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Status Replies posted by Azraella

  1. Happy birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday!  I hope you had a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday!!

  4. happy birthday feliz cumpleanos GIF by Birthday Bot

    Happy Birthday, @Azraella!



  5. My attempt to get back into MMOs has been stalled a bit by Horizon Zero Dawn. Be back soon!

    1. Azraella


      Horizon Zero Dawn is seriously amazing! One of the best games I've played in quite some time. Have fun! Let me know what you think of it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Happy B-day! All the best! :) 

    1. Azraella


      Thanks! The big 30. I guess I'm old now.

  7. Fun fact, but you may have heard this already. I watched this from a  documentary of filming A New Hope. Did you know the shot with the Tusken Raider raising his arms like this was only shot one time not 3 because it was so hot he couldn't lift his arms up anymore. They just looped the shot to make it look like more than once.

    1. Azraella


      I didn't know that. Pretty cool bit of trivia! Thanks for sharing!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Oh hey! BTW


    :D I hope you had a great birthday Azraella! I miss healing with you!

  9. Oh hey! BTW


    :D I hope you had a great birthday Azraella! I miss healing with you!

    1. Azraella


      Thanks Sayuri! I miss healing with you, too!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Happpppppy Birthday! Enjoy your day by... gaming... for 8 hours straight.



    1. Azraella


      Hahaha thanks Cecsai

  11. Happy Birthday man! Hope you're having a wonderful time in w/e you're doing! :)

  12. Conquest update 1/29/16: We were in 8th spot last night! Great job to everyone. We have people north of 50k points! The margin between places right now is really small (like 10k) so keep up the great work! 

    1. Azraella


      Last I checked today, we've been knocked off the leaderboard.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Guest

    Guest    Guest

    Today on the bus ride home from campus, I was openly stared at, jeered and laughed at, heckled, and had pictures taken of me. The reason? Because I do not often shave my legs. The initial reasons that prompted me to no longer shave were related to difficulty in seeing in the shower, sensitive skin, and my general inflexibility for the twisting and turning needed to get every part on my legs. I never considered chemicals to use in place of a razor as a high priority, as I had Australia, a new computer, and then Vegas to save for. These days, I've grown accustomed to it and don't feel it should be something to be ashamed of. I'm not interested in taking obscenely long showers in a state that is experiencing record low levels in our water reservoirs, and don't feel like adding to my hygiene routine when it isn't an actual necessity.

    I wear dresses, skirts, anything that I have in my wardrobe. I have never experienced such hurtful and disgusting behavior concerning my appearance and choice to not shave as I have today. Hair is natural. I have damn fine legs with or without it. I truly wish I could say this kind of behavior was the only type I've experienced, but it isn't. I've had my own father tell me that he believes I have less "class" as a woman for not shaving, despite being well-dressed and groomed otherwise. 

    I wear what I want. I'm not making any kind of condemnation against society by choosing not to shave. I simply choose not to because I don't want to be bothered with the extra time. Time is important to me. Today on the bus ride home I had 6-7 high school girls openly denigrate me. Every which way I looked there was either someone with their phone out to take pictures, someone laughing loudly, someone pointing it out to their friend, or the one or two who were clearly embarrassed by their friends, but disinterested in doing anything to stop the abuse. I have never written a status update this long. After this, however, I felt it necessary to not only vent my feelings after it, but to share a part of myself that almost no one here knows. In my life I've become accustomed to assuming so many people will think I'm some crazed flower child wanting to make a statement. It isn't okay for me to change the way I feel comfortable based on an assumption that I shouldn't be worried about in the first place. 

    Here's lookin' at you, Vegas group of last year. I shaved just for you.   

    1. Azraella


      Sorry that happened to you. It's a shame that people can't mind their own business. It's your body, you can do whatever you want with it, and it won't make you less of a woman or person. I wish people had the courage to tell the others to shut the fuck up and mind their business.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Looking to do the 2 Heroic 4 missions on Balmorra on Saturday. Imp side help is appreciated. 

    1. Azraella


      Do you care if you're carried? I have a sorc and sin impside, but they're both level 60. If not, just let me know what time you were thinking.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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