laying on the path ahead. At first he was shocked and stopped, hand snapping up to his blade, but, after a moment of caution he took note that the figure seemed injured. 

          “Oh no!” He voiced and rushed forwards without a second thought, nearly slipping as he came to a stop next to the figure and knelt down.

                  Slowly he leaned over to feel their neck, hoping there was a pulse. Only for said figure’s hand to snap up to catch him. He withdrew his hand moments before the figure managed to catch his wrist and stumbled back, grabbing his blade again with alarm. Heart pounding he watched the cloaked figure slowly sit up, then felt his fear and anxiety instantly relax. 

          “Is that how you wake an old man from a nap?” The question left him stunned and confused.

                 Rising from his knees he watched the man pick up a nearby stick and push himself up. Now that he was standing Bell could tell the man likely would have stood twice his height with ease… had he not stood with a deep hunch while leaning on his stick heavily. A pair of tired and wrinkled eyes look back at him, icy blue with wide pupil’s despite the daylight around them and blaring white snow.

          “Uh… you were… napping?” He asked confused as he lowered his hand from his blade again and tilted his head.

          “Isn’t it… a bit.. Dangerous?” He glanced about, now worried this might be some kind of bandit trap.

          “Of course I wasn’t napping, boy.” The man snorted in amusement and leaned up a bit to stretch his hunched back. 

          “I seem to have fallen and pulled a muscle…” The old man sighed and Bell looked at him worried.

         “Oh. Do you need me to walk you home?” Bell offered with a worried smile and the old man shrugged.

         “I suppose if you’ve nothing better to do.” As the man said this he seemed to shuffle his way until his back was to Bell then began to shuffle along the path.

    Well… this would be a slow walk. Oh well. 

          “I could carry you, if you like.” Bell offered and the man rolled his eyes.

         “Pace too slow for you boy?” The man mocked him and he sighed a bit.

         “No it’s just… your back must hurt. I thought you’d want to get home faster.” Bell tried and the man chuckled.

         “I’m only teasing, boy. But no, I don’t need to be carried. Besides, a small thing like you. I wouldn’t fit on your back.” the man voiced and he nodded, moving to follow.


                  Bell only noticed at this point that during their conversations the snow had let up some, and he could now make out the hazy outline of both the mountain of the highlands and a nearby keep. He wondered how far away this man’s home was, and what he’d been doing way out here in the middle of nowhere. Though he was very happy he hadn’t just found a dead body on the road.

         “So, do you live nearby?” He asked and the man shrugged again, not seeming to want to answer.

         “Ok… What were you doing, way out here in the middle of nowhere?” he tried again, only to earn another shrug.

    Was the guy going to answer anything?

         “What is your name?” He hoped that something that simple would be enough.

         “Are you always this nosey?” The man sighed and he tensed.

         “O..oh I’m uh… I’m an adventure.. It’s kind of my job and… “ smack

         “OW!” He reached up and gripped his head where the old man had struck him on the head with the top of his stick.

         “It isn’t an adventurer's job to poke into places they aren’t wanted.” The man said sternly and Bell half pouted and half frowned at the man.

         “How would you know!?” He protested and the man sighed and shook his head.

         “Young ones are always mouthing off.” The man voiced and once more began to head up the hill towards Dragonhead.

         “I… I didn’t… mean to… sorry..” Bell sighed and the man raised a brow then gave him a silent smile as he kept going.

         “What are adventure’s jobs then?” He asked, now more curious than anything.

         “Aren’t you the adventurer? Shouldn’t you know?” The man asked and he sighed, dropping his head back in frustration.

         “Only teasing, boy.” The man laughed and he pouted again.

         “Your job is to help those in need. Not pry into their lives.” The man said but that only sounded confusing to Bell.

         “How can I help if I don’t know the problem? And shouldn’t I know who and why I’m helping someone before I do it? What if you’re a bad person.” Bell commented and the old man had to stop because he started to laugh so hard.

         “Oh yes, the old blind man is a bad person. Yes boy it is good to know why you’re working for someone. But you’re the one who offered to walk me home, I never asked for your assistance.” The man pointed out and he stopped, now understanding.

         “Oh… Right…” He voiced as he started to think back to all the other times he may have been… nosey.

         “But if you really wish to know, boy. I am a retired adventurer who left my home land long ago, and have since returned to live out the rest of my life in peace.” The man explained and he smiled.

         “I’m Bell. Recent transfer to Gridania and Dark knight in training!” He said and grinned proudly.

         “That isn’t something you should say so loudly in these parts, boy.” The man said darkly and he tensed, confused and shocked by the sudden change in the man’s expression.

         “Many of the knights might brand you a heretic if they heard you call yourself that.” The man commented and Bell felt what little warmth he had leech from his body.

         “Oh…” He voiced stiffly but the man smiled.

         “Do not fret, your secret is safe with me…. You’re not very world wise for one your age.” The man said and started up the path once more.

         “I uh… haven’t gotten out much.” He said and the man glanced at him.

         “I see. I see..”

                They were halfway up the path towards Dragonhead when he noticed them, tucked in the snow to the side of the path. Boot tracks. But this was a majorly traveled path, so he didn’t think much of them. They had come over the hill when he heard the whistle of an arrow and turned in time to pull the old man out of the way of the projectile.

         “Ow.” He heard the man grunt in pain as he was moved so quickly.

         “Sorry.” Bell said as he drew his blade and turned the direction the arrow had come from.

         “Show yourselves!” He shouted, glaring up the hill towards the tree line.

                  A slow clap echoed over the valley, the snow having stopped, it echoed off the silent cliffs. As if the whole world was holding it’s breath it fell deathly silent as the clapping stopped. He heard the old man groan a little as a group of three knights stepped from around trees.

         “You have quick reflexes kid, I’m actually a little impressed.” The man sneered at the two of them and he glared.

         “What do you want?” Bell called up to the three and they chuckled and glanced at each other.

         “We finally found you old man, you’ll pay for killing my father!” The man hissed angrily and pointed his sword at the man behind Bell.

         “You what?” Bell turned to look in shock at the old man who sighed.

         “He was beating peasants in the streets.” The old man explained and Bell scowled, turning his gaze back to the knight.

         “They were heretics! The lot of them! You killed him in cold blood, you monster!” The sword and shield wielding knight snarled in hatred and Bell glared more.

         “Heretics huh… “ He muttered to himself and gripped his blade tighter before charging the knight.

         “Boy!” The old man shouted but he was already running, up the hill and at the startled knight.

         “What?!” The knight didn’t get his shield up in time, taking a deep gash right across the chest.

         “You little shit!” The knight snarled and spun suddenly, a move Bell hadn’t seen before.

                 The flat of his blade collided with his face, the man determined to knock him down, but he managed to stand his ground, letting his body turn with the blow and dropping down onto a knee to keep his blade between them. Blood trickled down from a split eyebrow, but he only kept his gaze glued on the man.

         “You’ll pay for that!” The archer up the hill hissed and drew back an arrow, aiming not at the old man but now at Bell.

         “As if!” Bell snapped back and ducked between the arched and the knight, keeping them between him to use the man as a meat shield.

              He heard the arrow hit the snow where he’d been standing and saw the deep hole it left in the snow in its wake. Followed soon by a second arrow from the second archer. Bell knew he couldn't let himself lose, couldn’t let them hurt this old man. And for that matter… him. Light, he hated Ishgard so much.

              But his sure defiance towards this face of evil, fueled him, grew inside him until it was brimming over. Small waffs of darkness licked off his body as he lashed out, intent to end his foe in one fell swing. Putting all his strength and might into his swing and aiming for the weakest spot he could think of, the neck. 

              Slice… thud…. The snow began to turn red at his feet as the knight’s body hit the ground, his head tumbling down the hill. Instantly his eyes snapped to the archer’s who both went pale. He saw them look for an escape but they found themselves perched atop a cliff edge with not but icy ground below. A cliff to their backs Bell saw the look of realization form on their faces as they realized. In their hubris, they hadn’t considered they might lose, and thus had put themselves in a spot they couldn’t flee. But who would think they’d lose to an old blind man?

