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Posts posted by Nova05

  1. I love just going nearly pure science as I tend to play extremely tall (Largest Empire I had less than 10 planets) and building a massive military and having the economy to support it is extremely hard. Though it might be easier playing machine intelligence since I don't have to worry about food. Needs more testing!

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  2. Screenshot_2017-09-29_20_12_12_282423.thumb.jpg.0206b6ca61364686ccb2a98c740e3af9.jpg

    Identity and Physical Description:


    Name: Haddrian Wells

    Alias(s): That Bastard who stole my speeder, Insurance companies worst nightmare, He-who-shall-not-drive, and many more.

    Species: Human

    Height: 6 Feet

    Weight: 160

    Physique: Athletic

    Hair Color: Brown

    Hair Length: Short

    Eye Color: Dark Blue

    Distinguishing Marks (Scars or Tattoos): Scar on Left Cheek

    Regular Attire: Forest Scout Armor Set with Recon Spotter's headgear


    Personal Information:


    Planet of Birth: Corellia

    Current Home Planet: Nar Shaddaa (Visits Corellia frequently)

    Profession(s): Freelance Merc, 

    Hobbies (If any):  Drinking, partying, fighting, "borrowing", and piloting.


    Skills/Traits: Connection to Force, Dual-Wield lightsaber training (Forms III and IV mastered), expert pilot, proficiency in slicing and droid repair,

    Languages: Basic, Droid


    Allegiances: Alliance, BBA, Remnants of Hope

    Allies: Vilak Zyr, Elisel Nightflame, Elspereth Nightflame, 

    Enemies: Whispers of Tenenbrae, Insurance companies anywhere, several taxi companies, and pirates in general

    Affiliations (Past and Present): Jedi Order, Republic Military, Remnants of Hope, 

    Legal Status: Wanted/suspect criminal in Republic space at the moment.


    Personal Belongings: 

    His two lightsabers, holocomm, datapad, Gree armor, Gree Data Core, Custom-built Corellian freighter complete with many different armaments and traps for boarders, and a holocron created by his old master.



    Not much is known about the backstory of Haddrian Wells, except for what he has told to others. Born on Corellia to a long line of engineers and shipwrights he was quickly enrolled into the School of Starship Engineering. When he was 17 tragedy struck, and during the Civil War on Corellia at 3641 BBY there was a brief time where the chaos of war disrupted official records (It really had to do with Haddrian accidentally flying a speeder with explosives into the archive/surveillance building) but Haddrian came out a padawan of a Green Jedi who after realizing he had nothing left to train Haddrian, sent him to Tython for training in the ways of the force. After completing his training he served as a front-line commander of many squads on many different worlds though the primary world he fought on was Balmorra. Over time he became disillusioned with the Jedi and left, becoming a freelance merc taking all types of jobs before he ran into the rag tag group of people who would eventually become the Remnants of Hope.


    Happy go lucky type personality, usually always willing to help with whatever is going on. Occasionally his more vulnerable side of his personality shows, the side which has held all of his pain, suffering, and loss over his years of fighting. When this side is dominant he is a very different person, a much more serious, unforgiving and cruel person.

    Likes: Speeders, Racing, Loud music

    Dislikes: Fanatics, addicts of any type, Hutts, 

    Goals: Live through life to the fullest with no regrets.

    Motivation: Death's of soldiers under his command, loss of friends and family, seeing suffering on war-torn worlds and wanting to fix it.

    Fears: Loosing himself to past memories, falling to the dark again.

    @Morgana Ulfwe @Vil @Zaifos @Jae Onasi @Sayuri @Jance @Invisioned@Elisel

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ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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