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Posts posted by Telana

  1. 7 hours ago, Tallon said:

    Tayte and Telana, Might want to start posting rules for server as we are getting good traffic :)

    I want everyone to know I will RP with you and once base rebuilt will be all IC in local chat :P

    What sort of rules were you thinking? 

  2. League of Legends


    << Summoner Name Compendium >>



    [Forum Name] - [summoner Name] - [Level] - [Top 5 Champions Played; Indicate Tank, Support, AP, Jungle, or AD]


    1. Telana - Aldamar - 30

    1. Kennen (AP/AD) 
    2. Gragas (AP/AD) 
    3. Anivia (AP)
    4. Malzahar (AP)
    5. Janna (Support)

    2. Raiiya - Maitrayen - 25

    1. Lulu - Support (AP)
    2. Annie - Mid (AP)
    3. Hecarim - Jungle (AD)

    3. Garick - Garick - 30

    1. Malzahar (AP)
    2. Teemo (AP)
    3. Garen (Tank)
    4. Hecarim (Jungle/tanky)
    5. Anivia (AP)

    4. WhtMage - LoongStoryShrt - 30

    1. Zac (Jungle AP / Tank)
    2. Zed (Top / Mid AD Assassin) 
    3. Cho'Gath (Top / Mid / Jungle AP)
    4. Renekton (Top AD Bruiser)
    5. Nautilus (Jungle AP Tank)

    5. Eliian Darkfell - lordelfiian - 14


    6. Azerial - Turnstylez - 30

    1. Katarina - Mid (AP)
    2. Shyvana - Jungle (AD/Tank)
    3. Kayle - Top/Mid (Attack Speed/AD)
    4. Tryndamere - Top (AD)
    5. Ezreal - Bot (AD)

    7. Applegate - Neerrm - 13

    1. Morgana - Mid (AP)
    2. Soraka - Support
    3. Jarvan - Top

    8. Frettz - Frettz - 30

    1. Draaaaven (ADC)
    2. Varus (ADC)
    3. Caitlyn (ADC)
    4. Graves (ADC)
    5. Ashe (ADC
    • Like 3
  3. Orden had just reached the battle at hand. He had been briefed previously beforehand as he made his way towards the system. The floating asteroid had caused a lot of conflict within the Galaxy. Republic and Imperial forces were toe to toe with each other as they fought for the contents that enriched the floating asteroid. One never would have guessed something so small could be of so much value. Especially during these times of war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. If the Republic got their hands on what's left of the ore, they would be able to build weapons to assist them in the war against the Sith Empire.

    As Orden drew near to the battle, he could see glimmering lights of blue and red. The battle had prolonged on longer than he anticipated. Orden circled overhead examining the contents of the battle. Death had engulfed the system. Orden could make out thousands of dead corpse spread out all over the surface of the asteroid. "Thousands dead, all for what? How could one thing cause so much destruction. So much death...." He hoped that they would be successful in securing the last contents of the ore. If not, the soldiers that died would have died in vain. Orden took it upon himself to ensure that it wouldn't' come to that. Or at least he hoped.

    As he finished circling overhead, Orden made out a safe location to land. It was near one of the turrets that the Republic ground forces had currently occupied. Once on the ground, Orden would try to regroup with his fellow Remnants, and from there, help capture all the objectives. It would be a difficult challenge, however, Orden had no doubt that they were up to the task.

    Without wasting anymore time, Orden quickly lands his ship without any complications. Right as he was about to exit his ship, he put on his face-mask and tested his comlink to make sure that it was working. As he jumped out of his ship onto the asteroids surface, he quickly examined the surrounding area. He turned to face due east which was where he assumed the main fighting was going on between Republic and Imperial forces. He hoped to at least meet up with his fellow Remnants Companions before entering into the battle. However, time was running short.

    "Republic Military Officers, do you copy? This is Master Orden Vyndari of the Remnants of Hope. I have arrived and am eager to help in any way I can to capture the objective points." Orden quickly sends the coordinates of his location through his comlink. "If there are any Squads near my location, please send them my way. I will attempt to secure the Imperial Dock Yards with what troops I have at my disposal."