         “Kill him!” The archer shouted in panic and his gaze snapped to the one who screached it out like a frightened child.

              Their panic only seemed to make them more aware because both arrows sunk deep into Bell’s left shoulder, making him stumble back slightly and grit his teeth, glad he couldn’t feel the pain they likely should have caused.

         “What the hell is he! He didn’t even scream!?” The other archer practically seemed to be about to piss himself. 

         “Enough” Bell voice coldly and rushed them, darting just far enough down the hill to make it to the ledge up.

               Once he was at their sides it was over. Though one of his swings missed, they could stop the onslaught of blows that rained down on them, dropping to the snowy ledge with blank looks on their slowly dulling eyes. Bell looked away, scowling to himself. He hated the part where they died… but he knew it was for the best. People like them would only hurt more and more until they were stopped.

         “I’m… Impressed, boy.” The old man’s voice drew him back and he turned to face him, cleaning his blade in the snow before setting it back on his back.

         “Thanks. Are you ok?” He asked in a worried tone and watched the man smile far more warmly at him than he had before.

         “Come boy, let us talk somewhere less condemning.” The man said and motioned for him to follow, seeming to pick up his own pace to head down the path.

              Bell snapped off the arrow heads for now, knowing better than to remove them without being able to tend the wounds. The walk was a quiet one however, Bell now too distracted with what had just happened to go about his normal talkative ways, and the old man all too keen to enjoy the quiet. They’d been walking for what felt like an hour before they finally came to a stop at what seemed to be a nice looking camp. It was tucked into a clearing at the end of a cavern, out in the middle of nowhere. He figured the man being hunted was the reason he was way out here. 

         “Let's tend those arrows, then we’ll talk.” The old man voiced as he pushed the tent open with his stick and stepped inside.

    When Bell stepped inside he was shocked to find it rather warm inside. The very top of the tent was slightly open, letting the metal stove fireplace chimney out of the top and keeping in the warmth. He put his bag down by the tent flap, watching the old man shuffle over to the fire and slowly ease himself down next to it to warm himself.

         “Get that box from the table then come here.” The old man said before patting the rug he sat on. 

    The ground here was hard as stone, but the whole bottom of the tent was covered in a thick rug. The man hadn’t taken his shoes off, so he figured his boots were ok, and headed into the tent. To his right sat the table the man had gestured to, while to the left sat a makeshift bed. He doubted it was comfortable and frowned a little. The man wouldn’t heal his back sleeping on that thing…

         “This box?” He asked as he picked up what he thought the man had been talking about.

         “Yes yes, boy. Come I haven’t got all day.” The man motioned him over again and he nodded, walking over.


                He handed the old man his box and sat down, pulling his mask down at last to reveal his full face. His hand came up to touch the holes and deep reds now maring his sweater and he sighed. He’d have to patch it when he got home. 

         “Shirt off boy, or I can’t tend to those wounds.” The man said and he looked up, blinking confused.

         “Oh, right.” He nodded and pulled his sweater off with a bit of effect, his right arm not wanting to rise far enough despite him trying his hardest. 

                Once it was off he sighed as the old man pulled out various first aid supplies and handed them over. Well… guess now was better than later. He thought as he reached up and began to use the tweezers to inch the arrow out of his shoulders. It got stuck a few times, but he finally managed to get them out and felt his arm move more easily with it out. Blood dripped down his shoulder from the numb wounds. He covered them with bandages that the old man had put some kind of ointment on.

         “Thanks.” He said with a smile as he pulled his sweater back on and held his hands out to warm them by the fire now.

         “Now then, boy. Who in the order is training you?” The old man asked and he stopped, blinking and turning to look back at the man, confused.

        “Order? Wait, you mean the Dark Knight order?” He asked and then laughed a bit nervously.

        “Well uh… to be honest… uh.” he said and the old man scowled deeply.

        “No one is training you….” The man said flatly and he laughed nervously again.

        “Oh for Helone’s sake, boy.” The old man sighed and stood back up.

        “And your job stone?” The man pressed.

        “Job… uh… stone?” He asked, confused.

        “YOU’VE BEEN CHANNELING THE DARKNESS WITH NO JOB STONE TO PROTECT YOU FROM IT!?” He flinched as the man’s voice suddenly boomed over the tent.

         “Do you have a death wish, boy?!” The man asked and stood over him with a deep scowl.

         “N-no… I..” Bell said, stunned by the sudden yelling.

         “How much do you know about the darkness?” The man asked and he shook his head a bit only to realize the man couldn’t see him.

         “I… don’t… I just know it’s like…. Our emotions or something… and that… you know… uhm… “ He muttered and the man sighed and walked over to the bed.

              Bell watched as he knelt down and dug under the cot-like structure before pulling out an elegantly carved box. Slowly standing the man grunted a bit as he shuffled over and then just seemed to stare at the box for a moment before staring at him with an unsure look.

        “Why do you want to be a dark knight boy?” The man asked in a serious tone.

        “I want to protect people.” Bell said right away.

        “Wrong!” The man barked and he tensed.

         “Everyone can want to protect someone. A dragoon, longs to protect. That isn’t what makes you a dark knight boy.” The man said and crossed his arms.

         “What fuels you? What emotions do you feel when you use our arts without any guidance to keep your aether from consuming you?” The man asked sternly and Bell watched him for a long while before speaking again.

        “Defiance…” He said calmly and the man raised a brow.

       “Of?” The man asked.

       “....Cruelty. I lived a hard life as a kid, a painful life. And I never want to live like that again. I don’t care how hard I have to fight. Or how much it hurts. I refuse to give into that hopelessness again. I refuse to let others live like that. Empty inside.” Bell responded firmly back.

    The man just stood there, watching him for the longest moment before finally extending out his hand and offering over the box.

           “Call me an old fool, but it seems I’m still needed after all.” The man sighed as Bell took it, walking off to get a kettle for tea.

                    Bell looked over the box, it had swirling carvings along it that reminded him a lot of the shadows that licked off him when he got overwhelmed. Slowly he opened it then gasped alittle as his eyes landed on a pitch black onyx stone. A symbol was carved into the front, like that of a great sword.

          “This is.” he said in shock and looked at the man.

          “Yes yes, a dark knight job stone.” The man waved him off.

          “By how did you?!” Bell asked and moved to stand only to stop as the man motioned for him to sit back down.

          “You’re not the only dark knight here, boy.” The man grumbled and Bell’s eyes widened.

          “Call it fate. Call it luck. But you need a teacher and I need something to do with my time. That is… if you have what it takes to learn.” The man said and looked back over, even if his eyes didn’t see him… at least Bell didn’t think so.

         “Of course I can learn!” He said determined and the man laughed.

         “You’re an energetic one, that's for sure.” The man said as he put the kettle on top of the metal stove then sat back down again.

          “Well then, let's see if you do. Attune to the stone… see if it accepts you as its new master.” The man motioned at the stone as he sat crossed legged facing him.

         “Uh… I don’t … know how?” He said and the man rolled his eyes and sighed.

         “The same way you attune to anything boy. Just reach out with your aether and connect to it.” The man chastised and he nodded, blushing a bit in embarrassment.

          “Right..” he nodded and then looked at the stone.

                   Picking it up from the box he was amazed at how heavy it felt in his grip. Like over its years with the old man, the burdens he had endured had been passed down to it. Gripping it he knew this was his chance, the one he’d been waiting for. The one he’d been wanting for so long, to find a teacher who could guide him. Now all he had to do… was attune to this rock.

                  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, reaching out to the stone and hoping he felt it reach back. At first nothing, nothing… he let out a breath and forced himself to just… relax. And as he did he felt it, a light pull at first, and then like a torrent it flooded into him. Or maybe he flooded into it. He wasn’t sure…. The only thing he knew was he woke up on the floor a little bit later.

          “Uhg…” he placed a hand to his head.

         “Well.. that was an interesting display.” the old man voiced and offered his stick to help Bell up.

         “Thanks.” Bell pulled lightly to sit up and then looked at the stone.

        “Did I… do it?” He asked and the man laughed.

         “I don’t know, what do you think?” the man smirked at him and he looked down at the stone.

