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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/18 in Posts

  1. Voting for the August BotM will be closed tomorrow at 8am, so please get your votes in! For those trials who commented with your vote, if you reach full member status before this time then please vote on the poll and leave a reply saying you did so, otherwise I will just count your comment as a vote. ( @Cyconax @Angelyxx @Unnameable ) That sounds super exciting! I hope your beta read and co-authoring goes well. Looking forward to when you can divulge the titles of these books
    2 points
  2. Hey! the Pantheon devs are having two streams! The first is on August 5th, which is a typical Cohh stream that they have done in the past: they will showcase some new stuff they did, talk about the progress they made, and likely run one of the non-instanced dungeons that they are working on. If you have never seen a pantheon stream before, make sure to get this one: its a basic overview of things to come. link for announcement: https://clips.twitch.tv/CuriousTrustworthyToothSMOrc The second is an unprecedented event that the devs have allowed: they are letting five streamers on to their game, and pretty much telling them to have fun. this will be the first stream we see that is not guided by the devs: quite simply, its just five guys getting together having fun. I am super excited for this, and I know if youre an old-school MMO vet like myself, that makes you excited too! since this is a lot more unofficial, here is the reddit post with an announcement for it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PantheonMMO/comments/92fzzy/pantheon_mmo_dream_team_stream_august_6th_630_pst/ Thats it for now, but I'm still super excited! this is going to be a long week to wait...
    1 point
  3. This game looks fun what do you all want to be I was thinking halfling bard or Druid what do you think? We should make a division! i can’t find any info on bard but it was on the race class chart
    1 point
  4. We should make a new session for a RP game. I'd be game to make a new session. I want to try out a empire for Rp
    1 point
  5. Well, the Title of the book I'm beta reading is Wielders of Arantha: Endgame. It is book #3 in a series written by Patrick Hodges, my editor. It is a science-fiction story with fantasy elements. I loved the first two books. I'm looking forward to this final installment, and he tells me it has plenty of action, which I really love. lol The book I'm writing is called Tamesa. It is one I am co-authoring with fantasy author Aaron-Michael Hall. She is an awesome writer. Tamesa is a fantasy novel, and information about it is available on my website for any who are interested.
    1 point
  6. oh Stellaris RP is awesome...me as a fanatical purifier is terrifying
    1 point
  7. I won't be voting, since I won't be able to be reading. I'm currently swamped with a beta read for an author friend of the last book in his scifan trilogy, and wrapping up work on another book I'm co-authoring. Afraid I won't have much reading time in August. Hopefully, I will be able to start participating by this Fall. But enjoying reading everyone's comments.
    1 point
  8. Hey team. It is with heavy heart that I have to remove myself from the team for a while. Tuesday nights have been notoriously rough for me due to my work schedule and the associated stress of my position and I just don't have it in me to keep going. I think (hope) once things settle down over here in a few months that things will be better for me, so I'll keep you guys posted. to all.
    0 points
This leaderboard is set to Chicago/GMT-05:00

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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