    Within a matter of seconds Orden could hear a familiar voice through his com responding to his message. It was Colonel Locke of the Remnants of Hope. "Glad to know you are with us in this fight, Master Vyndari. There is a squad of Troopers and Jedi not far from your location. I'd say a couple meters due west. I will send them to your location immediately. I believe you are familiar with Jedi Sirian Vaat? He is among the Squad of Troopers and Jedi. I am sure he will be happy to work alongside you in securing the Imperial Dock Yards." Orden was happy to hear that he would be working with someone he knew personally. "Please do. The sooner the better."

    Orden looked out examining the surrounding area once more. Whatever the result of this battle may be, he knew that he was fighting for Peace and Justice. This thought alone brought about a sense of Peace that dwindled within the Togruta's mind for several minutes. "May the force be with us", Orden muttered under his breath as he closed his eyes focusing on the task at hand.

  4. Orden tilted his head back as he looked up at the ceiling of the elevator, the center of gravity feeling awkward as they were lifted closer to the top of the shaft. Orden paused for a moment before looking down at the floor, breathing calmly as if silently meditating, feeling the force acting on him. He heard the message and voice of his close friend and brother-in-arms, Reese Nu-Gale. "Orden, Get your troops out as fast as you can, I sense a trap..." He paused for another moment before slowly opening his eyes and raising his head, looking around the elevator as if trying to find just where exactly the trap would be. He decided it would be best to take the advice while he still could, speaking in a calm, peaceful tone, "This isn't safe, we need to leave this elevator and this vessel as quickly as we can." At that, he moved his hand towards the control panel situated to the side of the door and pressed the button indicated as Level 12. He held his breath and hoped things would turn out for the better.

    Orden kept his gaze forward towards the door as his men looked at him in an inquisitive manner, wondering just how exactly he knew what was about to happen. He closed his eyes once more and appeared calm and at peace, quietly waiting and hoping to calm the nerves of his comrades as well. Once the elevator slowed and shook to a stop, he took a few steps forward to exit the elevator, followed by the others and reached out to softly grab the elbow of one of the men, hoping the rest would stop for a moment before he spoke, "Know that I want you and your men to make it off of the ship, safely and in one-piece. No unnecessary risks, your lives are valuable to this effort, not your deaths. You already are war heroes, troopers. Now, I'm ordering you to obey my wishes." He let go of the Trooper's elbow, "And please tell High Elder Reese Nu-Gale I am sorry..." and stepped backwards in to the elevator slowly, giving a subtle nod to the Troopers out of respect before moving his hand once more to the control panel, ascending towards the Bridge. He lowered himself to his knees in a calmed manner and began to meditate and mentally prepare himself for what was to come, hoping to hold true and steadfast to the Jedi fundamentals and principles, and hope that he would never be broken. His eyes closed, his breath steady and slow, he awaited the ascension and felt the force at his back and sides. The force calm and peaceful in a time of turmoil and warfare, and this was what made it so easy to follow without question...

    Orden could not resist the faint smile that came across his face as the edges of his lips began to push slightly. He felt he would not make it out of this alive, and he accepted his fate as if there was no other. He couldn't hold back the stray drips of water that began to slide down his cheeks and bitterly fell over his lips as things seemed much more precious. He kept his head low and continued to meditate on the principles he'd learned over the years, but could not help be interrupted at the constant nagging of his thoughts. He questioned why he didn't at least let Reese know that these were his final moments, perhaps it was so that Reese could not talk sense into him, perhaps it was because Orden wasn't sure if he was ready for this to be what it was. He gripped at nothingness as his hands rested on his knees, trying to make sense of it all and control his thoughts the way he was taught to, but it seemed inevitable. He felt the elevator begin to slow down to a halt as he reached the destination. He reached up to his face and wiped the trails of the few tears away, staying in his meditative stance for a moment to collect himself entirely before rising and pushing the doors open with the will of the force. He held not the slightest clue of what lie beyond the door, but he was expecting an army...