                  The mark which had once sat only a carving into stone, now glowed a rainbowing hue of pinks and blues. He couldn’t help but stare at it but was drawn back when the man laughed again. He looked up and blinked, watching the man sip at some tea.

        “So.. then?” He asked and the man sighed.

        “If I must point out the obvious, boy. Yes. I will teach you.” The man said and he grinned.

        “Ya!” He chimed and then his face turned red again.

        “Hm, we’re going to need to work on your emotional control first… I think.” The man eyed him and he nodded a bit in agreement.

        “I’m uh…… I guess I should tell you who I am then.” Bell commented and the man raised a brow,

        “Was there something you didn’t tell me?” The man narrowed his eyes slightly.

        “It’s nothing bad. Well… not like. I didn’t do anything I mean.” Bell said nervously.

         “Hm, then what could it be?” The man seemed to relax.

        “I was raised in a lab… so I’m… pretty new to… eorzea… and well… anywhere outside.” He said softly and the man stopped sipping his tea.

        “That might explain the odd show when you attuned. You should probably get that looked at.” The old man mocked.

         “I tried… but they said until I make an appointment, which won’t be for another four months, I can’t be seen by the guild masters. Unless I joined the guild. Which I’m not a great magic user as is soooo.” he said and pulled his hair back into a ponytail, starting to get warm.

         “Well boy, the stone should help you control your darkness much easier. It’s a wonder you managed to use it at all without one. But some people just have a natural affinity I suppose.” The man sipped his tea again.

         “First… We'll start with meditation. As you seem to be in need of a way to center yourself.” The old man said and leaned back on a stack of pillows. 

         “Meditation?” Bell asked hesitantly and the old man gave a long sigh.

         “It is a breathing exercise which helps to soothe you and keep you centered during a high stress situation.” the man reluctantly explained and Bell slowly nodded in understanding. 

         “It will take practice to be able to do in battle.” The old man hummed and yawned a bit as he relaxed and let his back ease up.

         “So what do I do?” Bell asked and crossed his legs, turning to face the man with an eager look.

         “First… Close your eyes, and just listen to the crackling of the fire.” The man shrugged.

         “Then, you take slow breaths, in and out.” 

                Bell closed his eyes and wiggled a little in place until he felt comfortable. His ears perked ever so slightly on his head to listen to the soft cracking of the wood being burned away by the heat. He took a breath in, then out. At first his breathing was quick, then before long, slow. The world seemed to just melt away. As his mind focused on only the soft sounds around him. His muscles relaxed and he felt himself seem to drift.

                 This relaxed feeling only spread. First from his breathing, to his body and muscles, and at last… to his mind. The anxious energy he felt all the time that kept him needing to be doing something at every given second… faded. Leaving him feeling just… at ease. At ease in a way he’d never felt. And they just sat there, with him breathing slowly and listening to that soft crack pop. 

                 He wasn’t sure how long he’d sat there, but when he heard a soft snore it pulled him from his trance. He blinked open his eyes and looked around for the noise, eyes landing on the old man. Tea drank, he seemed to have fallen asleep leaned up against the pillows. He smiled softly and sighed. Moving to place a blanket over the old elezen’s shoulders. 

                His eyes trailed around the tent, letting out a slow breath. He wondered if this calm was what made Niri all cool and collected most of the time. He also recalled times when she had shouted for him to calm himself and he had managed to do so. Only now realizing he’d been doing the breathing exercise without knowing it. Now if he could just keep himself from getting worked up in a fight. 

                Calmly he moved to the stove and put the water back on. Going to his bag by the door he pulled out his own tea and made himself a cup before sitting down to just relax. He hadn’t really found sitting in one place relaxing before. Thinking back on it, he guessed that was due to the fact it’s all he had been able to do before. So the action of just sitting… It made him anxious, like a trapped bird or something.

        “Hm?” He jumped as the Elezen started to wake and blinked.

        “Uhm.” Bell spoke as the man slowly sat up and pulled the blanket tighter around himself.

        “Yes?” The man asked groggily.

        “Well… I can’t really stay in ishgard. And it’s not safe here for you….” Bell commented and the man frowned.

        “What are you hinting at boy?” The man asked.

        “Well, I thought maybe if you need a place to stay you’re always welcome to come to the guild and stay in a room there.” The commented.

        “Ah, your guild.” The man sighed.

        “W-what? I thought you said you were a retired adventurer?” Bell asked, confused. 

        “Yes… But not all adventurer’s work with the guild….. That being said, it's not that I have anything against them. I just would much rather stay in Ishgard…” Bell frowned a little but still nodded at the man’s comment.

         “I guess… How are you supposed to train me? It’s too dangerous for me to be coming up here all the time.” Bell commented.

         “... hm… I suppose you do have a point there.” The man grumbled slightly then sighed.

         “Well…. If you want me to move you better carry everything yourself boy.” The man said with a conceding grumble. 

         “I have a cart we can put it in.” Bell commented calmly.

         “Hm, and where is this cart?” The man asked.

         “I left it in dragonhead.” Bell admitted and the man nodded but frowned.

         “Well… best you get it then. Take a different path there than before, else you may be blamed for those deaths by proxy.” The old man stood up with a grunt and began to put various things in bags or wrap things in animal skins he had about.

         “Right!” Bell stood, brushing himself off a bit before pulling his armor and bag on.

         “Boy.” The old man stopped him as he reached for the entrance.

         “Yes?” Bell looked back and blinked.

         “If you do have to fight, make sure you breathe…. Channeling with a stone is much more potent…” The man warned and he smiled and nodded.

        “Will do!” He said brightly before slipping back out into the snow once more.

                It was a slow but peaceful walk to his cart and back. When he arrived the elezen had already packed up his things and was wrapped up warm once more in his own cloak. He loaded everything into his cart, then the two climbed up front and began to head south out of the mountains towards Gridania. 

             “What is your name?” bell asked as his chocobo pulled them down the paths, covered in thick cloth to keep it warm. 

               “Eleanor” The old man responded as he watched the snow slowly begin to melt away on their way down the mountain path.

              “I’ll introduce you to my friends when we get there.” Bell smiled and the man shook his head.

               “No, no friends boy.” The man responded with a sigh.

               “I want to live in peace. I’ll set up camp outside the city and you can visit me there.” the man responded and he blinked.

              “Ok..” He voiced, this time not prying, he watched the old man smile when he didn’t go asking questions.

             “You learn quick boy.” The man voiced after a moment of comfortable silence had fallen between them.

              “Heh, Kinda have to. Lots I don’t know.” Bell smiled and the man nodded a few times next to him.

              “Suppose so, suppose so.” the man responded.

    • Love 1
  8. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: The Shadow



    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: On going Adventure's guild Investigation

    Levequest Assigned From: Ul'dah Adventure's Guild Hall


    Levequest Rank: B-Rank

    Levequest Rewards:  250 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Rowen, Tora, Aria, Niri, Garris, Amai, Drake.


    Description of Events:

    The group arrived in Gridania after a long trip late into the evening. Many of the group tired, most returned to inn rooms for the night, but many wished to do some light investigation. Deciding to simply scout the location that the Red Raven agent gave them, a small group of the party left for ward 5. Traveling via boat they had a short discussion with the ferryman, who explained that the Miqo'te with black and red hair was often seen with other's but they had their own boat so he had never spoken with them. He also explained that the district was often most lively at night as it seemed some adventure's had set the whole ward up into a club district. However when they arrived the place was shockingly quiet. No one seemed to notice however and the group continued on until they finally reached their first pedestrians. 

    It didn't take long, however, for the party to realized the group had been waiting for them and were part of Red Raven. Jumping the party the Red Raven agents were made short work of, due to their leader telling them to stand down. After protests from the girl's, and the marauder dead, the party bound them and asked questions. They found out that the Monk's son Eldrin had been taken by The Raven. And that he was being forced to work as a trainer under Red Raven. Seeing his opportunity out of the situation, he asked the party to find his son and said he'd go into hiding and pretend to be dead. He warned the party that The Raven's right hand girl, the miqo'te with black and red hair who was named The Shadow, was inside waiting for them. Not having many party member's with them, they group called for backup and made a deal with the monk. He would wait outside with one of them and help keep an eye on the two mage's, how now hung over the edge of the bridge by a thin rope. 

    Then they entered, the building deadly quiet. They went to the room the Monk had pointed them too and opened the door. Waiting for them, what appeared to be a dragoon in black and red leather and mail, stood glaring. They said nothing, simply drawing their weapon and preparing for combat. The battle was intense, waying heavily in the parties favor, until the Miqo'te changed job stones to something they had never seen. Harder pressed the party called for their backup outside to help, leaving the Monk alone with the mages. With the extra back up, the miqo'te felt pinned in a corner. With abilities much like a beast she stunned the party and caught the place aflame before fleeing down the halls. 


    The party struggled to escape the smoke and flames, finally coming out into the air to find a familiar figure standing at the end of the bridge. As they drew closer, they found the young Drake standing with bloody hands over the Monk. "He isn't moving." was all he said as he looked to the party. The rope holding the mage's had been cut. On the way out The Shadow had cut the line and killed the Monk before he could stop her. Drake had only come in time to see her fleeing up the hill. Following the lead they discovered a blood trail which led to the aetherite, their pray had escaped. However... not without leaving a clue behind. Rowen noticed a glimmer on the stones and retrieved a metal raven skull necklace with a maker's mark tucked away in a hard to see place. Amai recognized it instantly from her time working with merchants in Ul'dah. With only one string of a lead left, the party decided to retire for the night before they would make their way back home once more. 


    Guild Approving Authority: Blazing Summer, Guild Admin




  9. Title: Bell Lux Nox, Nova/Bell(them,they)


    Character Name: Nox

    Race: Dunmar

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Birth Sign: The Apprentice | Sun's Height / July | Scribe, Tailoring

    Occupation: None



    Cloth robes


    Commonly carried items:

    A mithril necklace with a picture of a happy Dunmar family inside.


    Automatic Skills:

    Athletics - Novice

    Destruction - Novice

    Dual Wielding - Novice

    Illusion - Novice

    Mysticism - Novice

    Necromancy - Novice

    Tailoring - Novice

    Scribe - Novice



    Acrobatics - master 4 +6

    Athletics master 3 +6

    Hunting/Tracking - master 4 +6

    Nature Survival - master 4 +6

    Stealth master 4 +6

    Spying adept 3 +4

    Shadow Magic master 6 +6

    Illusion adept 4 +4

    Two-Handed Weapons master 4 +6

    Parry ** adept 3 +4



    Guaranteed Skills: Children of Coldharbour

    Day walking (unharmed by sunlight)

    Can be healed by normal healing spells

    Enhanced speed at night

    Enhanced strength at night

    Feeding heals damage

    Night vision


    Points Used: 35

    Points Available: 0



    Child - 16

    Poor - She woke up with no money. 

    Short - child.

    Insomnia - I don't care if I'm tired, I'm tired of the nightmares.

    Brutally Honest/Confrontational - If someone's being a dick I'm gonna tell them. 

    Uneducated - Lived on a farm, her father taught her more useful skills than reading for living out there. 

     Nightmares - Their screams haunt my dreams. 

    Phobia (Severe) - Claustrophobia from being locked in a cage.

    Stubborn - I want to do things my way. I've always been on my own, so why listen to others now?

    Uncontrollable - I have anger problem, but at least I'm willing to admit it.

    Vengeful - There are just curtain people this world would be better without. I'll take things into my own hands if I have to.

    Dark Presence - Something about her feels off. Not in a suspicious kind of way, but in a they might hurt me kind of way.

    Dark Secret - Murdered a whole village in a frenzy

    Guilt-Wracked - I've killed innocent people.. they didn't deserve what happened. 

    Impatient - lets go already. There are people are there waiting to be stabbed. 

    Bounty - 41 gold pieces for murder


    Mandatory Flaws


    Fire Vulnerability (Moderate) | You have little to no natural resistance to fire and catch fire easily. Mandatory for Order, Quarra, Berne, Aundae, Whet-Fang, Children of Coldharbour.


    Silver Vulnerability (Moderate) | You are weakened by silver or silver augmented weapons or restraints. Mandatory for all vampire strains.


    Enhanced by Moonlight | Your blood protects you from the wrath of Arkay during the day but it is under the grace of the Moons where your powers come to life. Your Enhanced Strength and Speed can only be used at night. Only for Children of Coldharbour.



    Number of Flaws: 16

  10. Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: Incriminating Evidence



    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Commissioned By: Blazing Summer

    Levequest Assigned From: Ul'dah Adventure's guild HQ


    Levequest Rank: C-Rank:

    Levequest Rewards:  150 gil

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Rihn, Yui, Garris, Niri, Rowen, Drake, Toralea, and Aria.


    Description of Events:

    The group got a letter from the office of the captured blade captain from Chapter 1. It was a manifest for shipping a crate through Horizon which was meant to ship the girl they had already saved. When they arrived they did some investigating and found a small robot ramming itself against a nearby crate. Helping it open said crate they found a young looking person inside. Said person then instantly led the group to a shop where a hyur man and a miqo'te maid were. They quickly became aware the man was the one who this person from the box was accusing and started combat. After a short fight and an escape attempt Niri managed to keep the man from fleeing. The miqo'te maid confirmed the man was with Red Raven and informed the party the man knows some leads but she was only aware of code names herself and wouldn't be much help. So the party dragged the man back to the flames who are give the party a room for interrogation. 


    Having been in a rush to return the prisoner before something happened, the party split up to do some investigating. Tora, Garris, Rihn, and Drake returned to the crime scene to investigate. While Niri talked to their witness, the maid. And Aria and Rowen helped deal with the interrogation. Garris and his group found a hidden room below the building which housed empty crates, some old clothes, a stage, a couch, a tub, and some cells. Rihn found a small envelope filled with small wax paper packets that were expertly folded and sealed. Niri was able to calm down the maid and has taken her under her wing. All the while, Rowen and Aria worked together to pull these few words out of their prisoner.

    "Look for the red and black haired miqo'te in gridania's ward 20"


    All the information gathered they could get, the party finished their leve and received their reward for completion. Ready to head to their new found target.


    Guild Approving Authority: Blazing Summer, Guild Admin



  11. *********************************************

    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    The Forest: A Shroud in Crisis.


    Levequest Assigned From: Ul'dahn Branch


    Levequest Commissioned By: Gridania Wailers. 


    Levequest RankC


    Levequest Rewards: 100 gil per adventurer.


    Adventurer(s) Involved: Niri, Bell, E-gami, Toralea, Garris, Viru, Aria, Jinx, Svydyr. (If you were missed please message Nova/Bell (them/they) on discord.) 


    Description of Leve: Asist in shroud wide rescue operations. 


    Description of Events:

    Arriving in Gridania the party was told to report to a wood wailer at serpents gate leading to the north shroud. They were sent out the gate and ordered to check on the settlements and get people to the city. When they arrived at the chocobo stables just outside the city they came across a 1 story tall gargoyle void sent which was attempting to bust down the porch of a burning building with people inside. After defeating it and it's two imp buddies, they managed to open a side door, where the party rescued those inside. Aria, Jinx, and Viru stayed behind to tend to the wounded and help put out the fires while the rest of the party left for the next village. On the way they came across a screaming woman who asked for their help. When they got to the gate of the next village they found it being beset upon by an iron giant. Instantly engaging the party made short work of the creature with back up from Aria, however in it's last moments it self destructed and tried to take the party with it. The party took a short rest to recover while talking to the locals about what they knew. E-gami stayed behind to tend the wounded while the party went to investigate. They discovered Seedseer Raya-O-Senna and her wailer escorts unconscious in the ruins where the ritual of The Forest: Dark Rituals Took place. When they attempted to check on the group they were attacked from above by a Flan which had become infected by void energies. During the combat backup from Bell and Garris arrived and the flan died quickly after. While some of the party checked on the wailers and the Seedseer, Bell went to investigate the tree. Others went to investigate a sound coming from the entrance they came from. 