    Though the truth would reveal itself to be quite the opposite. He expected a ray of light to shine upon his face as they opened, but it didn't. The bridge of the ship seemed oddly dark, the stars not giving any real light to the Bridge. Orden took a few, very cautious steps forward as he exited the elevator, now completely focused and ready to do what it took, death or death, the only difference would be how. It seemed as though there was not a living soul in the dark room, which bothered Orden very much. He seemed to almost be disappointed but still kept his guard up, slowly taking steps further in to the room as his boots made contact with the steel floor, making a resounding sound throughout the bridge. However, once he neared the center of the room, a chair that was presumably the Pilot's chair was just that. Orden approached it cautiously, drawing his single-hilt lightsaber and held it out to his side, and as the purple beam extend, it revealed itself to be inches off the floor and to his side, a common Makashi stance. He was able to spot a pair of legs as if someone was sitting in it, but found it odd that he was unable to detect any force sensitivity from within the room. However, Orden spoke confidently "I'll presume that you are, in fact, the Captain of this fleet of rag-tags?" Orden paused for a few seconds, then shouted, "Answer me! Why attack us?!" At that, the entire ship shook violently for a few seconds as the ship began to be dismantled. Along with it, the chair swiveled around swiftly as Orden stood his ground, but was unprepared when a dead man flung from it and landed at his feet.

  5. Orden Vyndari was pleasead to see the elevator moving once again. Had Eliian not been able to fix it, they would have been sitting ducks. The elevator began to ascend at a decent pace. Orden reached down into his pocket and pulled out a comlink. He activated the comlink and clipped it onto his right ear. He began speaking into the comlink, hoping to reach the command center of the Remnants. "This is Orden Vyndari speaking.... is anyone there? Repeat, this is Master Orden Vyndari aboard the corellian pirate cruiser. Does anyone copy?" Despite Orden's trying efforts, the only sound he could hear through the comlink was static. Blasted..... Someone must be jamming our transmissions, thought Orden. To no avail Orden put the comlink back into his pocket, and refocused his attention to the situation at hand. Continueing on with their mission without any contact from the outside would make things rather difficult.

    The elevator had finally stopped, and the elevator doors opened, revealing a rather large room that occupied dozens and dozens of tables. In the room stood around 100 or more pirates, all looking directly at Orden and his squad. Hoping to avoid any possible conflict, they immediately got back into the elevator. The doors closed behind them, and began to ascend once more. Orden knew they were heading towards the bridge of the ship, which was initially their location of interest. However, Orden began to second guess on whether or not heading to the bridge of the corellian cruiser was the best option. For all they knew, they could be heading into a trap. Without direct contact with Remnants Command, they would not be informed on what was going on around them.

    Orden once again pulled out his comlink that was in his pocket and activated it once more, but to no avail. All he could hear was static. He glanced towards the rest of his squad and thought for a brief second. Perhaps re-establishing contact with command was the best option to consider before entering into the enemy bridge. Regardless, they began to ascend even faster. This was not good.....

  6. The group of Jedi and troopers charged down the corridor of the ship, quickly making their way to the bridge of the cruiser. As they were running, Sirian glanced towards Orden and said, "Strange....I get this distinct feeling we're being driven somewhere, like a herd."

    Dega quickly added, "I sense a disturbance in the Force," his eyes looking upwards as he tried to pinpoint it. He could only shrug though - the source unknown. Orden couldn't help but have the same feeling. It was as if the pirates purposely left these corridors unguarded. But for what purpose?

    "This way!" Udann Naada urged them. "I sense something behind us as well. I'm sure these pirates are not so bright as to have some trap set for us. The route to the bridge is clear this way, let us capture Captain Garrote and be done with this ship."

    As they made their way to the end of the corridor, the Togruta Jedi Master came to an abrupt halt. He pointed to a nearby trooper and said, "Trooper, retrace our footsteps. Make sure no enemy combatants are coming up from behind us." He glanced towards another Trooper that was positioned on his right, "I would like for you to scout ahead and place movement detectors between each corridor. After we get into the elevator, activate them. If any pirates are coming in from behind us, we will know." The two troopers both said, "Yes, sir" and went their seperate ways. The rest of the group positioned themselves outside the elevator doors, patiently waiting for the trooper private to catch back up with them.