    Raya wasn't seriously hurt. And the sound coming from the entrance was a fellow adventure who had gotten hurt during the fighting. However Bell attempted to attune to the tree and instantly got a backlash. Crashing onto his back he began to mutter dark tidings.

    "Dead Raven, with wings of red. Built on the blood of the weak and frail. Chased from sands of gold and hardship. To the comfort of a cold land abode. sands of... gold.... winter... cold..."

    The party arrived in town where aria left in a rush. After dropping off the wailers the group went to find her. After they found her in a secluded place in the city, she revealed to the party she had been taken by a group wearing raven skulls, to which tora said she had as well. Making it apparent... the party was being targeted. 







    Guild Approving Authority: Blazing Summers, A-Rank Adventurer. Junior Guild Administrator

  12. *********************************************

    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    Red Raven: Follow the Bread Crumbs

    Levequest Assigned From: Ul'dahn Branch


    Levequest Commissioned By: Ul'dah Grand Company: Immortal Flames


    Levequest Rank: D+


    Levequest Rewards: 75 gil per adventurer.


    Adventurer(s) Involved: Niri Yonagi, Toralea Lunaria, Eskel Brasher, Aria Kanshi, Amai Yonagi, Bell Luxon,  Virulenc Rivendare, M'nova Zailoh


    Description of Leve: Track down the source of drug distribution and end it. 


    Description of Events:

    "Upon receiving the assignment we made our way north from Ul'dah to the Coffer and Coffin tavern south of Black Brush. Our investigation began by inquiring from the locals about recent activities in which we learned of a pair of Ala Mhigan brothers who routinely come around during noon to deal in somnus. We learned they always arrive from the direction of Black Brush station so we headed that way next. From their we followed the tracks upon an encampment where some of the party was able to close in and eavesdrop to confirm the what we knew as the targets. In addition there was an Xaela man present as well. I then spotted a Hyurian man in the distance and pursued him down, while the others engaged the trio at the camp. We managed to capture one of the brothers, the Au Ra, and the Hyur and deliver them to the Immortal Flames for judgement. We also found several bags of somnus that the Hyur tried to dispose of along the way. From there we followed some information we received from the Ala Mhigan and found another trio inside a cave, this time with several crates of contraband, marked with a red bird, with them. A short battle occurred while we apprehended them but unfortunately the two combatants chose another way out and passed away. Once more we contacted the Flames and delivered the third man and the supplies into their custody. From there we used our final lead that we obtained during the short interrogation to hunt out an Anna Fisher in Crescent Cove who was somehow connected to this situation. While we escorted her back to Ul'dah for questioning Eskel and Bell remained behind to watch her sons flee towards Limsa Lominsa. After some pursuit we came upon the boys once more outside of Alesport where we learned they were being used by some gang garbed in red that paid them well to look the other way and deliver their product into Thanalan. With their mother being threatened as collateral we deemed the oldest brother simply a pawn and took what information he had in return for safe release. We learned that the suppliers of these substances are an organization that apparently has a connection to Hingashi as well as the Kojin of the Ruby Sea, they often sail in discreetly using ships that blend into the horizon and make their shipments through intermediaries such as Anna's son. With information in hand as well as the three arrests we pass all current information back to the Immortal Flames for their judgement. 


    -Niri Yonagi

    Ul'dahn Branch D-Rank Adventure.


    Guild Approving Authority: Blazing Summers, A-Rank Adventurer. Junior Guild Administrator


  13. Title: Bell Lux Nox, Nova/Bell(them,they)


    Character Name: Bell 

    Race: Dunmar

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Birth Sign: The Apprentice | Sun's Height / July | Scribe, Tailoring

    Occupation: None



    Cloth robes


    Commonly carried items:

    A mithril necklace with a picture of a happy Dunmar family inside.


    Automatic Skills:

    Athletics - Novice

    Destruction - Novice

    Dual Wielding - Novice

    Illusion - Novice

    Mysticism - Novice

    Necromancy - Novice

    Tailoring - Novice

    Scribe - Novice



    Staves - Adept) 2/3p +4

    Dodge - Adept) 2/3p +4

    Destruction - Master 2) 5/5p +6

    Athletics - Master) 2/2p +6

    Mysticism - Master 2) 5/5p +6

    Hunting/Tracking - Master) 3/3p +6

    Nature Survival - Master) 3/3p +6

    Stealth - Master) 3/3p +6

    Persuasion - master 3/3 +6



    Guaranteed Skills: Children of Coldharbour

    Day walking (unharmed by sunlight)

    Can be healed by normal healing spells

    Enhanced speed at night

    Enhanced strength at night

    Feeding heals damage

    Night vision


    Points Used: 28

    Points Available: 7



    Absent-Minded - Often loses track of what is going on and gets easily distracted.

    Amnesia - Remembers Nothing.... NOTHING 

    Anxious - She doesn't like not knowing what is going on, so when things get confusion she feels out of control and it makes her anxious.

    Child - 16

    Clumsy - She stumbles over her own feet often due to her uncertainty when taking steps if she is anxious.

    Confused - She doesn't easily understand what is going on and unless something is explained she can easily become confused.

    Naïve - She doesn't remember what is right or wrong, and often believes whatever people tell her. 

    Poor - She woke up with no money. 

    Short - child.

    Shy - "Please don't compliment me! >////<" 

    Pacifist - She just wanted to make people happy. She doesn't like seeing others hurt. And she doesn't like hurting others... doesn't mean she won't stop them though.

    Twitch - She rocks when she gets anxious, she also rubs her finger tips together when anxious.

    Uneducated - Lived on a farm, her father taught her more useful skills than reading for living out there. 

    Bounty - 41 gold pieces for murder


    Mandatory Flaws


    Fire Vulnerability (Moderate) | You have little to no natural resistance to fire and catch fire easily. Mandatory for Order, Quarra, Berne, Aundae, Whet-Fang, Children of Coldharbour.


    Silver Vulnerability (Moderate) | You are weakened by silver or silver augmented weapons or restraints. Mandatory for all vampire strains.


    Enhanced by Moonlight | Your blood protects you from the wrath of Arkay during the day but it is under the grace of the Moons where your powers come to life. Your Enhanced Strength and Speed can only be used at night. Only for Children of Coldharbour.



    Number of Flaws: 13




  14. ****************************

    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report


    Levequest Assigned From: Ul'dah HQ

    Levequest Commissioned By: Costa Del Sol


    Levequest Rank: D

    Levequest Rewards: 50 gil and a free meal.

    Adventurer(s) Involved: Garris, Aria, Tora, M'nova, Niri, Avalon

    Description of Leve: Gather glowing Clam shell from the rocks near glowing Coral.


    Description of Events: The group met another party of adventures on the way. They introduced themselves as Mimi and Kumo Suitai and their friend Allen Walker. After finding out they were all headed the same way the group headed off to the docks. Taking a boat from Limsa then to their destination, Costa Del sol. The two parties were asked to gather the shells to which Mimi suggested a competition. After accepting the group changed into their bathing wear then headed out to sea via boat, as one of the party couldn't swim. 
    While attempting to gather shells among the rocks the group heard the faint sound of screaming. When they looked they found Mimi trapped inside the sharks mouth, using her metal staff to keep it's jaws open. The party assisted her in escaping before the shark fled without it's meal. After thanking them and offering her shells as thanks the group declined but still managed to win the contest of who had most shells. 


    Guild Approving Authority:  Blazing Summer, Assistant Administrator. 


    @Niri (they/them)@witchbolts@AkashicDragon@Skywalker17@Toralea

  15. *********************************************

    Adventurers’ Guild Levequest Report

    The Forest: Dark Rituals


    Levequest Assigned From: Ul'dahn Branch


    Levequest Commissioned By: Ul'dah Grand Company: Immortal Flames


    Levequest Rank: D


    Levequest Rewards: 50 gil per adventurer.


    Adventurer(s) Involved: Niri Yonagi, M'nova Zailoh, Toralea Lunaria, Virulenc Rivendare, Eskel Brasher, Javor Vidasch. Aria Kanshi


    Description of Leve: Deliver 1 cart of building supplies to Fallgourd Float unharmed.


    Description of Events:

    The party left the city and arrived in Scorpion's Crossing to retrieve the Cart. On inspection nothing was missing so the party began to head East towards Drybone. All went uneventfully until passing Dry Bone when the group was attacked by 3 Aldgoat. Each acted erratically, attacking themselves and each other along with the party. Two beast was subdued long enough for the group to ascertain the cause before a delayed spell ended the captured The party discovered no sign of illness and when digging deeper they found that goats Aether had been oddly aligned with Void Aether. However they were sure that the cause wasn't nearby and thus continued along their way. 

    The party Traveled into Gridania to the border of the south and central shrouds where they were attacked by enraged Wind Sprites. With the help of a local White mage Padjal they came across they felled the spirits. The group agreed to travel with the Padjal after a moment of conversation then once more continued on their way. No further interruptions came to their journey and the group arrived at their destination. While delivering the cart however, the Padjal gave chase to a moogle into the wood. I stayed behind to tend to the papers while everyone else gave chase.

    When they arrived the group had to restrain the Padjal and had the moogle go and ask for back up. While they waited they calmed the Padjal and discovered what he'd seen. A robed figure who he believed to be his twin brother had entered the ruins just up the stairs. When the moogle returned with wooden charms made by the Elder Seedseer herself and two wood wailers. The Wailers refused to accept the parties claims and thus the party entered the ruins alone with the Padjal.  Inside they found purple flickering flames that blew on an unfelt breeze hinting at the use of heavy powerful magics, the color speaking of Void Aether. 

    As they entered the main chamber they came at last to their target. The Padjal's twin sat knelt on a carved stone spiral, wrists cut and head back looking up at the tree. He said only four words. "I'm sorry... Little brother.". Then a slow clap filled the chamber and the group came face to face with a red masked robed woman. During the altercation with her the woman pulled a gun on Javor and took his eye. Before vanishing with the injured Padjal in a portal. 

    The group showed the Wailers the evidence who agreed to walk them back to Gridania to speak with the Elder Seedseer herself. There she warned them of the danger going ahead asked if they still wished to be involved. They agreed so she said she would pass their names on to some friends. She didn't say anymore than that. Then she asked Niri to take care of her younger brother E-Gami-Tira so that he may attempt to rescue his older twin brother. 




    -M'Nova Zailoh

    Ul'dahn Branch D-Rank Adventure.


    Guild Approving Authority: Blazing Summers, A-Rank Adventurer. Junior Guild Administrator

    • PARTY! 1
  16. Yellow text = Lux. 
    Purple text = Nox

    Blue text = Bell


    He curled further on himself in the sheets of his bed. Tears tainted his sheets and he’d locked the door at this point, refusing to come out. He’d finally managed to stop crying, and now lay numb in the sheets staring at the far wall. The words of his father rang in his head over and over. 

          “I can’t trust him. I don’t know if I ever can again.” Over and over seems to play in his thoughts, threatening to drag him back into the void of despair.

    Another faint sob broke his lips and he shoved his face against the pillow, holding them back with a tight throat. Regret and self loathing, self loathing in his weakness. Regret he’d ever put them in harm's way coming here. However Cesha’s watchful gaze kept him trapped here, stuck from following through with his impulses. Run, run and go back. Back where he could get her to forgive him, and maybe save them.

          “What, you think she’d actually stop just because we returned?” Nox’s thoughts echoed in his mind, chastising him for his weakness, making it worse.

          “But she..” Bell choked, only his voice echoing in the room.

          “But she, but she. That's all you say.” The harsh voice snapped angrily at him.

          “It’s not his fault…. It’s not our fault.” Lux’s voice sighed and Bell sniffed.

          “But we…” Bell repeated softly.

          “Niri said it right! We can’t be safe around them unless we get stronger, right?” Nox pressed, sounding annoyed. 

          “We can’t fight her.. It doesn’t matter how strong we are. And the stronger we are the more we can hurt them.” Bell muttered numbly and looked out into his room.

          “We hurt him… WE hurt him. Not her…” Bell sniffed and he heard sighs in response.

          “This is stupid. Stop fucking crying already.” Nox snarled at him and he flinched, sobbing more.

          “Nox, you’re not helping.” Lux sighed in his head before he felt a soothing feeling wash over him.

          “It’s not our fault. Think about this, she forced this, not us. We had no control…Rin will understand, he always has. He just needs…” Lux tried but Bell shook his head and started sobbing again.

          “Thats it!” Bell grunted as he felt Nox’s control try to force him away.

          “Nox!” Lux snapped before his mind stumbled over itself, wrecking his head with pain.

          “Nnn!” He curled up, holding his head as his mind raced, three people fighting for control over the same being.

          “Please… stop…” Bell choked, shaking.

          “You aren’t the original! If I want control, hand it over!” Nox hissed in his head and he flinched.

          “Do you… not want me anymore?” Bell muttered softly and the sensation faded.

          “No… that isn't what I..” Nox sighed and he felt the sensation of his push for control weaken more.

          “...I hate this…” Bell muttered.

          “I hate what she’s done to us…. I hate what we are…” Bell pulled the sheets up over him and curled further in on himself.

          “Bell…” Lux’s voice echoed in his thoughts but he ignored him.

          “Now look at what you did, Nox.” Lux’s voice hissed to the more forceful of the three.

          “Me?! How is this my fault?!” Nox’s voice snapped back angrily.


          Bell stared numbly out from the crack of his sheets at the wall. He listened to the two go at each other angrily. The feelings from the other two were overwhelming, he grit his teeth and shook his head as the yelling increased in volume in his mind. It had been so long since the two had gone at each other like this. Even without fists to swing they twisted and hissed at each other, making his head throb and his body ache with a familiar pain.

          This pain, not a real pain, just a reminder of what he’d felt long ago during his own creation. He whimpered as their anger for each other worsened and grit his teeth. Nox’s hate for this woman who he blamed, Lux’s irritation at Nox’s lack of tack. When they got like this it was impossible to stop them. He groaned as their emotions threatened to overwhelm his own, gripping the sheets and shaking his head again as he tried to fend off the emotions that weren't even his own. 

          He couldn’t take it, but he couldn’t do anything to stop them. Normally he was their voice of reason, the only one to stop them when they went for each other. But as he was now he had no words of reason to speak. So all he could do was wait, wait for their hatred and seething to die down and leave him feeling lost again. It wasn’t often Lux got worked up, but Nox was one of the only few who could manage it. 

    His ears twitched as a faint knock came to his door, scowling as he looked up. Now of all times? He couldn’t do this, he hated it. 

          “Why?” he choked softly, not loud enough for the person knocking to hear. 

          “Just leave me alone… please just go away.” he whispered into the pillow, hearing another knock.

          “Bell? Come eat.” Cesha’s voice called and he tensed, glancing at the wooden frame that kept her at bay.

          “...While you want to and may feel alone, you’re not. People care about you.” He heard her voice, trying to reassure him. 

    He didn’t respond, nor move from his place in the bed. Her words only made his heart ache more. Knowing they cared, knowing they wanted to protect him despite the damage it might cause to them. It hurt knowing they cared so much, it made him hate himself for what he’d done even more. 

          “It was just like him…” Bell whispered softly into the sheets.

          “I couldn’t stop then either… it was just the same. Why can’t I stop her? Why?” He heard Cesha give a sigh when he didn’t answer, then shoes walk away from his door.

    He doubted she was far, lately she never had been, always watching him.


          He didn’t move to get the food, even as he heard her leave down the hall. He stared numbly at the door, knowing he should eat but not moving to do so. The interruption had at least silenced the others, though now he could feel their attention on him. It was an odd sensation, the feeling of being watched but knowing you’re completely alone. He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly as he lay there.

          “Mother would be mad.” He muttered to himself softly.

          “Only she can feed us… I have to follow the rules. I have to… Maybe she won’t be as angry if I followed the rules… But I already broke them… what do I do?” He breathed.

          “Fight.” Nox snapped angrily.

          “No! Fighting only makes her more angry!” Bell hissed back and he felt Nox recoil from his sudden bitterness.

          “I…” Nox seemed at a loss for words and fell quiet again, because he knew Bell was right. 