    After several moments pass, the trooper could finally be seen in the distance as he quickly made his way back down the corridor towards the rest of the group. Once he reached them, the other trooper activated the movement detectors, and they all piled into the elevator. The elevator doors shut behind them, and began to ascend upwards. They ascended at least a dozen feet before coming to an abrupt halt. Orden glanced towards the elevator controls, and noticed that the elevator had been shut off. They were sitting ducks. Orden noticed the fear and uncertainty that was portrayed by his fellow Jedi companions. This was not good at all. "Blasted pirates....." murmured Orden.

  7. Master Orden and his squad veered through the cruiser's corridors. Quickly making their way to the band of Jedi and troopers. The corridors seemed uterly empty, which was quite surprising. As Orden came around the corner, they had finally met up with the second squad. “It’s Master Orden!†shouted a nearby trooper. Orden came upon the squad within seconds. He turned towards the two Jedi and said, "It is good to see you both. We have very little time. Let us make our way to the bridge."

    As Orden turned to head towards the corrider in the South wing, he couldn't help but sense the disturbance growing ever so stronger. It was quite unusual. Orden grazed his lightsaber hilt with his hand as they began to pick up the pace heading towards their destination.

  8. "Master Orden, we’re coming into position for boarding the heavy cruiser. A path has opened up!" a crewman aboard Orden’s ship announced as the ship veered in. Master Orden turned towards the crewman and said, "Take it! We have very little time." Several seconds later and Master Orden heard another voice through his ear piece.

    “The Hammer is reporting several of our ships are already aboard, Master. Sergeant Valdor and Corporal Caeryn have their trooper squads already in. They’ve taken a few prisoners and have secured a control room – they’ve transmitted their coordinates to the Hammer, which should alert those on board that vessel but internal scans are showing no life-signs near their position. Curious ...â€Â

    Master Orden thought to himself for a moment. No life forms? This was quite odd indeed. He began to hope they would take the majority of the ship with no hassle. However, the chances of that were slim. Something just isn't right.... Jedi Padawan Udan Naada, a soft-spoken Twi’lek male, came to Orden’s side. Though unacquainted with Master Orden, he spoke with familiarity.

    “Master, I sense a disturbance in the Force. Do you sense it as well? Those troopers may be walking into a trap, I fear.†Master Orden glanced towards the young Padawan for a quick moment. He had felt something as well. "I think you are right, Young Padawan. We must be on our guard, and suspect some kind of trap." The Togruta glanced towards the floor, and back towards the Jedi Padawan. "Unfortunately we do not have time to take precautionary measures...."

    A crewman interrupted the discussion to report. “Master Orden, we’re coming into position to dock. Internal scans show it’s clear. We’re a few levels above the Sergeant and his squad, near their port-side ammunitions hold.â€Â

    Master Orden broke eye contact with the Jedi Padawan and glanced towards the crewman. "Very good, land us on the nearest level above the Sergeant and his Squad. We will make our way towards them once we board the cruiser."

  9. After taking off from the hanger bay, the Togruta Jedi Master and his boarding vessel quickly entered into the planet's atmosphere. The group of boarding vessels positioned themselves several meters away from the Remnants 1 cruiser. As they awaited orders from Colonel Locke to begin the assault on the Corellian cruiser, Orden felt a small disturbance in the force. The feeling quickly sub-sided as a familiar voice blasted through the vessel's intercom.

    The time had come. The shield around the Corellian cruiser had been disabled. The boarding assault on the cruiser was underway. It was time to end this once and for all, and to learn who is really behind this malicious attack. Orden shouted for all to hear, "Remember.... Our mission is to take control of the enemy cruiser, and capture as many pirates as we can. Preferebly Captain Garrote. He will be our top priority. Understood?"

    The loyal band of troopers all shook their heads in awknowledgemeant. The commanding squad leader shook his head and said, "Understood, sir. We will not let you down." The togruta smiled, and glanced towards the vessel's boarding ramp. "May the force bring about a quick victory."

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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