    Fighting only made her mad. The memories of the one time she’d yelled, the one day she’d shown her anger, flashed in his mind. All these memories, echoing in his thoughts, repeating over and over. Images filling his mind, tormenting him of the days he’d escaped, knowing he had to go back made them worse. He knew if he went back, she’d only give him more of these horrible memories. It made him hesitate, made him reluctant. 

          “We haven’t escaped her… we’ll never escape her.” Bell muttered.

          “We can at least try…” Nox voiced a bit more quietly.

          “Why? So everyone can get hurt for us, by us?” Bell hissed at him bitterly and the other part of him seemed at a loss for answers yet again.

          “So then what? Go back?” Lux pressed.

          “...If we hid…” Nox began.

          “No… she’d just hunt for them to find me...” Bell shook his head and stared at the door.

          “They’ve lost so much for us… I don’t want them to die… I don’t want her to take them away… At least if we go back, if we promise to behave and do whatever she wishes… Maybe she’ll forget about them. Maybe she’ll think this is enough.” Bell muttered.

          “And now… Fath…. Rin… doesn’t want us…” Bell said dully and closed his eyes.

          “I’m not hungry…” Bell sighed, wanting to slip back into unconsciousness. 


          The others remained silent, quieted by his words. Knowing nothing was going to reach him. No words except for those from Rin. And the man was in no condition to reassure Bell, in fact his words had only made things worse. Nox hissed angrily, though he had no body, Bell could sense him pacing angrily in his mind. The need to do so from Nox’s emotions washing over him, a maddening restlessness. 

          “Stop… please… just go away..” Bell muttered.

          “Go away?! Go away?! I’m the original here, not you!” Nox hissed angrily at him and he tensed.

          “If anyone should go away! It’s you!” Nox snarled then fell tensely quiet.

          “Nox!” He heard Lux hissed angrily at the man before their fighting started up again.

    Bell flinched as they returned to snarling and bickering, hearing them go back and forth refusing to see each other’s side of things. It was like listening to two siblings, insults flew back and forth in his head.

          “That was going too far!” Lux hissed.

          “Going too far?! I’m sick of his shit! She needs to pay!” Nox yelled angrily at the other.

          “At the cost of others? At the cost of Bell?” Lux pressed.

          “I’ll give up anything to rip her throat out!” Nox yelled, emotions too strong to see reason.

          “What about Rin?” Lux added.

          “He hates us already! What do we have to lose?” Nox growled, rage threatening to overwhelm him.

          “Please…” Bell spoke at last but they ignored him, or maybe were too worked up to hear his words.

          “We have everything to lose. What of the freedom, what of the knowledge we’ve gained. Would you lose that?” Lux pressed.

          “Like hell! I’m tired of her taking and taking and taking! I want to take it back! I want to end her! I want… I want to make her suffer.” He felt Nox’s rage begin to turn to agony.

          “We all do… Nox.” Lux added.

          “Then stop fucking moping and do something!” Nox snarled and Bell felt the attention on Lux center on him instead.

          “....I’m sorry…” Bell whispered as the shouting continued.

          “You’re so unreasonable. All you do is run blindly into our punishments. You have no self control.” Lux mocked the raging personality.

          “At least I can fucking feel something, robot!” Nox snapped.

          “ENOUGH!” Bell snarled and they both went quiet.

          “I’m tired… just shut up.” Bell quieted and curled up on himself again.

          “Just… shut up…” He repeated and they went quiet, though he could feel Nox’s silent rage locked on him now.

    Finally their words quieted, leaving him in silence at last. He closed his eyes, letting his mind drift into that numb feeling that constantly left his body dull to touch. He was thankful he could still feel temperature to a small degree. Because it helped the blankets over him sooth him into rest. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he drifted off, only to dream of days long ago.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  17. Alone, for the first time since they had found him, now he stood in silence looking at a dimly lit room. Red carpets decorated a cold stone floor, but it was the nicest place he’d ever been allowed to sleep. A comfy looking feather bed sat on the far side of the room and plants even livened up the place making it look lived in. He stared at it, a look of awe on his face as he just stood there. 

             A bed, he’d get to sleep in a bed. Just the thought of it brought tears to his eyes and he gripped his pants slightly in his hands. This all seemed too good to be true, yet here he was. In a room he could call his own for now. No one snoring loudly to keep him up, no cold floor to make him shiver all night. 

    Slowly he started forwards, stepping up to the edge of the bed and looking down at it. Thin sheets sat over it with a thicker one for the cold desert nights. His hand slipped down to the bed and he watched as it dipped below his hand when he pressed. He wondered if he could sleep on something so nice. But the man, Etienne the others called him, he’d told him he could. And here he’d thought the bed he was using at the camp had been nice. This blew it out of the water, with ease. The thick board and layed down furs he’d been given for sleep looked like a pallet in comparison. 

             He wasn’t sure how to feel, he was happy, but also scared. Scared of his sleep, scared she may find him. Or what if they made him go back when they found out. So many doubts ran through his head. Would she find him? Would they protect him? Etienne… the man in armor, he’d lost an eye to protect him. He was at a loss, no one had ever done something kind for him without wanting something. But… who would lose an eye like that, when the man’s life was obviously one he was happy with. 

            “Happy.” He muttered to himself and turned to finally sit on the soft mattress. 

             His hands pressed to its surface and he finally leaned back to lay down. He was so tired that the moment his head hit the sheets the softness of it drew him into a sleep. But it wasn’t restful, no, it never was. Even with the soft blankets. His rest was filled with tossing and turning. Hands gripping at sheets as he rested with a pained expression on his face. Yet as the night passed, his mind settled into a deeper rest. No nightmares to plague him, no screams to torment him. 

             It was the sunlight that woke him, his eyes fluttered and he groaned just a little in irritation. He wanted to rest more. Yet as he lay there, even unable to feel the soft warmth again him, his thoughts trailed to the day before. The man in armor, his friends… friends. Another concept he didn’t quite understand. But he also reasoned, he knew nothing of this outside world. 

             He’d thought he’d known what the world was like, but now that he found himself standing in it… Nothing made any sense to him. People here smiled, and helped others. But they also suffered, but when they did… They did it together. They supported each other, much like...Finally his eyes opened and he took a breath. Allen… Just like Allen had. His thoughts went back to the brown haired boy he’d known so long ago. Well, maybe not too long, but it felt like a lifetime ago.

            “Maybe…” He muttered to himself and rolled to look at the room.

            “Just maybe…” He repeated to himself then sat up at last.

            Thanks to the other one like him, he was clean and didn’t smell. His clothing had probably been itchy but it wasn’t something he’d have noticed… not anymore.

    The sound of heavy steps passing by his door caught his attention. Calmly he pushed himself all the way up and reluctantly left what little soft warmth he could feel behind. The air was still cold, the sunlight shining into his window was dim and had a pinkish glow to it. He moved over to the glass and looked out across the city outside it. It looked a lot like the city of hate he’d come from. Well only in the fact they were both made of stone.

             “Do you… Do you think we can really call this home?” He asked himself.

             “We won’t know unless we try. Besides, we owe someone now.” A voice not his own echoed in his mind, responding to his question as if speaking to another person completely.

             “...But…” he muttered softly and looked back at the door.

             “Be logical.” Echoed his own thoughts again.

             “...He wouldn’t get hurt, just to use us. Not like that. Right? And he kept fighting after, just to protect us. And they were all so worried for his well being. So… these people are ok. Right?” He asked with uncertainty.

               A sense of calm rushed over him, his mind picturing his other self gently lacing his arms around his shoulders. His other self, the way they saw themselves. In his mind they each looked different, even if they shared this body. A blond with long blond hair, much taller and much paler than he. Their eyes a soft blue and their face calm as they comforted him and reassured him.

            “It’s ok. We’re free of her.” Lux voiced calmly in his thoughts and he relaxed some.

            “I… want to speak with him. I can, right?” Bell asked the air, despite talking to Lux, no one was there before him to hear his words.

            “Yes. We can speak with him. At the very least, we owe him that. Even if we get in trouble, even if we get hurt…. He got hurt for us, so we will do the same if it comes to it.” Lux said calmly and began to pet his head.

            “....Right…” Bell nodded softly then turned to the door.

            “Fucking hell, just go say hello, idiot. It’s not like we get hurt anyway.” Nox’s voice snipped at him suddenly and he jumped.

            “R...right.” he repeated anxiously and started for the door.

           As he left the inn room he could only tell himself one thing. It was ok, everything would be ok. He had to repeat it over and over in his mind, even as he felt the presence of his other selves wash over him, assuring him they were there to keep him safe. Nox… Lux. They’d always defended him, they’d never led him astray. If they thought it was safe, he’d remind himself it was until it became true. Until he felt safe… But now, he could only look forwards even though he had no destination in mind. For now he’d go find Etienne, because in his company he knew he was safe. And if he couldn’t feel safe yet on his own, he knew he would be at that man’s side.

    • Support 1
  18.                  While many from the guild now had gone to rest, a lone Miqo'te had stayed at the mostly empty tables. Hair black as night with hints of white at it's tips and in the bangs, the small 19 year old placed her half empty mug down on the table and at last stood. However it wasn’t to the inn room she had been provided that she headed, no, instead she moved for the streets.

                    As she pushed one of the heavy set doors open the cold desert air greeted her. She shivered at the unfamiliar environment, glad for the long sleeves of her rather breathable attire. Outside the shelter of the Adventurer's guild hall, stars shone down on the world of Hydaelyn. Slowly her eyes cast upwards and finally she pulled herself from the doorframe. She gave another shiver as a faint breeze picked up the cold air and frowned.

                 “I’m going to need a jacket. Even the forest doesn’t get this cold at night.” She breathed, nearly seeing her breath in the air. 

                She didn’t dottle on the balcony that overlooked the city, stepping down the stairs and into the streets itself. The grit of the sand on the streets caused her steps to scratch under her sandals. Her steps were not light or hidden as she walked down the brick paths that made up the inner city roads. She didn’t look around curiously like most newcomers however, her eyes set forward with purpose. 

              Despite it being so late she was surprised to find the streets still busy with a number of people, though far less crowded than the day. In the shroud it had been easy to slip off unnoticed by many. But here she noted it wouldn’t be so easy. Though still, she knew acting like she was simply off for a walk and not slinking around like some thief wouldn’t draw attention. So she kept her pace, stopping on occasion when something caught her notice. 

               “There you are.” Someone voiced nearby and she turned from where she had stopped to admire a city water fountain.

    With a smile and a wave, she greeted the newcomer, not surprised at all by who she saw. Not another Miqo’te like her but instead of Viera dress from head to toe in a heavy set of armor with a shield upon her back. 

              “Hello.” She greeted and walked over with a wave.

               “Shall we find a less obvious place to speak?” The Viera asked and motioned for her to follow down the streets. 

              “Of course. Oh, I’m Nova.” She voiced with a smile as she stepped up to the woman’s side and they began to walk.

              “That isn’t a common name.” The Viera scowled at her and her ears drooped on her head.

             “Oh… well yes…” Nova voiced a bit less enthusiastically and turned her gaze to the ground.

             “...Whatever, what the higher ups let you call yourself isn’t my business.” The Viera waved her hand dismissively and Nova smiled at her.

            “I’m Lara.” The Viera finally introduced themselves as they got into more quiet streets.

    They didn’t speak again until they’d come to a stop in the middle of a completely empty street. Calmly, Lara turned to her and pulled out a small rectangular device no bigger than a Lalafell’s thumb.

            “This has the information you’re going to need.” She voiced as Nova took the chip and placed it against her wrist.

    A faint white light appeared under the skin of her wrist along the inner side. A loading bar appeared in her vision floating over her palm as the data was downloaded into the device in her wrist.

             “Thanks Lara. I was really happy when I found out there were others around here.” Nova smiled at the Viera who rolled her eyes.

             “They said you had Data for me?” Lara asked and held out her hand for the very same chip.

             “Yeah, I already installed it.” Nova nodded, a little taken aback by the irritation the Viera seemed to have towards her. 

             “Good, no small talk ok? We have to keep these meetings brief lest someone notice us. A miqo’te stranger and a Viera in full armor talking on the streets in the middle of the night is bound to be noticed.” Lara said and took the chip, copying the motion of putting it to her wrist.

              “Right.” Nova nodded with a more serious look.

              “Oh…” Lara voiced and put the chip away.

              “If you need to contact me here is my info.” As Lara spoke she swiped over her palm with her finger.

            A Screen appeared, floating over her palm but casting no light despite it’s glow. This was for a simple reason, for only they could see it. No, instead the glow came from their eyes, which projected the screen onto them directly so that none could watch but them. Nova copied the motion and brought her own main screen open. A light tap on Lara’s and a picture and name popped up on the screen, she hit accept and smiled.

           “There we go.” Lara said and glanced around.

          “We should go now, no telling who’s noticed us. Good work out there.” Nova smiled at Lara who sighed and finally gave her a smile back.

          “You too. Oh, have you heard about the events in Ishgard?” Lara asked and Nova blinked.

          “Uh, no not really. I just got here a year ago and I’ve been in the shroud this whole time.” Nova explained.

           “Ah, explains the data.... Anyway… If you have to go up to Ishgard make sure you’re ready for a fight.” Lara warned then finally raised her hands in an odd gesture.

    Nova copied the movement back, bringing her thumbs and pointer fingers together in a triangle in front of her then bowing slightly. She smiled and followed as Lara turned to walk with her, back towards the main street. Neither wanted to walk this part of Ul’dah alone. 

           “Who are these three you sent pictures of?” Lara asked suddenly, her eyes glowing ever so slightly as they walked, her gaze on her palm.

          “Oh, they’re the three I’ve chosen.” Nova voiced and smiled at Lara.

         “Three? That's more than most choose but I suppose we can work things out.” Lara nodded and dropped her palm, eyes returning to normal.

         “Do you trust them?” Lara asked and turned her gaze to Nova with a serious look.

         “I do, with my life.” Nova nodded with just as serious a look.

         “Heh, don’t let that trust be your undoing Nova. Alright? People here are good at seeming friendly then stabbing you in the back.” Lara scowled and Nova’s ears slipped back on her head.

         “Did someone hurt you?” Nova asked nervously.

         “Yeah, but it’s water under the bridge.” Lara waved dismissively.

         “Still, don’t be too trusting, Private.” Lara said seriously then turned to walk the other way as they got to the main streets.

         “Uh, ok!” Nova waved as she walked away.

           While she didn’t want her late night venture to be over, her gaze now cast over the city streets while she walked, it was growing later and she was growing tired. She glanced at her wrist as she began to head back to the guild hall to rest at last. She would have homework to do if she wanted to learn about the area before their mission tomorrow. Seems she’d be staying up late tonight after all. 

            Once she made it back, she pushed open the door and slipped inside with a stretch. The warm air of the tavern brought a smile to her face as she headed for the inn rooms. The halls were empty when she entered the back halls. Most were resting this time of night, as she slipped into her room she was thankful for her eyes which adjusted so easily to the darkness. 

             She lit a lamp then sat down on her bed, kicking off her sandals and crossing her legs. With a swipe over her palm she opened not one but four screens before her. On each picture and data rested, pictures of Ul’dah, the lands around and it’s dangers. Pictures of enemies and their common attack patterns. How to best avoid dangers and what to look out for in the area should she end up alone. Like edible fruits and the like should she need to survive on the land.

             “It’s going to take all night for this data to download all the info…” she sighed and stretched. 

    Tired and knowing the device would need time, she set the data to download into the archive then laid down for the night. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling over her room and she sighed. She missed the sound of rushing water and the chirping of beasts outside her bedroom window. Back here in the inn it was deathly silent and it brought a frown to her lips.

            “The shroud was so full of life, this place seems barren in comparison.” She muttered to herself before rubbing her eyes.

             “Guess this is normal for deserts though.” she rolled onto her side and dragged the sheets over her.

    She had trouble falling asleep, despite how tired she was. Laying there she found herself smiling as she thought about the next day and how excited she was. She hoped she got paired with her new friends right off, hope she fell asleep filled with. 

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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